// Statistics.h #pragma once enum eStatistic { // Do NOT change the order statInvalid = -1, /* Achievements */ achOpenInv, /* Taking Inventory */ achMineWood, /* Getting Wood */ achCraftWorkbench, /* Benchmarking */ achCraftPickaxe, /* Time to Mine! */ achCraftFurnace, /* Hot Topic */ achAcquireIron, /* Acquire Hardware */ achCraftHoe, /* Time to Farm! */ achMakeBread, /* Bake Bread */ achBakeCake, /* The Lie */ achCraftBetterPick, /* Getting an Upgrade */ achCookFish, /* Delicious Fish */ achOnARail, /* On A Rail */ achCraftSword, /* Time to Strike! */ achKillMonster, /* Monster Hunter */ achKillCow, /* Cow Tipper */ achFlyPig, /* When Pigs Fly */ achSnipeSkeleton, /* Sniper Duel */ achDiamonds, /* DIAMONDS! */ achEnterPortal, /* We Need to Go Deeper */ achReturnToSender, /* Return to Sender */ achBlazeRod, /* Into Fire */ achBrewPotion, /* Local Brewery */ achEnterTheEnd, /* The End? */ achDefeatDragon, /* The End. */ achCraftEnchantTable, /* Enchanter */ achOverkill, /* Overkill */ achBookshelf, /* Librarian */ achExploreAllBiomes, /* Adventuring Time */ achSpawnWither, /* The Beginning? */ achKillWither, /* The Beginning. */ achFullBeacon, /* Beaconator */ achBreedCow, /* Repopulation */ achThrowDiamonds, /* Diamonds to you! */ /* Statistics */ statGamesQuit, statMinutesPlayed, statDistWalked, statDistSwum, statDistFallen, statDistClimbed, statDistFlown, statDistDove, statDistMinecart, statDistBoat, statDistPig, statDistHorse, statJumps, statItemsDropped, statDamageDealt, statDamageTaken, statDeaths, statMobKills, statAnimalsBred, statPlayerKills, statFishCaught, statJunkFished, statTreasureFished, statCount }; /** Class used to store and query statistic-related information. */ class cStatInfo { public: cStatInfo(); cStatInfo(const eStatistic a_Type, const AString & a_Name, const eStatistic a_Depends = statInvalid); /** Type -> Name */ static const AString & GetName(const eStatistic a_Type); /** Name -> Type */ static eStatistic GetType(const AString & a_Name); /** Returns stat prerequisite. (Used for achievements) */ static eStatistic GetPrerequisite(const eStatistic a_Type); private: eStatistic m_Type; AString m_Name; eStatistic m_Depends; static cStatInfo ms_Info[statCount]; };