#pragma once #include "BlockHandler.h" #include "../FastRandom.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" class cBlockGrassHandler final : public cBlockHandler { public: using cBlockHandler::cBlockHandler; private: enum class Survivability { // Light level so good that the grass can try to spread to neighbours CanSpread, // Stay put, light is enough to live on but not propagate DoNothing, // Insufficient light, death is upon us DieInDarkness }; virtual cItems ConvertToPickups(const NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta, const cItem * const a_Tool) const override { if (!ToolHasSilkTouch(a_Tool)) { return cItem(E_BLOCK_DIRT, 1, 0); } return cItem(E_BLOCK_GRASS, 1, 0); } virtual void OnUpdate( cChunkInterface & a_ChunkInterface, cWorldInterface & a_WorldInterface, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_RelPos ) const override { if (!a_Chunk.IsLightValid()) { a_Chunk.GetWorld()->QueueLightChunk(a_Chunk.GetPosX(), a_Chunk.GetPosZ()); return; } switch (cBlockGrassHandler::DetermineSurvivability(a_Chunk, a_RelPos)) { case Survivability::CanSpread: break; case Survivability::DoNothing: return; case Survivability::DieInDarkness: { a_Chunk.FastSetBlock(a_RelPos, E_BLOCK_DIRT, E_META_DIRT_NORMAL); return; } } // Grass spreads to adjacent dirt blocks: for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) // Pick two blocks to grow to { auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); int OfsX = Random.RandInt(-1, 1); int OfsY = Random.RandInt(-3, 1); int OfsZ = Random.RandInt(-1, 1); cBlockGrassHandler::TrySpreadTo(a_Chunk, a_RelPos + Vector3i(OfsX, OfsY, OfsZ)); } // for i - repeat twice } virtual ColourID GetMapBaseColourID(NIBBLETYPE a_Meta) const override { UNUSED(a_Meta); return 1; } private: /** Check if conditions are favourable to a grass block at the given position. If they are not, the grass dies and is turned to dirt. Returns whether conditions are so good that the grass can try to spread to neighbours. */ static Survivability DetermineSurvivability(cChunk & a_Chunk, const Vector3i a_RelPos) { const auto AbovePos = a_RelPos.addedY(1); if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(AbovePos.y)) { return Survivability::CanSpread; } // Grass turns back to dirt when the block above it is not transparent or water. // It does not turn to dirt when a snow layer is above. const auto Above = a_Chunk.GetBlock(AbovePos); if ( (Above != E_BLOCK_SNOW) && (!cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(Above) || IsBlockWater(Above))) { return Survivability::DieInDarkness; } // Make sure that there is enough light at the source block to spread const auto Light = std::max(a_Chunk.GetBlockLight(AbovePos), a_Chunk.GetSkyLightAltered(AbovePos)); return (Light >= 9) ? Survivability::CanSpread : Survivability::DoNothing; } /** Attempt to spread grass to a block at the given position. */ static void TrySpreadTo(cChunk & a_Chunk, Vector3i a_RelPos) { if (!cChunkDef::IsValidHeight(a_RelPos.y)) { // Y Coord out of range return; } auto Chunk = a_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(a_RelPos); if ((Chunk == nullptr) || !Chunk->IsValid()) { // Unloaded chunk return; } BLOCKTYPE DestBlock; NIBBLETYPE DestMeta; Chunk->GetBlockTypeMeta(a_RelPos, DestBlock, DestMeta); if ((DestBlock != E_BLOCK_DIRT) || (DestMeta != E_META_DIRT_NORMAL)) { // Not a regular dirt block return; } const auto AbovePos = a_RelPos.addedY(1); const auto Above = Chunk->GetBlock(AbovePos); const auto Light = std::max(Chunk->GetBlockLight(AbovePos), Chunk->GetSkyLightAltered(AbovePos)); if ( (Light > 4) && cBlockInfo::IsTransparent(Above) && !IsBlockLava(Above) && !IsBlockWaterOrIce(Above) ) { const auto AbsPos = Chunk->RelativeToAbsolute(a_RelPos); if (!cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookBlockSpread(*Chunk->GetWorld(), AbsPos, ssGrassSpread)) { Chunk->FastSetBlock(a_RelPos, E_BLOCK_GRASS, 0); } } } } ;