#include "common.h" #include "AnimBlendAssociation.h" #include "AnimBlendNode.h" //--MIAMI: file done void CAnimBlendNode::Init(void) { frameA = -1; frameB = -1; remainingTime = 0.0f; sequence = nil; association = nil; } bool CAnimBlendNode::Update(CVector &trans, CQuaternion &rot, float weight) { bool looped = false; trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); rot = CQuaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if(association->IsRunning()){ remainingTime -= association->timeStep; if(remainingTime <= 0.0f) looped = NextKeyFrame(); } float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTrans *kfA = (KeyFrameTrans*)sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA); KeyFrameTrans *kfB = (KeyFrameTrans*)sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameB); float t = kfA->deltaTime == 0.0f ? 0.0f : (kfA->deltaTime - remainingTime)/kfA->deltaTime; if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS){ trans = kfB->translation + t*(kfA->translation - kfB->translation); trans *= blend; } if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_ROT){ rot.Slerp(kfB->rotation, kfA->rotation, theta, invSin, t); rot *= blend; } } return looped; } bool CAnimBlendNode::UpdateCompressed(CVector &trans, CQuaternion &rot, float weight) { bool looped = false; trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); rot = CQuaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if(association->IsRunning()){ remainingTime -= association->timeStep; if(remainingTime <= 0.0f) looped = NextKeyFrameCompressed(); } float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTransCompressed *kfA = (KeyFrameTransCompressed*)sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameA); KeyFrameTransCompressed *kfB = (KeyFrameTransCompressed*)sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameB); float t = kfA->deltaTime == 0 ? 0.0f : (kfA->GetDeltaTime() - remainingTime)/kfA->GetDeltaTime(); if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS){ CVector transA, transB; kfA->GetTranslation(&transA); kfB->GetTranslation(&transB); trans = transB + t*(transA - transB); trans *= blend; } if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_ROT){ CQuaternion rotA, rotB; kfA->GetRotation(&rotA); kfB->GetRotation(&rotB); rot.Slerp(rotB, rotA, theta, invSin, t); rot *= blend; } } return looped; } bool CAnimBlendNode::NextKeyFrame(void) { bool looped; if(sequence->numFrames <= 1) return false; looped = false; frameB = frameA; // Advance as long as we have to while(remainingTime <= 0.0f){ frameA++; if(frameA >= sequence->numFrames){ // reached end of animation if(!association->IsRepeating()){ frameA--; remainingTime = 0.0f; return false; } looped = true; frameA = 0; } remainingTime += sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA)->deltaTime; } frameB = frameA - 1; if(frameB < 0) frameB += sequence->numFrames; CalcDeltas(); return looped; } bool CAnimBlendNode::NextKeyFrameCompressed(void) { bool looped; if(sequence->numFrames <= 1) return false; looped = false; frameB = frameA; // Advance as long as we have to while(remainingTime <= 0.0f){ frameA++; if(frameA >= sequence->numFrames){ // reached end of animation if(!association->IsRepeating()){ frameA--; remainingTime = 0.0f; return false; } looped = true; frameA = 0; } remainingTime += sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameA)->GetDeltaTime(); } frameB = frameA - 1; if(frameB < 0) frameB += sequence->numFrames; CalcDeltasCompressed(); return looped; } // Set animation to time t bool CAnimBlendNode::FindKeyFrame(float t) { if(sequence->numFrames < 1) return false; frameA = 0; frameB = frameA; if(sequence->numFrames == 1){ remainingTime = 0.0f; }else{ // advance until t is between frameB and frameA while (t > sequence->GetKeyFrame(++frameA)->deltaTime) { t -= sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA)->deltaTime; if (frameA + 1 >= sequence->numFrames) { // reached end of animation if (!association->IsRepeating()) { CalcDeltas(); remainingTime = 0.0f; return false; } frameA = 0; } frameB = frameA; } remainingTime = sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA)->deltaTime - t; } CalcDeltas(); return true; } bool CAnimBlendNode::SetupKeyFrameCompressed(void) { if(sequence->numFrames < 1) return false; frameA = 1; frameB = 0; if(sequence->numFrames == 1){ frameA = 0; remainingTime = 0.0f; }else remainingTime = sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameA)->GetDeltaTime(); CalcDeltasCompressed(); return true; } void CAnimBlendNode::CalcDeltas(void) { if((sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_ROT) == 0) return; KeyFrame *kfA = sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA); KeyFrame *kfB = sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameB); float cos = DotProduct(kfA->rotation, kfB->rotation); if(cos > 1.0f) cos = 1.0f; theta = Acos(cos); invSin = theta == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f/Sin(theta); } void CAnimBlendNode::CalcDeltasCompressed(void) { if((sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_ROT) == 0) return; KeyFrameCompressed *kfA = sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameA); KeyFrameCompressed *kfB = sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameB); CQuaternion rotA, rotB; kfA->GetRotation(&rotA); kfB->GetRotation(&rotB); float cos = DotProduct(rotA, rotB); if(cos < 0.0f){ rotB *= -1.0f; kfB->SetRotation(rotB); } cos = DotProduct(rotA, rotB); if(cos > 1.0f) cos = 1.0f; theta = Acos(cos); invSin = theta == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f/Sin(theta); } void CAnimBlendNode::GetCurrentTranslation(CVector &trans, float weight) { trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTrans *kfA = (KeyFrameTrans*)sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameA); KeyFrameTrans *kfB = (KeyFrameTrans*)sequence->GetKeyFrame(frameB); float t = kfA->deltaTime == 0.0f ? 0.0f : (kfA->deltaTime - remainingTime)/kfA->deltaTime; if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS){ trans = kfB->translation + t*(kfA->translation - kfB->translation); trans *= blend; } } } void CAnimBlendNode::GetCurrentTranslationCompressed(CVector &trans, float weight) { trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTransCompressed *kfA = (KeyFrameTransCompressed*)sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameA); KeyFrameTransCompressed *kfB = (KeyFrameTransCompressed*)sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(frameB); float t = kfA->deltaTime == 0 ? 0.0f : (kfA->GetDeltaTime() - remainingTime)/kfA->GetDeltaTime(); if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS){ CVector transA, transB; kfA->GetTranslation(&transA); kfB->GetTranslation(&transB); trans = transB + t*(transA - transB); trans *= blend; } } } void CAnimBlendNode::GetEndTranslation(CVector &trans, float weight) { trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTrans *kf = (KeyFrameTrans*)sequence->GetKeyFrame(sequence->numFrames-1); if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS) trans = kf->translation * blend; } } void CAnimBlendNode::GetEndTranslationCompressed(CVector &trans, float weight) { trans = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); float blend = association->GetBlendAmount(weight); if(blend > 0.0f){ KeyFrameTransCompressed *kf = (KeyFrameTransCompressed*)sequence->GetKeyFrameCompressed(sequence->numFrames-1); if(sequence->type & CAnimBlendSequence::KF_TRANS){ CVector trans; kf->GetTranslation(&trans); trans = trans * blend; } } }