// Nosie3DGenerator.cpp // Generates terrain using 3D noise, rather than composing. Is a test. #include "Globals.h" #include "Noise3DGenerator.h" #include "../OSSupport/File.h" #include "../OSSupport/Timer.h" #include "../IniFile.h" #include "../LinearInterpolation.h" #include "../LinearUpscale.h" /* // Perform an automatic test of upscaling upon program start (use breakpoints to debug): class Test { public: Test(void) { DoTest1(); DoTest2(); } void DoTest1(void) { float In[3 * 3 * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(In); i++) { In[i] = (float)(i % 5); } Debug3DNoise(In, 3, 3, 3, "Upscale3D in"); float Out[17 * 33 * 35]; LinearUpscale3DArray(In, 3, 3, 3, Out, 8, 16, 17); Debug3DNoise(Out, 17, 33, 35, "Upscale3D test"); } void DoTest2(void) { float In[3 * 3]; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(In); i++) { In[i] = (float)(i % 5); } Debug2DNoise(In, 3, 3, "Upscale2D in"); float Out[17 * 33]; LinearUpscale2DArray(In, 3, 3, Out, 8, 16); Debug2DNoise(Out, 17, 33, "Upscale2D test"); } } gTest; //*/ #if 0 // Perform speed test of the cInterpolNoise class static class cInterpolNoiseSpeedTest { public: cInterpolNoiseSpeedTest(void) { TestSpeed2D(); TestSpeed3D(); printf("InterpolNoise speed comparison finished.\n"); } /** Compare the speed of the 3D InterpolNoise vs 3D CubicNoise. */ void TestSpeed3D(void) { printf("Evaluating 3D noise performance...\n"); static const int SIZE_X = 128; static const int SIZE_Y = 128; static const int SIZE_Z = 128; static const NOISE_DATATYPE MUL = 80; std::unique_ptr arr(new NOISE_DATATYPE[SIZE_X * SIZE_Y * SIZE_Z]); cTimer timer; // Test the cInterpolNoise: cInterpolNoise interpNoise(1); long long start = timer.GetNowTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { interpNoise.Generate3D(arr.get(), SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z, MUL * i, MUL * i + MUL, 0, MUL, 0, MUL); } long long end = timer.GetNowTime(); printf("InterpolNoise took %.02f sec\n", static_cast(end - start) / 1000); // Test the cCubicNoise: cCubicNoise cubicNoise(1); start = timer.GetNowTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { cubicNoise.Generate3D(arr.get(), SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, SIZE_Z, MUL * i, MUL * i + MUL, 0, MUL, 0, MUL); } end = timer.GetNowTime(); printf("CubicNoise took %.02f sec\n", static_cast(end - start) / 1000); printf("3D noise performance comparison finished.\n"); } /** Compare the speed of the 2D InterpolNoise vs 2D CubicNoise. */ void TestSpeed2D(void) { printf("Evaluating 2D noise performance...\n"); static const int SIZE_X = 128; static const int SIZE_Y = 128; static const NOISE_DATATYPE MUL = 80; std::unique_ptr arr(new NOISE_DATATYPE[SIZE_X * SIZE_Y]); cTimer timer; // Test the cInterpolNoise: cInterpolNoise interpNoise(1); long long start = timer.GetNowTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { interpNoise.Generate2D(arr.get(), SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, MUL * i, MUL * i + MUL, 0, MUL); } long long end = timer.GetNowTime(); printf("InterpolNoise took %.02f sec\n", static_cast(end - start) / 1000); // Test the cCubicNoise: cCubicNoise cubicNoise(1); start = timer.GetNowTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { cubicNoise.Generate2D(arr.get(), SIZE_X, SIZE_Y, MUL * i, MUL * i + MUL, 0, MUL); } end = timer.GetNowTime(); printf("CubicNoise took %.02f sec\n", static_cast(end - start) / 1000); printf("2D noise performance comparison finished.\n"); } } g_InterpolNoiseSpeedTest; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cNoise3DGenerator: cNoise3DGenerator::cNoise3DGenerator(cChunkGenerator & a_ChunkGenerator) : super(a_ChunkGenerator), m_Perlin(1000), m_Cubic(1000) { m_Perlin.AddOctave(1, 1); m_Perlin.AddOctave(2, 0.5); m_Perlin.AddOctave(4, 0.25); m_Perlin.AddOctave(8, 0.125); m_Perlin.AddOctave(16, 0.0625); m_Cubic.AddOctave(1, 1); m_Cubic.AddOctave(2, 0.5); m_Cubic.AddOctave(4, 0.25); m_Cubic.AddOctave(8, 0.125); m_Cubic.AddOctave(16, 0.0625); } cNoise3DGenerator::~cNoise3DGenerator() { // Nothing needed yet } void cNoise3DGenerator::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile) { // Params: m_SeaLevel = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "SeaLevel", 62); m_HeightAmplification = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DHeightAmplification", 0.1); m_MidPoint = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DMidPoint", 68); m_FrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyX", 8); m_FrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyY", 8); m_FrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyZ", 8); m_AirThreshold = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DAirThreshold", 0.5); } void cNoise3DGenerator::GenerateBiomes(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDef::BiomeMap & a_BiomeMap) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(a_BiomeMap); i++) { a_BiomeMap[i] = biExtremeHills; } } void cNoise3DGenerator::DoGenerate(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) { NOISE_DATATYPE Noise[17 * 257 * 17]; GenerateNoiseArray(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, Noise); // Output noise into chunk: for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < cChunkDef::Height; y++) { int idx = z * 17 * 257 + y * 17; for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { NOISE_DATATYPE n = Noise[idx++]; BLOCKTYPE BlockType; if (n > m_AirThreshold) { BlockType = (y > m_SeaLevel) ? E_BLOCK_AIR : E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER; } else { BlockType = E_BLOCK_STONE; } a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockType(x, y, z, BlockType); } } } UpdateHeightmap(a_ChunkDesc); ComposeTerrain (a_ChunkDesc); } void cNoise3DGenerator::GenerateNoiseArray(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, NOISE_DATATYPE * a_OutNoise) { NOISE_DATATYPE NoiseO[DIM_X * DIM_Y * DIM_Z]; // Output for the Perlin noise NOISE_DATATYPE NoiseW[DIM_X * DIM_Y * DIM_Z]; // Workspace that the noise calculation can use and trash // Our noise array has different layout, XZY, instead of regular chunk's XYZ, that's why the coords are "renamed" NOISE_DATATYPE StartX = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyX; NOISE_DATATYPE EndX = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)((a_ChunkX + 1) * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyX; NOISE_DATATYPE StartZ = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyZ; NOISE_DATATYPE EndZ = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)((a_ChunkZ + 1) * cChunkDef::Width)) / m_FrequencyZ; NOISE_DATATYPE StartY = 0; NOISE_DATATYPE EndY = ((NOISE_DATATYPE)256) / m_FrequencyY; m_Perlin.Generate3D(NoiseO, DIM_X, DIM_Y, DIM_Z, StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY, StartZ, EndZ, NoiseW); // DEBUG: Debug3DNoise(NoiseO, DIM_X, DIM_Y, DIM_Z, Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_orig", a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)); // Precalculate a "height" array: NOISE_DATATYPE Height[DIM_X * DIM_Z]; // Output for the cubic noise heightmap ("source") m_Cubic.Generate2D(Height, DIM_X, DIM_Z, StartX / 5, EndX / 5, StartZ / 5, EndZ / 5); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYCOUNT(Height); i++) { Height[i] = Height[i] * m_HeightAmplification; } // Modify the noise by height data: for (int y = 0; y < DIM_Y; y++) { NOISE_DATATYPE AddHeight = (y * UPSCALE_Y - m_MidPoint) / 30; // AddHeight *= AddHeight * AddHeight; for (int z = 0; z < DIM_Z; z++) { NOISE_DATATYPE * CurRow = &(NoiseO[y * DIM_X + z * DIM_X * DIM_Y]); for (int x = 0; x < DIM_X; x++) { CurRow[x] += AddHeight + Height[x + DIM_X * z]; } } } // DEBUG: Debug3DNoise(NoiseO, DIM_X, DIM_Y, DIM_Z, Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_hei", a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)); // Upscale the Perlin noise into full-blown chunk dimensions: LinearUpscale3DArray( NoiseO, DIM_X, DIM_Y, DIM_Z, a_OutNoise, UPSCALE_X, UPSCALE_Y, UPSCALE_Z ); // DEBUG: Debug3DNoise(a_OutNoise, 17, 257, 17, Printf("Chunk_%d_%d_lerp", a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ)); } void cNoise3DGenerator::UpdateHeightmap(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) { for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { for (int y = cChunkDef::Height - 1; y > 0; y--) { if (a_ChunkDesc.GetBlockType(x, y, z) != E_BLOCK_AIR) { a_ChunkDesc.SetHeight(x, z, y); break; } } // for y } // for x } // for z } void cNoise3DGenerator::ComposeTerrain(cChunkDesc & a_ChunkDesc) { // Make basic terrain composition: for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { int LastAir = a_ChunkDesc.GetHeight(x, z) + 1; bool HasHadWater = false; for (int y = LastAir - 1; y > 0; y--) { switch (a_ChunkDesc.GetBlockType(x, y, z)) { case E_BLOCK_AIR: { LastAir = y; break; } case E_BLOCK_STONE: { if (LastAir - y > 3) { break; } if (HasHadWater) { a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockType(x, y, z, E_BLOCK_SAND); } else { a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockType(x, y, z, (LastAir == y + 1) ? E_BLOCK_GRASS : E_BLOCK_DIRT); } break; } case E_BLOCK_STATIONARY_WATER: { LastAir = y; HasHadWater = true; break; } } // switch (GetBlockType()) } // for y a_ChunkDesc.SetBlockType(x, 0, z, E_BLOCK_BEDROCK); } // for x } // for z } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cNoise3DComposable: cNoise3DComposable::cNoise3DComposable(int a_Seed) : m_ChoiceNoise(a_Seed), m_DensityNoiseA(a_Seed + 1), m_DensityNoiseB(a_Seed + 2), m_BaseNoise(a_Seed + 3) { } void cNoise3DComposable::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile) { // Params: // The defaults generate extreme hills terrain m_HeightAmplification = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DHeightAmplification", 0.045); m_MidPoint = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DMidPoint", 75); m_FrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyX", 40); m_FrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyY", 40); m_FrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DFrequencyZ", 40); m_BaseFrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DBaseFrequencyX", 40); m_BaseFrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DBaseFrequencyZ", 40); m_ChoiceFrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DChoiceFrequencyX", 40); m_ChoiceFrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DChoiceFrequencyY", 80); m_ChoiceFrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DChoiceFrequencyZ", 40); m_AirThreshold = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DAirThreshold", 0); int NumChoiceOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "Noise3DNumChoiceOctaves", 4); int NumDensityOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "Noise3DNumDensityOctaves", 6); int NumBaseOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "Noise3DNumBaseOctaves", 6); NOISE_DATATYPE BaseNoiseAmplitude = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "Noise3DBaseAmplitude", 1); // Add octaves for the choice noise: NOISE_DATATYPE wavlen = 1, ampl = 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < NumChoiceOctaves; i++) { m_ChoiceNoise.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } // Add octaves for the density noises: wavlen = 1, ampl = 1; for (int i = 0; i < NumDensityOctaves; i++) { m_DensityNoiseA.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); m_DensityNoiseB.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } // Add octaves for the base noise: wavlen = 1, ampl = BaseNoiseAmplitude; for (int i = 0; i < NumBaseOctaves; i++) { m_BaseNoise.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } } void cNoise3DComposable::GenerateNoiseArrayIfNeeded(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { if ((a_ChunkX == m_LastChunkX) && (a_ChunkZ == m_LastChunkZ)) { // The noise for this chunk is already generated in m_NoiseArray return; } m_LastChunkX = a_ChunkX; m_LastChunkZ = a_ChunkZ; // Generate all the noises: NOISE_DATATYPE ChoiceNoise[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE Workspace[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE DensityNoiseA[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE DensityNoiseB[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE BaseNoise[5 * 5]; NOISE_DATATYPE BlockX = static_cast(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width); NOISE_DATATYPE BlockZ = static_cast(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width); // Note that we have to swap the X and Y coords, because noise generator uses [x + SizeX * y + SizeX * SizeY * z] ordering and we want "BlockY" to be "x": m_ChoiceNoise.Generate3D (ChoiceNoise, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_ChoiceFrequencyY, BlockX / m_ChoiceFrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_ChoiceFrequencyX, BlockZ / m_ChoiceFrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_ChoiceFrequencyZ, Workspace); m_DensityNoiseA.Generate3D(DensityNoiseA, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_FrequencyY, BlockX / m_FrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_FrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); m_DensityNoiseB.Generate3D(DensityNoiseB, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_FrequencyY, BlockX / m_FrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_FrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); m_BaseNoise.Generate2D (BaseNoise, 5, 5, BlockX / m_BaseFrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_BaseFrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); // Calculate the final noise based on the partial noises: for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { NOISE_DATATYPE curBaseNoise = BaseNoise[x + 5 * z]; for (int y = 0; y < 33; y++) { NOISE_DATATYPE AddHeight = (static_cast(y * 8) - m_MidPoint) * m_HeightAmplification; // If "underground", make the terrain smoother by forcing the vertical linear gradient into steeper slope: if (AddHeight < 0) { AddHeight *= 4; } // If too high, cut off any terrain: if (y > 28) { AddHeight = AddHeight + static_cast(y - 28) / 4; } // Decide between the two density noises: int idx = 33 * x + 33 * 5 * z + y; Workspace[idx] = ClampedLerp(DensityNoiseA[idx], DensityNoiseB[idx], 8 * (ChoiceNoise[idx] + 0.5f)) + AddHeight + curBaseNoise; } } } LinearUpscale3DArray(Workspace, 33, 5, 5, m_NoiseArray, 8, 4, 4); } void cNoise3DComposable::GenShape(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDesc::Shape & a_Shape) { GenerateNoiseArrayIfNeeded(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ); // Translate the noise array into Shape: for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < cChunkDef::Height; y++) { a_Shape[y + x * 256 + z * 256 * 16] = (m_NoiseArray[y + 257 * x + 257 * 17 * z] > m_AirThreshold) ? 0 : 1; } } // for x } // for z } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cBiomalNoise3DComposable: cBiomalNoise3DComposable::cBiomalNoise3DComposable(int a_Seed, cBiomeGenPtr a_BiomeGen) : m_ChoiceNoise(a_Seed), m_DensityNoiseA(a_Seed + 1), m_DensityNoiseB(a_Seed + 2), m_BaseNoise(a_Seed + 3), m_BiomeGen(a_BiomeGen), m_LastChunkX(0x7fffffff), // Set impossible coords for the chunk so that it's always considered stale m_LastChunkZ(0x7fffffff) { // Generate the weight distribution for summing up neighboring biomes: m_WeightSum = 0; for (int z = 0; z <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; z++) { for (int x = 0; x <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; x++) { m_Weight[z][x] = static_cast((AVERAGING_SIZE - std::abs(AVERAGING_SIZE - x)) + (AVERAGING_SIZE - std::abs(AVERAGING_SIZE - z))); m_WeightSum += m_Weight[z][x]; } } } void cBiomalNoise3DComposable::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile) { // Params: // The defaults generate extreme hills terrain m_SeaLevel = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "SeaLevel", 62); m_FrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DFrequencyX", 40); m_FrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DFrequencyY", 40); m_FrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DFrequencyZ", 40); m_BaseFrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DBaseFrequencyX", 40); m_BaseFrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DBaseFrequencyZ", 40); m_ChoiceFrequencyX = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DChoiceFrequencyX", 40); m_ChoiceFrequencyY = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DChoiceFrequencyY", 80); m_ChoiceFrequencyZ = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DChoiceFrequencyZ", 40); m_AirThreshold = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DAirThreshold", 0); int NumChoiceOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DNumChoiceOctaves", 4); int NumDensityOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DNumDensityOctaves", 6); int NumBaseOctaves = a_IniFile.GetValueSetI("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DNumBaseOctaves", 6); NOISE_DATATYPE BaseNoiseAmplitude = (NOISE_DATATYPE)a_IniFile.GetValueSetF("Generator", "BiomalNoise3DBaseAmplitude", 1); // Add octaves for the choice noise: NOISE_DATATYPE wavlen = 1, ampl = 0.5; for (int i = 0; i < NumChoiceOctaves; i++) { m_ChoiceNoise.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } // Add octaves for the density noises: wavlen = 1, ampl = 1; for (int i = 0; i < NumDensityOctaves; i++) { m_DensityNoiseA.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); m_DensityNoiseB.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } // Add octaves for the base noise: wavlen = 1, ampl = BaseNoiseAmplitude; for (int i = 0; i < NumBaseOctaves; i++) { m_BaseNoise.AddOctave(wavlen, ampl); wavlen = wavlen * 2; ampl = ampl / 2; } } void cBiomalNoise3DComposable::GenerateNoiseArrayIfNeeded(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { if ((a_ChunkX == m_LastChunkX) && (a_ChunkZ == m_LastChunkZ)) { // The noise for this chunk is already generated in m_NoiseArray return; } m_LastChunkX = a_ChunkX; m_LastChunkZ = a_ChunkZ; // Calculate the parameters for the biomes: ChunkParam MidPoint; ChunkParam HeightAmp; CalcBiomeParamArrays(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ, HeightAmp, MidPoint); // Generate all the noises: NOISE_DATATYPE ChoiceNoise[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE Workspace[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE DensityNoiseA[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE DensityNoiseB[5 * 5 * 33]; NOISE_DATATYPE BaseNoise[5 * 5]; NOISE_DATATYPE BlockX = static_cast(a_ChunkX * cChunkDef::Width); NOISE_DATATYPE BlockZ = static_cast(a_ChunkZ * cChunkDef::Width); // Note that we have to swap the X and Y coords, because noise generator uses [x + SizeX * y + SizeX * SizeY * z] ordering and we want "BlockY" to be "x": m_ChoiceNoise.Generate3D (ChoiceNoise, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_ChoiceFrequencyY, BlockX / m_ChoiceFrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_ChoiceFrequencyX, BlockZ / m_ChoiceFrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_ChoiceFrequencyZ, Workspace); m_DensityNoiseA.Generate3D(DensityNoiseA, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_FrequencyY, BlockX / m_FrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_FrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); m_DensityNoiseB.Generate3D(DensityNoiseB, 33, 5, 5, 0, 257 / m_FrequencyY, BlockX / m_FrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_FrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); m_BaseNoise.Generate2D (BaseNoise, 5, 5, BlockX / m_BaseFrequencyX, (BlockX + 17) / m_BaseFrequencyX, BlockZ / m_FrequencyZ, (BlockZ + 17) / m_FrequencyZ, Workspace); // Calculate the final noise based on the partial noises: for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { NOISE_DATATYPE curMidPoint = MidPoint[x + 5 * z]; NOISE_DATATYPE curHeightAmp = HeightAmp[x + 5 * z]; NOISE_DATATYPE curBaseNoise = BaseNoise[x + 5 * z]; for (int y = 0; y < 33; y++) { NOISE_DATATYPE AddHeight = (static_cast(y * 8) - curMidPoint) * curHeightAmp; // If "underground", make the terrain smoother by forcing the vertical linear gradient into steeper slope: if (AddHeight < 0) { AddHeight *= 4; } // If too high, cut off any terrain: if (y > 28) { AddHeight = AddHeight + static_cast(y - 28) / 4; } // Decide between the two density noises: int idx = 33 * x + y + 33 * 5 * z; Workspace[idx] = ClampedLerp(DensityNoiseA[idx], DensityNoiseB[idx], 8 * (ChoiceNoise[idx] + 0.5f)) + AddHeight + curBaseNoise; } } } LinearUpscale3DArray(Workspace, 33, 5, 5, m_NoiseArray, 8, 4, 4); } void cBiomalNoise3DComposable::CalcBiomeParamArrays(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, ChunkParam & a_HeightAmp, ChunkParam & a_MidPoint) { // Generate the 3*3 chunks of biomes around this chunk: cChunkDef::BiomeMap neighborBiomes[3 * 3]; for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { m_BiomeGen->GenBiomes(a_ChunkX + x - 1, a_ChunkZ + z - 1, neighborBiomes[x + 3 * z]); } } // Sum up the biome values: for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { NOISE_DATATYPE totalHeightAmp = 0; NOISE_DATATYPE totalMidPoint = 0; // Add up the biomes around this point: for (int relz = 0; relz <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; ++relz) { int colz = 16 + z * 4 + relz - AVERAGING_SIZE; // Biome Z coord relative to the neighborBiomes start int neicellz = colz / 16; // Chunk Z coord relative to the neighborBiomes start int neirelz = colz % 16; // Biome Z coord relative to cz in neighborBiomes for (int relx = 0; relx <= AVERAGING_SIZE * 2; ++relx) { int colx = 16 + x * 4 + relx - AVERAGING_SIZE; // Biome X coord relative to the neighborBiomes start int neicellx = colx / 16; // Chunk X coord relative to the neighborBiomes start int neirelx = colx % 16; // Biome X coord relative to cz in neighborBiomes EMCSBiome biome = cChunkDef::GetBiome(neighborBiomes[neicellx + neicellz * 3], neirelx, neirelz); NOISE_DATATYPE heightAmp, midPoint; GetBiomeParams(biome, heightAmp, midPoint); totalHeightAmp += heightAmp * m_Weight[relz][relx]; totalMidPoint += midPoint * m_Weight[relz][relx]; } // for relx } // for relz a_HeightAmp[x + 5 * z] = totalHeightAmp / m_WeightSum; a_MidPoint[x + 5 * z] = totalMidPoint / m_WeightSum; } // for x } // for z } void cBiomalNoise3DComposable::GetBiomeParams(EMCSBiome a_Biome, NOISE_DATATYPE & a_HeightAmp, NOISE_DATATYPE & a_MidPoint) { switch (a_Biome) { case biBeach: a_HeightAmp = 0.2f; a_MidPoint = 60; break; case biBirchForest: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biBirchForestHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biBirchForestHillsM: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biBirchForestM: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biColdBeach: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biColdTaiga: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biColdTaigaM: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biColdTaigaHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biDesertHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biDeepOcean: a_HeightAmp = 0.17f; a_MidPoint = 35; break; case biDesert: a_HeightAmp = 0.29f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biDesertM: a_HeightAmp = 0.29f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biEnd: a_HeightAmp = 0.15f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biExtremeHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.045f; a_MidPoint = 75; break; case biExtremeHillsEdge: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 70; break; case biExtremeHillsM: a_HeightAmp = 0.045f; a_MidPoint = 75; break; case biExtremeHillsPlus: a_HeightAmp = 0.04f; a_MidPoint = 80; break; case biExtremeHillsPlusM: a_HeightAmp = 0.04f; a_MidPoint = 80; break; case biFlowerForest: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biForest: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biForestHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biFrozenRiver: a_HeightAmp = 0.4f; a_MidPoint = 54; break; case biFrozenOcean: a_HeightAmp = 0.12f; a_MidPoint = 45; break; case biIceMountains: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biIcePlains: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biIcePlainsSpikes: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biJungle: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 63; break; case biJungleEdge: a_HeightAmp = 0.15f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biJungleEdgeM: a_HeightAmp = 0.15f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biJungleHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biJungleM: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 63; break; case biMegaSpruceTaiga: a_HeightAmp = 0.09f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biMegaSpruceTaigaHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biMegaTaiga: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biMegaTaigaHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; case biMesa: a_HeightAmp = 0.09f; a_MidPoint = 61; break; case biMesaBryce: a_HeightAmp = 0.15f; a_MidPoint = 61; break; case biMesaPlateau: a_HeightAmp = 0.25f; a_MidPoint = 86; break; case biMesaPlateauF: a_HeightAmp = 0.25f; a_MidPoint = 96; break; case biMesaPlateauFM: a_HeightAmp = 0.25f; a_MidPoint = 96; break; case biMesaPlateauM: a_HeightAmp = 0.25f; a_MidPoint = 86; break; case biMushroomShore: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 60; break; case biMushroomIsland: a_HeightAmp = 0.06f; a_MidPoint = 80; break; case biNether: a_HeightAmp = 0.01f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biOcean: a_HeightAmp = 0.12f; a_MidPoint = 45; break; case biPlains: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biRiver: a_HeightAmp = 0.4f; a_MidPoint = 54; break; case biRoofedForest: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biRoofedForestM: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biSavanna: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biSavannaM: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biSavannaPlateau: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 85; break; case biSavannaPlateauM: a_HeightAmp = 0.012f; a_MidPoint = 105; break; case biStoneBeach: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 60; break; case biSunflowerPlains: a_HeightAmp = 0.3f; a_MidPoint = 62; break; case biSwampland: a_HeightAmp = 0.25f; a_MidPoint = 59; break; case biSwamplandM: a_HeightAmp = 0.11f; a_MidPoint = 59; break; case biTaiga: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 64; break; case biTaigaM: a_HeightAmp = 0.1f; a_MidPoint = 70; break; case biTaigaHills: a_HeightAmp = 0.075f; a_MidPoint = 68; break; default: { // Make a crazy terrain so that it stands out a_HeightAmp = 0.001f; a_MidPoint = 90; break; } } } void cBiomalNoise3DComposable::GenShape(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDesc::Shape & a_Shape) { GenerateNoiseArrayIfNeeded(a_ChunkX, a_ChunkZ); // Translate the noise array into Shape: for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < cChunkDef::Height; y++) { a_Shape[y + x * 256 + z * 256 * 16] = (m_NoiseArray[y + 257 * x + 257 * 17 * z] > m_AirThreshold) ? 0 : 1; } } // for x } // for z }