from __future__ import annotations from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout from duckduckgo_search import DDGS import asyncio class SearchResults(): def __init__(self, results: list): self.results = results def __iter__(self): yield from self.results def __str__(self): search = "" for idx, result in enumerate(self.results): if search: search += "\n\n\n" search += f"Title: {result.title}\n\n" if result.text: search += result.text else: search += result.snippet search += f"\n\nSource: [[{idx}]]({result.url})" return search class SearchResultEntry(): def __init__(self, title: str, url: str, snippet: str, text: str = None): self.title = title self.url = url self.snippet = snippet self.text = text def set_text(self, text: str): self.text = text def scrape_text(html: str, max_words: int = None) -> str: soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") for exclude in soup(["script", "style"]): exclude.extract() for selector in [ "main", ".main-content-wrapper", ".main-content", ".emt-container-inner", ".content-wrapper", "#content", "#mainContent", ]: select = soup.select_one(selector) if select: soup = select break # Zdnet for remove in [".c-globalDisclosure"]: select = soup.select_one(remove) if select: select.extract() clean_text = "" for paragraph in"p"): text = paragraph.get_text() for line in text.splitlines(): words = [] for word in line.replace("\t", " ").split(" "): if word: words.append(word) count = len(words) if not count: continue if max_words: max_words -= count if max_words <= 0: break if clean_text: clean_text += "\n" clean_text += " ".join(words) return clean_text async def fetch_and_scrape(session: ClientSession, url: str, max_words: int = None) -> str: try: async with session.get(url) as response: if response.status == 200: html = await response.text() return scrape_text(html, max_words) except: return async def search(query: str, n_results: int = 5, max_words: int = 2500, add_text: bool = True) -> SearchResults: with DDGS() as ddgs: results = [] for result in ddgs.text( query, region="wt-wt", safesearch="moderate", timelimit="y", ): results.append(SearchResultEntry( result["title"], result["href"], result["body"] )) if len(results) >= n_results: break if add_text: requests = [] async with ClientSession(timeout=ClientTimeout(5)) as session: for entry in results: requests.append(fetch_and_scrape(session, entry.url, int(max_words / (n_results - 1)))) texts = await asyncio.gather(*requests) formatted_results = [] left_words = max_words for i, entry in enumerate(results): if add_text: entry.text = texts[i] if left_words: left_words -= entry.title.count(" ") + 5 if entry.text: left_words -= entry.text.count(" ") else: left_words -= entry.snippet.count(" ") if 0 > left_words: break formatted_results.append(entry) return SearchResults(formatted_results) def get_search_message(prompt) -> str: try: search_results = message = f""" {search_results} Instruction: Using the provided web search results, to write a comprehensive reply to the user request. Make sure to add the sources of cites using [[Number]](Url) notation after the reference. Example: [[0]]( If the provided search results refer to multiple subjects with the same name, write separate answers for each subject. User request: {prompt} """ return message except Exception as e: print("Couldn't search DuckDuckGo:", e) return prompt