// HTTPConnection.cpp // Implements the cHTTPServerConnection class representing a single persistent connection in the HTTP server. #include "Globals.h" #include "HTTPServerConnection.h" #include "HTTPMessage.h" #include "HTTPServer.h" cHTTPServerConnection::cHTTPServerConnection(cHTTPServer & a_HTTPServer) : m_HTTPServer(a_HTTPServer), m_State(wcsRecvHeaders), m_CurrentRequest(nullptr), m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining(0) { // LOGD("HTTP: New connection at %p", this); } cHTTPServerConnection::~cHTTPServerConnection() { // LOGD("HTTP: Connection deleting: %p", this); delete m_CurrentRequest; m_CurrentRequest = nullptr; } void cHTTPServerConnection::SendStatusAndReason(int a_StatusCode, const AString & a_Response) { SendData(Printf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", a_StatusCode, a_Response.c_str())); SendData(Printf("Content-Length: %u\r\n\r\n", static_cast(a_Response.size()))); SendData(a_Response.data(), a_Response.size()); m_State = wcsRecvHeaders; } void cHTTPServerConnection::SendNeedAuth(const AString & a_Realm) { SendData(Printf("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\nWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"%s\"\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", a_Realm.c_str())); m_State = wcsRecvHeaders; } void cHTTPServerConnection::Send(const cHTTPResponse & a_Response) { ASSERT(m_State == wcsRecvIdle); AString toSend; a_Response.AppendToData(toSend); m_State = wcsSendingResp; SendData(toSend); } void cHTTPServerConnection::Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { ASSERT(m_State == wcsSendingResp); // We're sending in Chunked transfer encoding SendData(Printf(SIZE_T_FMT_HEX "\r\n", a_Size)); SendData(a_Data, a_Size); SendData("\r\n"); } void cHTTPServerConnection::FinishResponse(void) { ASSERT(m_State == wcsSendingResp); SendData("0\r\n\r\n"); m_State = wcsRecvHeaders; } void cHTTPServerConnection::AwaitNextRequest(void) { switch (m_State) { case wcsRecvHeaders: { // Nothing has been received yet, or a special response was given (SendStatusAndReason() or SendNeedAuth()) break; } case wcsRecvIdle: { // The client is waiting for a response, send an "Internal server error": SendData("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n\r\n"); m_State = wcsRecvHeaders; break; } case wcsSendingResp: { // The response headers have been sent, we need to terminate the response body: SendData("0\r\n\r\n"); m_State = wcsRecvHeaders; break; } default: { ASSERT(!"Unhandled state recovery"); break; } } } void cHTTPServerConnection::Terminate(void) { if (m_CurrentRequest != nullptr) { m_HTTPServer.RequestFinished(*this, *m_CurrentRequest); } m_Link.reset(); } void cHTTPServerConnection::OnLinkCreated(cTCPLinkPtr a_Link) { ASSERT(m_Link == nullptr); m_Link = a_Link; } void cHTTPServerConnection::OnReceivedData(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { ASSERT(m_Link != nullptr); switch (m_State) { case wcsRecvHeaders: { if (m_CurrentRequest == nullptr) { m_CurrentRequest = new cHTTPRequest; } size_t BytesConsumed = m_CurrentRequest->ParseHeaders(a_Data, a_Size); if (BytesConsumed == AString::npos) { delete m_CurrentRequest; m_CurrentRequest = nullptr; m_State = wcsInvalid; m_Link->Close(); m_Link.reset(); return; } if (m_CurrentRequest->IsInHeaders()) { // The request headers are not yet complete return; } // The request has finished parsing its headers successfully, notify of it: m_State = wcsRecvBody; m_HTTPServer.NewRequest(*this, *m_CurrentRequest); m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining = m_CurrentRequest->GetContentLength(); if (m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining == AString::npos) { // The body length was not specified in the request, assume zero m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining = 0; } // Process the rest of the incoming data into the request body: if (a_Size > BytesConsumed) { cHTTPServerConnection::OnReceivedData(a_Data + BytesConsumed, a_Size - BytesConsumed); return; } else { cHTTPServerConnection::OnReceivedData("", 0); // If the request has zero body length, let it be processed right-away return; } } case wcsRecvBody: { ASSERT(m_CurrentRequest != nullptr); if (m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining > 0) { size_t BytesToConsume = std::min(m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining, static_cast(a_Size)); m_HTTPServer.RequestBody(*this, *m_CurrentRequest, a_Data, BytesToConsume); m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining -= BytesToConsume; } if (m_CurrentRequestBodyRemaining == 0) { m_State = wcsRecvIdle; m_HTTPServer.RequestFinished(*this, *m_CurrentRequest); if (!m_CurrentRequest->DoesAllowKeepAlive()) { m_State = wcsInvalid; m_Link->Close(); m_Link.reset(); return; } delete m_CurrentRequest; m_CurrentRequest = nullptr; } break; } default: { // TODO: Should we be receiving data in this state? break; } } } void cHTTPServerConnection::OnRemoteClosed(void) { if (m_CurrentRequest != nullptr) { m_HTTPServer.RequestFinished(*this, *m_CurrentRequest); } m_Link.reset(); } void cHTTPServerConnection::OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) { OnRemoteClosed(); } void cHTTPServerConnection::SendData(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { m_Link->Send(a_Data, a_Size); }