-- BindingsProcessor.lua -- Implements additional processing that is done while generating the Lua bindings --[[ The primary purpose of this file is to provide transformations for ToLua - it is loaded by ToLua++ before processing the C++ code. This file can also be used as a standalone Lua program to actually generate the bindings, it invokes ToLua++ if executed by a regular Lua interpreter The transformations implemented: - Modify ToLua++ behavior so that it doesn't generate bindings for private and protected members - Export additional files to be included in cLuaState: - Forward declarations and typedefs for custom classes' pointers - Pushing and popping of bindings' classes To parse DoxyComments, the preprocessor first replaces them with markers and then the parser uses those markers to apply the DoxyComment to the next or previous item in the container, based on the DoxyComment type. Placeholders in use (i = internal ToLua++): - \1 and \2: (i) Embedded Lua code - \3 and \4: (i) Embedded C code ("<>") - \5 and \6: (i) Embedded C code ("{}") - \17 and \18: DoxyComment for next item ("/** ... */") via an ID lookup - \19 and \20: DoxyComment for previous item ("///< ... \n") via an ID lookup --]] --- Invokes the ToLua++ parser -- Called when this script detects it has been run outside of ToLua++'s processing local function invokeToLua() -- The values used by ToLua scripts, normally filled from the cmdline params: flags = { L = "BindingsProcessor.lua", o = "Bindings.cpp", H = "Bindings.h", f = "AllToLua.pkg", -- P = true, -- Prints the structure to stdout, doesn't generate cpp file } _extra_parameters = {} TOLUA_VERSION = "tolua++-1.0.92" TOLUA_LUA_VERSION = "Lua 5.1" -- Path to the ToLua scripts path = "../../lib/tolua++/src/bin/lua/" -- Run the ToLua processing: dofile(path .. "all.lua") end local access = { public = 0, protected = 1, private = 2 } --- Defines classes that have a custom manual Push() implementation and should not generate the automatic one -- Map of classname -> true local g_HasCustomPushImplementation = { cEntity = true } --- Array-table of forward DoxyComments that are replaced in preprocess_hook() and substituted back in parser_hook() -- We need to use a lookup table because the comments themselves may contain "//" which the preprocessor -- would eliminate, thus breaking the code -- The "n" member is a counter for faster insertion local g_ForwardDoxyComments = { n = 0 } --- Array-table of backward DoxyComments that are replaced in preprocess_hook() and substituted back in parser_hook() -- We need to use a lookup table because the comments themselves may contain "//" which the preprocessor -- would eliminate, thus breaking the code -- The "n" member is a counter for faster insertion local g_BackwardDoxyComments = { n = 0, } --- Provides extra parsing in addition to ToLua++'s own -- Called by ToLua++ each time it extracts the next piece of code to parse -- a_Code is the string representing the code to be parsed -- The return value is the remaining code to be parsed in the next iteration -- Processes the class access specifiers (public, protected, private), and doxycomments function parser_hook(a_Code) -- Process access-specifying labels (public, private, etc) do local b, e, label = string.find(a_Code, "^%s*(%w*)%s*:[^:]") -- we need to check for [^:], otherwise it would match 'namespace::type' if b then -- Found a label, get the new access value for it: if access[label] then classContainer.curr.curr_member_access = access[label] end -- else ? return strsub(a_Code, e) -- normally we would use 'e + 1', but we need to preserve the [^:] end end -- Process forward DoxyComments: do local b, e, comment = a_Code:find("^%s*(%b\17\18)") if (b) then local curr = classContainer.curr if (curr.n and (curr.n > 0)) then curr[curr.n].next_DoxyComment = g_ForwardDoxyComments[tonumber(comment:sub(2, -2))] else curr.first_child_DoxyComment = g_ForwardDoxyComments[tonumber(comment:sub(2, -2))] end return strsub(a_Code, e + 1) end end -- Process backward DoxyComments: do local b, e, comment = a_Code:find("^%s*(%b\19\20)") if (b) then comment = g_BackwardDoxyComments[tonumber(comment:sub(2, -2))] local currContainer = classContainer.curr if (currContainer.n > 0) then currContainer[currContainer.n].DoxyComment = comment else print("Backward DoxyComment lost in " .. (currContainer.name or currContainer.lname or currContainer.cname or "")) end return strsub(a_Code, e + 1) end end end --- Outputs the helper files supplementing the cLuaState class -- Writes: -- LuaState_Declaration.inc -- LuaState_Implementation.cpp -- LuaState_Typedefs.inc local function OutputLuaStateHelpers(a_Package) -- Collect all class types from ToLua: local types = {} for idx, item in ipairs(a_Package) do local mt = getmetatable(item) or {} if (mt.classtype == "class") then table.insert(types, {name = item.name, lname = item.lname}) end end table.sort(types, function(a_Item1, a_Item2) return (a_Item1.name:lower() < a_Item2.name:lower()) end ) -- Output the typedefs: do local f = assert(io.open("LuaState_Typedefs.inc", "w")) f:write("\n// LuaState_Typedefs.inc\n\n// This file is generated along with the Lua bindings by ToLua. Do not edit manually, do not commit to repo.\n") f:write("// Provides a forward declaration and a typedef for a pointer to each class exported to the Lua API.\n") f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") for _, item in ipairs(types) do if not(item.name:match(".*<.*")) then -- Skip templates altogether -- Classes start with a "c", everything else is a struct: if (item.name:sub(1, 1) == "c") then f:write("class " .. item.name .. ";\n") else f:write("struct " .. item.name .. ";\n") end end end f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") for _, item in ipairs(types) do f:write("typedef " .. item.name .. " * Ptr" .. item.lname .. ";\n") f:write("typedef const " .. item.name .. " * ConstPtr" .. item.lname .. ";\n") end f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") f:close() end -- Output the Push() and GetStackValue() function declarations: do local f = assert(io.open("LuaState_Declaration.inc", "w")) f:write("\n// LuaState_Declaration.inc\n\n// This file is generated along with the Lua bindings by ToLua. Do not edit manually, do not commit to repo.\n") f:write("// Implements a Push() and GetStackValue() function for each class exported to the Lua API.\n") f:write("// This file expects to be included from inside the cLuaState class definition\n") f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") for _, item in ipairs(types) do if not(g_HasCustomPushImplementation[item.name]) then f:write("void Push(" .. item.name .. " * a_Value);\n") end end for _, item in ipairs(types) do f:write("bool GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, Ptr" .. item.lname .. " & a_ReturnedVal);\n") f:write("bool GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, ConstPtr" .. item.lname .. " & a_ReturnedVal);\n") end f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") f:close() end -- Output the Push() and GetStackValue() function implementations: do local f = assert(io.open("LuaState_Implementation.cpp", "w")) f:write("\n// LuaState_Implementation.cpp\n\n// This file is generated along with the Lua bindings by ToLua. Do not edit manually, do not commit to repo.\n") f:write("// Implements a Push() and GetStackValue() function for each class exported to the Lua API.\n") f:write("// This file expects to be compiled as a separate translation unit\n") f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") f:write("#include \"Globals.h\"\n#include \"LuaState.h\"\n#include \"tolua++/include/tolua++.h\"\n") f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") for _, item in ipairs(types) do if not(g_HasCustomPushImplementation[item.name]) then f:write("void cLuaState::Push(" .. item.name .. " * a_Value)\n{\n\tASSERT(IsValid());\n") f:write("\ttolua_pushusertype(m_LuaState, a_Value, \"" .. item.name .. "\");\n"); f:write("}\n\n\n\n\n\n") end end for _, item in ipairs(types) do f:write("bool cLuaState::GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, Ptr" .. item.lname .. " & a_ReturnedVal)\n{\n\tASSERT(IsValid());\n") f:write("\tif (lua_isnil(m_LuaState, a_StackPos))\n\t{\n") f:write("\t\ta_ReturnedVal = nullptr;\n") f:write("\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n") f:write("\ttolua_Error err;\n") f:write("\tif (tolua_isusertype(m_LuaState, a_StackPos, \"" .. item.name .. "\", false, &err))\n") f:write("\t{\n") f:write("\t\ta_ReturnedVal = *(reinterpret_cast<" .. item.name .. " **>(lua_touserdata(m_LuaState, a_StackPos)));\n") f:write("\t\treturn true;\n"); f:write("\t}\n") f:write("\treturn false;\n") f:write("}\n\n\n\n\n\n") f:write("bool cLuaState::GetStackValue(int a_StackPos, ConstPtr" .. item.lname .. " & a_ReturnedVal)\n{\n\tASSERT(IsValid());\n") f:write("\tif (lua_isnil(m_LuaState, a_StackPos))\n\t{\n") f:write("\t\ta_ReturnedVal = nullptr;\n") f:write("\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n") f:write("\ttolua_Error err;\n") f:write("\tif (tolua_isusertype(m_LuaState, a_StackPos, \"const " .. item.name .. "\", false, &err))\n") f:write("\t{\n") f:write("\t\ta_ReturnedVal = *(reinterpret_cast(lua_touserdata(m_LuaState, a_StackPos)));\n") f:write("\t\treturn true;\n"); f:write("\t}\n") f:write("\treturn false;\n") f:write("}\n\n\n\n\n\n") end f:close() end do local f = assert(io.open("LuaStateParams_TypeDescs.inc", "w")) f:write("\n// LuaStateParams_TypeDescs.inc\n\n// This file is generated along with the Lua bindings by ToLua. Do not edit manually, do not commit to repo.\n") f:write("// Implements a TypeDescription::desc() specialization for each class exported to the Lua API.\n") f:write("// This file expects to be included from inside the cLuaStateParams class definition\n") f:write("\n\n\n\n\n") for _, item in ipairs(types) do f:write("template <> struct TypeDescription<" .. item.lname .. "> { static const char * desc() { return \"" .. item.lname .. "\"; } };\n") end f:close() end end local function FormatString(a_Str) local fmt = string.format("%q", a_Str) return (string.gsub(string.gsub(fmt, "\\\n", "\\n"), "\\\r\n", "\\r\\n")) end local function OutputTable(a_File, a_Table, a_Name, a_Indent, a_Visited, a_Metas) -- Check and update the "visited" status: if (a_Visited[a_Table]) then a_File:write(a_Indent .. "{ \"visited: " .. a_Visited[a_Table] .. "\", }") return end a_Visited[a_Table] = a_Name -- Output the table contents: a_File:write(a_Indent .. "{\n") local indent = a_Indent .. "\t" for k, v in pairs(a_Table) do if (type(k) == "string") then a_File:write(indent .. "[" .. FormatString(k) .. "] =") else a_File:write(indent .. "[" .. tostring(k) .. "] =") end local t = type(v) if ( (t == "number") or (t == "boolean") ) then a_File:write(" ", tostring(v)) elseif (t == "string") then a_File:write(" ", FormatString(v)) elseif (t == "table") then local metatab = getmetatable(v) if (metatab) then a_File:write(" -- meta: " .. tostring(metatab)) a_Metas[metatab] = metatab end a_File:write("\n") OutputTable(a_File, v, a_Name .. "." .. tostring(k), indent, a_Visited, a_Metas) else print("Unhandled type: " .. t .. ": " .. tostring(v)) a_File:write(" ", tostring(v)) end a_File:write(",\n") end -- for k, v - a_Table a_File:write(a_Indent .. "}") end --- Outputs the docs for all the functions in the specified class -- a_File is the output file -- a_Class is the ToLua's classClass object -- a_Functions is a dictionary of function descriptions: "name" -> { {}, ...} local function outputClassFunctionDocs(a_File, a_Class, a_Functions) -- Sort the functions by name: local functions = {} for name, descs in pairs(a_Functions) do table.insert(functions, { Name = name, Descs = descs }) end table.sort(functions, function (a_Fn1, a_Fn2) return (a_Fn1.Name < a_Fn2.Name) end ) -- If there are no functions, bail out: if not(functions[1]) then return end -- Output the descriptions: a_File:write("\t\tFunctions =\n\t\t{\n") for _, fn in ipairs(functions) do local name = fn.Name if (name:sub(1, 1) == ".") then name = "[\"" .. name .. "\"]" end a_File:write("\t\t\t", name, " =\n\t\t\t{\n") for _, desc in ipairs(fn.Descs) do a_File:write("\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\tParams =\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n") for _, param in ipairs(desc.Parameters) do a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tType = \"", param.Type, "\",\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t\t\tName = \"", param.Name, "\",\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tReturns =\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n") for _, ret in ipairs(desc.Returns) do a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tType = \"", ret.Type, "\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\t},\n") if (desc.IsStatic) then a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\tIsStatic = true,\n") end if (desc.DoxyComment) then a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\tDesc = ", string.format("%q", desc.DoxyComment), ",\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Outputs the docs for all the member variables in the specified class -- a_File is the output file -- a_Class is the ToLua's classClass object -- a_Variables is a dictionary of variable descriptions: "name" -> {} local function outputClassVariableDocs(a_File, a_Class, a_Variables) -- Sort the variables by name: local variables = {} for name, desc in pairs(a_Variables) do table.insert(variables, { Name = name, Desc = desc }) end table.sort(variables, function (a_Var1, a_Var2) return (a_Var1.Name < a_Var2.Name) end ) -- If there are no variables, bail out: if not(variables[1]) then return end -- Output the descriptions: a_File:write("\t\tVariables =\n\t\t{\n") for _, v in ipairs(variables) do a_File:write("\t\t\t", v.Name, " =\n\t\t\t{\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\tType = \"", v.Desc.Type, "\",\n") if (v.Desc.DoxyComment) then a_File:write("\t\t\t\tDesc = ", string.format("%q", v.Desc.DoxyComment), ",\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Outputs the docs for all the member constants in the specified class -- a_File is the output file -- a_Class is the ToLua's classClass object -- a_Constants is a dictionary of constant descriptions: "name" -> {} -- a_IgnoredConstants is a dictionary of constants not to be exported: "name" -> true (used for ToLua++'s multi-inheritance) local function outputClassConstantDocs(a_File, a_Class, a_Constants, a_IgnoredConstants) -- Sort the constants by name: local constants = {} for name, desc in pairs(a_Constants) do if not(a_IgnoredConstants[name]) then table.insert(constants, { Name = name, Desc = desc }) end end table.sort(constants, function (a_Var1, a_Var2) return (a_Var1.Name < a_Var2.Name) end ) -- If there are no constants, bail out: if not(constants[1]) then return end -- Output the descriptions: a_File:write("\t\tConstants =\n\t\t{\n") for _, con in ipairs(constants) do a_File:write("\t\t\t", con.Name, " =\n\t\t\t{\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\tType = \"", con.Desc.Type, "\",\n") if (con.Desc.DoxyComment) then a_File:write("\t\t\t\tDesc = ", string.format("%q", con.Desc.DoxyComment), ",\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Outputs the docs for all the member enums in the specified class -- a_File is the output file -- a_Class is the ToLua's classClass object -- a_Enums is an array of ToLua's classEnum objects local function outputClassEnumDocs(a_File, a_Class, a_Enums) -- If there are no enums, bail out: if (not(a_Enums) or not(a_Enums[1])) then return end -- Sort the enums by name: table.sort(a_Enums, function (a_Enum1, a_Enum2) return (a_Enum1.name < a_Enum2.name) end ) -- Output the enums: a_File:write("\t\tEnums =\n\t\t{\n") for i, enum in ipairs(a_Enums) do local name = enum.name if (not(name) or (name == "")) then name = string.format("unnamedEnum_%d", i) end a_File:write("\t\t\t", name, " =\n\t\t\t{\n") local valnames = {} -- Make a copy of enum.lnames so that we can sort it: local idx = 1 for i, valname in ipairs(enum.lnames) do valnames[idx] = { Name = valname, DoxyComment = enum.DoxyComments[i] } idx = idx + 1 end table.sort(valnames, function (a_Val1, a_Val2) return (a_Val1.Name < a_Val2.Name) end ) for _, valname in ipairs(valnames) do assert(not(valname.Name:find("\17"))) assert(not(valname.Name:find("\18"))) assert(not(valname.Name:find("\19"))) assert(not(valname.Name:find("\20"))) a_File:write("\t\t\t\t{\n") a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\tName = \"", valname.Name, "\",\n") if (valname.DoxyComment) then a_File:write("\t\t\t\t\tDesc = ", string.format("%q", valname.DoxyComment), ",\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t\t},\n") end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Outputs the docs for the specified class, which has been parsed for its functions, variables and constants -- a_Class is the ToLua's classClass object -- a_Functions is a dictionary of function descriptions: "name" -> { {}, ...} -- a_Variables is a dictionary of variable descriptions: "name" -> {} -- a_Constants is a dictionary of constant descriptions: "name" -> {} -- a_Filenames is an array into which the name of the docs file is to be appended local function outputClassDocs(a_Class, a_Functions, a_Variables, a_Constants, a_Filenames) -- Add the output file to list of filenames: local fnam = a_Class.lname .. ".lua" table.insert(a_Filenames, fnam) -- Output the header: local f = assert(io.open("docs/" .. fnam, "w")) f:write("return\n{\n\t", a_Class.lname, " =\n\t{\n") if (a_Class.DoxyComment) then f:write("\t\tDesc = ", string.format("%q", a_Class.DoxyComment), ",\n") end -- If the class inherits from anything, output it here: local ignoredConstants = {} if (a_Class.base and (a_Class.base ~= "")) then local bases = {a_Class.base} local idx = 2 for _, b in ipairs(a_Class.extra_bases or {}) do bases[idx] = b idx = idx + 1 -- ToLua++ handles multiple inheritance by adding "constants" for the base types; ignore those: ignoredConstants["__" .. b .. "__"] = true end table.sort(bases) f:write("\t\tInherits =\n\t\t{\n") for _, b in ipairs(bases) do f:write("\t\t\t", string.format("%q", b), ",\n") end f:write("\t\t},\n") end -- Output the functions: outputClassFunctionDocs(f, a_Class, a_Functions) -- Output the variables: outputClassVariableDocs(f, a_Class, a_Variables) -- Output the constants: outputClassConstantDocs(f, a_Class, a_Constants, ignoredConstants) -- Output the enums: outputClassEnumDocs(f, a_Class, a_Class.enums) -- Output the footer: f:write("\t},\n}\n") f:close() end --- Recursively applies the next_DoxyComment member to the next item, and first_child_DoxyComment to first child item in the container. -- a_Container is the ToLua++'s table potentially containing children as its array members local function applyNextDoxyComments(a_Container) -- Apply the DoxyComment to the first child, if appropriate: if (a_Container[1] and a_Container.first_child_DoxyComment) then a_Container[1].DoxyComment = a_Container.first_child_DoxyComment end -- Apply each child's next_DoxyComment to the actual next child: local i = 1 while (a_Container[i]) do if (a_Container[i].next_DoxyComment) then if (a_Container[i + 1]) then a_Container[i + 1].DoxyComment = a_Container[i].next_DoxyComment end end applyNextDoxyComments(a_Container[i]) i = i + 1 end end --- Generates documentation for a package. local function genPackageDocs(a_Self) -- DEBUG: Output the raw package object: do local f = io.open("docs/_raw.lua", "w") if (f) then OutputTable(f, a_Self, "", "", {}, {}) f:close() end end applyNextDoxyComments(a_Self) -- Generate docs for each member: local i = 1 local filenames = {} while (a_Self[i]) do if ( a_Self[i]:check_public_access() and -- Do not export private and protected members a_Self[i].genDocs ) then a_Self[i]:genDocs(filenames) end i = i + 1 end -- Output the globals' docs: local functions = {} local variables = {} local constants = {} while (a_Self[i]) do if (a_Self[i].genMemberDocs) then a_Self[i]:genMemberDocs(functions, variables, constants) end i = i + 1 end local oldName = a_Self.lname a_Self.lname = "Globals" outputClassDocs(a_Self, functions, variables, constants, filenames) a_Self.lname = oldName -- Output the list of docs files: table.sort(filenames) local f = assert(io.open("docs/_files.lua", "w")) f:write("return\n{\n") for _, fnam in ipairs(filenames) do f:write("\t\"", fnam, "\",\n") end f:write("}\n") f:close() end local function genClassDocs(a_Self, a_Filenames) assert(a_Self.lname) assert(type(a_Filenames) == "table") --[[ print("\n\nGenerating docs for class " .. a_Self.lname) local visited = {[a_Self.parent] = ""} local metas = {} OutputTable(io.stdout, a_Self, a_Self.lname, "", visited, metas) --]] -- Collect the function, variable and constant docs: local i = 1 local functions = {} local variables = {} local constants = {} while (a_Self[i]) do if ( a_Self[i]:check_public_access() and -- Don't export private and protected members a_Self[i].genMemberDocs ) then a_Self[i]:genMemberDocs(functions, variables, constants) end i = i + 1 end -- Output the individual docs outputClassDocs(a_Self, functions, variables, constants, a_Filenames) end --- Parses the specified function's parameters and returns their description as a table -- a_Function is the ToLua's classFunction object local function parseFunctionParameters(a_Function) -- If the only param is a "void", then report no params: if ( a_Function.args and -- The params are present (#(a_Function.args) == 1) and -- There is exactly one param (a_Function.args[1].type == "void") -- The param is a void ) then return {} end local res = {} local idx = 1 for _, param in ipairs(a_Function.args or {}) do local t = param.type t = t:gsub("^const ", "") -- Remove the "const" keyword, if present res[idx] = { Name = param.name, Type = t, IsConst = (param.type:match("^const ") ~= nil), } idx = idx + 1 end return res end --- Parses the specified function's return values and returns their description as a table -- a_Function is the ToLua's classFunction object local function parseFunctionReturns(a_Function) local res = {} local idx = 1 if (a_Function.type and (a_Function.type ~= "void")) then res[idx] = { Type = a_Function.type } idx = idx + 1 end for _, param in ipairs(a_Function.args or {}) do if ((param.mod == "&") or (param.ret == "&")) then res[idx] = { Type = param.type:gsub("^const ", "") } idx = idx + 1 end end return res end local function genFunctionMemberDocs(a_Self, a_Functions, a_Variables, a_Constants) assert(a_Self.lname) local fn = a_Functions[a_Self.lname] or {} a_Functions[a_Self.lname] = fn local desc = { LuaName = a_Self.lname, CType = a_Self.type, DoxyComment = a_Self.DoxyComment, Parameters = parseFunctionParameters(a_Self), Returns = parseFunctionReturns(a_Self), } local _, _, hasStatic = string.find(a_Self.mod, "^%s*(static)") if (hasStatic) then desc.IsStatic = true end table.insert(fn, desc) end local function genVariableMemberDocs(a_Self, a_Functions, a_Variables, a_Constants) assert(a_Self.lname) local desc = { Name = a_Self.lname, Type = a_Self.type, DoxyComment = a_Self.DoxyComment, } if (string.find(a_Self.type,'const%s+') or string.find(a_Self.mod, 'tolua_readonly') or string.find(a_Self.mod, 'tolua_inherits')) then a_Constants[a_Self.lname] = desc else a_Variables[a_Self.lname] = desc end end --- Generates the entire documentation for the API -- a_Package is ToLua++'s classPackage object -- Checks if the documentation folder is writable, if not, skips the docs generation -- Returns true if documentation was generated, false and message if not local function generateDocs(a_Package) -- Check if the docs folder is writable: local f, msg = io.open("docs/_files.lua", "w") if not(f) then return false, "Cannot access the docs folder: " .. msg end f:close() -- Generate the docs: classPackage.genDocs = genPackageDocs classClass.genDocs = genClassDocs classFunction.genMemberDocs = genFunctionMemberDocs classVariable.genMemberDocs = genVariableMemberDocs a_Package:genDocs() return true end --- Outputs the cLuaState helper files. -- Called by ToLua++ before it starts outputting its generated files. -- a_Package is ToLua++'s classPackage object function pre_output_hook(a_Package) OutputLuaStateHelpers(a_Package) -- Generate the documentation: -- (must generate documentation before ToLua++ writes the bindings, because "static" information is lost at that point) local isSuccess, msg = generateDocs(a_Package) if not(isSuccess) then print("API docs haven't been generated due to an error: " .. (msg or "")) else print("API docs have been generated."); end end --- Outputs the documentation files. -- Called by ToLua++ after writing its generated files. -- a_Package is ToLua++'s classPackage object function post_output_hook(a_Package) print("Lua bindings have been generated.") end --- Provides DoxyComment processing while parsing the C++ code. -- Called by ToLua++ parser before it starts parsing the code. -- a_Package is the ToLua++'s classPackage object, currently unparsed -- The C++ code to be parsed is in a_Packade.code function preprocess_hook(a_Package) assert(a_Package) assert(type(a_Package.code) == "string") -- Replace all DoxyComments with placeholders so that they aren't erased later on: a_Package.code = a_Package.code :gsub("/%*%*%s*(.-)%s*%*/", function (a_Comment) local n = g_ForwardDoxyComments.n + 1 g_ForwardDoxyComments[n] = a_Comment g_ForwardDoxyComments.n = n return "\17" .. n .."\18" end ) -- Replace /** ... */ with an ID into a lookup table wrapped in DC1 and DC2 :gsub("///<%s*(.-)%s*\n%s*", function (a_Comment) local n = g_BackwardDoxyComments.n + 1 g_BackwardDoxyComments[n] = a_Comment g_BackwardDoxyComments.n = n return "\19" .. n .."\20\n" end ) -- Replace ///< comments with an ID into a lookup table wrapped in DC3 and DC4 --[[ -- Output the preprocessed code out to a file for manual inspection: local f = io.open("code_out.cpp", "wb") f:write(a_Package.code) f:close() --]] end --- Chooses the smaller of the indices, and the number indicating whether it chose the first or the second -- If one of the indices is nil, returns the other one -- If both indices are nil, returns nil local function chooseNextIndex(a_Index1, a_Index2) if not(a_Index1) then return a_Index2, 2 end if not(a_Index2) then return a_Index1, 1 end if (a_Index1 > a_Index2) then return a_Index2, 2 else return a_Index1, 1 end end --- Override for ToLua++'s own code extraction -- Called for each "$cfile" and "$hfile" directive in the package file -- a_FileName is the C++ header filename -- a_Contents is the code contents of the header file -- The function returns the code to be parsed by ToLua++ -- In addition to the original function, this override extracts all DoxyComments as well -- This is needed when a function is marked with "// tolua_export" but its DoxyComment is not included function extract_code(a_FileName, a_Contents) local code = '\n$#include "' .. a_FileName .. '"\n' a_Contents= "\n" .. a_Contents .. "\n" -- add blank lines as sentinels local _, e, c, t = strfind(a_Contents, "\n([^\n]-)[Tt][Oo][Ll][Uu][Aa]_([^%s]*)[^\n]*\n") local dcb, dce, dc = strfind(a_Contents, "/%*%*.-%*/") local nextEnd, whichOne = chooseNextIndex(e, dce) while (nextEnd) do if (whichOne == 2) then code = code .. a_Contents:sub(dcb, dce) .. "\n" else t = strlower(t) if (t == "begin") then _, nextEnd, c = strfind(a_Contents,"(.-)\n[^\n]*[Tt][Oo][Ll][Uu][Aa]_[Ee][Nn][Dd][^\n]*\n", e) if not(nextEnd) then tolua_error("Unbalanced 'tolua_begin' directive in header file " .. a_FileName) end end code = code .. c .. "\n" end _, e, c, t = strfind(a_Contents, "\n([^\n]-)[Tt][Oo][Ll][Uu][Aa]_([^%s]*)[^\n]*\n", nextEnd) dcb, dce, dc = strfind(a_Contents, "/%*%*.-%*/", nextEnd) nextEnd, whichOne = chooseNextIndex(e, dce) end return code end --- Installs a hook that is called by ToLua++ for each instantiation of classEnumerate -- The hook is used to fix DoxyComments in enums local function installEnumHook() --Hook for normal enums local oldEnumerate = Enumerate Enumerate = function (a_Name, a_Body, a_VarName, a_Type) -- We need to remove the DoxyComment items from the enum -- otherwise ToLua++ parser would make an enum value out of them a_Body = string.gsub(a_Body, ",[%s\n]*}", "\n}") -- eliminate last ',' local t = split(strsub(a_Body, 2, -2), ',') -- eliminate braces local doxyComments = {} local enumValues = {} local numEnumValues = 0 for _, txt in ipairs(t) do txt = txt:gsub("(%b\17\18)", function (a_CommentID) doxyComments[numEnumValues + 1] = g_ForwardDoxyComments[tonumber(a_CommentID:sub(2, -2))] return "" end ):gsub("(%b\19\20)", function (a_CommentID) doxyComments[numEnumValues] = g_BackwardDoxyComments[tonumber(a_CommentID:sub(2, -2))] return "" end ) if (txt ~= "") then numEnumValues = numEnumValues + 1 enumValues[numEnumValues] = txt end end local res = oldEnumerate(a_Name, "{" .. table.concat(enumValues, ",") .. "}", a_VarName, a_Type) res.DoxyComments = doxyComments return res end --Hook for scoped enums local oldScopedEnum = ScopedEnum ScopedEnum = function (a_Name, a_Body, a_VarName, a_Type) -- We need to remove the DoxyComment items from the enum class -- otherwise ToLua++ parser would make an enum value out of them a_Body = string.gsub(a_Body, ",[%s\n]*}", "\n}") -- eliminate last ',' local t = split(strsub(a_Body, 2, -2), ',') -- eliminate braces local doxyComments = {} local enumValues = {} local numEnumValues = 0 for _, txt in ipairs(t) do txt = txt:gsub("(%b\17\18)", function (a_CommentID) doxyComments[numEnumValues + 1] = g_ForwardDoxyComments[tonumber(a_CommentID:sub(2, -2))] return "" end ):gsub("(%b\19\20)", function (a_CommentID) doxyComments[numEnumValues] = g_BackwardDoxyComments[tonumber(a_CommentID:sub(2, -2))] return "" end ) if (txt ~= "") then numEnumValues = numEnumValues + 1 enumValues[numEnumValues] = txt end end local res = oldScopedEnum(a_Name, "{" .. table.concat(enumValues, ",") .. "}", a_VarName, a_Type) res.DoxyComments = doxyComments return res end end if not(TOLUA_VERSION) then -- BindingsProcessor has been called standalone, invoke the entire ToLua++ machinery: print("Generating Lua bindings and docs...") invokeToLua() return else -- We're being executed from inside the ToLua++ parser. Install the needed hooks: installEnumHook() end