// IPLookup.h // Declares the cIPLookup class representing an IP-to-hostname lookup in progress. // This is an internal header, no-one outside OSSupport should need to include it; use Network.h instead #pragma once #include "Network.h" /** Holds information about an in-progress IP-to-Hostname lookup. */ class cIPLookup { /** The callbacks to call for resolved names / errors. */ cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr m_Callbacks; /** The IP that was queried (needed for the callbacks). */ AString m_IP; static void Callback(int a_Result, char a_Type, int a_Count, int a_Ttl, void * a_Addresses, void * a_Self); public: cIPLookup(const AString & a_IP, cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks); }; typedef SharedPtr cIPLookupPtr; typedef std::vector cIPLookupPtrs;