from __future__ import annotations import re from typing import Union from abc import abstractmethod from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote_plus def quote_url(url: str) -> str: url = unquote_plus(url) url = url.split("//", maxsplit=1) # If there is no "//" in the URL, then it is a relative URL if len(url) == 1: return quote_plus(url[0], '/?&=#') url[1] = url[1].split("/", maxsplit=1) # If there is no "/" after the domain, then it is a domain URL if len(url[1]) == 1: return url[0] + "//" + url[1][0] return url[0] + "//" + url[1][0] + "/" + quote_plus(url[1][1], '/?&=#') def quote_title(title: str) -> str: if title: return title.replace("\n", "").replace('"', '') return "" def format_link(url: str, title: str = None) -> str: if title is None: title = unquote_plus(url.split("//", maxsplit=1)[1].split("?")[0].replace("www.", "")) return f"[{quote_title(title)}]({quote_url(url)})" def format_image(image: str, alt: str, preview: str = None) -> str: """ Formats the given image as a markdown string. Args: image: The image to format. alt (str): The alt for the image. preview (str, optional): The preview URL format. Defaults to "{image}?w=200&h=200". Returns: str: The formatted markdown string. """ return f"[![{quote_title(alt)}]({quote_url(preview.replace('{image}', image) if preview else image)})]({quote_url(image)})" def format_images_markdown(images: Union[str, list], alt: str, preview: Union[str, list] = None) -> str: """ Formats the given images as a markdown string. Args: images: The images to format. alt (str): The alt for the images. preview (str, optional): The preview URL format. Defaults to "{image}?w=200&h=200". Returns: str: The formatted markdown string. """ if isinstance(images, list) and len(images) == 1: images = images[0] if isinstance(images, str): result = format_image(images, alt, preview) else: result = "\n".join( format_image(image, f"#{idx+1} {alt}", preview[idx] if isinstance(preview, list) else preview) for idx, image in enumerate(images) ) start_flag = "\n" end_flag = "\n" return f"\n{start_flag}{result}\n{end_flag}\n" class ResponseType: @abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: pass class JsonMixin: def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def get_dict(self): return { key: value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith("__") } class FinishReason(ResponseType, JsonMixin): def __init__(self, reason: str, actions: list[str] = None) -> None: self.reason = reason self.actions = actions def __str__(self) -> str: return "" class ToolCalls(ResponseType): def __init__(self, list: list): self.list = list def __str__(self) -> str: return "" def get_list(self) -> list: return self.list class Usage(ResponseType, JsonMixin): def __str__(self) -> str: return "" class TitleGeneration(ResponseType): def __init__(self, title: str) -> None: self.title = title def __str__(self) -> str: return "" class Sources(ResponseType): def __init__(self, sources: list[dict[str, str]]) -> None: self.list = [] for source in sources: self.add_source(source) def add_source(self, source: dict[str, str]): url = source.get("url", source.get("link", None)) if url is not None: url = re.sub(r"[&?]utm_source=.+", "", url) source["url"] = url self.list.append(source) def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n\n" + ("\n".join([ f"{idx+1}. {format_link(link['url'], link.get('title', None))}" for idx, link in enumerate(self.list) ])) class BaseConversation(ResponseType): def __str__(self) -> str: return "" class JsonConversation(BaseConversation, JsonMixin): pass class SynthesizeData(ResponseType, JsonMixin): def __init__(self, provider: str, data: dict): self.provider = provider = data def __str__(self) -> str: return "" class RequestLogin(ResponseType): def __init__(self, label: str, login_url: str) -> None: self.label = label self.login_url = login_url def __str__(self) -> str: return format_link(self.login_url, f"[Login to {self.label}]") + "\n\n" class ImageResponse(ResponseType): def __init__( self, images: Union[str, list], alt: str, options: dict = {} ): self.images = images self.alt = alt self.options = options def __str__(self) -> str: return format_images_markdown(self.images, self.alt, self.get("preview")) def get(self, key: str): return self.options.get(key) def get_list(self) -> list[str]: return [self.images] if isinstance(self.images, str) else self.images class ImagePreview(ImageResponse): def __str__(self): return "" def to_string(self): return super().__str__() class Parameters(ResponseType, JsonMixin): pass