#include "common.h" //#define JUICY_OAL #ifdef AUDIO_OAL #include "sampman.h" #include #include "eax.h" #include "eax-util.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "oal/oal_utils.h" #include "oal/aldlist.h" #include "oal/channel.h" #include "oal/stream.h" #include "AudioManager.h" #include "MusicManager.h" #include "Frontend.h" #include "Timer.h" #ifdef AUDIO_OPUS #include #endif //TODO: fix eax3 reverb //TODO: max channals //TODO: loop count //TODO: mp3 player #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma comment( lib, "OpenAL32.lib" ) #endif cSampleManager SampleManager; bool _bSampmanInitialised = false; uint32 BankStartOffset[MAX_SAMPLEBANKS]; int prevprovider=-1; int curprovider=-1; int usingEAX=0; int usingEAX3=0; //int speaker_type=0; ALCdevice *ALDevice = NULL; ALCcontext *ALContext = NULL; unsigned int _maxSamples; float _fPrevEaxRatioDestination; bool _usingEFX; float _fEffectsLevel; ALuint ALEffect = AL_EFFECT_NULL; ALuint ALEffectSlot = AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL; struct { char id[256]; char name[256]; int sources; }providers[MAXPROVIDERS]; int defaultProvider; char SampleBankDescFilename[] = "audio/sfx.SDT"; char SampleBankDataFilename[] = "audio/sfx.RAW"; FILE *fpSampleDescHandle; #ifdef AUDIO_OPUS OggOpusFile *fpSampleDataHandle; #else FILE *fpSampleDataHandle; #endif bool bSampleBankLoaded [MAX_SAMPLEBANKS]; int32 nSampleBankDiscStartOffset [MAX_SAMPLEBANKS]; int32 nSampleBankSize [MAX_SAMPLEBANKS]; uintptr nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[MAX_SAMPLEBANKS]; int32 _nSampleDataEndOffset; int32 nPedSlotSfx [MAX_PEDSFX]; int32 nPedSlotSfxAddr[MAX_PEDSFX]; uint8 nCurrentPedSlot; ALuint pedBuffers[MAX_PEDSFX]; CChannel aChannel[MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS]; uint8 nChannelVolume[MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS]; uint32 nStreamLength[TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS]; ALuint ALStreamSources[MAX_STREAMS]; ALuint ALStreamBuffers[MAX_STREAMS][NUM_STREAMBUFFERS]; struct { ALuint buffer; ALuint timer; bool IsEmpty() { return timer == 0; } void Set(ALuint buf) { buffer = buf; } void Wait() { timer = 10000; } void Init() { buffer = 0; timer = 0; } void Term() { if ( buffer != 0 && alIsBuffer(buffer) ) alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); timer = 0; } void Update() { if ( !(timer > 0) ) return; timer -= ALuint(CTimer::GetTimeStepInMilliseconds()); if ( timer > 0 ) return; if ( buffer != 0 && alIsBuffer(buffer) ) { alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); timer = ( alGetError() == AL_NO_ERROR ) ? 0 : 10000; } } }ALBuffers[SAMPLEBANK_MAX]; uint32 nNumMP3s; CStream *aStream[MAX_STREAMS]; uint8 nStreamPan [MAX_STREAMS]; uint8 nStreamVolume[MAX_STREAMS]; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Env Size Diffus Room RoomHF RoomLF DecTm DcHF DcLF Refl RefDel Ref Pan Revb RevDel Rev Pan EchTm EchDp ModTm ModDp AirAbs HFRef LFRef RRlOff FLAGS EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES StartEAX3 = {26, 1.7f, 0.8f, -1000, -1000, -100, 4.42f, 0.14f, 1.00f, 429, 0.014f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 1023, 0.021f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.250f, 0.000f, 0.250f, 0.000f, -5.0f, 2727.1f, 250.0f, 0.00f, 0x3f }; EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES FinishEAX3 = {26, 100.0f, 1.0f, 0, -1000, -2200, 20.0f, 1.39f, 1.00f, 1000, 0.069f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 400, 0.100f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.250f, 1.000f, 3.982f, 0.000f, -18.0f, 3530.8f, 417.9f, 6.70f, 0x3f }; EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES EAX3Params; bool IsFXSupported() { return usingEAX || usingEAX3 || _usingEFX; } void EAX_SetAll(const EAXLISTENERPROPERTIES *allparameters) { if ( usingEAX || usingEAX3 ) EAX3_Set(ALEffect, allparameters); else EFX_Set(ALEffect, allparameters); } static void add_providers() { SampleManager.SetNum3DProvidersAvailable(0); ALDeviceList *pDeviceList = NULL; pDeviceList = new ALDeviceList(); if ((pDeviceList) && (pDeviceList->GetNumDevices())) { const int devNumber = Min(pDeviceList->GetNumDevices(), MAXPROVIDERS); int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < devNumber; i++) { if ( n < MAXPROVIDERS ) { strcpy(providers[n].id, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i)); strncpy(providers[n].name, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i), sizeof(providers[n].name)); providers[n].sources = pDeviceList->GetMaxNumSources(i); SampleManager.Set3DProviderName(n, providers[n].name); n++; } if ( alGetEnumValue("AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB") != 0 || pDeviceList->IsExtensionSupported(i, ADEXT_EAX2) || pDeviceList->IsExtensionSupported(i, ADEXT_EAX3) || pDeviceList->IsExtensionSupported(i, ADEXT_EAX4) || pDeviceList->IsExtensionSupported(i, ADEXT_EAX5) ) { if ( n < MAXPROVIDERS ) { strcpy(providers[n].id, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i)); strncpy(providers[n].name, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i), sizeof(providers[n].name)); strcat(providers[n].name, " EAX"); providers[n].sources = pDeviceList->GetMaxNumSources(i); SampleManager.Set3DProviderName(n, providers[n].name); n++; } if ( n < MAXPROVIDERS ) { strcpy(providers[n].id, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i)); strncpy(providers[n].name, pDeviceList->GetDeviceName(i), sizeof(providers[n].name)); strcat(providers[n].name, " EAX3"); providers[n].sources = pDeviceList->GetMaxNumSources(i); SampleManager.Set3DProviderName(n, providers[n].name); n++; } } } SampleManager.SetNum3DProvidersAvailable(n); for(int j=n;jGetDefaultDevice(); if ( defaultProvider > MAXPROVIDERS ) defaultProvider = 0; } delete pDeviceList; } static void release_existing() { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++ ) aChannel[i].Term(); aChannel[CHANNEL2D].Term(); if ( IsFXSupported() ) { if ( alIsEffect(ALEffect) ) { alEffecti(ALEffect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, AL_EFFECT_NULL); alDeleteEffects(1, &ALEffect); ALEffect = AL_EFFECT_NULL; } if (alIsAuxiliaryEffectSlot(ALEffectSlot)) { alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALEffectSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, AL_EFFECT_NULL); alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &ALEffectSlot); ALEffectSlot = AL_EFFECTSLOT_NULL; } } for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { CStream *stream = aStream[i]; if (stream) stream->ProviderTerm(); alDeleteSources(1, &ALStreamSources[i]); alDeleteBuffers(NUM_STREAMBUFFERS, ALStreamBuffers[i]); } alDeleteBuffers(MAX_PEDSFX, pedBuffers); for ( int32 i = 0; i < SAMPLEBANK_MAX; i++ ) { ALBuffers[i].Term(); } if ( ALContext ) { alcMakeContextCurrent(NULL); alcSuspendContext(ALContext); alcDestroyContext(ALContext); } if ( ALDevice ) alcCloseDevice(ALDevice); ALDevice = NULL; ALContext = NULL; _fPrevEaxRatioDestination = 0.0f; _usingEFX = false; _fEffectsLevel = 0.0f; DEV("release_existing()\n"); } static bool set_new_provider(int index) { if ( curprovider == index ) return true; curprovider = index; release_existing(); if ( curprovider != -1 ) { DEV("set_new_provider()\n"); //TODO: _maxSamples = MAXCHANNELS; ALCint attr[] = {ALC_FREQUENCY,MAX_FREQ,0}; ALDevice = alcOpenDevice(providers[index].id); ASSERT(ALDevice != NULL); ALContext = alcCreateContext(ALDevice, attr); ASSERT(ALContext != NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(ALContext); const char* ext=(const char*)alGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS); ASSERT(strstr(ext,"AL_SOFT_loop_points")!=NULL); if ( strstr(ext,"AL_SOFT_loop_points")==NULL ) { curprovider=-1; release_existing(); return false; } alListenerf (AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ALfloat orientation[6] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, orientation); alDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED); if ( alcIsExtensionPresent(ALDevice, (ALCchar*)ALC_EXT_EFX_NAME) ) { alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots(1, &ALEffectSlot); alGenEffects(1, &ALEffect); } for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { alGenSources(1, &ALStreamSources[i]); alGenBuffers(NUM_STREAMBUFFERS, ALStreamBuffers[i]); CStream *stream = aStream[i]; if (stream) stream->ProviderInit(); } for ( int32 i = 0; i < SAMPLEBANK_MAX; i++ ) { ALBuffers[i].Init(); } alGenBuffers(MAX_PEDSFX, pedBuffers); usingEAX = 0; usingEAX3 = 0; _usingEFX = false; if ( !strcmp(&providers[index].name[strlen(providers[index].name) - strlen(" EAX3")], " EAX3") && alcIsExtensionPresent(ALDevice, (ALCchar*)ALC_EXT_EFX_NAME) ) { EAX_SetAll(&FinishEAX3); usingEAX = 1; usingEAX3 = 1; DEV("EAX3\n"); } else if ( alcIsExtensionPresent(ALDevice, (ALCchar*)ALC_EXT_EFX_NAME) ) { EAX_SetAll(&EAX30_ORIGINAL_PRESETS[EAX_ENVIRONMENT_CAVE]); if ( !strcmp(&providers[index].name[strlen(providers[index].name) - strlen(" EAX")], " EAX")) { usingEAX = 1; DEV("EAX1\n"); } else { _usingEFX = true; DEV("EFX\n"); } } //SampleManager.SetSpeakerConfig(speaker_type); for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++ ) aChannel[i].Init(); aChannel[CHANNEL2D].Init(true); if ( IsFXSupported() ) { /**/ alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALEffectSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, ALEffect); /**/ for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++ ) aChannel[i].SetReverbMix(ALEffectSlot, 0.0f); } return true; } return false; } cSampleManager::cSampleManager(void) { ; } cSampleManager::~cSampleManager(void) { } void cSampleManager::SetSpeakerConfig(int32 nConfig) { } uint32 cSampleManager::GetMaximumSupportedChannels(void) { if ( _maxSamples > MAXCHANNELS ) return MAXCHANNELS; return _maxSamples; } uint32 cSampleManager::GetNum3DProvidersAvailable() { return m_nNumberOfProviders; } void cSampleManager::SetNum3DProvidersAvailable(uint32 num) { m_nNumberOfProviders = num; } char *cSampleManager::Get3DProviderName(uint8 id) { return m_aAudioProviders[id]; } void cSampleManager::Set3DProviderName(uint8 id, char *name) { m_aAudioProviders[id] = name; } int8 cSampleManager::GetCurrent3DProviderIndex(void) { return curprovider; } int8 cSampleManager::SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 nProvider) { ASSERT( nProvider < m_nNumberOfProviders ); if (nProvider >= m_nNumberOfProviders) nProvider = 0; int savedprovider = curprovider; if ( nProvider < m_nNumberOfProviders ) { if ( set_new_provider(nProvider) ) return curprovider; else if ( savedprovider != -1 && savedprovider < m_nNumberOfProviders && set_new_provider(savedprovider) ) return curprovider; else return -1; } else return curprovider; } bool cSampleManager::IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable(void) { return nNumMP3s != 0; } void cSampleManager::ReleaseDigitalHandle(void) { if ( ALDevice ) { prevprovider = curprovider; release_existing(); curprovider = -1; } } void cSampleManager::ReacquireDigitalHandle(void) { if ( ALDevice ) { if ( prevprovider != -1 ) set_new_provider(prevprovider); } } bool cSampleManager::Initialise(void) { if ( _bSampmanInitialised ) return true; EFXInit(); CStream::Initialise(); { for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES; i++ ) { m_aSamples[i].nOffset = 0; m_aSamples[i].nSize = 0; m_aSamples[i].nFrequency = MAX_FREQ; m_aSamples[i].nLoopStart = 0; m_aSamples[i].nLoopEnd = -1; } m_nEffectsVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMusicVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nEffectsFadeVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMusicFadeVolume = MAX_VOLUME; m_nMonoMode = 0; } { curprovider = -1; prevprovider = -1; _usingEFX = false; usingEAX =0; usingEAX3=0; _fEffectsLevel = 0.0f; _maxSamples = 0; ALDevice = NULL; ALContext = NULL; } { fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; fpSampleDataHandle = NULL; for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLEBANKS; i++ ) { bSampleBankLoaded[i] = false; nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[i] = 0; nSampleBankSize[i] = 0; nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[i] = 0; } } { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_PEDSFX; i++ ) { nPedSlotSfx[i] = NO_SAMPLE; nPedSlotSfxAddr[i] = 0; } nCurrentPedSlot = 0; } { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) nChannelVolume[i] = 0; } { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { aStream[i] = NULL; nStreamVolume[i] = 100; nStreamPan[i] = 63; } for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS; i++ ) nStreamLength[i] = 0; } { add_providers(); if ( !InitialiseSampleBanks() ) { Terminate(); return false; } nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] = (uintptr)malloc(nSampleBankSize[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN]); ASSERT(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] != NULL); if ( nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] == NULL ) { Terminate(); return false; } nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] = (uintptr)malloc(PED_BLOCKSIZE*MAX_PEDSFX); ASSERT(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] != NULL); } { _bSampmanInitialised = true; if ( 0 >= defaultProvider && defaultProvider < m_nNumberOfProviders ) { set_new_provider(defaultProvider); } else { Terminate(); return false; } } #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE FILE *cacheFile = fopen("audio\\sound.cache", "rb"); if (cacheFile) { fread(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile); fclose(cacheFile); } else #endif { for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS; i++ ) { aStream[0] = new CStream(StreamedNameTable[i], ALStreamSources[0], ALStreamBuffers[0]); if ( aStream[0] && aStream[0]->IsOpened() ) { uint32 tatalms = aStream[0]->GetLengthMS(); delete aStream[0]; aStream[0] = NULL; nStreamLength[i] = tatalms; } else USERERROR("Can't open '%s'\n", StreamedNameTable[i]); } #ifdef AUDIO_CACHE cacheFile = fopen("audio\\sound.cache", "wb"); fwrite(nStreamLength, sizeof(uint32), TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS, cacheFile); fclose(cacheFile); #endif } LoadSampleBank(SAMPLEBANK_MAIN); return true; } void cSampleManager::Terminate(void) { release_existing(); for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++) { CStream *stream = aStream[i]; if (stream) { delete stream; aStream[i] = NULL; } } CStream::Terminate(); if ( nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] != 0 ) { free((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN]); nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] = 0; } if ( nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] != 0 ) { free((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED]); nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] = 0; } _bSampmanInitialised = false; } void cSampleManager::UpdateSoundBuffers(void) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < SAMPLEBANK_MAX; i++ ) { ALBuffers[i].Update(); } } bool cSampleManager::CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD(void) { return true; } char cSampleManager::GetCDAudioDriveLetter(void) { return '\0'; } void cSampleManager::UpdateEffectsVolume(void) { if ( _bSampmanInitialised ) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS; i++ ) { if ( GetChannelUsedFlag(i) ) { if ( nChannelVolume[i] != 0 ) aChannel[i].SetVolume(m_nEffectsFadeVolume*nChannelVolume[i]*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } } } } void cSampleManager::SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nEffectsVolume = nVolume; UpdateEffectsVolume(); } void cSampleManager::SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nMusicVolume = nVolume; } void cSampleManager::SetEffectsFadeVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nEffectsFadeVolume = nVolume; UpdateEffectsVolume(); } void cSampleManager::SetMusicFadeVolume(uint8 nVolume) { m_nMusicFadeVolume = nVolume; } void cSampleManager::SetMonoMode(uint8 nMode) { m_nMonoMode = nMode; } bool cSampleManager::LoadSampleBank(uint8 nBank) { ASSERT( nBank < MAX_SAMPLEBANKS ); if ( CTimer::GetIsCodePaused() ) return false; if ( MusicManager.IsInitialised() && MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE && nBank != SAMPLEBANK_MAIN ) { return false; } #ifdef AUDIO_OPUS int samplesRead = 0; int samplesSize = nSampleBankSize[nBank] / 2; op_pcm_seek(fpSampleDataHandle, 0); while (samplesSize > 0) { int size = op_read(fpSampleDataHandle, (opus_int16 *)(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[nBank] + samplesRead), samplesSize, NULL); if (size <= 0) { // huh? //assert(0); break; } samplesRead += size*2; samplesSize -= size; } #else if ( fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[nBank], SEEK_SET) != 0 ) return false; if ( fread((void *)nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[nBank], 1, nSampleBankSize[nBank], fpSampleDataHandle) != nSampleBankSize[nBank] ) return false; #endif bSampleBankLoaded[nBank] = true; return true; } void cSampleManager::UnloadSampleBank(uint8 nBank) { ASSERT( nBank < MAX_SAMPLEBANKS ); bSampleBankLoaded[nBank] = false; } bool cSampleManager::IsSampleBankLoaded(uint8 nBank) { ASSERT( nBank < MAX_SAMPLEBANKS ); return bSampleBankLoaded[nBank]; } bool cSampleManager::IsPedCommentLoaded(uint32 nComment) { ASSERT( nComment < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); int8 slot; for ( int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(3); i++ ) { slot = nCurrentPedSlot - i - 1; #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (slot < 0) slot += ARRAY_SIZE(nPedSlotSfx); #endif if ( nComment == nPedSlotSfx[slot] ) return true; } return false; } int32 cSampleManager::_GetPedCommentSlot(uint32 nComment) { int8 slot; for (int32 i = 0; i < _TODOCONST(3); i++) { slot = nCurrentPedSlot - i - 1; #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (slot < 0) slot += ARRAY_SIZE(nPedSlotSfx); #endif if (nComment == nPedSlotSfx[slot]) return slot; } return -1; } bool cSampleManager::LoadPedComment(uint32 nComment) { ASSERT( nComment < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); if ( CTimer::GetIsCodePaused() ) return false; // no talking peds during cutsenes or the game end if ( MusicManager.IsInitialised() ) { switch ( MusicManager.GetMusicMode() ) { case MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE: { return false; break; } case MUSICMODE_FRONTEND: { if ( MusicManager.GetCurrentTrack() == STREAMED_SOUND_CUTSCENE_FINALE) return false; break; } } } #ifdef AUDIO_OPUS int samplesRead = 0; int samplesSize = m_aSamples[nComment].nSize / 2; op_pcm_seek(fpSampleDataHandle, m_aSamples[nComment].nOffset / 2); while (samplesSize > 0) { int size = op_read(fpSampleDataHandle, (opus_int16 *)(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] + PED_BLOCKSIZE * nCurrentPedSlot + samplesRead), samplesSize, NULL); if (size <= 0) { return false; } samplesRead += size * 2; samplesSize -= size; } #else if ( fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, m_aSamples[nComment].nOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0 ) return false; if ( fread((void *)(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] + PED_BLOCKSIZE*nCurrentPedSlot), 1, m_aSamples[nComment].nSize, fpSampleDataHandle) != m_aSamples[nComment].nSize ) return false; #endif nPedSlotSfx[nCurrentPedSlot] = nComment; alBufferData(pedBuffers[nCurrentPedSlot], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, (void *)(nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[SAMPLEBANK_PED] + PED_BLOCKSIZE*nCurrentPedSlot), m_aSamples[nComment].nSize, m_aSamples[nComment].nFrequency); if ( ++nCurrentPedSlot >= MAX_PEDSFX ) nCurrentPedSlot = 0; return true; } int32 cSampleManager::GetBankContainingSound(uint32 offset) { if ( offset >= BankStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_PED] ) return SAMPLEBANK_PED; if ( offset >= BankStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] ) return SAMPLEBANK_MAIN; return SAMPLEBANK_INVALID; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleBaseFrequency(uint32 nSample) { ASSERT( nSample < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); return m_aSamples[nSample].nFrequency; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLoopStartOffset(uint32 nSample) { ASSERT( nSample < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); return m_aSamples[nSample].nLoopStart; } int32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLoopEndOffset(uint32 nSample) { ASSERT( nSample < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); return m_aSamples[nSample].nLoopEnd; } uint32 cSampleManager::GetSampleLength(uint32 nSample) { ASSERT( nSample < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES ); return m_aSamples[nSample].nSize / sizeof(uint16); } bool cSampleManager::UpdateReverb(void) { if ( !usingEAX && !_usingEFX ) return false; if ( AudioManager.GetFrameCounter() & 15 ) return false; float y = AudioManager.GetReflectionsDistance(REFLECTION_TOP) + AudioManager.GetReflectionsDistance(REFLECTION_BOTTOM); float x = AudioManager.GetReflectionsDistance(REFLECTION_LEFT) + AudioManager.GetReflectionsDistance(REFLECTION_RIGHT); float z = AudioManager.GetReflectionsDistance(REFLECTION_UP); float normy = norm(y, 5.0f, 40.0f); float normx = norm(x, 5.0f, 40.0f); float normz = norm(z, 5.0f, 40.0f); #define ZR(v, a, b) (((v)==0)?(a):(b)) #define CALCRATIO(x,y,z,min,max,val) (ZR(y, ZR(x, ZR(z, min, max), min), ZR(x, ZR(z, min, max), ZR(z, min, val)))) float fRatio = CALCRATIO(normx, normy, normz, 0.3f, 0.5f, (normy+normx+normz)/3.0f); #undef CALCRATIO #undef ZE fRatio = clamp(fRatio, usingEAX3==1 ? 0.0f : 0.30f, 1.0f); if ( fRatio == _fPrevEaxRatioDestination ) return false; #ifdef JUICY_OAL if ( usingEAX3 || _usingEFX ) #else if ( usingEAX3 ) #endif { if ( EAX3ListenerInterpolate(&StartEAX3, &FinishEAX3, fRatio, &EAX3Params, false) ) { EAX_SetAll(&EAX3Params); /* if ( IsFXSupported() ) { alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALEffectSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, ALEffect); for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++ ) aChannel[i].UpdateReverb(ALEffectSlot); } */ _fEffectsLevel = 1.0f - fRatio * 0.5f; } } else { if ( _usingEFX ) _fEffectsLevel = (1.0f - fRatio) * 0.4f; else _fEffectsLevel = (1.0f - fRatio) * 0.7f; } _fPrevEaxRatioDestination = fRatio; return true; } void cSampleManager::SetChannelReverbFlag(uint32 nChannel, uint8 nReverbFlag) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); if ( usingEAX || _usingEFX ) { if ( IsFXSupported() ) { alAuxiliaryEffectSloti(ALEffectSlot, AL_EFFECTSLOT_EFFECT, ALEffect); if ( nReverbFlag != 0 ) aChannel[nChannel].SetReverbMix(ALEffectSlot, _fEffectsLevel); else aChannel[nChannel].SetReverbMix(ALEffectSlot, 0.0f); } } } bool cSampleManager::InitialiseChannel(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nSfx, uint8 nBank) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); ALuint buffer; if ( nSfx < SAMPLEBANK_MAX ) { if ( !IsSampleBankLoaded(nBank) ) return false; uintptr addr = nSampleBankMemoryStartAddress[nBank] + m_aSamples[nSfx].nOffset - m_aSamples[BankStartOffset[nBank]].nOffset; if ( ALBuffers[nSfx].IsEmpty() ) { ALuint buf; alGenBuffers(1, &buf); alBufferData(buf, AL_FORMAT_MONO16, (void *)addr, m_aSamples[nSfx].nSize, m_aSamples[nSfx].nFrequency); ALBuffers[nSfx].Set(buf); } ALBuffers[nSfx].Wait(); buffer = ALBuffers[nSfx].buffer; } else { if ( !IsPedCommentLoaded(nSfx) ) return false; int32 slot = _GetPedCommentSlot(nSfx); buffer = pedBuffers[slot]; } if ( buffer == 0 ) { TRACE("No buffer to play id %d", nSfx); return false; } if ( GetChannelUsedFlag(nChannel) ) { TRACE("Stopping channel %d - really!!!", nChannel); StopChannel(nChannel); } aChannel[nChannel].Reset(); if ( aChannel[nChannel].HasSource() ) { aChannel[nChannel].SetSampleID (nSfx); aChannel[nChannel].SetFreq (m_aSamples[nSfx].nFrequency); aChannel[nChannel].SetLoopPoints (0, -1); aChannel[nChannel].SetBuffer (buffer); aChannel[nChannel].SetPitch (1.0f); return true; } return false; } void cSampleManager::SetChannelEmittingVolume(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nVolume) { ASSERT( nChannel != CHANNEL2D ); ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); uint32 vol = nVolume; if ( vol > MAX_VOLUME ) vol = MAX_VOLUME; nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol; if ( MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE && MusicManager.GetCurrentTrack() != STREAMED_SOUND_CUTSCENE_FINALE ) { nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol / 4; } // no idea, does this one looks like a bug or it's SetChannelVolume ? aChannel[nChannel].SetVolume(m_nEffectsFadeVolume*nChannelVolume[nChannel]*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } void cSampleManager::SetChannel3DPosition(uint32 nChannel, float fX, float fY, float fZ) { ASSERT( nChannel != CHANNEL2D ); ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].SetPosition(-fX, fY, fZ); } void cSampleManager::SetChannel3DDistances(uint32 nChannel, float fMax, float fMin) { ASSERT( nChannel != CHANNEL2D ); ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].SetDistances(fMax, fMin); } void cSampleManager::SetChannelVolume(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nVolume) { ASSERT( nChannel == CHANNEL2D ); ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); if ( nChannel == CHANNEL2D ) { uint32 vol = nVolume; if ( vol > MAX_VOLUME ) vol = MAX_VOLUME; nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol; if ( MusicManager.GetMusicMode() == MUSICMODE_CUTSCENE && MusicManager.GetCurrentTrack() != STREAMED_SOUND_CUTSCENE_FINALE ) { nChannelVolume[nChannel] = vol / 4; } aChannel[nChannel].SetVolume(m_nEffectsFadeVolume*vol*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } } void cSampleManager::SetChannelPan(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nPan) { ASSERT(nChannel == CHANNEL2D); ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); if ( nChannel == CHANNEL2D ) { aChannel[nChannel].SetPan(nPan); } } void cSampleManager::SetChannelFrequency(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nFreq) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].SetCurrentFreq(nFreq); } void cSampleManager::SetChannelLoopPoints(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nLoopStart, int32 nLoopEnd) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].SetLoopPoints(nLoopStart / (DIGITALBITS / 8), nLoopEnd / (DIGITALBITS / 8)); } void cSampleManager::SetChannelLoopCount(uint32 nChannel, uint32 nLoopCount) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].SetLoopCount(nLoopCount); } bool cSampleManager::GetChannelUsedFlag(uint32 nChannel) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); return aChannel[nChannel].IsUsed(); } void cSampleManager::StartChannel(uint32 nChannel) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].Start(); } void cSampleManager::StopChannel(uint32 nChannel) { ASSERT( nChannel < MAXCHANNELS+MAX2DCHANNELS ); aChannel[nChannel].Stop(); } void cSampleManager::PreloadStreamedFile(uint32 nFile, uint8 nStream) { char filename[256]; ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); if ( nFile < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS ) { if ( aStream[nStream] ) { delete aStream[nStream]; aStream[nStream] = NULL; } strcpy(filename, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); CStream *stream = new CStream(filename, ALStreamSources[nStream], ALStreamBuffers[nStream]); ASSERT(stream != NULL); aStream[nStream] = stream; if ( !stream->IsOpened() ) { delete stream; aStream[nStream] = NULL; } } } void cSampleManager::PauseStream(uint8 nPauseFlag, uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { stream->SetPause(nPauseFlag != 0); } } void cSampleManager::StartPreloadedStreamedFile(uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { if ( stream->Setup() ) { stream->Start(); } } } bool cSampleManager::StartStreamedFile(uint32 nFile, uint32 nPos, uint8 nStream) { char filename[256]; ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); if ( nFile < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS ) { if ( aStream[nStream] ) { delete aStream[nStream]; aStream[nStream] = NULL; } strcpy(filename, StreamedNameTable[nFile]); CStream *stream = new CStream(filename, ALStreamSources[nStream], ALStreamBuffers[nStream]); ASSERT(stream != NULL); aStream[nStream] = stream; if ( stream->IsOpened() ) { nStreamLength[nFile] = stream->GetLengthMS(); if ( stream->Setup() ) { if ( nPos != 0 ) stream->SetPosMS(nPos); stream->Start(); } return true; } else { delete stream; aStream[nStream] = NULL; } } return false; } void cSampleManager::StopStreamedFile(uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { delete stream; aStream[nStream] = NULL; } } int32 cSampleManager::GetStreamedFilePosition(uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { return stream->GetPosMS(); } return 0; } void cSampleManager::SetStreamedVolumeAndPan(uint8 nVolume, uint8 nPan, uint8 nEffectFlag, uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); if ( nVolume > MAX_VOLUME ) nVolume = MAX_VOLUME; if ( nPan > MAX_VOLUME ) nPan = MAX_VOLUME; nStreamVolume[nStream] = nVolume; nStreamPan [nStream] = nPan; CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { if ( nEffectFlag ) { if ( nStream == 1 ) // TODO(MIAMI): || nStream == 2 when we have second mission channel? stream->SetVolume(128*nVolume*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); else stream->SetVolume(m_nEffectsFadeVolume*nVolume*m_nEffectsVolume >> 14); } else stream->SetVolume(m_nMusicFadeVolume*nVolume*m_nMusicVolume >> 14); stream->SetPan(nPan); } } int32 cSampleManager::GetStreamedFileLength(uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < TOTAL_STREAMED_SOUNDS ); return nStreamLength[nStream]; } bool cSampleManager::IsStreamPlaying(uint8 nStream) { ASSERT( nStream < MAX_STREAMS ); CStream *stream = aStream[nStream]; if ( stream ) { if ( stream->IsPlaying() ) return true; } return false; } void cSampleManager::Service(void) { for ( int32 i = 0; i < MAX_STREAMS; i++ ) { CStream *stream = aStream[i]; if ( stream ) stream->Update(); } UpdateSoundBuffers(); } bool cSampleManager::InitialiseSampleBanks(void) { int32 nBank = SAMPLEBANK_MAIN; fpSampleDescHandle = fopen(SampleBankDescFilename, "rb"); if ( fpSampleDescHandle == NULL ) return false; #ifndef AUDIO_OPUS fpSampleDataHandle = fopen(SampleBankDataFilename, "rb"); if ( fpSampleDataHandle == NULL ) { fclose(fpSampleDescHandle); fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; return false; } fseek(fpSampleDataHandle, 0, SEEK_END); int32 _nSampleDataEndOffset = ftell(fpSampleDataHandle); rewind(fpSampleDataHandle); #else int e; fpSampleDataHandle = op_open_file(SampleBankDataFilename, &e); #endif fread(m_aSamples, sizeof(tSample), TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES, fpSampleDescHandle); #ifdef AUDIO_OPUS int32 _nSampleDataEndOffset = m_aSamples[TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES - 1].nOffset + m_aSamples[TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES - 1].nSize; #endif fclose(fpSampleDescHandle); fpSampleDescHandle = NULL; for ( int32 i = 0; i < TOTAL_AUDIO_SAMPLES; i++ ) { #ifdef FIX_BUGS if (nBank >= MAX_SAMPLEBANKS) break; #endif if ( BankStartOffset[nBank] == BankStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] + i ) { nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[nBank] = m_aSamples[i].nOffset; nBank++; } } nSampleBankSize[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN] = nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_PED] - nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_MAIN]; nSampleBankSize[SAMPLEBANK_PED] = _nSampleDataEndOffset - nSampleBankDiscStartOffset[SAMPLEBANK_PED]; return true; } #endif