// Protocol_1_9.cpp /* Implements the 1.9 protocol classes: - cProtocol_1_9_0 - release 1.9 protocol (#107) - cProtocol_1_9_1 - release 1.9.1 protocol (#108) - cProtocol_1_9_2 - release 1.9.2 protocol (#109) - cProtocol_1_9_4 - release 1.9.4 protocol (#110) */ #include "Globals.h" #include "Protocol_1_9.h" #include "../mbedTLS++/Sha1Checksum.h" #include "Packetizer.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../StringCompression.h" #include "../CompositeChat.h" #include "../JsonUtils.h" #include "../WorldStorage/FastNBT.h" #include "../Entities/ExpOrb.h" #include "../Entities/Minecart.h" #include "../Entities/FallingBlock.h" #include "../Entities/Painting.h" #include "../Entities/Pickup.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" #include "../Entities/ItemFrame.h" #include "../Entities/ArrowEntity.h" #include "../Entities/FireworkEntity.h" #include "../Entities/SplashPotionEntity.h" #include "../Items/ItemSpawnEgg.h" #include "../Mobs/IncludeAllMonsters.h" #include "../UI/HorseWindow.h" #include "../BlockEntities/BeaconEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/CommandBlockEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/MobHeadEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/MobSpawnerEntity.h" #include "../BlockEntities/FlowerPotEntity.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" /** Value for main hand in Hand parameter for Protocol 1.9. */ static const UInt32 MAIN_HAND = 0; static const UInt32 OFF_HAND = 1; #define HANDLE_READ(ByteBuf, Proc, Type, Var) \ Type Var; \ do { \ if (!ByteBuf.Proc(Var))\ {\ return;\ } \ } while (false) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol_1_9_0: cProtocol_1_9_0::cProtocol_1_9_0(cClientHandle * a_Client, const AString & a_ServerAddress, UInt16 a_ServerPort, State a_State) : Super(a_Client, a_ServerAddress, a_ServerPort, a_State), m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed(true), m_OutstandingTeleportId(0) { } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendAttachEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity & a_Vehicle) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktAttachEntity); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Vehicle.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(1); // 1 passenger Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendDetachEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity & a_PreviousVehicle) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktAttachEntity); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_PreviousVehicle.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(0); // No passangers } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendEntityEquipment(const cEntity & a_Entity, short a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktEntityEquipment); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); // Needs to be adjusted due to the insertion of offhand at slot 1 if (a_SlotNum > 0) { a_SlotNum++; } Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(a_SlotNum)); WriteItem(Pkt, a_Item); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendEntityMetadata(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktEntityMeta); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); WriteEntityMetadata(Pkt, a_Entity); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(0xff); // The termination byte } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendEntityPosition(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? const auto Delta = (a_Entity.GetPosition() - a_Entity.GetLastSentPosition()) * 32 * 128; // Limitations of a short static const auto Max = std::numeric_limits::max(); if ((std::abs(Delta.x) <= Max) && (std::abs(Delta.y) <= Max) && (std::abs(Delta.z) <= Max)) { const auto Move = static_cast>(Delta); // Difference within limitations, use a relative move packet if (a_Entity.IsOrientationDirty()) { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktEntityRelMoveLook); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.x); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.y); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.z); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteBool(a_Entity.IsOnGround()); } else { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktEntityRelMove); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.x); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.y); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(Move.z); Pkt.WriteBool(a_Entity.IsOnGround()); } return; } // Too big a movement, do a teleport cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktTeleportEntity); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteBool(a_Entity.IsOnGround()); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendEntityStatus(const cEntity & a_Entity, char a_Status) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktEntityStatus); Pkt.WriteBEUInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEInt8(a_Status); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendExperienceOrb(const cExpOrb & a_ExpOrb) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnExperienceOrb); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_ExpOrb.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_ExpOrb.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_ExpOrb.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_ExpOrb.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_ExpOrb.GetReward())); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendKeepAlive(UInt32 a_PingID) { // Drop the packet if the protocol is not in the Game state yet (caused a client crash): if (m_State != 3) { LOG("Trying to send a KeepAlive packet to a player who's not yet fully logged in (%d). The protocol class prevented the packet.", m_State); return; } cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktKeepAlive); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_PingID); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendLeashEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity, const cEntity & a_EntityLeashedTo) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktLeashEntity); Pkt.WriteBEUInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt32(a_EntityLeashedTo.GetUniqueID()); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendUnleashEntity(const cEntity & a_Entity) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktLeashEntity); Pkt.WriteBEUInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(-1); // Unleash a_Entity } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendPaintingSpawn(const cPainting & a_Painting) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? double PosX = a_Painting.GetPosX(); double PosY = a_Painting.GetPosY(); double PosZ = a_Painting.GetPosZ(); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnPainting); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Painting.GetUniqueID()); // TODO: Bad way to write a UUID, and it's not a true UUID, but this is functional for now. Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(0); Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(a_Painting.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteString(a_Painting.GetName()); Pkt.WriteXYZPosition64(static_cast(PosX), static_cast(PosY), static_cast(PosZ)); Pkt.WriteBEInt8(static_cast(a_Painting.GetProtocolFacing())); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendMapData(const cMap & a_Map, int a_DataStartX, int a_DataStartY) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktMapData); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Map.GetID()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(a_Map.GetScale())); Pkt.WriteBool(true); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(a_Map.GetDecorators().size())); for (const auto & Decorator : a_Map.GetDecorators()) { Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast((static_cast(Decorator.GetType()) << 4) | (Decorator.GetRot() & 0xF))); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(Decorator.GetPixelX())); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(Decorator.GetPixelZ())); } Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(128); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(128); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(a_DataStartX)); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(a_DataStartY)); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(a_Map.GetData().size())); for (auto itr = a_Map.GetData().cbegin(); itr != a_Map.GetData().cend(); ++itr) { Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(*itr); } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendPlayerMaxSpeed(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktPlayerMaxSpeed); cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(Player->GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(1); // Count Pkt.WriteString("generic.movementSpeed"); // The default game speed is 0.1, multiply that value by the relative speed: Pkt.WriteBEDouble(0.1 * Player->GetNormalMaxSpeed()); if (Player->IsSprinting()) { Pkt.WriteVarInt32(1); // Modifier count Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(0x662a6b8dda3e4c1c); Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(0x881396ea6097278d); // UUID of the modifier Pkt.WriteBEDouble(Player->GetSprintingMaxSpeed() - Player->GetNormalMaxSpeed()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(2); } else { Pkt.WriteVarInt32(0); // Modifier count } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendPlayerMoveLook(void) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktPlayerMoveLook); cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(Player->GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(Player->GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(Player->GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(Player->GetYaw())); Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(Player->GetPitch())); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(0); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(++m_OutstandingTeleportId); // This teleport ID hasn't been confirmed yet m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed = false; } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendPlayerSpawn(const cPlayer & a_Player) { // Called to spawn another player for the client cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnOtherPlayer); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteUUID(a_Player.GetUUID()); Vector3d LastSentPos = a_Player.GetLastSentPosition(); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.x); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.y + 0.001); // The "+ 0.001" is there because otherwise the player falls through the block they were standing on. Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.z); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Player.GetPitch()); WriteEntityMetadata(Pkt, a_Player); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(0xff); // Metadata: end } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendSoundEffect(const AString & a_SoundName, double a_X, double a_Y, double a_Z, float a_Volume, float a_Pitch) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSoundEffect); Pkt.WriteString(a_SoundName); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(0); // Master sound category (may want to be changed to a parameter later) Pkt.WriteBEInt32(static_cast(a_X * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(static_cast(a_Y * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(static_cast(a_Z * 8.0)); Pkt.WriteBEFloat(a_Volume); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(a_Pitch * 63)); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendSpawnMob(const cMonster & a_Mob) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnMob); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Mob.GetUniqueID()); // TODO: Bad way to write a UUID, and it's not a true UUID, but this is functional for now. Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(0); Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(a_Mob.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(GetProtocolMobType(a_Mob.GetMobType()))); Vector3d LastSentPos = a_Mob.GetLastSentPosition(); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.x); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.y); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(LastSentPos.z); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetHeadYaw()); // Doesn't seem to be used Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Mob.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Mob.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Mob.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Mob.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); WriteEntityMetadata(Pkt, a_Mob); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(0xff); // Metadata terminator } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendThunderbolt(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnGlobalEntity); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(0); // EntityID = 0, always Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(1); // Type = Thunderbolt Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_BlockX); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_BlockY); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_BlockZ); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendUnloadChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktUnloadChunk); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(a_ChunkX); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(a_ChunkZ); } UInt32 cProtocol_1_9_0::GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType a_Packet) { switch (a_Packet) { case pktAttachEntity: return 0x40; case pktBlockAction: return 0x0a; case pktBlockBreakAnim: return 0x08; case pktBlockChange: return 0x0b; case pktBlockChanges: return 0x10; case pktCameraSetTo: return 0x36; case pktChatRaw: return 0x0f; case pktCollectEntity: return 0x49; case pktDestroyEntity: return 0x30; case pktDifficulty: return 0x0d; case pktDisconnectDuringGame: return 0x1a; case pktDisconnectDuringLogin: return 0x0; case pktDisplayObjective: return 0x38; case pktEditSign: return 0x2a; case pktEncryptionRequest: return 0x01; case pktEntityAnimation: return 0x06; case pktEntityEffect: return 0x4c; case pktEntityEquipment: return 0x3c; case pktEntityHeadLook: return 0x34; case pktEntityLook: return 0x27; case pktEntityMeta: return 0x39; case pktEntityProperties: return 0x4b; case pktEntityRelMove: return 0x25; case pktEntityRelMoveLook: return 0x26; case pktEntityStatus: return 0x1b; case pktEntityVelocity: return 0x3b; case pktExperience: return 0x3d; case pktExplosion: return 0x1c; case pktGameMode: return 0x1e; case pktHeldItemChange: return 0x37; case pktInventorySlot: return 0x16; case pktJoinGame: return 0x23; case pktKeepAlive: return 0x1f; case pktLeashEntity: return 0x3a; case pktLoginSuccess: return 0x02; case pktMapData: return 0x24; case pktParticleEffect: return 0x22; case pktPingResponse: return 0x01; case pktPlayerAbilities: return 0x2b; case pktPlayerList: return 0x2d; case pktPlayerMaxSpeed: return 0x4b; case pktPlayerMoveLook: return 0x2e; case pktPluginMessage: return 0x18; case pktRemoveEntityEffect: return 0x31; case pktResourcePack: return 0x32; case pktRespawn: return 0x33; case pktScoreboardObjective: return 0x3f; case pktSpawnExperienceOrb: return 0x01; case pktSpawnGlobalEntity: return 0x02; case pktSpawnObject: return 0x00; case pktSpawnOtherPlayer: return 0x05; case pktSpawnPainting: return 0x04; case pktSpawnPosition: return 0x43; case pktSoundEffect: return 0x19; case pktSoundParticleEffect: return 0x21; case pktSpawnMob: return 0x03; case pktStartCompression: return 0x03; case pktStatistics: return 0x07; case pktStatusResponse: return 0x00; case pktTabCompletionResults: return 0x0e; case pktTeleportEntity: return 0x4a; case pktTimeUpdate: return 0x44; case pktTitle: return 0x45; case pktUnloadChunk: return 0x1d; case pktUpdateBlockEntity: return 0x09; case pktUpdateHealth: return 0x3e; case pktUpdateScore: return 0x42; case pktUpdateSign: return 0x46; case pktUseBed: return 0x2f; case pktWeather: return 0x1e; case pktWindowClose: return 0x12; case pktWindowItems: return 0x14; case pktWindowOpen: return 0x13; case pktWindowProperty: return 0x15; // Unsupported packets case pktUnlockRecipe: { break; } } UNREACHABLE("Unsupported outgoing packet type"); } cProtocol::Version cProtocol_1_9_0::GetProtocolVersion() { return Version::v1_9_0; } bool cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacket(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer, UInt32 a_PacketType) { switch (m_State) { case State::Status: { switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandlePacketStatusRequest(a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketStatusPing (a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } case State::Login: { switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandlePacketLoginStart (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketLoginEncryptionResponse(a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } case State::Game: { switch (a_PacketType) { case 0x00: HandleConfirmTeleport (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x01: HandlePacketTabComplete (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x02: HandlePacketChatMessage (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x03: HandlePacketClientStatus (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x04: HandlePacketClientSettings (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x05: break; // Confirm transaction - not used in MCS case 0x06: HandlePacketEnchantItem (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x07: HandlePacketWindowClick (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x08: HandlePacketWindowClose (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x09: HandlePacketPluginMessage (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0a: HandlePacketUseEntity (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0b: HandlePacketKeepAlive (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0c: HandlePacketPlayerPos (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0d: HandlePacketPlayerPosLook (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0e: HandlePacketPlayerLook (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x0f: HandlePacketPlayer (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x10: HandlePacketVehicleMove (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x11: HandlePacketBoatSteer (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x12: HandlePacketPlayerAbilities (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x13: HandlePacketBlockDig (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x14: HandlePacketEntityAction (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x15: HandlePacketSteerVehicle (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x16: HandlePacketResourcePackStatus (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x17: HandlePacketSlotSelect (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x18: HandlePacketCreativeInventoryAction(a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x19: HandlePacketUpdateSign (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x1a: HandlePacketAnimation (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x1b: HandlePacketSpectate (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x1c: HandlePacketBlockPlace (a_ByteBuffer); return true; case 0x1d: HandlePacketUseItem (a_ByteBuffer); return true; } break; } default: { // Received a packet in an unknown state, report: LOGWARNING("Received a packet in an unknown protocol state %d. Ignoring further packets.", m_State); // Cannot kick the client - we don't know this state and thus the packet number for the kick packet // Switch to a state when all further packets are silently ignored: m_State = State::Invalid; return false; } case State::Invalid: { // This is the state used for "not processing packets anymore" when we receive a bad packet from a client. // Do not output anything (the caller will do that for us), just return failure return false; } } // switch (m_State) // Unknown packet type, report to the ClientHandle: m_Client->PacketUnknown(a_PacketType); return false; } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketAnimation(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, Int32, Hand); m_Client->HandleAnimation(0); // Packet exists solely for arm-swing notification } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketBlockDig(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, Status); int BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadXYZPosition64(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ)) { return; } HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, Int32, Face); m_Client->HandleLeftClick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, FaceIntToBlockFace(Face), Status); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketBlockPlace(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { int BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadXYZPosition64(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ)) { return; } HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, Int32, Face); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, Int32, Hand); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, CursorX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, CursorY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, CursorZ); m_Client->HandleRightClick(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, FaceIntToBlockFace(Face), CursorX, CursorY, CursorZ, HandIntToEnum(Hand)); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketBoatSteer(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, RightPaddle); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, LeftPaddle); // Get the players vehicle cPlayer * Player = m_Client->GetPlayer(); cEntity * Vehicle = Player->GetAttached(); if (Vehicle) { if (Vehicle->GetEntityType() == cEntity::etBoat) { auto * Boat = static_cast(Vehicle); Boat->UpdatePaddles(RightPaddle, LeftPaddle); } } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketClientSettings(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Locale); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, ViewDistance); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, ChatFlags); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, ChatColors); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, SkinParts); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, MainHand); m_Client->SetLocale(Locale); m_Client->SetViewDistance(ViewDistance); m_Client->GetPlayer()->SetSkinParts(SkinParts); m_Client->GetPlayer()->SetMainHand(static_cast(MainHand)); // TODO: Handle chat flags and chat colors } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandleConfirmTeleport(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt32, UInt32, TeleportID); // Can we stop throwing away incoming player position packets? if (TeleportID == m_OutstandingTeleportId) { m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed = true; } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketEntityAction(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, PlayerID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, Action); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, JumpBoost); switch (Action) { case 0: m_Client->HandleEntityCrouch(PlayerID, true); break; // Crouch case 1: m_Client->HandleEntityCrouch(PlayerID, false); break; // Uncrouch case 2: m_Client->HandleEntityLeaveBed(PlayerID); break; // Leave Bed case 3: m_Client->HandleEntitySprinting(PlayerID, true); break; // Start sprinting case 4: m_Client->HandleEntitySprinting(PlayerID, false); break; // Stop sprinting case 7: m_Client->HandleOpenHorseInventory(PlayerID); break; // Open horse inventory } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketPlayerPos(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); if (m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed) { m_Client->HandlePlayerPos(PosX, PosY, PosZ, PosY + (m_Client->GetPlayer()->IsCrouched() ? 1.54 : 1.62), IsOnGround); } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketPlayerPosLook(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, PosZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Yaw); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Pitch); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, IsOnGround); if (m_IsTeleportIdConfirmed) { m_Client->HandlePlayerMoveLook(PosX, PosY, PosZ, PosY + 1.62, Yaw, Pitch, IsOnGround); } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketSteerVehicle(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Sideways); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, Forward); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, Flags); if ((Flags & 0x2) != 0) { m_Client->HandleUnmount(); } else if ((Flags & 0x1) != 0) { // TODO: Handle vehicle jump (for animals) } else { m_Client->HandleSteerVehicle(Forward, Sideways); } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketTabComplete(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Text); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, AssumeCommand); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBool, bool, HasPosition); if (HasPosition) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt64, Int64, Position); } m_Client->HandleTabCompletion(Text); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketUpdateSign(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { int BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ; if (!a_ByteBuffer.ReadXYZPosition64(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ)) { return; } AString Lines[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarUTF8String, AString, Line); Lines[i] = Line; } m_Client->HandleUpdateSign(BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, Lines[0], Lines[1], Lines[2], Lines[3]); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketUseEntity(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, EntityID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, Type); switch (Type) { case 0: { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, Hand); if (Hand == MAIN_HAND) // TODO: implement handling of off-hand actions; ignore them for now to avoid processing actions twice { m_Client->HandleUseEntity(EntityID, false); } break; } case 1: { m_Client->HandleUseEntity(EntityID, true); break; } case 2: { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, TargetX); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, TargetY); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, TargetZ); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, UInt32, Hand); // TODO: Do anything break; } default: { ASSERT(!"Unhandled use entity type!"); return; } } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketUseItem(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt, Int32, Hand); m_Client->HandleUseItem(HandIntToEnum(Hand)); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketVehicleMove(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { // This handles updating the vehicles location server side HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, xPos); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, yPos); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEDouble, double, zPos); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, yaw); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEFloat, float, pitch); // Get the players vehicle cEntity * Vehicle = m_Client->GetPlayer()->GetAttached(); if (Vehicle) { Vehicle->SetPosX(xPos); Vehicle->SetPosY(yPos); Vehicle->SetPosZ(zPos); Vehicle->SetYaw(yaw); Vehicle->SetPitch(pitch); } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::HandlePacketWindowClick(cByteBuffer & a_ByteBuffer) { HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, WindowID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEInt16, Int16, SlotNum); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt8, UInt8, Button); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadBEUInt16, UInt16, TransactionID); HANDLE_READ(a_ByteBuffer, ReadVarInt32, UInt32, Mode); cItem Item; ReadItem(a_ByteBuffer, Item); /** The slot number that the client uses to indicate "outside the window". */ static const Int16 SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE = -999; // Convert Button, Mode, SlotNum and HeldItem into eClickAction: eClickAction Action; switch ((Mode << 8) | Button) { case 0x0000: Action = (SlotNum != SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caLeftClick : caLeftClickOutside; break; case 0x0001: Action = (SlotNum != SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caRightClick : caRightClickOutside; break; case 0x0100: Action = caShiftLeftClick; break; case 0x0101: Action = caShiftRightClick; break; case 0x0200: Action = caNumber1; break; case 0x0201: Action = caNumber2; break; case 0x0202: Action = caNumber3; break; case 0x0203: Action = caNumber4; break; case 0x0204: Action = caNumber5; break; case 0x0205: Action = caNumber6; break; case 0x0206: Action = caNumber7; break; case 0x0207: Action = caNumber8; break; case 0x0208: Action = caNumber9; break; case 0x0302: Action = caMiddleClick; break; case 0x0400: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caLeftClickOutsideHoldNothing : caDropKey; break; case 0x0401: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caRightClickOutsideHoldNothing : caCtrlDropKey; break; case 0x0500: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caLeftPaintBegin : caUnknown; break; case 0x0501: Action = (SlotNum != SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caLeftPaintProgress : caUnknown; break; case 0x0502: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caLeftPaintEnd : caUnknown; break; case 0x0504: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caRightPaintBegin : caUnknown; break; case 0x0505: Action = (SlotNum != SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caRightPaintProgress : caUnknown; break; case 0x0506: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caRightPaintEnd : caUnknown; break; case 0x0508: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caMiddlePaintBegin : caUnknown; break; case 0x0509: Action = (SlotNum != SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caMiddlePaintProgress : caUnknown; break; case 0x050a: Action = (SlotNum == SLOT_NUM_OUTSIDE) ? caMiddlePaintEnd : caUnknown; break; case 0x0600: Action = caDblClick; break; default: { LOGWARNING("Unhandled window click mode / button combination: %d (0x%x)", (Mode << 8) | Button, (Mode << 8) | Button); Action = caUnknown; break; } } m_Client->HandleWindowClick(WindowID, SlotNum, Action, Item); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::ParseItemMetadata(cItem & a_Item, const AString & a_Metadata) { // Parse into NBT: cParsedNBT NBT(a_Metadata.data(), a_Metadata.size()); if (!NBT.IsValid()) { AString HexDump; CreateHexDump(HexDump, a_Metadata.data(), std::max(a_Metadata.size(), 1024), 16); LOGWARNING("Cannot parse NBT item metadata: %s at (%zu / %zu bytes)\n%s", NBT.GetErrorCode().message().c_str(), NBT.GetErrorPos(), a_Metadata.size(), HexDump.c_str() ); return; } // Load enchantments and custom display names from the NBT data: for (int tag = NBT.GetFirstChild(NBT.GetRoot()); tag >= 0; tag = NBT.GetNextSibling(tag)) { AString TagName = NBT.GetName(tag); switch (NBT.GetType(tag)) { case TAG_List: { if ((TagName == "ench") || (TagName == "StoredEnchantments")) // Enchantments tags { EnchantmentSerializer::ParseFromNBT(a_Item.m_Enchantments, NBT, tag); } break; } case TAG_Compound: { if (TagName == "display") // Custom name and lore tag { for (int displaytag = NBT.GetFirstChild(tag); displaytag >= 0; displaytag = NBT.GetNextSibling(displaytag)) { if ((NBT.GetType(displaytag) == TAG_String) && (NBT.GetName(displaytag) == "Name")) // Custon name tag { a_Item.m_CustomName = NBT.GetString(displaytag); } else if ((NBT.GetType(displaytag) == TAG_List) && (NBT.GetName(displaytag) == "Lore")) // Lore tag { a_Item.m_LoreTable.clear(); for (int loretag = NBT.GetFirstChild(displaytag); loretag >= 0; loretag = NBT.GetNextSibling(loretag)) // Loop through array of strings { a_Item.m_LoreTable.push_back(NBT.GetString(loretag)); } } else if ((NBT.GetType(displaytag) == TAG_Int) && (NBT.GetName(displaytag) == "color")) { a_Item.m_ItemColor.m_Color = static_cast(NBT.GetInt(displaytag)); } } } else if ((TagName == "Fireworks") || (TagName == "Explosion")) { cFireworkItem::ParseFromNBT(a_Item.m_FireworkItem, NBT, tag, static_cast(a_Item.m_ItemType)); } else if (TagName == "EntityTag") { for (int entitytag = NBT.GetFirstChild(tag); entitytag >= 0; entitytag = NBT.GetNextSibling(entitytag)) { if ((NBT.GetType(entitytag) == TAG_String) && (NBT.GetName(entitytag) == "id")) { AString NBTName = NBT.GetString(entitytag); ReplaceString(NBTName, "minecraft:", ""); eMonsterType MonsterType = cMonster::StringToMobType(NBTName); a_Item.m_ItemDamage = static_cast(GetProtocolMobType(MonsterType)); } } } break; } case TAG_Int: { if (TagName == "RepairCost") { a_Item.m_RepairCost = NBT.GetInt(tag); } break; } case TAG_String: { if (TagName == "Potion") { AString PotionEffect = NBT.GetString(tag); if (PotionEffect.find("minecraft:") == AString::npos) { LOGD("Unknown or missing domain on potion effect name %s!", PotionEffect.c_str()); continue; } if (PotionEffect.find("empty") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 0; } else if (PotionEffect.find("mundane") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 64; } else if (PotionEffect.find("thick") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 32; } else if (PotionEffect.find("awkward") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 16; } else if (PotionEffect.find("regeneration") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 1; } else if (PotionEffect.find("swiftness") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 2; } else if (PotionEffect.find("fire_resistance") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 3; } else if (PotionEffect.find("poison") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 4; } else if (PotionEffect.find("healing") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 5; } else if (PotionEffect.find("night_vision") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 6; } else if (PotionEffect.find("weakness") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 8; } else if (PotionEffect.find("strength") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 9; } else if (PotionEffect.find("slowness") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 10; } else if (PotionEffect.find("leaping") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 11; } else if (PotionEffect.find("harming") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 12; } else if (PotionEffect.find("water_breathing") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 13; } else if (PotionEffect.find("invisibility") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 14; } else if (PotionEffect.find("water") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage = 0; // Water bottles shouldn't have other bits set on them; exit early. continue; } else { // Note: luck potions are not handled and will reach this location LOGD("Unknown potion type for effect name %s!", PotionEffect.c_str()); continue; } if (PotionEffect.find("strong") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage |= 0x20; } if (PotionEffect.find("long") != AString::npos) { a_Item.m_ItemDamage |= 0x40; } // Ugly special case with the changed splash potion ID in 1.9 if ((a_Item.m_ItemType == 438) || (a_Item.m_ItemType == 441)) { // Splash or lingering potions - change the ID to the normal one and mark as splash potions a_Item.m_ItemType = E_ITEM_POTION; a_Item.m_ItemDamage |= 0x4000; // Is splash potion } else { a_Item.m_ItemDamage |= 0x2000; // Is drinkable } } break; } default: LOGD("Unimplemented NBT data when parsing!"); break; } } } eHand cProtocol_1_9_0::HandIntToEnum(Int32 a_Hand) { // Convert hand parameter into eHand enum switch (a_Hand) { case MAIN_HAND: return eHand::hMain; case OFF_HAND: return eHand::hOff; default: { ASSERT(!"Unknown hand value"); return eHand::hMain; } } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::SendEntitySpawn(const cEntity & a_Entity, const UInt8 a_ObjectType, const Int32 a_ObjectData) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnObject); Pkt.WriteVarInt32(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); // TODO: Bad way to write a UUID, and it's not a true UUID, but this is functional for now. Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(0); Pkt.WriteBEUInt64(a_Entity.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(a_ObjectType); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosX()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosY()); Pkt.WriteBEDouble(a_Entity.GetPosZ()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetPitch()); Pkt.WriteByteAngle(a_Entity.GetYaw()); Pkt.WriteBEInt32(a_ObjectData); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Entity.GetSpeedX() * 400)); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Entity.GetSpeedY() * 400)); Pkt.WriteBEInt16(static_cast(a_Entity.GetSpeedZ() * 400)); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::WriteItem(cPacketizer & a_Pkt, const cItem & a_Item) { short ItemType = a_Item.m_ItemType; ASSERT(ItemType >= -1); // Check validity of packets in debug runtime if (ItemType <= 0) { // Fix, to make sure no invalid values are sent. ItemType = -1; } if (a_Item.IsEmpty()) { a_Pkt.WriteBEInt16(-1); return; } if ((ItemType == E_ITEM_POTION) && ((a_Item.m_ItemDamage & 0x4000) != 0)) { // Ugly special case for splash potion ids which changed in 1.9; this can be removed when the new 1.9 ids are implemented a_Pkt.WriteBEInt16(438); // minecraft:splash_potion } else { // Normal item a_Pkt.WriteBEInt16(ItemType); } a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(a_Item.m_ItemCount); if ((ItemType == E_ITEM_POTION) || (ItemType == E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG)) { // These items lost their metadata; if it is sent they don't render correctly. a_Pkt.WriteBEInt16(0); } else { a_Pkt.WriteBEInt16(a_Item.m_ItemDamage); } if (a_Item.m_Enchantments.IsEmpty() && a_Item.IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty() && (ItemType != E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET) && (ItemType != E_ITEM_FIREWORK_STAR) && !a_Item.m_ItemColor.IsValid() && (ItemType != E_ITEM_POTION) && (ItemType != E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG)) { a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(0); return; } // Send the enchantments and custom names: cFastNBTWriter Writer; if (a_Item.m_RepairCost != 0) { Writer.AddInt("RepairCost", a_Item.m_RepairCost); } if (!a_Item.m_Enchantments.IsEmpty()) { const char * TagName = (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_BOOK) ? "StoredEnchantments" : "ench"; EnchantmentSerializer::WriteToNBTCompound(a_Item.m_Enchantments, Writer, TagName); } if (!a_Item.IsBothNameAndLoreEmpty() || a_Item.m_ItemColor.IsValid()) { Writer.BeginCompound("display"); if (a_Item.m_ItemColor.IsValid()) { Writer.AddInt("color", static_cast(a_Item.m_ItemColor.m_Color)); } if (!a_Item.IsCustomNameEmpty()) { Writer.AddString("Name", a_Item.m_CustomName); } if (!a_Item.IsLoreEmpty()) { Writer.BeginList("Lore", TAG_String); for (const auto & Line : a_Item.m_LoreTable) { Writer.AddString("", Line); } Writer.EndList(); } Writer.EndCompound(); } if ((a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FIREWORK_ROCKET) || (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_FIREWORK_STAR)) { cFireworkItem::WriteToNBTCompound(a_Item.m_FireworkItem, Writer, static_cast(a_Item.m_ItemType)); } if (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_POTION) { // 1.9 potions use a different format. In the future (when only 1.9+ is supported) this should be its own class AString PotionID = "empty"; // Fallback of "Uncraftable potion" for unhandled cases cEntityEffect::eType Type = cEntityEffect::GetPotionEffectType(a_Item.m_ItemDamage); if (Type != cEntityEffect::effNoEffect) { switch (Type) { case cEntityEffect::effRegeneration: PotionID = "regeneration"; break; case cEntityEffect::effSpeed: PotionID = "swiftness"; break; case cEntityEffect::effFireResistance: PotionID = "fire_resistance"; break; case cEntityEffect::effPoison: PotionID = "poison"; break; case cEntityEffect::effInstantHealth: PotionID = "healing"; break; case cEntityEffect::effNightVision: PotionID = "night_vision"; break; case cEntityEffect::effWeakness: PotionID = "weakness"; break; case cEntityEffect::effStrength: PotionID = "strength"; break; case cEntityEffect::effSlowness: PotionID = "slowness"; break; case cEntityEffect::effJumpBoost: PotionID = "leaping"; break; case cEntityEffect::effInstantDamage: PotionID = "harming"; break; case cEntityEffect::effWaterBreathing: PotionID = "water_breathing"; break; case cEntityEffect::effInvisibility: PotionID = "invisibility"; break; default: ASSERT(!"Unknown potion effect"); break; } if (cEntityEffect::GetPotionEffectIntensity(a_Item.m_ItemDamage) == 1) { PotionID = "strong_" + PotionID; } else if (a_Item.m_ItemDamage & 0x40) { // Extended potion bit PotionID = "long_" + PotionID; } } else { // Empty potions: Water bottles and other base ones if (a_Item.m_ItemDamage == 0) { // No other bits set; thus it's a water bottle PotionID = "water"; } else { switch (a_Item.m_ItemDamage & 0x3f) { case 0x00: PotionID = "mundane"; break; case 0x10: PotionID = "awkward"; break; case 0x20: PotionID = "thick"; break; } // Default cases will use "empty" from before. } } PotionID = "minecraft:" + PotionID; Writer.AddString("Potion", PotionID); } if (a_Item.m_ItemType == E_ITEM_SPAWN_EGG) { // Convert entity ID to the name. eMonsterType MonsterType = cItemSpawnEggHandler::ItemDamageToMonsterType(a_Item.m_ItemDamage); if (MonsterType != eMonsterType::mtInvalidType) { Writer.BeginCompound("EntityTag"); Writer.AddString("id", "minecraft:" + cMonster::MobTypeToVanillaNBT(MonsterType)); Writer.EndCompound(); } } Writer.Finish(); AString Result = Writer.GetResult(); if (Result.size() == 0) { a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(0); return; } a_Pkt.WriteBuf(Result.data(), Result.size()); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::WriteBlockEntity(cPacketizer & a_Pkt, const cBlockEntity & a_BlockEntity) { cFastNBTWriter Writer; switch (a_BlockEntity.GetBlockType()) { case E_BLOCK_BEACON: { auto & BeaconEntity = static_cast(a_BlockEntity); Writer.AddInt("x", BeaconEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", BeaconEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", BeaconEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddInt("Primary", BeaconEntity.GetPrimaryEffect()); Writer.AddInt("Secondary", BeaconEntity.GetSecondaryEffect()); Writer.AddInt("Levels", BeaconEntity.GetBeaconLevel()); Writer.AddString("id", "Beacon"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though break; } case E_BLOCK_COMMAND_BLOCK: { auto & CommandBlockEntity = static_cast(a_BlockEntity); Writer.AddByte("TrackOutput", 1); // Neither I nor the MC wiki has any idea about this Writer.AddInt("SuccessCount", CommandBlockEntity.GetResult()); Writer.AddInt("x", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", CommandBlockEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddString("Command", CommandBlockEntity.GetCommand()); // You can set custom names for windows in Vanilla // For a command block, this would be the 'name' prepended to anything it outputs into global chat // MCS doesn't have this, so just leave it @ '@'. (geddit?) Writer.AddString("CustomName", "@"); Writer.AddString("id", "Control"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though if (!CommandBlockEntity.GetLastOutput().empty()) { Writer.AddString("LastOutput", Printf("{\"text\":\"%s\"}", CommandBlockEntity.GetLastOutput().c_str())); } break; } case E_BLOCK_HEAD: { auto & MobHeadEntity = static_cast(a_BlockEntity); Writer.AddInt("x", MobHeadEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", MobHeadEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", MobHeadEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddByte("SkullType", MobHeadEntity.GetType() & 0xFF); Writer.AddByte("Rot", MobHeadEntity.GetRotation() & 0xFF); Writer.AddString("id", "Skull"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though // The new Block Entity format for a Mob Head. See: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Head#Block_entity Writer.BeginCompound("Owner"); Writer.AddString("Id", MobHeadEntity.GetOwnerUUID().ToShortString()); Writer.AddString("Name", MobHeadEntity.GetOwnerName()); Writer.BeginCompound("Properties"); Writer.BeginList("textures", TAG_Compound); Writer.BeginCompound(""); Writer.AddString("Signature", MobHeadEntity.GetOwnerTextureSignature()); Writer.AddString("Value", MobHeadEntity.GetOwnerTexture()); Writer.EndCompound(); Writer.EndList(); Writer.EndCompound(); Writer.EndCompound(); break; } case E_BLOCK_FLOWER_POT: { auto & FlowerPotEntity = static_cast(a_BlockEntity); Writer.AddInt("x", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", FlowerPotEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.AddInt("Item", static_cast(FlowerPotEntity.GetItem().m_ItemType)); Writer.AddInt("Data", static_cast(FlowerPotEntity.GetItem().m_ItemDamage)); Writer.AddString("id", "FlowerPot"); // "Tile Entity ID" - MC wiki; vanilla server always seems to send this though break; } case E_BLOCK_MOB_SPAWNER: { auto & MobSpawnerEntity = static_cast(a_BlockEntity); Writer.AddInt("x", MobSpawnerEntity.GetPosX()); Writer.AddInt("y", MobSpawnerEntity.GetPosY()); Writer.AddInt("z", MobSpawnerEntity.GetPosZ()); Writer.BeginCompound("SpawnData"); Writer.AddString("id", cMonster::MobTypeToVanillaName(MobSpawnerEntity.GetEntity())); Writer.EndCompound(); Writer.AddShort("Delay", MobSpawnerEntity.GetSpawnDelay()); Writer.AddString("id", "MobSpawner"); break; } default: { break; } } Writer.Finish(); a_Pkt.WriteBuf(Writer.GetResult().data(), Writer.GetResult().size()); } void cProtocol_1_9_0::WriteEntityMetadata(cPacketizer & a_Pkt, const cEntity & a_Entity) { // Common metadata: Int8 Flags = 0; if (a_Entity.IsOnFire()) { Flags |= 0x01; } if (a_Entity.IsCrouched()) { Flags |= 0x02; } if (a_Entity.IsSprinting()) { Flags |= 0x08; } if (a_Entity.IsRclking()) { Flags |= 0x10; } if (a_Entity.IsInvisible()) { Flags |= 0x20; } a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(0); // Index 0 a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); // Type a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(Flags); switch (a_Entity.GetEntityType()) { case cEntity::etPlayer: { auto & Player = static_cast(a_Entity); // TODO Set player custom name to their name. // Then it's possible to move the custom name of mobs to the entities // and to remove the "special" player custom name. a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(2); // Index 2: Custom name a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_STRING); a_Pkt.WriteString(Player.GetName()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(6); // Index 6: Health a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_FLOAT); a_Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(Player.GetHealth())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(Player.GetSkinParts())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(13); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(Player.GetMainHand())); break; } case cEntity::etPickup: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Item a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_ITEM); WriteItem(a_Pkt, static_cast(a_Entity).GetItem()); break; } case cEntity::etMinecart: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Shaking power a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); // The following expression makes Minecarts shake more with less health or higher damage taken auto & Minecart = static_cast(a_Entity); auto maxHealth = a_Entity.GetMaxHealth(); auto curHealth = a_Entity.GetHealth(); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast((maxHealth - curHealth) * Minecart.LastDamage() * 4)); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(6); // Index 6: Shaking direction (doesn't seem to effect anything) a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(1); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(7); // Index 7: Shake multiplier / damage taken a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_FLOAT); a_Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(Minecart.LastDamage() + 10)); if (Minecart.GetPayload() == cMinecart::mpNone) { auto & RideableMinecart = static_cast(Minecart); const cItem & MinecartContent = RideableMinecart.GetContent(); if (!MinecartContent.IsEmpty()) { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(8); // Index 8: Block ID and damage a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); int Content = MinecartContent.m_ItemType; Content |= MinecartContent.m_ItemDamage << 8; a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Content)); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(9); // Index 9: Block ID and damage a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(RideableMinecart.GetBlockHeight())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(10); // Index 10: Show block a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(true); } } else if (Minecart.GetPayload() == cMinecart::mpFurnace) { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is powered a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(static_cast(Minecart).IsFueled()); } break; } // case etMinecart case cEntity::etProjectile: { auto & Projectile = static_cast(a_Entity); switch (Projectile.GetProjectileKind()) { case cProjectileEntity::pkArrow: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Is critical a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(static_cast(Projectile).IsCritical() ? 1 : 0); break; } case cProjectileEntity::pkFirework: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Firework item used for this firework a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_ITEM); WriteItem(a_Pkt, static_cast(Projectile).GetItem()); break; } case cProjectileEntity::pkSplashPotion: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Potion item which was thrown a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_ITEM); WriteItem(a_Pkt, static_cast(Projectile).GetItem()); } default: { break; } } break; } // case etProjectile case cEntity::etMonster: { WriteMobMetadata(a_Pkt, static_cast(a_Entity)); break; } case cEntity::etBoat: { auto & Boat = static_cast(a_Entity); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(5); // Index 6: Time since last hit a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Boat.GetLastDamage())); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(6); // Index 7: Forward direction a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Boat.GetForwardDirection())); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(7); // Index 8: Damage taken a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_FLOAT); a_Pkt.WriteBEFloat(Boat.GetDamageTaken()); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(8); // Index 9: Type a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Boat.GetMaterial())); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(9); // Index 10: Right paddle turning a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Boat.IsRightPaddleUsed()); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(10); // Index 11: Left paddle turning a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Boat.IsLeftPaddleUsed()); break; } // case etBoat case cEntity::etItemFrame: { auto & Frame = static_cast(a_Entity); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(5); // Index 5: Item a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_ITEM); WriteItem(a_Pkt, Frame.GetItem()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(6); // Index 6: Rotation a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(Frame.GetItemRotation()); break; } // case etItemFrame default: { break; } } } void cProtocol_1_9_0::WriteMobMetadata(cPacketizer & a_Pkt, const cMonster & a_Mob) { // Living Enitiy Metadata if (a_Mob.HasCustomName()) { // TODO: As of 1.9 _all_ entities can have custom names; should this be moved up? a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(2); // Index 2: Custom name a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_STRING); a_Pkt.WriteString(a_Mob.GetCustomName()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(3); // Index 3: Custom name always visible a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(a_Mob.IsCustomNameAlwaysVisible()); } a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(6); // Index 6: Health a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_FLOAT); a_Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(a_Mob.GetHealth())); switch (a_Mob.GetMobType()) { case mtBat: { auto & Bat = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Bat flags - currently only hanging a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(Bat.IsHanging() ? 1 : 0); break; } // case mtBat case mtChicken: { auto & Chicken = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Chicken.IsBaby()); break; } // case mtChicken case mtCow: { auto & Cow = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Cow.IsBaby()); break; } // case mtCow case mtCreeper: { auto & Creeper = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: State (idle or "blowing") a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(Creeper.IsBlowing() ? 1 : 0xffffffff); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Is charged a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Creeper.IsCharged()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(13); // Index 13: Is ignited a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Creeper.IsBurnedWithFlintAndSteel()); break; } // case mtCreeper case mtEnderman: { auto & Enderman = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Carried block a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BLOCKID); UInt32 Carried = 0; Carried |= static_cast(Enderman.GetCarriedBlock() << 4); Carried |= Enderman.GetCarriedMeta(); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(Carried); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Is screaming a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Enderman.IsScreaming()); break; } // case mtEnderman case mtGhast: { auto & Ghast = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Is attacking a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Ghast.IsCharging()); break; } // case mtGhast case mtHorse: { auto & Horse = static_cast(a_Mob); Int8 Flags = 0; if (Horse.IsTame()) { Flags |= 0x02; } if (Horse.IsSaddled()) { Flags |= 0x04; } if (Horse.IsChested()) { Flags |= 0x08; } if (Horse.IsEating()) { Flags |= 0x20; } if (Horse.IsRearing()) { Flags |= 0x40; } if (Horse.IsMthOpen()) { Flags |= 0x80; } a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: flags a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(Flags); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(13); // Index 13: Variant / type a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Horse.GetHorseType())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(14); // Index 14: Color / style a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); int Appearance = 0; Appearance = Horse.GetHorseColor(); Appearance |= Horse.GetHorseStyle() << 8; a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Appearance)); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(16); // Index 16: Armor a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Horse.GetHorseArmour())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Horse.IsBaby()); break; } // case mtHorse case mtMagmaCube: { auto & MagmaCube = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Size a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(MagmaCube.GetSize())); break; } // case mtMagmaCube case mtOcelot: { auto & Ocelot = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Ocelot.IsBaby()); break; } // case mtOcelot case mtPig: { auto & Pig = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Pig.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Is saddled a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Pig.IsSaddled()); break; } // case mtPig case mtRabbit: { auto & Rabbit = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Rabbit.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Type a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Rabbit.GetRabbitType())); break; } // case mtRabbit case mtSheep: { auto & Sheep = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Sheep.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: sheared, color a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); Int8 SheepMetadata = 0; SheepMetadata = static_cast(Sheep.GetFurColor()); if (Sheep.IsSheared()) { SheepMetadata |= 0x10; } a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(SheepMetadata); break; } // case mtSheep case mtSlime: { auto & Slime = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Size a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Slime.GetSize())); break; } // case mtSlime case mtVillager: { auto & Villager = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Villager.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Type a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Villager.GetVilType())); break; } // case mtVillager case mtWitch: { auto & Witch = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is angry a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Witch.IsAngry()); break; } // case mtWitch case mtWither: { auto & Wither = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(14); // Index 14: Invulnerable ticks a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(Wither.GetWitherInvulnerableTicks()); // TODO: Use boss bar packet for health break; } // case mtWither case mtWitherSkeleton: { a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Type a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(1); // Is wither skeleton break; } // case mtWitherSkeleton case mtWolf: { auto & Wolf = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Wolf.IsBaby()); Int8 WolfStatus = 0; if (Wolf.IsSitting()) { WolfStatus |= 0x1; } if (Wolf.IsAngry()) { WolfStatus |= 0x2; } if (Wolf.IsTame()) { WolfStatus |= 0x4; } a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: status a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BYTE); a_Pkt.WriteBEInt8(WolfStatus); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(14); // Index 14: Health a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_FLOAT); a_Pkt.WriteBEFloat(static_cast(a_Mob.GetHealth())); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(15); // Index 15: Is begging a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Wolf.IsBegging()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(16); // Index 16: Collar color a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(static_cast(Wolf.GetCollarColor())); break; } // case mtWolf case mtZombie: { auto & Zombie = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(Zombie.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Is a villager a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(0); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(13); // Index 13: Is converting a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(false); break; } // case mtZombie case mtZombiePigman: { auto & ZombiePigman = static_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(ZombiePigman.IsBaby()); break; } // case mtZombiePigman case mtZombieVillager: { auto & ZombieVillager = reinterpret_cast(a_Mob); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(11); // Index 11: Is baby a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(ZombieVillager.IsBaby()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(12); // Index 12: Is a villager a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_VARINT); a_Pkt.WriteVarInt32(ZombieVillager.GetProfession()); a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(13); // Index 13: Is converting a_Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(METADATA_TYPE_BOOL); a_Pkt.WriteBool(ZombieVillager.ConversionTime() != -1); break; } // case mtZombieVillager default: break; } // switch (a_Mob.GetType()) } void cProtocol_1_9_0::WriteEntityProperties(cPacketizer & a_Pkt, const cEntity & a_Entity) { if (!a_Entity.IsMob()) { // No properties for anything else than mobs a_Pkt.WriteBEInt32(0); return; } // const cMonster & Mob = (const cMonster &)a_Entity; // TODO: Send properties and modifiers based on the mob type a_Pkt.WriteBEInt32(0); // NumProperties } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol_1_9_1: void cProtocol_1_9_1::SendLogin(const cPlayer & a_Player, const cWorld & a_World) { // Send the Join Game packet: { cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktJoinGame); Pkt.WriteBEUInt32(a_Player.GetUniqueID()); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(a_Player.GetEffectiveGameMode()) | (Server->IsHardcore() ? 0x08 : 0)); // Hardcore flag bit 4 Pkt.WriteBEInt32(static_cast(a_World.GetDimension())); // This is the change from 1.9.0 (Int8 to Int32) Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(2); // TODO: Difficulty (set to Normal) Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(static_cast(Clamp(Server->GetMaxPlayers(), 0, 255))); Pkt.WriteString("default"); // Level type - wtf? Pkt.WriteBool(false); // Reduced Debug Info - wtf? } // Send the spawn position: { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktSpawnPosition); Pkt.WriteXYZPosition64(FloorC(a_World.GetSpawnX()), FloorC(a_World.GetSpawnY()), FloorC(a_World.GetSpawnZ())); } // Send the server difficulty: { cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktDifficulty); Pkt.WriteBEInt8(1); } // Send player abilities: SendPlayerAbilities(); } cProtocol::Version cProtocol_1_9_1::GetProtocolVersion() { return Version::v1_9_1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol_1_9_2: cProtocol::Version cProtocol_1_9_2::GetProtocolVersion() { return Version::v1_9_2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cProtocol_1_9_4: void cProtocol_1_9_4::SendUpdateSign(int a_BlockX, int a_BlockY, int a_BlockZ, const AString & a_Line1, const AString & a_Line2, const AString & a_Line3, const AString & a_Line4) { ASSERT(m_State == 3); // In game mode? // 1.9.4 removed the update sign packet and now uses Update Block Entity cPacketizer Pkt(*this, pktUpdateBlockEntity); Pkt.WriteXYZPosition64(a_BlockX, a_BlockY, a_BlockZ); Pkt.WriteBEUInt8(9); // Action 9 - update sign cFastNBTWriter Writer; Writer.AddInt("x", a_BlockX); Writer.AddInt("y", a_BlockY); Writer.AddInt("z", a_BlockZ); Writer.AddString("id", "Sign"); Json::Value Line1; Line1["text"] = a_Line1; Writer.AddString("Text1", JsonUtils::WriteFastString(Line1)); Json::Value Line2; Line2["text"] = a_Line2; Writer.AddString("Text2", JsonUtils::WriteFastString(Line2)); Json::Value Line3; Line3["text"] = a_Line3; Writer.AddString("Text3", JsonUtils::WriteFastString(Line3)); Json::Value Line4; Line4["text"] = a_Line4; Writer.AddString("Text4", JsonUtils::WriteFastString(Line4)); Writer.Finish(); Pkt.WriteBuf(Writer.GetResult().data(), Writer.GetResult().size()); } cProtocol::Version cProtocol_1_9_4::GetProtocolVersion() { return Version::v1_9_4; } UInt32 cProtocol_1_9_4::GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType a_Packet) { switch (a_Packet) { case pktCollectEntity: return 0x48; case pktEntityEffect: return 0x4b; case pktEntityProperties: return 0x4a; case pktPlayerMaxSpeed: return 0x4a; case pktTeleportEntity: return 0x49; default: return Super::GetPacketID(a_Packet); } }