# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Common routines and base driver class for serial-based meters. """ __author__ = 'Diego Elio Pettenò' __email__ = 'flameeyes@flameeyes.eu' __copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2017, Diego Elio Pettenò' __license__ = 'MIT' import logging try: from typing import Optional, Text except: pass import serial from glucometerutils import exceptions class SerialDevice(object): """A Serial-connected glucometer driver base. This class does not implement an actual driver by itself, but provides an easier access to the boilerplate code required for pyserial. This helper assumes that communication happens on a standard 8n1 configuration, with variable baudrate and no hardware flow control. The actual drivers should set the following parameters: BAUDRATE: (int) the speed the serial port should be opened at. DEFAULT_CABLE_ID: (string) USB Vendor/Product ID pair, in format abcd:abcd, of the default cable for the meter, in case the user didn't pass an explicit device driver. Optional parameters available: TIMEOUT: (float, default: 1) the read timeout in seconds as defined by pyserial. After initialization, the following attributes can be used by the driver: serial_: (serial.Serial) the open Serial object. """ BAUDRATE = None # type: int DEFAULT_CABLE_ID = None # type: Text TIMEOUT = 1 # type: float def __init__(self, device): # type: (Optional[Text]) -> None assert self.BAUDRATE is not None if not device and self.DEFAULT_CABLE_ID: logging.info( 'No --device parameter provided, looking for default cable.') device = 'hwgrep://' + self.DEFAULT_CABLE_ID if not device: raise exceptions.CommandLineError( 'No --device parameter provided, and no default cable known.') self.serial_ = serial.serial_for_url( device, baudrate=self.BAUDRATE, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=None, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)