from requests import Session from re import search from random import randint from json import dumps, loads from urllib.parse import urlencode from dotenv import load_dotenv from os import getenv from bard.typings import BardResponse load_dotenv() token = getenv('1psid') proxy = getenv('proxy') temperatures = { 0: "Generate text strictly following known patterns, with no creativity.", 0.1: "Produce text adhering closely to established patterns, allowing minimal creativity.", 0.2: "Create text with modest deviations from familiar patterns, injecting a slight creative touch.", 0.3: "Craft text with a mild level of creativity, deviating somewhat from common patterns.", 0.4: "Formulate text balancing creativity and recognizable patterns for coherent results.", 0.5: "Generate text with a moderate level of creativity, allowing for a mix of familiarity and novelty.", 0.6: "Compose text with an increased emphasis on creativity, while partially maintaining familiar patterns.", 0.7: "Produce text favoring creativity over typical patterns for more original results.", 0.8: "Create text heavily focused on creativity, with limited concern for familiar patterns.", 0.9: "Craft text with a strong emphasis on unique and inventive ideas, largely ignoring established patterns.", 1: "Generate text with maximum creativity, disregarding any constraints of known patterns or structures." } class Completion: def create( prompt: str = 'hello world', temperature: int = None, conversation_id: str = '', response_id: str = '', choice_id: str = '') -> BardResponse: if temperature: prompt = f'''settings: follow these settings for your response: [temperature: {temperature} - {temperatures[temperature]}] | prompt : {prompt}''' client = Session() client.proxies = { 'http': f'http://{proxy}', 'https': f'http://{proxy}'} if proxy else None client.headers = { 'authority': '', 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', 'origin': '', 'referer': '', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', 'x-same-domain': '1', 'cookie': f'__Secure-1PSID={token}' } snlm0e = search(r'SNlM0e\":\"(.*?)\"', client.get('').text).group(1) params = urlencode({ 'bl': 'boq_assistant-bard-web-server_20230326.21_p0', '_reqid': randint(1111, 9999), 'rt': 'c', }) response ='{params}', data={ 'at': snlm0e, 'f.req': dumps([None, dumps([ [prompt], None, [conversation_id, response_id, choice_id], ])]) } ) chat_data = loads(response.content.splitlines()[3])[0][2] if not chat_data: print('error, retrying') Completion.create(prompt, temperature, conversation_id, response_id, choice_id) json_chat_data = loads(chat_data) results = { 'content': json_chat_data[0][0], 'conversation_id': json_chat_data[1][0], 'response_id': json_chat_data[1][1], 'factualityQueries': json_chat_data[3], 'textQuery': json_chat_data[2][0] if json_chat_data[2] is not None else '', 'choices': [{'id': i[0], 'content': i[1]} for i in json_chat_data[4]], } return BardResponse(results)