from requests import get from browser_cookie3 import edge, chrome from ssl import create_default_context from certifi import where from uuid import uuid4 from random import randint from json import dumps, loads import asyncio import websockets ssl_context = create_default_context() ssl_context.load_verify_locations(where()) def format(msg: dict) -> str: return dumps(msg) + '\x1e' def get_token(): cookies = { c.value for c in edge(domain_name='')} return cookies['_U'] class AsyncCompletion: async def create( prompt : str = 'hello world', optionSets : list = [ 'deepleo', 'enable_debug_commands', 'disable_emoji_spoken_text', 'enablemm', 'h3relaxedimg' ], token : str = get_token()): create = get('', headers = { 'host' : '', 'authority' : '', 'cookie' : f'_U={token}', 'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/110.0.1587.69', } ) conversationId = create.json()['conversationId'] clientId = create.json()['clientId'] conversationSignature = create.json()['conversationSignature'] wss: websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol or None = None wss = await websockets.connect('wss://', max_size = None, ssl = ssl_context, extra_headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.9', 'content-type': 'application/json', 'sec-ch-ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="99", Microsoft Edge";v="110", "Chromium";v="110"', 'sec-ch-ua-arch': '"x86"', 'sec-ch-ua-bitness': '"64"', 'sec-ch-ua-full-version': '"109.0.1518.78"', 'sec-ch-ua-full-version-list': '"Chromium";v="110.0.5481.192", "Not A(Brand";v="", "Microsoft Edge";v="110.0.1587.69"', 'sec-ch-ua-mobile': '?0', 'sec-ch-ua-model': "", 'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"Windows"', 'sec-ch-ua-platform-version': '"15.0.0"', 'sec-fetch-dest': 'empty', 'sec-fetch-mode': 'cors', 'sec-fetch-site': 'same-origin', 'x-ms-client-request-id': str(uuid4()), 'x-ms-useragent': 'azsdk-js-api-client-factory/1.0.0-beta.1 core-rest-pipeline/1.10.0 OS/Win32', 'Referer': '', 'Referrer-Policy': 'origin-when-cross-origin', 'x-forwarded-for': f'13.{randint(104, 107)}.{randint(0, 255)}.{randint(0, 255)}' } ) await wss.send(format({'protocol': 'json', 'version': 1})) await wss.recv() struct = { 'arguments': [ { 'source': 'cib', 'optionsSets': optionSets, 'isStartOfSession': True, 'message': { 'author': 'user', 'inputMethod': 'Keyboard', 'text': prompt, 'messageType': 'Chat' }, 'conversationSignature': conversationSignature, 'participant': { 'id': clientId }, 'conversationId': conversationId } ], 'invocationId': '0', 'target': 'chat', 'type': 4 } await wss.send(format(struct)) base_string = '' final = False while not final: objects = str(await wss.recv()).split('\x1e') for obj in objects: if obj is None or obj == '': continue response = loads(obj) if response.get('type') == 1 and response['arguments'][0].get('messages',): response_text = response['arguments'][0]['messages'][0]['adaptiveCards'][0]['body'][0].get('text') yield (response_text.replace(base_string, '')) base_string = response_text elif response.get('type') == 2: final = True await wss.close() async def run(): async for value in AsyncCompletion.create( prompt = 'summarize cinderella with each word beginning with a consecutive letter of the alphabet, a-z', # optionSets = [ # "deepleo", # "enable_debug_commands", # "disable_emoji_spoken_text", # "enablemm" # ] optionSets = [ #"nlu_direct_response_filter", #"deepleo", #"disable_emoji_spoken_text", # "responsible_ai_policy_235", #"enablemm", "galileo", #"dtappid", # "cricinfo", # "cricinfov2", # "dv3sugg", ] ): print(value, end = '', flush=True)