// HTTPServer.cpp // Implements the cHTTPServer class representing a HTTP webserver that uses cListenThread and cSocketThreads for processing #include "Globals.h" #include "HTTPServer.h" #include "HTTPMessage.h" #include "HTTPServerConnection.h" #include "HTTPFormParser.h" #include "SslHTTPServerConnection.h" // Disable MSVC warnings: #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list #endif class cDebugCallbacks : public cHTTPServer::cCallbacks, protected cHTTPFormParser::cCallbacks { virtual void OnRequestBegun(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) override { UNUSED(a_Connection); if (cHTTPFormParser::HasFormData(a_Request)) { a_Request.SetUserData(new cHTTPFormParser(a_Request, *this)); } } virtual void OnRequestBody(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override { UNUSED(a_Connection); cHTTPFormParser * FormParser = reinterpret_cast(a_Request.GetUserData()); if (FormParser != nullptr) { FormParser->Parse(a_Data, a_Size); } } virtual void OnRequestFinished(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) override { cHTTPFormParser * FormParser = reinterpret_cast(a_Request.GetUserData()); if (FormParser != nullptr) { if (FormParser->Finish()) { cHTTPResponse Resp; Resp.SetContentType("text/html"); a_Connection.Send(Resp); a_Connection.Send("\r\n"); for (cHTTPFormParser::iterator itr = FormParser->begin(), end = FormParser->end(); itr != end; ++itr) { a_Connection.Send(Printf("\r\n", itr->first.c_str(), itr->second.c_str())); } // for itr - FormParser[] a_Connection.Send("
"); return; } // Parsing failed: cHTTPResponse Resp; Resp.SetContentType("text/plain"); a_Connection.Send(Resp); a_Connection.Send("Form parsing failed"); return; } // Test the auth failure and success: if (a_Request.GetURL() == "/auth") { if (!a_Request.HasAuth() || (a_Request.GetAuthUsername() != "a") || (a_Request.GetAuthPassword() != "b")) { a_Connection.SendNeedAuth("Cuberite WebAdmin"); return; } } cHTTPResponse Resp; Resp.SetContentType("text/plain"); a_Connection.Send(Resp); a_Connection.Send("Hello, world"); } virtual void OnFileStart(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser, const AString & a_FileName) override { // TODO } virtual void OnFileData(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override { // TODO } virtual void OnFileEnd(cHTTPFormParser & a_Parser) override { // TODO } }; static cDebugCallbacks g_DebugCallbacks; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cHTTPServerListenCallbacks: class cHTTPServerListenCallbacks: public cNetwork::cListenCallbacks { public: cHTTPServerListenCallbacks(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer, UInt16 a_Port): m_HTTPServer(a_HTTPServer), m_Port(a_Port) { } protected: /** The HTTP server instance that we're attached to. */ cHTTPServer & m_HTTPServer; /** The port for which this instance is responsible. */ UInt16 m_Port; // cNetwork::cListenCallbacks overrides: virtual cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr OnIncomingConnection(const AString & a_RemoteIPAddress, UInt16 a_RemotePort) override { return m_HTTPServer.OnIncomingConnection(a_RemoteIPAddress, a_RemotePort); } virtual void OnAccepted(cTCPLink & a_Link) override {} virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) override { LOGWARNING("HTTP server error on port %d: %d (%s)", m_Port, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg.c_str()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cHTTPServer: cHTTPServer::cHTTPServer(void) : m_Callbacks(nullptr) { } cHTTPServer::~cHTTPServer() { Stop(); } bool cHTTPServer::Initialize(void) { // Read the HTTPS cert + key: AString CertFile = cFile::ReadWholeFile("webadmin/httpscert.crt"); AString KeyFile = cFile::ReadWholeFile("webadmin/httpskey.pem"); if (!CertFile.empty() && !KeyFile.empty()) { m_Cert.reset(new cX509Cert); int res = m_Cert->Parse(CertFile.data(), CertFile.size()); if (res == 0) { m_CertPrivKey.reset(new cCryptoKey); int res2 = m_CertPrivKey->ParsePrivate(KeyFile.data(), KeyFile.size(), ""); if (res2 != 0) { // Reading the private key failed, reset the cert: LOGWARNING("WebServer: Cannot read HTTPS certificate private key: -0x%x", -res2); m_Cert.reset(); } } else { LOGWARNING("WebServer: Cannot read HTTPS certificate: -0x%x", -res); } } // Notify the admin about the HTTPS / HTTP status if (m_Cert.get() == nullptr) { LOGWARNING("WebServer: The server is running in unsecured HTTP mode."); LOGINFO("Put a valid HTTPS certificate in file 'webadmin/httpscert.crt' and its corresponding private key to 'webadmin/httpskey.pem' (without any password) to enable HTTPS support"); } else { LOGINFO("WebServer: The server is running in secure HTTPS mode."); } return true; } bool cHTTPServer::Start(cCallbacks & a_Callbacks, const AStringVector & a_Ports) { m_Callbacks = &a_Callbacks; // Open up requested ports: for (auto port : a_Ports) { UInt16 PortNum; if (!StringToInteger(port, PortNum)) { LOGWARNING("WebServer: Invalid port value: \"%s\". Ignoring.", port.c_str()); continue; } auto Handle = cNetwork::Listen(PortNum, std::make_shared(*this, PortNum)); if (Handle->IsListening()) { m_ServerHandles.push_back(Handle); } } // for port - a_Ports[] // Report success if at least one port opened successfully: return !m_ServerHandles.empty(); } void cHTTPServer::Stop(void) { for (auto handle : m_ServerHandles) { handle->Close(); } m_ServerHandles.clear(); } cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr cHTTPServer::OnIncomingConnection(const AString & a_RemoteIPAddress, UInt16 a_RemotePort) { UNUSED(a_RemoteIPAddress); UNUSED(a_RemotePort); if (m_Cert.get() != nullptr) { return std::make_shared(*this, m_Cert, m_CertPrivKey); } else { return std::make_shared(*this); } } void cHTTPServer::NewRequest(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) { m_Callbacks->OnRequestBegun(a_Connection, a_Request); } void cHTTPServer::RequestBody(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { m_Callbacks->OnRequestBody(a_Connection, a_Request, a_Data, a_Size); } void cHTTPServer::RequestFinished(cHTTPServerConnection & a_Connection, cHTTPRequest & a_Request) { m_Callbacks->OnRequestFinished(a_Connection, a_Request); a_Connection.AwaitNextRequest(); }