// LeakFinder.cpp // Finds memory leaks rather effectively // _X: downloaded from http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3134/Memory-Leak-and-Exception-Trace-CRT-and-COM-Leaks - the real link is in the comments, RC11 version /********************************************************************** * * LEAKFINDER.CPP * * * * History: * 2010-04-15 RC10 - Updated to VC10 RTM * Fixed Bug: Application Verifier, thanks to handsinmypocket! * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/leakfinder.aspx?msg=3439751#xx3439751xx * 2008-08-04 RC6 - Updated to VC9 RTM * Fixed Bug: Missing "ole32.lib" LIB * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/leakfinder.aspx?msg=2253980#xx2253980xx * Fixed Bug: Compiled with "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/applications/leakfinder.aspx?msg=1824718#xx1824718xx * Fixed Bug: Compiling with "/Wall" * http://www.codeproject.com/KB/threads/StackWalker.aspx?msg=2638243#xx2638243xx * Removed "#pragma init_seg (compiler)" from h-file * * 2005-12-30 RC5 - Now again VC8 RTM compatible * - Added Xml-Output (like in the old Leakfinder) * YOu need to define XML_LEAK_FINDER to activate it * So you can use the LeakAnalyseTool from * http://www.codeproject.com/tools/leakfinder.asp * * 2005-12-13 RC4 - Merged with the new "StackWalker"-project on * http://www.codeproject.com/threads/StackWalker.asp * * 2005-08-01 RC3 - Merged with the new "StackWalker"-project on * http://www.codeproject.com/threads/StackWalker.asp * * 2005-07-05 RC2 - First version with x86, IA64 and x64 support * * 2005-07-04 RC1 - Added "OutputOptions" * - New define "INIT_LEAK_FINDER_VERBOSE" to * display more info (for error reporting) * * 2005-07-01 Beta3 - Workaround for a bug in the new dbghelp.dll * (version from 2005-05-30; StakWalk64 no * refused to produce an callstack on x86 systems * if the context is NULL or has some registers set * to 0 (for example Esp). This is against the * documented behaviour of StackWalk64...) * - First version with x64-support * * 2005-06-16 Beta1 First public release with the following features: * - Completely rewritten in C++ (object oriented) * - CRT-Leak-Report * - COM-Leak-Report * - Report is done via "OutputDebugString" so * the line can directly selected in the debugger * and is opening the corresponding file/line of * the allocation * - Tried to support x64 systems, bud had some * trouble wih StackWalk64 * See: http://blog.kalmbachnet.de/?postid=43 * * LICENSE (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php) * * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Jochen Kalmbach * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Jochen Kalmbach nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * **********************************************************************/ #include #include // Needed if compiled with "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" #include #include #include #include #include #include "LeakFinder.h" // Currently only tested with MS VC++ 5 to 10 #if (_MSC_VER < 1100) || (_MSC_VER > 1600) #error Only MS VC++ 5/6/7/7.1/8/9 supported. Check if the '_CrtMemBlockHeader' has not changed with this compiler! #endif // Controlling the callstack depth #define MAX_CALLSTACK_LEN_BUF 0x2000 #define IGNORE_CRT_ALLOC // disable 64-bit compatibility-checks (because we explicite have here either x86 or x64!) #pragma warning(disable:4312) // warning C4312: 'type cast' : conversion from 'DWORD' to 'LPCVOID' of greater size #pragma warning(disable:4826) // secure-CRT_functions are only available starting with VC8 #if _MSC_VER < 1400 #define _snprintf_s _snprintf #define _tcscat_s _tcscat #endif static std::string SimpleXMLEncode(LPCSTR szText) { std::string szRet; for (size_t i=0; i': szRet.append(">"); break; case '"': szRet.append("""); break; case '\'': szRet.append("'"); break; default: szRet += szText[i]; } } return szRet; } LeakFinderOutput::LeakFinderOutput(int options, LPCSTR szSymPath) : StackWalker(options, szSymPath) { } void LeakFinderOutput::OnLeakSearchStart(LPCSTR szLeakFinderName) { CHAR buffer[1024]; _snprintf_s(buffer, 1024, "######## %s ########\n", szLeakFinderName); this->OnOutput(buffer); } void LeakFinderOutput::OnLeakStartEntry(LPCSTR szKeyName, SIZE_T nDataSize) { CHAR buffer[1024]; _snprintf_s(buffer, 1024, "--------------- Key: %s, %d bytes ---------\n", szKeyName, nDataSize); this->OnOutput(buffer); } void LeakFinderOutput::OnCallstackEntry(CallstackEntryType eType, CallstackEntry &entry) { if ( (eType != lastEntry) && (entry.offset != 0) ) { if ( ((this->m_options & LeakFinderShowCompleteCallstack) == 0) && ( (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "afxmem.cpp") != NULL) || (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "dbgheap.c") != NULL) || (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "new.cpp") != NULL) || (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "newop.cpp") != NULL) || (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "leakfinder.cpp") != NULL) || (strstr(entry.lineFileName, "stackwalker.cpp") != NULL) ) ) { return; } } StackWalker::OnCallstackEntry(eType, entry); } // #################################################################### // XML-Output LeakFinderXmlOutput::LeakFinderXmlOutput() { TCHAR szXMLFileName[1024]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szXMLFileName, sizeof(szXMLFileName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscat_s(szXMLFileName, _T(".mem.xml-leaks")); #if _MSC_VER < 1400 m_fXmlFile = _tfopen(szXMLFileName, _T("w")); #else m_fXmlFile = NULL; _tfopen_s(&m_fXmlFile, szXMLFileName, _T("w")); #endif if (m_fXmlFile != NULL) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetLocalTime(&st); fprintf(m_fXmlFile, "\n", st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond); } else { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Could not open xml-logfile for leakfinder!"), _T("Warning"), MB_ICONHAND); } } LeakFinderXmlOutput::LeakFinderXmlOutput(LPCTSTR szFileName) { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 m_fXmlFile = _tfopen(szFileName, _T("w")); #else m_fXmlFile = NULL; _tfopen_s(&m_fXmlFile, szFileName, _T("w")); #endif if (m_fXmlFile == NULL) { MessageBox(NULL, _T("Could not open xml-logfile for leakfinder!"), _T("Warning"), MB_ICONHAND); } } LeakFinderXmlOutput::~LeakFinderXmlOutput() { if (m_fXmlFile != NULL) { // Write the ending-tags and close the file fprintf(m_fXmlFile, "\n"); fclose(m_fXmlFile); } m_fXmlFile = NULL; } void LeakFinderXmlOutput::OnLeakSearchStart(LPCSTR sszLeakFinderName) { } void LeakFinderXmlOutput::OnLeakStartEntry(LPCSTR szKeyName, SIZE_T nDataSize) { if (m_fXmlFile != NULL) { fprintf(m_fXmlFile, " \n", SimpleXMLEncode(szKeyName).c_str(), nDataSize); } } void LeakFinderXmlOutput::OnCallstackEntry(CallstackEntryType eType, CallstackEntry &entry) { if (m_fXmlFile != NULL) { if (eType != lastEntry) { fprintf(m_fXmlFile, " \n"); } else { fprintf(m_fXmlFile, " \n"); } } } // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // Base class for storing contexts in a hashtable template class ContextHashtableBase { public: ContextHashtableBase(SIZE_T sizeOfHastable, LPCSTR finderName) { SIZE_T s = sizeOfHastable*sizeof(AllocHashEntryType); m_hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 10*1024 + s, 0); if (m_hHeap == NULL) throw; pAllocHashTable = (AllocHashEntryType*) own_malloc(s); sAllocEntries = sizeOfHastable; m_finderName = own_strdup(finderName); } protected: virtual ~ContextHashtableBase() { if (pAllocHashTable != NULL) own_free(pAllocHashTable); pAllocHashTable = NULL; own_free(m_finderName); m_finderName = NULL; if (m_hHeap != NULL) HeapDestroy(m_hHeap); } __inline LPVOID own_malloc(SIZE_T size) { return HeapAlloc(m_hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size); } __inline VOID own_free(LPVOID memblock) { HeapFree(m_hHeap, 0, memblock); } __inline CHAR *own_strdup(const char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str)+1; CHAR *c = (CHAR*)own_malloc(len); #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 strcpy_s(c, len, str); #else strcpy(c, str); #endif return c; } // Disables this leak-finder virtual LONG Disable() = 0; // enables the leak-finder again... virtual LONG Enable() = 0; private: // Entry for each allocation typedef struct AllocHashEntryType { HASHTABLE_KEY key; SIZE_T nDataSize; // Size of the allocated memory struct AllocHashEntryType *Next; CONTEXT c; PVOID pStackBaseAddr; SIZE_T nMaxStackSize; PVOID pCallstackOffset; SIZE_T nCallstackLen; char pcCallstackAddr[MAX_CALLSTACK_LEN_BUF]; // min of both values... } AllocHashEntryType; protected: virtual SIZE_T HashFunction(HASHTABLE_KEY &key) = 0; virtual BOOL IsKeyEmpty(HASHTABLE_KEY &key) = 0; virtual VOID SetEmptyKey(HASHTABLE_KEY &key) = 0; virtual VOID GetKeyAsString(HASHTABLE_KEY &key, CHAR *szName, SIZE_T nBufferLen) = 0; //virtual SIZE_T GetNativeBytes(HASHTABLE_KEY &key, CHAR *szName, SIZE_T nBufferLen) { return 0; } public: VOID Insert(HASHTABLE_KEY &key, CONTEXT &context, SIZE_T nDataSize) { SIZE_T HashIdx; AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry; // generate hash-value HashIdx = HashFunction(key); pHashEntry = &pAllocHashTable[HashIdx]; if (IsKeyEmpty(pHashEntry->key) != FALSE) { // Entry is empty... } else { // Entry is not empy! make a list of entries for this hash value... while(pHashEntry->Next != NULL) { pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next; } pHashEntry->Next = (AllocHashEntryType*) own_malloc(sizeof(AllocHashEntryType)); pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next; } pHashEntry->key = key; pHashEntry->nDataSize = nDataSize; pHashEntry->Next = NULL; #ifdef _M_IX86 pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset = (LPVOID) min(context.Ebp, context.Esp); #elif _M_X64 pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset = (LPVOID) min(context.Rdi, context.Rsp); #elif _M_IA64 pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset = (LPVOID) min(context.IntSp, context.RsBSP); #else #error "Platform not supported!" #endif pHashEntry->c = context; // Query the max. stack-area: MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemBuffer; if(VirtualQuery((LPCVOID) pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset, &MemBuffer, sizeof(MemBuffer)) > 0) { pHashEntry->pStackBaseAddr = MemBuffer.BaseAddress; pHashEntry->nMaxStackSize = MemBuffer.RegionSize; } else { pHashEntry->pStackBaseAddr = 0; pHashEntry->nMaxStackSize = 0; } SIZE_T bytesToRead = MAX_CALLSTACK_LEN_BUF; if (pHashEntry->nMaxStackSize > 0) { SIZE_T len = ((SIZE_T) pHashEntry->pStackBaseAddr + pHashEntry->nMaxStackSize) - (SIZE_T)pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset; bytesToRead = min(len, MAX_CALLSTACK_LEN_BUF); } // Now read the callstack: if (ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPCVOID) pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset, &(pHashEntry->pcCallstackAddr), bytesToRead, &(pHashEntry->nCallstackLen)) == 0) { // Could not read memory... pHashEntry->nCallstackLen = 0; pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset = 0; } // read callstack } // Insert BOOL Remove(HASHTABLE_KEY &key) { SIZE_T HashIdx; AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry, *pHashEntryLast; // get the Hash-Value HashIdx = HashFunction(key); pHashEntryLast = NULL; pHashEntry = &pAllocHashTable[HashIdx]; while(pHashEntry != NULL) { if (pHashEntry->key == key) { // release my memory if (pHashEntryLast == NULL) { // It is an entry in the table, so do not release this memory if (pHashEntry->Next == NULL) { // It was the last entry, so empty the table entry SetEmptyKey(pAllocHashTable[HashIdx].key); //memset(&pAllocHashTable[HashIdx], 0, sizeof(pAllocHashTable[HashIdx])); } else { // There are some more entries, so shorten the list AllocHashEntryType *pTmp = pHashEntry->Next; *pHashEntry = *(pHashEntry->Next); own_free(pTmp); } return TRUE; } else { // now, I am in an dynamic allocated entry (it was a collision) pHashEntryLast->Next = pHashEntry->Next; own_free(pHashEntry); return TRUE; } } pHashEntryLast = pHashEntry; pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next; } // if we are here, we could not find the RequestID return FALSE; } AllocHashEntryType *Find(HASHTABLE_KEY &key) { SIZE_T HashIdx; AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry; // get the Hash-Value HashIdx = HashFunction(key); pHashEntry = &pAllocHashTable[HashIdx]; while(pHashEntry != NULL) { if (pHashEntry->key == key) { return pHashEntry; } pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next; } // entry was not found! return NULL; } // For the followong static-var See comment in "ShowCallstack"... static BOOL CALLBACK ReadProcessMemoryFromHashEntry64( HANDLE hProcess, // hProcess must be a pointer to an hash-entry! DWORD64 lpBaseAddress, PVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPVOID pUserData // optional data, which was passed in "ShowCallstack" ) { *lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0; AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry = (AllocHashEntryType*) pUserData; if (pHashEntry == NULL) { return FALSE; } if ( ( (DWORD64)lpBaseAddress >= (DWORD64)pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset) && ((DWORD64)lpBaseAddress <= ((DWORD64)pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset+pHashEntry->nCallstackLen)) ) { // Memory is located in saved Callstack: // Calculate the offset DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD) ((DWORD64)lpBaseAddress - (DWORD64)pHashEntry->pCallstackOffset); DWORD dwSize = __min(nSize, MAX_CALLSTACK_LEN_BUF-dwOffset); memcpy(lpBuffer, &(pHashEntry->pcCallstackAddr[dwOffset]), dwSize); *lpNumberOfBytesRead = dwSize; if (dwSize != nSize) { return FALSE; } *lpNumberOfBytesRead = nSize; return TRUE; } if (*lpNumberOfBytesRead == 0) // Memory could not be found { if ( ( (DWORD64)lpBaseAddress < (DWORD64)pHashEntry->pStackBaseAddr) || ((DWORD64)lpBaseAddress > ((DWORD64)pHashEntry->pStackBaseAddr+pHashEntry->nMaxStackSize)) ) { // Stackwalking is done by reading the "real memory" (normally this happens when the StackWalk64 tries to read some code) SIZE_T st = 0; BOOL bRet = ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID) lpBaseAddress, lpBuffer, nSize, &st); *lpNumberOfBytesRead = (DWORD) st; return bRet; } } return TRUE; } VOID ShowLeaks(LeakFinderOutput &leakFinderOutput) { SIZE_T ulTemp; AllocHashEntryType *pHashEntry; ULONG ulCount = 0; SIZE_T ulLeaksByte = 0; leakFinderOutput.OnLeakSearchStart(this->m_finderName); // Move throu every entry CHAR keyName[1024]; for(ulTemp = 0; ulTemp < this->sAllocEntries; ulTemp++) { pHashEntry = &pAllocHashTable[ulTemp]; if (IsKeyEmpty(pHashEntry->key) == FALSE) { while(pHashEntry != NULL) { ulCount++; CONTEXT c; memcpy(&c, &(pHashEntry->c), sizeof(CONTEXT)); this->GetKeyAsString(pHashEntry->key, keyName, 1024); leakFinderOutput.OnLeakStartEntry(keyName, pHashEntry->nDataSize); leakFinderOutput.ShowCallstack(GetCurrentThread(), &c, ReadProcessMemoryFromHashEntry64, pHashEntry); // Count the number of leaky bytes ulLeaksByte += pHashEntry->nDataSize; pHashEntry = pHashEntry->Next; } // while } } } AllocHashEntryType *pAllocHashTable; SIZE_T sAllocEntries; HANDLE m_hHeap; LPSTR m_finderName; bool m_bSupressUselessLines; }; // template class ContextHashtableBase // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // Specialization for CRT-Leaks: // VC5 has excluded all types in release-builds #ifdef _DEBUG // The follwoing is copied from dbgint.h: // /* * For diagnostic purpose, blocks are allocated with extra information and * stored in a doubly-linked list. This makes all blocks registered with * how big they are, when they were allocated, and what they are used for. */ // forward declaration: #ifndef _M_CEE_PURE #define MyAllocHookCallingConvention __cdecl #endif #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 #ifdef _M_CEE #define MyAllocHookCallingConvention __clrcall #endif #endif static int MyAllocHookCallingConvention MyAllocHook(int nAllocType, void *pvData, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, long lRequest, #if _MSC_VER <= 1100 // Special case for VC 5 and before const char * szFileName, #else const unsigned char * szFileName, #endif int nLine); static _CRT_ALLOC_HOOK s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook = NULL; static LONG s_CrtDisableCount = 0; static LONG s_lMallocCalled = 0; class CRTTable : public ContextHashtableBase { public: CRTTable() : ContextHashtableBase(1021, "CRT-Leaks") { // save the previous alloc hook s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook = _CrtSetAllocHook(MyAllocHook); } virtual ~CRTTable() { _CrtSetAllocHook(s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook); } virtual LONG Disable() { return InterlockedIncrement(&s_CrtDisableCount); } virtual LONG Enable() { return InterlockedDecrement(&s_CrtDisableCount); } virtual SIZE_T HashFunction(LONG &key) { // I couldnīt find any better and faster return key % sAllocEntries; } virtual BOOL IsKeyEmpty(LONG &key) { if (key == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } virtual VOID SetEmptyKey(LONG &key) { key = 0; } virtual VOID GetKeyAsString(LONG &key, CHAR *szName, SIZE_T nBufferLen) { #if _MSC_VER < 1400 _snprintf_s(szName, nBufferLen, "%d", key); #else _snprintf_s(szName, nBufferLen, nBufferLen, "%d", key); #endif } protected: CHAR *m_pBuffer; SIZE_T m_maxBufferLen; SIZE_T m_bufferLen; }; // class CRTTable #define nNoMansLandSize 4 typedef struct _CrtMemBlockHeader { struct _CrtMemBlockHeader * pBlockHeaderNext; struct _CrtMemBlockHeader * pBlockHeaderPrev; char * szFileName; int nLine; #ifdef _WIN64 /* These items are reversed on Win64 to eliminate gaps in the struct * and ensure that sizeof(struct)%16 == 0, so 16-byte alignment is * maintained in the debug heap. */ int nBlockUse; size_t nDataSize; #else /* _WIN64 */ size_t nDataSize; int nBlockUse; #endif /* _WIN64 */ long lRequest; unsigned char gap[nNoMansLandSize]; /* followed by: * unsigned char data[nDataSize]; * unsigned char anotherGap[nNoMansLandSize]; */ } _CrtMemBlockHeader; #define pbData(pblock) ((unsigned char *)((_CrtMemBlockHeader *)pblock + 1)) #define pHdr(pbData) (((_CrtMemBlockHeader *)pbData)-1) // static CRTTable *g_pCRTTable = NULL; // MyAllocHook is Single-Threaded, that means the the calls are serialized in the calling function! static int MyAllocHook(int nAllocType, void *pvData, size_t nSize, int nBlockUse, long lRequest, #if _MSC_VER <= 1100 // Special case for VC 5 const char * szFileName, #else const unsigned char * szFileName, #endif int nLine) { //static TCHAR *operation[] = { _T(""), _T("ALLOCATIONG"), _T("RE-ALLOCATING"), _T("FREEING") }; //static TCHAR *blockType[] = { _T("Free"), _T("Normal"), _T("CRT"), _T("Ignore"), _T("Client") }; #ifdef IGNORE_CRT_ALLOC if (_BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) == _CRT_BLOCK) // Ignore internal C runtime library allocations return TRUE; #endif extern int _crtDbgFlag; if ( ((_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF & _crtDbgFlag) == 0) && ( (nAllocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) ) ) { // Someone has disabled that the runtime should log this allocation // so we do not log this allocation if (s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL) s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine); return TRUE; } // Handle the Disable/Enable setting if (InterlockedExchangeAdd(&s_CrtDisableCount, 0) != 0) return TRUE; // Prevent from reentrat calls if (InterlockedIncrement(&s_lMallocCalled) > 1) { // I was already called InterlockedDecrement(&s_lMallocCalled); // call the previous alloc hook if (s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL) s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine); return TRUE; } _ASSERT( (nAllocType == _HOOK_ALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) || (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) ); _ASSERT( ( _BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) >= 0 ) && ( _BLOCK_TYPE(nBlockUse) < 5 ) ); if (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) { // freeing // Try to get the header information if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pvData)) { // it is a valid Heap-Pointer // get the ID _CrtMemBlockHeader *pHead; // get a pointer to memory block header pHead = pHdr(pvData); nSize = pHead->nDataSize; lRequest = pHead->lRequest; // This is the ID! if (pHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK) { InterlockedDecrement(&s_lMallocCalled); if (s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL) s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine); return TRUE; } } if (lRequest != 0) { // RequestID was found g_pCRTTable->Remove(lRequest); } } // freeing if (nAllocType == _HOOK_REALLOC) { // re-allocating // Try to get the header information if (_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pvData)) { // it is a valid Heap-Pointer BOOL bRet; LONG lReallocRequest; // get the ID _CrtMemBlockHeader *pHead; // get a pointer to memory block header pHead = pHdr(pvData); // Try to find the RequestID in the Hash-Table, mark it that it was freed lReallocRequest = pHead->lRequest; bRet = g_pCRTTable->Remove(lReallocRequest); } // ValidHeapPointer } // re-allocating //if ( (g_ulShowStackAtAlloc < 3) && (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) ) { if (nAllocType == _HOOK_FREE) { InterlockedDecrement(&s_lMallocCalled); // call the previous alloc hook if (s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL) s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine); return TRUE; } CONTEXT c; GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT(c, CONTEXT_FULL); // Only insert in the Hash-Table if it is not a "freeing" if (nAllocType != _HOOK_FREE) { if(lRequest != 0) // Always a valid RequestID should be provided (see comments in the header) g_pCRTTable->Insert(lRequest, c, nSize); } InterlockedDecrement(&s_lMallocCalled); // call the previous alloc hook if (s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook != NULL) s_pfnOldCrtAllocHook(nAllocType, pvData, nSize, nBlockUse, lRequest, szFileName, nLine); return TRUE; // allow the memory operation to proceed } // MyAllocHook #endif // _DEBUG // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // ########################################################################## // Init/Deinit functions HRESULT InitLeakFinder() { #ifdef _DEBUG g_pCRTTable = new CRTTable(); #endif return S_OK; } void DumpUsedMemory(LeakFinderOutput * output) { LeakFinderOutput *pLeakFinderOutput = output; #ifdef _DEBUG g_pCRTTable->Disable(); #endif if (pLeakFinderOutput == NULL) { pLeakFinderOutput = new LeakFinderOutput(); } // explicitly load the modules: pLeakFinderOutput->LoadModules(); #ifdef _DEBUG g_pCRTTable->ShowLeaks(*pLeakFinderOutput); #endif if (output == NULL) { delete pLeakFinderOutput; } } void DeinitLeakFinder(LeakFinderOutput *output) { DumpUsedMemory(output); #ifdef _DEBUG delete g_pCRTTable; g_pCRTTable = NULL; #endif } void DeinitLeakFinder() { DeinitLeakFinder(NULL); }