#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "main.h" #include "BuildInfo.h" #include "Logger.h" #include "MemorySettingsRepository.h" #include "Root.h" #include "tclap/CmdLine.h" #include "OSSupport/ConsoleSignalHandler.h" #include "OSSupport/NetworkSingleton.h" #include "OSSupport/MiniDumpWriter.h" #include "OSSupport/SleepResolutionBooster.h" #include "OSSupport/StartAsService.h" #include <tclap/SwitchArg.h> bool g_ShouldLogCommIn; bool g_ShouldLogCommOut; bool g_RunAsService; bool g_DetachedStdin; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParseArguments - Read the startup arguments and store into a settings object static void ParseArguments(int argc, char ** argv, cMemorySettingsRepository & a_Settings) { // Parse the comand line args: TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Cuberite"); TCLAP::ValueArg<int> slotsArg ("s", "max-players", "Maximum number of slots for the server to use, overrides setting in setting.ini", false, -1, "number", cmd); TCLAP::ValueArg<AString> confArg ("c", "config-file", "Config file to use", false, "settings.ini", "string", cmd); TCLAP::MultiArg<int> portsArg ("p", "port", "The port number the server should listen to", false, "port", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogArg ("", "log-comm", "Log server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogInArg ("", "log-comm-in", "Log inbound server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg commLogOutArg ("", "log-comm-out", "Log outbound server client communications to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpFull ("", "crash-dump-full", "Crashdumps created by the server will contain full server memory", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg crashDumpGlobals("", "crash-dump-globals", "Crashdumps created by the server will contain the global variables' values", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg noBufArg ("", "no-output-buffering", "Disable output buffering", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg noFileLogArg ("", "no-log-file", "Disable logging to file", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg runAsServiceArg ("d", "service", "Run as a service on Windows, or daemon on UNIX like systems", cmd); TCLAP::SwitchArg runDetached ("", "detached", "Run with detached stdin (useful for container/docker)", cmd); cmd.parse(argc, argv); // Copy the parsed args' values into a settings repository: if (runDetached.getValue()) { g_DetachedStdin = true; } if (confArg.isSet()) { AString conf_file = confArg.getValue(); a_Settings.AddValue("Server", "ConfigFile", conf_file); } if (slotsArg.isSet()) { int slots = slotsArg.getValue(); a_Settings.AddValue("Server", "MaxPlayers", static_cast<Int64>(slots)); } if (portsArg.isSet()) { for (auto port: portsArg.getValue()) { a_Settings.AddValue("Server", "Ports", std::to_string(port)); } } if (noFileLogArg.getValue()) { a_Settings.AddValue("Server", "DisableLogFile", true); } if (commLogArg.getValue()) { g_ShouldLogCommIn = true; g_ShouldLogCommOut = true; } else { g_ShouldLogCommIn = commLogInArg.getValue(); g_ShouldLogCommOut = commLogOutArg.getValue(); } if (noBufArg.getValue()) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); } a_Settings.SetReadOnly(); if (runAsServiceArg.getValue()) { g_RunAsService = true; } // Apply the CrashDump flags for platforms that support them: if (crashDumpGlobals.getValue()) { MiniDumpWriter::AddDumpFlags(MiniDumpFlags::WithDataSegments); } if (crashDumpFull.getValue()) { MiniDumpWriter::AddDumpFlags(MiniDumpFlags::WithFullMemory); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UniversalMain - Main startup logic for both standard running and as a service static int UniversalMain(int argc, char * argv[], const bool a_RunningAsService) { const struct MiniDumpWriterRAII { MiniDumpWriterRAII() { // Registers a last chance exception handler to write a minidump on crash: MiniDumpWriter::Register(); } ~MiniDumpWriterRAII() { MiniDumpWriter::Unregister(); } } MiniDumpWriter; const struct SleepResolutionBoosterRAII { SleepResolutionBoosterRAII() { // Boost timer resolution to keep TPS high: SleepResolutionBooster::Register(); } ~SleepResolutionBoosterRAII() { SleepResolutionBooster::Unregister(); } } SleepResolutionBooster; // Register signal handlers, enabling graceful shutdown from the terminal: ConsoleSignalHandler::Register(); // Initialize logging subsystem: cLogger::InitiateMultithreading(); try { cMemorySettingsRepository Settings; ParseArguments(argc, argv, Settings); // Make sure g_RunAsService is set correctly before checking its value. // Attempt to run as a service: if (g_RunAsService && !a_RunningAsService) { // This will either fork or call UniversalMain again: if (StartAsService::MakeIntoService<&UniversalMain>()) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } while (true) { const struct NetworkRAII { NetworkRAII() { // Initialize LibEvent: cNetworkSingleton::Get().Initialise(); } ~NetworkRAII() { // Shutdown all of LibEvent: cNetworkSingleton::Get().Terminate(); } } LibEvent; cRoot Root; if (!Root.Run(Settings)) { break; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch (const fmt::format_error & Oops) { std::cerr << "Formatting exception: " << Oops.what() << '\n'; } catch (const TCLAP::ArgException & Oops) { std::cerr << fmt::sprintf("Error reading command line {} for argument {}\n", Oops.error(), Oops.argId()); } catch (const std::exception & Oops) { std::cerr << "Standard exception: " << Oops.what() << '\n'; } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Unknown exception!\n"; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { #if !defined(NDEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER) _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // _X: The simple built-in CRT leak finder - simply break when allocating the Nth block ({N} is listed in the leak output) // Only useful when the leak is in the same sequence all the time // _CrtSetBreakAlloc(85950); #endif // !NDEBUG && _MSC_VER return UniversalMain(argc, argv, false); }