// EchoServer.cpp // Implements an Echo server using the LibEvent-based cNetwork API, as a test of that API #include "Globals.h" #include #include #include "OSSupport/Network.h" class cEchoServerCallbacks: public cNetwork::cListenCallbacks { virtual void OnAccepted(cTCPLink & a_Link) override { LOGD("New client accepted (%s:%d), sending welcome message.", a_Link.GetRemoteIP().c_str(), a_Link.GetRemotePort()); // Send a welcome message to each connecting client: a_Link.Send("Welcome to the simple echo server.\r\n"); LOGD("Welcome message queued."); } virtual void OnError(int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) override { LOGWARNING("An error occured while listening for connections: %d (%s).", a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg.c_str()); } }; /** cTCPLink callbacks that echo everything they receive back to the remote peer. */ class cEchoLinkCallbacks: public cTCPLink::cCallbacks { virtual void OnReceivedData(cTCPLink & a_Link, const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override { // Echo the incoming data back to outgoing data: LOGD("%p (%s:%d): Data received (%u bytes), echoing back.", &a_Link, a_Link.GetRemoteIP().c_str(), a_Link.GetRemotePort(), static_cast(a_Size)); a_Link.Send(a_Data, a_Size); LOGD("Echo queued"); // Search for a Ctrl+Z, if found, drop the connection: for (size_t i = 0; i < a_Size; i++) { if (a_Data[i] == '\x1a') { a_Link.Close(); return; } } } virtual void OnRemoteClosed(cTCPLink & a_Link) override { LOGD("%p (%s:%d): Remote has closed the connection.", &a_Link, a_Link.GetRemoteIP().c_str(), a_Link.GetRemotePort()); } virtual void OnError(cTCPLink & a_Link, int a_ErrorCode, const AString & a_ErrorMsg) override { LOGD("%p (%s:%d): Error %d in the cEchoLinkCallbacks: %s", &a_Link, a_Link.GetRemoteIP().c_str(), a_Link.GetRemotePort(), a_ErrorCode, a_ErrorMsg.c_str()); } }; int main() { LOGD("EchoServer: starting up"); cServerHandlePtr Server = cNetwork::Listen(9876, std::make_shared(), std::make_shared()); if (!Server->IsListening()) { LOGWARNING("Cannot listen on port 9876"); abort(); } ASSERT(Server->IsListening()); // Wait for the user to terminate the server: printf("Press enter to close the server.\n"); AString line; std::getline(std::cin, line); // Close the server and all its active connections: LOG("Server terminating."); Server->Close(); ASSERT(!Server->IsListening()); LOGD("Server has been closed."); printf("Press enter to exit test.\n"); std::getline(std::cin, line); LOG("Network test finished."); return 0; }