// Protocol.h // Interfaces to the cProtocol class representing the generic interface that a protocol // parser and serializer must implement #pragma once #include "../Defines.h" #include "../Endianness.h" #include "../Scoreboard.h" #include "../Map.h" #include "../ByteBuffer.h" #include "../EffectID.h" #include "../ClientAction.h" #include "PolarSSL++/AesCfb128Decryptor.h" #include "PolarSSL++/AesCfb128Encryptor.h" #include class cExpOrb; class cPlayer; class cEntity; class cWindow; class cInventory; class cPawn; class cPickup; class cPainting; class cWorld; class cMonster; class cChunkDataSerializer; class cFallingBlock; class cCompositeChat; class cStatManager; class cPacketizer; typedef unsigned char Byte; // fwd: main.cpp: extern bool g_ShouldLogCommIn, g_ShouldLogCommOut; class cProtocol { public: enum class cProtocolError { Success, BufferFull, PacketError, PacketUnknown, // The packet was unreadble PacketReadError, // One of the values read out of the packet was invalid. // We send a kick packet in response to a process error PacketProcessError, NotCompleted, UnsupportedProtocol, BadCompression }; cProtocol(AString a_LogID) : m_OutPacketBuffer(64 KiB), m_OutPacketLenBuffer(20), // 20 bytes is more than enough for one VarInt m_IsEncrypted(false) { // Create the comm log file, if so requested: if (g_ShouldLogCommIn || g_ShouldLogCommOut) { static int sCounter = 0; cFile::CreateFolder("CommLogs"); AString FileName = Printf("CommLogs/%x_%d__%s.log", static_cast(time(nullptr)), sCounter++, a_LogID.c_str()); m_CommLogFile.Open(FileName, cFile::fmWrite); } } virtual ~cProtocol() {} /** Called when client sends some data, a_Actions is cleared before being filled */ virtual cProtocolError DataReceived(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size, std::vector> & a_Actions) WARN_UNUSED = 0; // Sending stuff to clients (alphabetically sorted): virtual void SendAttachEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity * a_Vehicle) = 0; virtual void SendBlockAction (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Byte1, char a_Byte2, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType) = 0; virtual void SendBlockBreakAnim (UInt32 a_EntityID, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, char a_Stage) = 0; virtual void SendBlockChange (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, BLOCKTYPE a_BlockType, NIBBLETYPE a_BlockMeta) = 0; virtual void SendBlockChanges (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, const sSetBlockVector & a_Changes) = 0; virtual void SendChat (const AString & a_Message, eChatType a_Type) = 0; virtual void SendChat (const cCompositeChat & a_Message, eChatType a_Type, bool a_ShouldUseChatPrefixes) = 0; virtual void SendChunkData (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ, cChunkDataSerializer & a_Serializer) = 0; virtual void SendCollectEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity, const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendDestroyEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendDisconnect (AString & a_ByteBuffer, const AString & a_Reason) = 0; virtual void SendEditSign (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) = 0; ///< Request the client to open up the sign editor for the sign (1.6+) virtual void SendEntityEffect (const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_EffectID, int a_Amplifier, short a_Duration) = 0; virtual void SendEntityEquipment (const cEntity & a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) = 0; virtual void SendEntityHeadLook (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendEntityLook (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendEntityMetadata (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendEntityProperties (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendEntityRelMove (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) = 0; virtual void SendEntityRelMoveLook (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_RelX, char a_RelY, char a_RelZ) = 0; virtual void SendEntityStatus (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Status) = 0; virtual void SendEntityVelocity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendExplosion (double a_BlockX, double a_BlockY, double a_BlockZ, float a_Radius, const cVector3iArray & a_BlocksAffected, const Vector3d & a_PlayerMotion) = 0; virtual void SendGameMode (eGameMode a_GameMode) = 0; virtual void SendHealth (int a_Health, int a_FoodLevel, double a_FoodSaturationLevel) = 0; virtual void SendHideTitle (void) = 0; virtual void SendInventorySlot (char a_WindowID, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) = 0; virtual void SendKeepAlive (UInt32 a_PingID) = 0; virtual void SendLogin (const cPlayer & a_Player, const cWorld & a_World) = 0; virtual void SendLoginSuccess (const AString & a_UUID, const AString & a_Username) = 0; virtual void SendMapData (const cMap & a_Map, int a_DataStartX, int a_DataStartY) = 0; virtual void SendPaintingSpawn (const cPainting & a_Painting) = 0; virtual void SendPickupSpawn (const cPickup & a_Pickup) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerAbilities (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendEntityAnimation (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Animation) = 0; virtual void SendParticleEffect (const AString & a_SoundName, float a_SrcX, float a_SrcY, float a_SrcZ, float a_OffsetX, float a_OffsetY, float a_OffsetZ, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount) = 0; virtual void SendParticleEffect (const AString & a_SoundName, Vector3f a_Src, Vector3f a_Offset, float a_ParticleData, int a_ParticleAmount, std::array a_Data) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerListAddPlayer (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerListRemovePlayer (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerListUpdateGameMode (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerListUpdatePing (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerListUpdateDisplayName(const cPlayer & a_Player, const AString & a_CustomName) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerMaxSpeed (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; ///< Informs the client of the maximum player speed (1.6.1+) virtual void SendPlayerMoveLook (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerPosition (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPlayerSpawn (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendPluginMessage (const AString & a_Channel, const AString & a_Message) = 0; virtual void SendRemoveEntityEffect (const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_EffectID) = 0; virtual void SendResetTitle (void) = 0; virtual void SendRespawn (eGameMode a_GameMode, eDimension a_Dimension, bool a_ShouldIgnoreDimensionChecks) = 0; virtual void SendExperience (const cPlayer & a_Player) = 0; virtual void SendExperienceOrb (const cExpOrb & a_ExpOrb) = 0; virtual void SendScoreboardObjective (const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, Byte a_Mode) = 0; virtual void SendScoreUpdate (const AString & a_Objective, const AString & a_Player, cObjective::Score a_Score, Byte a_Mode) = 0; virtual void SendDisplayObjective (const AString & a_Objective, cScoreboard::eDisplaySlot a_Display) = 0; virtual void SendSetSubTitle (const cCompositeChat & a_SubTitle) = 0; virtual void SendSetRawSubTitle (const AString & a_SubTitle) = 0; virtual void SendSetTitle (const cCompositeChat & a_Title) = 0; virtual void SendSetRawTitle (const AString & a_Title) = 0; virtual void SendSoundEffect (const AString & a_SoundName, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) = 0; virtual void SendSoundParticleEffect (const EffectID a_EffectID, int a_SrcX, int a_SrcY, int a_SrcZ, int a_Data) = 0; virtual void SendSpawnFallingBlock (const cFallingBlock & a_FallingBlock) = 0; virtual void SendSpawnMob (const cMonster & a_Mob) = 0; virtual void SendSpawnObject (const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_ObjectType, int a_ObjectData, Byte a_Yaw, Byte a_Pitch) = 0; virtual void SendSpawnVehicle (const cEntity & a_Vehicle, char a_VehicleType, char a_VehicleSubType) = 0; virtual void SendStatistics (const cStatManager & a_Manager) = 0; virtual void SendTabCompletionResults (const AStringVector & a_Results) = 0; virtual void SendTeleportEntity (const cEntity & a_Entity) = 0; virtual void SendThunderbolt (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) = 0; virtual void SendTitleTimes (int a_FadeInTicks, int a_DisplayTicks, int a_FadeOutTicks) = 0; virtual void SendTimeUpdate (Int64 a_WorldAge, Int64 a_TimeOfDay, bool a_DoDaylightCycle) = 0; virtual void SendUnloadChunk (int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) = 0; virtual void SendUpdateBlockEntity (cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) = 0; virtual void SendUpdateSign (int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4) = 0; virtual void SendUseBed (const cEntity & a_Entity, int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) = 0; virtual void SendWeather (eWeather a_Weather) = 0; virtual void SendWholeInventory (const cPlayer & a_Player, const cWindow & a_Window) = 0; virtual void SendWindowClose (const cWindow & a_Window) = 0; virtual void SendWindowOpen (const cWindow & a_Window) = 0; virtual void SendWindowProperty (const cWindow & a_Window, short a_Property, short a_Value) = 0; /** Returns the ServerID used for authentication through session.minecraft.net */ virtual AString GetAuthServerID(void) = 0; // Handle the initial handshake packets, called by cProtocolRecognizer after recognising the packet virtual cProtocolError HandleHandshake(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer, std::vector> & a_Actions) WARN_UNUSED = 0; protected: friend class cPacketizer; /** Provides synchronization for sending the entire packet at once. Each SendXYZ() function must acquire this CS in order to send the whole packet at once. Automated via cPacketizer class. */ cCriticalSection m_CSPacket; /** Buffer for composing the outgoing packets, through cPacketizer */ cByteBuffer m_OutPacketBuffer; /** Buffer for composing packet length (so that each cPacketizer instance doesn't allocate a new cPacketBuffer) */ cByteBuffer m_OutPacketLenBuffer; bool m_IsEncrypted; cAesCfb128Decryptor m_Decryptor; cAesCfb128Encryptor m_Encryptor; /** A generic data-sending routine, all outgoing packet data needs to be routed through this so that descendants may override it. */ //virtual void SendData(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) = 0; /** Sends a single packet contained within the cPacketizer class. The cPacketizer's destructor calls this to send the contained packet; protocol may transform the data (compression in 1.8 etc). */ virtual void SendPacket(cPacketizer & a_Packet) = 0; /** The logfile where the comm is logged, when g_ShouldLogComm is true */ cFile m_CommLogFile; } ;