#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "cWebPlugin_Lua.h" #include "cPlugin_NewLua.h" #include "tolua++.h" #include "cWebAdmin.h" extern bool report_errors(lua_State* lua, int status); static std::string SafeString( const std::string& a_String ) { std::string RetVal; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < a_String.size(); ++i ) { char c = a_String[i]; if( c == ' ' ) { c = '_'; } RetVal.push_back( c ); } return RetVal; } struct cWebPlugin_Lua::sWebPluginTab { std::string Title; std::string SafeTitle; int Reference; }; cWebPlugin_Lua::cWebPlugin_Lua( cPlugin_NewLua* a_Plugin ) : cWebPlugin( a_Plugin->GetLuaState() ) , m_Plugin( a_Plugin ) { } cWebPlugin_Lua::~cWebPlugin_Lua() { for( TabList::iterator itr = m_Tabs.begin(); itr != m_Tabs.end(); ++itr ) { delete *itr; } m_Tabs.clear(); } bool cWebPlugin_Lua::AddTab( const char* a_Title, lua_State * a_LuaState, int a_FunctionReference ) { if( a_LuaState != m_Plugin->GetLuaState() ) { LOGERROR("Only allowed to add a tab to a WebPlugin of your own Plugin!"); return false; } sWebPluginTab* Tab = new sWebPluginTab(); Tab->Title = a_Title; Tab->SafeTitle = SafeString( a_Title ); Tab->Reference = a_FunctionReference; m_Tabs.push_back( Tab ); return true; } std::string cWebPlugin_Lua::HandleRequest( HTTPRequest* a_Request ) { cCSLock( m_Plugin->GetCriticalSection() ); lua_State* LuaState = m_Plugin->GetLuaState(); std::string RetVal = ""; std::pair< std::string, std::string > TabName = GetTabNameForRequest(a_Request); std::string SafeTabName = TabName.second; if( SafeTabName.empty() ) return ""; sWebPluginTab* Tab = 0; for( TabList::iterator itr = m_Tabs.begin(); itr != m_Tabs.end(); ++itr ) { if( (*itr)->SafeTitle.compare( SafeTabName ) == 0 ) // This is the one! Rawr { Tab = *itr; break; } } if( Tab ) { //LOGINFO("1. Stack size: %i", lua_gettop(LuaState) ); lua_rawgeti( LuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, Tab->Reference); // same as lua_getref() //LOGINFO("2. Stack size: %i", lua_gettop(LuaState) ); // Push HTTPRequest tolua_pushusertype( LuaState, a_Request, "HTTPRequest" ); //LOGINFO("Calling bound function! :D"); int s = lua_pcall( LuaState, 1, 1, 0); if ( s != 0 ) { std::string err = lua_tostring(LuaState, -1); LOGERROR("-- %s", err.c_str() ); lua_pop(LuaState, 1); LOGINFO("error. Stack size: %i", lua_gettop(LuaState) ); return err; // Show the error message in the web page, looks cool } if( !lua_isstring( LuaState, -1 ) ) { LOGWARN("WARNING: WebPlugin tab '%s' did not return a string!", Tab->Title.c_str() ); lua_pop(LuaState, 1); // Pop return value return std::string("WARNING: WebPlugin tab '") + Tab->Title + std::string("' did not return a string!"); } RetVal += tolua_tostring(LuaState, -1, 0); lua_pop(LuaState, 1); // Pop return value //LOGINFO("ok. Stack size: %i", lua_gettop(LuaState) ); } return RetVal; } void cWebPlugin_Lua::Initialize() { } std::pair< std::string, std::string > cWebPlugin_Lua::GetTabNameForRequest( HTTPRequest* a_Request ) { std::pair< std::string, std::string > Names; AStringVector Split = StringSplit(a_Request->Path, "/"); if( Split.size() > 1 ) { sWebPluginTab* Tab = 0; if( Split.size() > 2 ) // If we got the tab name, show that page { for( TabList::iterator itr = m_Tabs.begin(); itr != m_Tabs.end(); ++itr ) { if( (*itr)->SafeTitle.compare( Split[2] ) == 0 ) // This is the one! Rawr { Tab = *itr; break; } } } else // Otherwise show the first tab { if( m_Tabs.size() > 0 ) Tab = *m_Tabs.begin(); } if( Tab ) { Names.first = Tab->Title; Names.second = Tab->SafeTitle; } } return Names; } std::list< std::pair > cWebPlugin_Lua::GetTabNames() { std::list< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > NameList; for( TabList::iterator itr = m_Tabs.begin(); itr != m_Tabs.end(); ++itr ) { std::pair< std::string, std::string > StringPair; StringPair.first = (*itr)->Title; StringPair.second = (*itr)->SafeTitle; NameList.push_back( StringPair ); } return NameList; }