#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Ped.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Garages.h" #include "TempColModels.h" #include "World.h" WRAPPER void CWorld::Add(CEntity *entity) { EAXJMP(0x4AE930); } WRAPPER void CWorld::Remove(CEntity *entity) { EAXJMP(0x4AE9D0); } CPtrList *CWorld::ms_bigBuildingsList = (CPtrList*)0x6FAB60; CPtrList &CWorld::ms_listMovingEntityPtrs = *(CPtrList*)0x8F433C; CSector (*CWorld::ms_aSectors)[NUMSECTORS_X] = (CSector (*)[NUMSECTORS_Y])0x665608; uint16 &CWorld::ms_nCurrentScanCode = *(uint16*)0x95CC64; uint8 &CWorld::PlayerInFocus = *(uint8 *)0x95CD61; CPlayerInfo *CWorld::Players = (CPlayerInfo *)0x9412F0; bool &CWorld::bNoMoreCollisionTorque = *(bool*)0x95CDCC; CEntity *&CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = *(CEntity**)0x8F6494; bool &CWorld::bIncludeDeadPeds = *(bool*)0x95CD8F; bool &CWorld::bSecondShift = *(bool*)0x95CD54; bool &CWorld::bForceProcessControl = *(bool*)0x95CD6C; bool &CWorld::bProcessCutsceneOnly = *(bool*)0x95CD8B; void CWorld::ClearScanCodes(void) { CPtrNode *node; for(int i = 0; i < NUMSECTORS_Y; i++) for(int j = 0; j < NUMSECTORS_X; j++){ CSector *s = &ms_aSectors[i][j]; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity*)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity*)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity*)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity*)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; for(node = s->m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES].first; node; node = node->next) ((CEntity*)node->item)->m_scanCode = 0; } } bool CWorld::CameraToIgnoreThisObject(CEntity *ent) { if(CGarages::IsModelIndexADoor(ent->GetModelIndex())) return false; return ((CObject*)ent)->m_bCameraToAvoidThisObject != 1; } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { int x, xstart, xend; int y, ystart, yend; int y1, y2; float dist; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); entity = nil; dist = 1.0f; xstart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.x); ystart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.y); xend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.x); yend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.y); #define LOSARGS CColLine(point1, point2), point, dist, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects if(xstart == xend && ystart == yend){ // Only one sector return ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, ystart), LOSARGS); }else if(xstart == xend){ // Only step in y if(ystart < yend) for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = ystart; y >= yend; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); return dist < 1.0f; }else if(ystart == yend){ // Only step in x if(xstart < xend) for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS); else for(x = xstart; x >= xend; x--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS); return dist < 1.0f; }else{ if(point1.x < point2.x){ // Step from left to right float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart+1) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); for(x = xstart+1; x < xend; x++){ y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x+1) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); }else{ // Step from right to left float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS); for(x = xstart-1; x > xend; x--){ y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS); } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2) for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); else for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) ProcessLineOfSightSector(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS); } return dist < 1.0f; } #undef LOSARGS } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { float mindist = dist; bool deadPeds = !!bIncludeDeadPeds; bIncludeDeadPeds = false; if(checkBuildings){ ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); } if(checkVehicles){ ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); } if(checkPeds){ if(deadPeds) bIncludeDeadPeds = true; ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); bIncludeDeadPeds = false; } if(checkObjects){ ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects); } if(checkDummies){ ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough); } bIncludeDeadPeds = deadPeds; if(mindist < dist){ dist = mindist; return true; }else return false; } bool CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { bool deadPeds = false; float mindist = dist; CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; if(list.first && bIncludeDeadPeds && ((CEntity*)list.first->item)->IsPed()) deadPeds = true; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e != pIgnoreEntity && (e->bUsesCollision || deadPeds) && !(ignoreSomeObjects && CameraToIgnoreThisObject(e))){ colmodel = nil; e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(e->IsPed()){ if(e->bUsesCollision || deadPeds && ((CPed*)e)->m_nPedState == PED_DEAD){ if(((CPed*)e)->UseGroundColModel()) colmodel = &CTempColModels::ms_colModelPedGroundHit; else colmodel = ((CPedModelInfo*)CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex()))->GetHitColModel(); }else colmodel = nil; }else if(e->bUsesCollision) colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(colmodel && CCollision::ProcessLineOfSight(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, point, dist, ignoreSeeThrough)) entity = e; } } if(mindist < dist){ dist = mindist; return true; }else return false; } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine(const CVector &point1, float z2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); CVector point2(point1.x, point1.y, z2); return CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSector(*GetSector(GetSectorIndexX(point1.x), GetSectorIndexX(point1.y)), CColLine(point1, point2), point, entity, checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { float mindist = 1.0f; if(checkBuildings){ ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkVehicles){ ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkPeds){ ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkObjects){ ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } if(checkDummies){ ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, point, mindist, entity, ignoreSeeThrough, poly); } return mindist < 1.0f; } bool CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly) { float mindist = dist; CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e->bUsesCollision){ e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(CCollision::ProcessVerticalLine(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, point, dist, ignoreSeeThrough, poly)) entity = e; } } if(mindist < dist){ dist = mindist; return true; }else return false; } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightClear(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { int x, xstart, xend; int y, ystart, yend; int y1, y2; AdvanceCurrentScanCode(); xstart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.x); ystart = GetSectorIndexX(point1.y); xend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.x); yend = GetSectorIndexX(point2.y); #define LOSARGS CColLine(point1, point2), checkBuildings, checkVehicles, checkPeds, checkObjects, checkDummies, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects if(xstart == xend && ystart == yend){ // Only one sector return GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, ystart), LOSARGS); }else if(xstart == xend){ // Only step in y if(ystart < yend){ for(y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = ystart; y >= yend; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } }else if(ystart == yend){ // Only step in x if(xstart < xend){ for(x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(x = xstart; x >= xend; x--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, ystart), LOSARGS)) return false; } }else{ if(point1.x < point2.x){ // Step from left to right float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart+1) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } for(x = xstart+1; x < xend; x++){ y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x+1) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } }else{ // Step from right to left float m = (point2.y - point1.y) / (point2.x - point1.x); y1 = ystart; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(xstart) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xstart, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } for(x = xstart-1; x > xend; x--){ y1 = y2; y2 = GetSectorIndexY((GetWorldX(x) - point1.x)*m + point1.y); if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(x, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } y1 = y2; y2 = yend; if(y1 < y2){ for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; }else{ for(y = y1; y >= y2; y--) if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(*GetSector(xend, y), LOSARGS)) return false; } } } return true; #undef LOSARGS } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { if(checkBuildings){ if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkVehicles){ if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkPeds){ if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } if(checkObjects){ if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS], line, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough, ignoreSomeObjects)) return false; } if(checkDummies){ if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; if(!GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(sector.m_lists[ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP], line, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } return true; } bool CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects) { CPtrNode *node; CEntity *e; CColModel *colmodel; for(node = list.first; node; node = node->next){ e = (CEntity*)node->item; if(e->m_scanCode != GetCurrentScanCode() && e->bUsesCollision){ e->m_scanCode = GetCurrentScanCode(); if(e != pIgnoreEntity && !(ignoreSomeObjects && CameraToIgnoreThisObject(e))){ colmodel = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(e->GetModelIndex())->GetColModel(); if(CCollision::TestLineOfSight(line, e->GetMatrix(), *colmodel, ignoreSeeThrough)) return false; } } } return true; } float CWorld::FindGroundZForCoord(float x, float y) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, 1000.0f), -1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)) return point.point.z; else return 20.0f; } float CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, z), -1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, false, false, nil)){ if(found) *found = true; return point.point.z; }else{ if(found) *found = false; return 0.0f; } } float CWorld::FindRoofZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found) { CColPoint point; CEntity *ent; if(ProcessVerticalLine(CVector(x, y, z), 1000.0f, point, ent, true, false, false, false, true, false, nil)){ if(found) *found = true; return point.point.z; }else{ if(found == nil) printf("THERE IS NO MAP BELOW THE FOLLOWING COORS:%f %f %f. (FindGroundZFor3DCoord)\n", x, y, z); if(found) *found = false; return 20.0f; } } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x4B1F60, CWorld::ClearScanCodes, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4AF970, CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B0A80, CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSector, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B0C70, CWorld::ProcessLineOfSightSectorList, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B0DE0, CWorld::ProcessVerticalLine, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B0EF0, CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSector, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B1090, CWorld::ProcessVerticalLineSectorList, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4AEAA0, CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightClear, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B2000, CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B2160, CWorld::GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B3A80, CWorld::FindGroundZForCoord, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B3AE0, CWorld::FindGroundZFor3DCoord, PATCH_JUMP); InjectHook(0x4B3B50, CWorld::FindRoofZFor3DCoord, PATCH_JUMP); ENDPATCHES WRAPPER CPlayerPed *FindPlayerPed(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A1150); } WRAPPER CVector &FindPlayerCoors(CVector &v) { EAXJMP(0x4A1030); } WRAPPER CVehicle *FindPlayerVehicle(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A10C0); } WRAPPER CVehicle *FindPlayerTrain(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A1120); } WRAPPER CVector &FindPlayerSpeed(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A1090); } WRAPPER CVector FindPlayerCentreOfWorld_NoSniperShift(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A11C0); } WRAPPER float FindPlayerHeading(void) { EAXJMP(0x4A1220); }