#include "Globals.h" #include "ForEachSourceCallback.h" #include "../../BlockInfo.h" #include "../../Chunk.h" #include "IncrementalRedstoneSimulator.h" #include "RedstoneHandler.h" ForEachSourceCallback::ForEachSourceCallback(const cChunk & Chunk, const Vector3i Position, const BLOCKTYPE CurrentBlock) : Power(0), m_Chunk(Chunk), m_Position(Position), m_CurrentBlock(CurrentBlock) { } void ForEachSourceCallback::operator()(Vector3i Location) { if (!cChunk::IsValidHeight(Location.y)) { return; } const auto NeighbourChunk = m_Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(Location); if ((NeighbourChunk == nullptr) || !NeighbourChunk->IsValid()) { return; } const auto PotentialSourceBlock = NeighbourChunk->GetBlock(Location); const auto NeighbourRelativeQueryPosition = cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData::RebaseRelativePosition(m_Chunk, *NeighbourChunk, m_Position); if (ShouldQueryLinkedPosition(PotentialSourceBlock)) { Power = std::max(Power, QueryLinkedPower(*NeighbourChunk, NeighbourRelativeQueryPosition, m_CurrentBlock, Location)); } else { Power = std::max( Power, RedstoneHandler::GetPowerDeliveredToPosition( *NeighbourChunk, Location, PotentialSourceBlock, NeighbourRelativeQueryPosition, m_CurrentBlock, false ) ); } } void ForEachSourceCallback::CheckIndirectPower() { const Vector3i OffsetYP(0, 1, 0); const auto Above = m_Position + OffsetYP; if (Above.y == cChunkDef::Height) { return; } // Object representing restarted power calculation where the // block above this piston, dropspenser is requesting a power level. ForEachSourceCallback QuasiQueryCallback(m_Chunk, Above, m_Chunk.GetBlock(Above)); // Manually feed the callback object all positions that may deliver power to Above: for (const auto & QuasiPowerOffset : cSimulator::GetLinkedOffsets(OffsetYP)) { QuasiQueryCallback(m_Position + QuasiPowerOffset); } // Get the results: Power = std::max(Power, QuasiQueryCallback.Power); } bool ForEachSourceCallback::ShouldQueryLinkedPosition(const BLOCKTYPE Block) { switch (Block) { // Normally we don't ask solid blocks for power because they don't have any (store, dirt, etc.) // However, these are mechanisms that are IsSolid, but still give power. Don't ignore them: case E_BLOCK_BLOCK_OF_REDSTONE: case E_BLOCK_OBSERVER: case E_BLOCK_TRAPPED_CHEST: return false; // Pistons are solid but don't participate in link powering: case E_BLOCK_PISTON: case E_BLOCK_PISTON_EXTENSION: case E_BLOCK_STICKY_PISTON: return false; // If a mechanism asks for power from a block, redirect the query to linked positions if: default: return cBlockInfo::IsSolid(Block); } } PowerLevel ForEachSourceCallback::QueryLinkedPower(const cChunk & Chunk, const Vector3i QueryPosition, const BLOCKTYPE QueryBlock, const Vector3i SolidBlockPosition) { PowerLevel Power = 0; // Loop through all linked powerable offsets in the direction requested: for (const auto & Offset : cSimulator::GetLinkedOffsets(SolidBlockPosition - QueryPosition)) { auto SourcePosition = QueryPosition + Offset; if (!cChunk::IsValidHeight(SourcePosition.y)) { continue; } const auto NeighbourChunk = Chunk.GetRelNeighborChunkAdjustCoords(SourcePosition); if ((NeighbourChunk == nullptr) || !NeighbourChunk->IsValid()) { continue; } // Conduit block's position, relative to NeighbourChunk. const auto NeighbourRelativeSolidBlockPosition = cIncrementalRedstoneSimulatorChunkData::RebaseRelativePosition(Chunk, *NeighbourChunk, SolidBlockPosition); // Do a standard power query, but the requester's position is actually the solid block that will conduct power: Power = std::max( Power, RedstoneHandler::GetPowerDeliveredToPosition( *NeighbourChunk, SourcePosition, NeighbourChunk->GetBlock(SourcePosition), NeighbourRelativeSolidBlockPosition, QueryBlock, true ) ); } return Power; }