// RCONServer.cpp // Implements the cRCONServer class representing the RCON server #include "Globals.h" #include "IniFile.h" #include "RCONServer.h" #include "Server.h" #include "Root.h" #include "CommandOutput.h" // Disable MSVC warnings: #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4355) // 'this' : used in base member initializer list #endif enum { // Client -> Server: RCON_PACKET_COMMAND = 2, RCON_PACKET_LOGIN = 3, // Server -> Client: RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE = 2, } ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRCONListenCallbacks: class cRCONListenCallbacks: public cNetwork::cListenCallbacks { public: cRCONListenCallbacks(cRCONServer & a_RCONServer, UInt16 a_Port): m_RCONServer(a_RCONServer), m_Port(a_Port) { } protected: /** The RCON server instance that we're attached to. */ cRCONServer & m_RCONServer; /** The port for which this instance is responsible. */ UInt16 m_Port; // cNetwork::cListenCallbacks overrides: virtual cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr OnIncomingConnection(const AString & a_RemoteIPAddress, UInt16 a_RemotePort) override { LOG("RCON Client \"%s\" connected!", a_RemoteIPAddress.c_str()); return std::make_shared(m_RCONServer, a_RemoteIPAddress); } virtual void OnAccepted(cTCPLink & a_Link) override {} virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) override { LOGWARNING("RCON server error on port %d: %d (%s)", m_Port, a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg.c_str()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRCONCommandOutput: class cRCONCommandOutput : public cCommandOutputCallback { public: cRCONCommandOutput(cRCONServer::cConnection & a_Connection, int a_RequestID) : m_Connection(a_Connection), m_RequestID(a_RequestID) { } // cCommandOutputCallback overrides: virtual void Out(const AString & a_Text) override { m_Buffer.append(a_Text); } virtual void Finished(void) override { m_Connection.SendResponse(m_RequestID, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, (int)m_Buffer.size(), m_Buffer.c_str()); delete this; } protected: cRCONServer::cConnection & m_Connection; int m_RequestID; AString m_Buffer; } ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRCONServer: cRCONServer::cRCONServer(cServer & a_Server) : m_Server(a_Server) { } cRCONServer::~cRCONServer() { for (auto srv: m_ListenServers) { srv->Close(); } } void cRCONServer::Initialize(cIniFile & a_IniFile) { if (!a_IniFile.GetValueSetB("RCON", "Enabled", false)) { return; } // Read the password, don't allow an empty one: m_Password = a_IniFile.GetValueSet("RCON", "Password", ""); if (m_Password.empty()) { LOGWARNING("RCON is requested, but the password is not set. RCON is now disabled."); return; } // Read the listening ports for RCON from config: AStringVector Ports = ReadUpgradeIniPorts(a_IniFile, "RCON", "Ports", "PortsIPv4", "PortsIPv6", "25575"); // Start listening on each specified port: for (auto port: Ports) { UInt16 PortNum; if (!StringToInteger(port, PortNum)) { LOGINFO("Invalid RCON port value: \"%s\". Ignoring.", port.c_str()); continue; } auto Handle = cNetwork::Listen(PortNum, std::make_shared(*this, PortNum)); if (Handle->IsListening()) { m_ListenServers.push_back(Handle); } } if (m_ListenServers.empty()) { LOGWARNING("RCON is enabled but no valid ports were found. RCON is not accessible."); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRCONServer::cConnection: cRCONServer::cConnection::cConnection(cRCONServer & a_RCONServer, const AString & a_IPAddress) : m_IsAuthenticated(false), m_RCONServer(a_RCONServer), m_IPAddress(a_IPAddress) { } void cRCONServer::cConnection::OnLinkCreated(cTCPLinkPtr a_Link) { m_Link = a_Link; } void cRCONServer::cConnection::OnReceivedData(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { ASSERT(m_Link != nullptr); // Append data to the buffer: m_Buffer.append(a_Data, a_Size); // Process the packets in the buffer: while (m_Buffer.size() >= 14) { int Length = IntFromBuffer(m_Buffer.data()); if (Length > 1500) { // Too long, drop the connection LOGWARNING("Received an invalid RCON packet length (%d), dropping RCON connection to %s.", Length, m_IPAddress.c_str() ); m_Link->Close(); m_Link.reset(); return; } if (Length > static_cast(m_Buffer.size() + 4)) { // Incomplete packet yet, wait for more data to come return; } int RequestID = IntFromBuffer(m_Buffer.data() + 4); int PacketType = IntFromBuffer(m_Buffer.data() + 8); if (!ProcessPacket(RequestID, PacketType, Length - 10, m_Buffer.data() + 12)) { m_Link->Close(); m_Link.reset(); return; } m_Buffer.erase(0, Length + 4); } // while (m_Buffer.size() >= 14) } void cRCONServer::cConnection::OnRemoteClosed(void) { m_Link.reset(); } void cRCONServer::cConnection::OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) { LOGD("Error in RCON connection %s: %d (%s)", m_IPAddress.c_str(), a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg.c_str()); m_Link.reset(); } bool cRCONServer::cConnection::ProcessPacket(int a_RequestID, int a_PacketType, int a_PayloadLength, const char * a_Payload) { switch (a_PacketType) { case RCON_PACKET_LOGIN: { if (strncmp(a_Payload, m_RCONServer.m_Password.c_str(), a_PayloadLength) != 0) { LOGINFO("RCON: Invalid password from client %s, dropping connection.", m_IPAddress.c_str()); SendResponse(-1, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, 0, nullptr); return false; } m_IsAuthenticated = true; LOGD("RCON: Client at %s has successfully authenticated", m_IPAddress.c_str()); // Send OK response: SendResponse(a_RequestID, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, 0, nullptr); return true; } case RCON_PACKET_COMMAND: { if (!m_IsAuthenticated) { char AuthNeeded[] = "You need to authenticate first!"; SendResponse(a_RequestID, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, sizeof(AuthNeeded), AuthNeeded); return false; } AString cmd(a_Payload, a_PayloadLength); LOGD("RCON command from %s: \"%s\"", m_IPAddress.c_str(), cmd.c_str()); cRoot::Get()->ExecuteConsoleCommand(cmd, *(new cRCONCommandOutput(*this, a_RequestID))); // Send an empty response: SendResponse(a_RequestID, RCON_PACKET_RESPONSE, 0, nullptr); return true; } } // Unknown packet type, drop the connection: LOGWARNING("RCON: Client at %s has sent an unknown packet type %d, dropping connection.", m_IPAddress.c_str(), a_PacketType ); return false; } /// Reads 4 bytes from a_Buffer and returns the int they represent int cRCONServer::cConnection::IntFromBuffer(const char * a_Buffer) { return ((unsigned char)a_Buffer[3] << 24) | ((unsigned char)a_Buffer[2] << 16) | ((unsigned char)a_Buffer[1] << 8) | (unsigned char)a_Buffer[0]; } /// Puts 4 bytes representing the int into the buffer void cRCONServer::cConnection::IntToBuffer(int a_Value, char * a_Buffer) { a_Buffer[0] = a_Value & 0xff; a_Buffer[1] = (a_Value >> 8) & 0xff; a_Buffer[2] = (a_Value >> 16) & 0xff; a_Buffer[3] = (a_Value >> 24) & 0xff; } /// Sends a RCON packet back to the client void cRCONServer::cConnection::SendResponse(int a_RequestID, int a_PacketType, int a_PayloadLength, const char * a_Payload) { ASSERT((a_PayloadLength == 0) || (a_Payload != nullptr)); // Either zero data to send, or a valid payload ptr ASSERT(m_Link != nullptr); char Buffer[4]; int Length = a_PayloadLength + 10; IntToBuffer(Length, Buffer); m_Link->Send(Buffer, 4); IntToBuffer(a_RequestID, Buffer); m_Link->Send(Buffer, 4); IntToBuffer(a_PacketType, Buffer); m_Link->Send(Buffer, 4); if (a_PayloadLength > 0) { m_Link->Send(a_Payload, a_PayloadLength); } m_Link->Send("\0", 2); // Send two zero chars as the padding }