// ItemGrid.cpp // Implements the cItemGrid class representing a storage for items in a XY grid (chests, dispensers, inventory etc.) #include "Globals.h" #include "ItemGrid.h" #include "Items/ItemHandler.h" #include "Noise.h" cItemGrid::cItemGrid(int a_Width, int a_Height) : m_Width(a_Width), m_Height(a_Height), m_NumSlots(a_Width * a_Height), m_Items(new cItem[a_Width * a_Height]) { } cItemGrid::~cItemGrid() { delete[] m_Items; } int cItemGrid::GetSlotNum(int a_X, int a_Y) const { if ( (a_X < 0) || (a_X >= m_Width) || (a_Y < 0) || (a_Y >= m_Height) ) { LOGWARNING("%s: coords out of range: (%d, %d) in grid of size (%d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, a_X, a_Y, m_Width, m_Height ); return -1; } return a_X + m_Width * a_Y; } void cItemGrid::GetSlotCoords(int a_SlotNum, int & a_X, int & a_Y) const { if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= m_NumSlots)) { LOGWARNING("%s: SlotNum out of range: %d in grid of range %d", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_NumSlots ); a_X = -1; a_Y = -1; return; } a_X = a_SlotNum % m_Width; a_Y = a_SlotNum / m_Width; } const cItem & cItemGrid::GetItem(int a_X, int a_Y) const { return GetItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y)); } cItem & cItemGrid::GetItem(int a_X, int a_Y) { return GetItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y)); } const cItem & cItemGrid::GetItem(int a_SlotNum) const { if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= m_NumSlots)) { LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number, %d out of %d slots", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_NumSlots ); return m_Items[0]; } return m_Items[a_SlotNum]; } cItem & cItemGrid::GetItem(int a_SlotNum) { if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= m_NumSlots)) { LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number, %d out of %d slots", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_NumSlots ); return m_Items[0]; } return m_Items[a_SlotNum]; } void cItemGrid::SetItem(int a_X, int a_Y, const cItem & a_Item) { SetItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), a_Item); } void cItemGrid::SetItem(int a_X, int a_Y, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage) { SetItem(GetSlotNum(a_X, a_Y), cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage)); } void cItemGrid::SetItem(int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) { if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= m_NumSlots)) { LOGWARNING("%s: Invalid slot number %d out of %d slots", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, m_NumSlots ); return; } m_Items[a_SlotNum] = a_Item; } void cItemGrid::SetItem(int a_SlotNum, short a_ItemType, char a_ItemCount, short a_ItemDamage) { SetItem(a_SlotNum, cItem(a_ItemType, a_ItemCount, a_ItemDamage)); } void cItemGrid::Clear(void) { for (int i = 0; i < m_NumSlots; i++) { m_Items[i].Empty(); } } int cItemGrid::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack) { char NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount; int MaxStack = ItemHandler(a_ItemStack.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize(); for (int i = m_NumSlots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_Items[i].IsEmpty()) { NumLeft -= MaxStack; } else if (m_Items[i].IsStackableWith(a_ItemStack)) { NumLeft -= MaxStack - m_Items[i].m_ItemCount; } if (NumLeft <= 0) { // All items fit return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount; } } // for i - m_Items[] return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft; } bool cItemGrid::AddItem(cItem & a_ItemStack) { int NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount; int MaxStack = ItemHandler(a_ItemStack.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize(); for (int i = m_NumSlots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_Items[i].IsEmpty()) { m_Items[i] = a_ItemStack; m_Items[i].m_ItemCount = std::min(MaxStack, NumLeft); NumLeft -= m_Items[i].m_ItemCount; } else if (m_Items[i].IsStackableWith(a_ItemStack)) { int PrevCount = m_Items[i].m_ItemCount; m_Items[i].m_ItemCount = std::min(MaxStack, PrevCount + NumLeft); NumLeft -= m_Items[i].m_ItemCount - PrevCount; } if (NumLeft <= 0) { // All items fit return true; } } // for i - m_Items[] return (a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount > NumLeft); } bool cItemGrid::AddItems(cItems & a_ItemStackList) { bool res; for (cItems::iterator itr = a_ItemStackList.begin(); itr != a_ItemStackList.end();) { res = AddItem(*itr) | res; if (itr->IsEmpty()) { itr = a_ItemStackList.erase(itr); } else { ++itr; } } return res; } int cItemGrid::GetFirstEmptySlot(void) const { return GetNextEmptySlot(-1); } int cItemGrid::GetLastEmptySlot(void) const { for (int i = m_NumSlots - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_Items[i].IsEmpty()) { return i; } } return -1; } int cItemGrid::GetNextEmptySlot(int a_StartFrom) const { for (int i = a_StartFrom + 1; i < m_NumSlots; i++) { if (m_Items[i].IsEmpty()) { return i; } } return -1; } void cItemGrid::CopyToItems(cItems & a_Items) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_NumSlots; i++) { if (!m_Items[i].IsEmpty()) { a_Items.push_back(m_Items[i]); } } // for i - m_Items[] } void cItemGrid::GenerateRandomLootWithBooks(const cLootProbab * a_LootProbabs, int a_CountLootProbabs, int a_NumSlots, int a_Seed) { // Calculate the total weight: int TotalProbab = 1; for (int i = 0; i < a_CountLootProbabs; i++) { TotalProbab += a_LootProbabs[i].m_Weight; } // Pick the loot items: cNoise Noise(a_Seed); for (int i = 0; i < a_NumSlots; i++) { int Rnd = (Noise.IntNoise1DInt(i) / 7); int LootRnd = Rnd % TotalProbab; Rnd >>= 8; cItem CurrentLoot = cItem(E_ITEM_BOOK, 1, 0); // TODO: enchantment for (int j = 0; j < a_CountLootProbabs; j++) { LootRnd -= a_LootProbabs[i].m_Weight; if (LootRnd < 0) { CurrentLoot = a_LootProbabs[i].m_Item; CurrentLoot.m_ItemCount = a_LootProbabs[i].m_MinAmount + (Rnd % (a_LootProbabs[i].m_MaxAmount - a_LootProbabs[i].m_MinAmount)); Rnd >>= 8; break; } } // for j - a_LootProbabs[] SetItem(Rnd % m_NumSlots, CurrentLoot); } // for i - NumSlots }