// Scoreboard.cpp // Implementation of a scoreboard that keeps track of specified objectives #include "Globals.h" #include "Scoreboard.h" cObjective::cObjective(eObjectiveType a_Type) : m_Type(a_Type) {} void cObjective::SetDisplaySlot(eDisplaySlot a_Display) { m_Display = a_Display; } void cObjective::Reset(void) { m_Scores.clear(); } cObjective::Score cObjective::GetScore(const AString & a_Name) const { ScoreMap::const_iterator it = m_Scores.find(a_Name); if (it == m_Scores.end()) { return 0; } else { return it->second; } } void cObjective::SetScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::Score a_Score) { m_Scores[a_Name] = a_Score; } void cObjective::ResetScore(const AString & a_Name) { m_Scores.erase(a_Name); } cObjective::Score cObjective::AddScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::Score a_Delta) { // TODO 2014-01-19 xdot: Potential optimization - Reuse iterator Score NewScore = m_Scores[a_Name] + a_Delta; m_Scores[a_Name] = NewScore; return NewScore; } cObjective::Score cObjective::SubScore(const AString & a_Name, cObjective::Score a_Delta) { // TODO 2014-01-19 xdot: Potential optimization - Reuse iterator Score NewScore = m_Scores[a_Name] - a_Delta; m_Scores[a_Name] = NewScore; return NewScore; } cTeam::cTeam(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix) : m_FriendlyFire(true) , m_SeeFriendlyInvisible(false) , m_Name(a_Name) , m_DisplayName(a_DisplayName) , m_Prefix(a_Prefix) , m_Suffix(a_Suffix) {} bool cTeam::AddPlayer(cPlayer * a_Player) { return m_Players.insert(a_Player).second; } bool cTeam::RemovePlayer(cPlayer * a_Player) { return m_Players.erase(a_Player) > 0; } void cTeam::Reset(void) { m_Players.clear(); } unsigned int cTeam::GetNumPlayers(void) const { return m_Players.size(); } cScoreboard::~cScoreboard() { for (ObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.begin(); it != m_Objectives.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } for (TeamMap::iterator it = m_Teams.begin(); it != m_Teams.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } } cObjective* cScoreboard::RegisterObjective(const AString & a_Name, eObjectiveType a_Type) { cObjective* Objective = new cObjective(a_Type); bool Status = m_Objectives.insert(NamedObjective(a_Name, Objective)).second; if (Status) { return Objective; } else { delete Objective; return NULL; } } bool cScoreboard::RemoveObjective(const AString & a_Name) { ObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.find(a_Name); if (it == m_Objectives.end()) { return false; } m_Objectives.erase(it); return true; } cObjective* cScoreboard::GetObjective(const AString & a_Name) { ObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.find(a_Name); if (it == m_Objectives.end()) { return NULL; } else { return it->second; } } cTeam* cScoreboard::RegisterTeam(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_DisplayName, const AString & a_Prefix, const AString & a_Suffix) { cTeam* Team = new cTeam(a_Name, a_DisplayName, a_Prefix, a_Suffix); bool Status = m_Teams.insert(NamedTeam(a_Name, Team)).second; if (Status) { return Team; } else { delete Team; return NULL; } } bool cScoreboard::RemoveTeam(const AString & a_Name) { TeamMap::iterator it = m_Teams.find(a_Name); if (it == m_Teams.end()) { return false; } m_Teams.erase(it); return true; } cTeam* cScoreboard::GetTeam(const AString & a_Name) { TeamMap::iterator it = m_Teams.find(a_Name); if (it == m_Teams.end()) { return NULL; } else { return it->second; } } void cScoreboard::ForEachObjectiveWith(eObjectiveType a_Type, cObjectiveCallback& a_Callback) { for (ObjectiveMap::iterator it = m_Objectives.begin(); it != m_Objectives.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->GetType() == a_Type) { // Call callback if (a_Callback.Item(it->second)) { return; } } } }