#!/bin/env python3 from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac import argparse import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate an OTP secret for an Entrust IdentityGuard soft token') parser.add_argument('Serial', type=str, nargs=1, help='Given to the user (such as through a QR code). Example: 48244-13456') parser.add_argument('ActivationCode', type=str, nargs=1, help='Given to the user (such as through a QR code). Example: 1745-7712-6942-8698') parser.add_argument('RegistrationCode', type=str, nargs=1, help='The user provides this to the activation service. Example: 12211-49352') args = parser.parse_args() # Remove dashes from input so we can work with the data serial = args.Serial[0].replace("-", "") activation = args.ActivationCode[0].replace("-", "") registration = args.RegistrationCode[0].replace("-", "") # TODO: Validate all values through the Luhn check digits activation = activation[0:-1] # remove last digit -- check digit activationbytes = int(activation).to_bytes(7, byteorder='big') logging.info("Activation bytes: 0x%s", activationbytes.hex()) registration = registration[0:-1] # remove last digit -- check digit registrationbytes = int(registration).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') logging.info("Registration bytes: 0x%s", registrationbytes.hex()) # Derive the RNG output from the registration bytes # Remaining bits are used for validation, but we can ignore that in our case rngbytes = registrationbytes[-2:] logging.info("RNG Bytes: 0x%s", rngbytes.hex()) # Derive the secret key key = pbkdf2_hmac( hash_name='sha256', password=activationbytes + rngbytes, salt=serial.encode("utf-8"), iterations=8, dklen=16 ) print(key.hex()) print("To generate a code immediately, run:") print("oathtool -v --totp=sha256 --digits=6 " + key.hex())