#pragma once #include "Game.h" #include "Lists.h" #include "PlayerInfo.h" /* Sectors span from -2400 to 1600 in x and -2000 to 2000 y. * With 80x80 sectors, each is 50x50 units. */ #define SECTOR_SIZE_X (50.0f) #define SECTOR_SIZE_Y (50.0f) #define NUMSECTORS_X (80) #define NUMSECTORS_Y (80) #define WORLD_SIZE_X (NUMSECTORS_X * SECTOR_SIZE_X) #define WORLD_SIZE_Y (NUMSECTORS_Y * SECTOR_SIZE_Y) #define WORLD_MIN_X (-2400.0f) #define WORLD_MIN_Y (-2000.0f) #define WORLD_MAX_X (WORLD_MIN_X + WORLD_SIZE_X) #define WORLD_MAX_Y (WORLD_MIN_Y + WORLD_SIZE_Y) #define MAP_Z_LOW_LIMIT -100.0f enum { ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS, ENTITYLIST_BUILDINGS_OVERLAP, ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS, ENTITYLIST_OBJECTS_OVERLAP, ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES, ENTITYLIST_VEHICLES_OVERLAP, ENTITYLIST_PEDS, ENTITYLIST_PEDS_OVERLAP, ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES, ENTITYLIST_DUMMIES_OVERLAP, NUMSECTORENTITYLISTS }; class CSector { public: CPtrList m_lists[NUMSECTORENTITYLISTS]; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(CSector, 0x28); class CEntity; struct CColPoint; struct CColLine; struct CStoredCollPoly; class CWorld { static CPtrList ms_bigBuildingsList[4]; static CPtrList ms_listMovingEntityPtrs; static CSector ms_aSectors[NUMSECTORS_Y][NUMSECTORS_X]; static uint16 ms_nCurrentScanCode; public: static uint8 PlayerInFocus; static CPlayerInfo Players[NUMPLAYERS]; static CEntity *pIgnoreEntity; static bool bIncludeDeadPeds; static bool bNoMoreCollisionTorque; static bool bSecondShift; static bool bForceProcessControl; static bool bProcessCutsceneOnly; static bool bDoingCarCollisions; static bool bIncludeCarTyres; static void Remove(CEntity *entity); static void Add(CEntity *entity); static CSector *GetSector(int x, int y) { return &ms_aSectors[y][x]; } static CPtrList &GetBigBuildingList(eLevelName i) { return ms_bigBuildingsList[i]; } static CPtrList &GetMovingEntityList(void) { return ms_listMovingEntityPtrs; } static uint16 GetCurrentScanCode(void) { return ms_nCurrentScanCode; } static void AdvanceCurrentScanCode(void){ if(++CWorld::ms_nCurrentScanCode == 0){ CWorld::ClearScanCodes(); CWorld::ms_nCurrentScanCode = 1; } } static void ClearScanCodes(void); static void ClearExcitingStuffFromArea(const CVector &pos, float radius, bool bRemoveProjectilesAndTidyUpShadows); static bool CameraToIgnoreThisObject(CEntity *ent); static bool ProcessLineOfSight(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static bool ProcessLineOfSightSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static bool ProcessLineOfSightSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static bool ProcessVerticalLine(const CVector &point1, float z2, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly); static bool ProcessVerticalLineSector(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, CEntity *&entity, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly); static bool ProcessVerticalLineSectorList(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, CColPoint &point, float &dist, CEntity *&entity, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly); static bool GetIsLineOfSightClear(const CVector &point1, const CVector &point2, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static bool GetIsLineOfSightSectorClear(CSector §or, const CColLine &line, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static bool GetIsLineOfSightSectorListClear(CPtrList &list, const CColLine &line, bool ignoreSeeThrough, bool ignoreSomeObjects = false); static CEntity *TestSphereAgainstWorld(CVector centre, float radius, CEntity *entityToIgnore, bool checkBuildings, bool checkVehicles, bool checkPeds, bool checkObjects, bool checkDummies, bool ignoreSomeObjects); static CEntity *TestSphereAgainstSectorList(CPtrList&, CVector, float, CEntity*, bool); static void FindObjectsInRangeSectorList(CPtrList&, Const CVector&, float, bool, short*, short, CEntity**); static void FindObjectsInRange(Const CVector&, float, bool, short*, short, CEntity**, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool); static void FindObjectsOfTypeInRangeSectorList(uint32 modelId, CPtrList& list, const CVector& position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16* nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities); static void FindObjectsOfTypeInRange(uint32 modelId, const CVector& position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16* nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies); static float FindGroundZForCoord(float x, float y); static float FindGroundZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found); static float FindRoofZFor3DCoord(float x, float y, float z, bool *found); static void RemoveReferencesToDeletedObject(CEntity*); static void FindObjectsKindaColliding(const CVector& position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16* nCollidingEntities, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies); static void FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorList(CPtrList& list, const CVector& position, float radius, bool bCheck2DOnly, int16* nCollidingEntities, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities); static void FindObjectsIntersectingCube(const CVector& vecStartPos, const CVector& vecEndPos, int16* nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities, bool bBuildings, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects, bool bDummies); static void FindObjectsIntersectingCubeSectorList(CPtrList& list, const CVector& vecStartPos, const CVector& vecEndPos, int16* nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities); static void FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBox(const CBox &, const CMatrix &, const CVector &, float, float, float, float, int16*, int16, CEntity **, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool); static void FindObjectsIntersectingAngledCollisionBoxSectorList(CPtrList& list, const CBox& boundingBox, const CMatrix& matrix, const CVector& position, int16* nEntitiesFound, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities); static void FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCube(const CVector& vecStartPos, const CVector& vecEndPos, int16* nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities, bool bVehicles, bool bPeds, bool bObjects); static void FindMissionEntitiesIntersectingCubeSectorList(CPtrList& list, const CVector& vecStartPos, const CVector& vecEndPos, int16* nIntersecting, int16 maxEntitiesToFind, CEntity** aEntities, bool bIsVehicleList, bool bIsPedList); static void ClearCarsFromArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2); static void ClearPedsFromArea(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2); static void CallOffChaseForArea(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); static void CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListVehicles(CPtrList& list, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float fStartX, float fStartY, float fEndX, float fEndY); static void CallOffChaseForAreaSectorListPeds(CPtrList& list, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); static float GetSectorX(float f) { return ((f - WORLD_MIN_X)/SECTOR_SIZE_X); } static float GetSectorY(float f) { return ((f - WORLD_MIN_Y)/SECTOR_SIZE_Y); } static int GetSectorIndexX(float f) { return (int)GetSectorX(f); } static int GetSectorIndexY(float f) { return (int)GetSectorY(f); } static float GetWorldX(int x) { return x*SECTOR_SIZE_X + WORLD_MIN_X; } static float GetWorldY(int y) { return y*SECTOR_SIZE_Y + WORLD_MIN_Y; } static void RemoveEntityInsteadOfProcessingIt(CEntity* ent); static void RemoveFallenPeds(); static void RemoveFallenCars(); static void StopAllLawEnforcersInTheirTracks(); static void SetAllCarsCanBeDamaged(bool); static void ExtinguishAllCarFiresInArea(CVector, float); static void SetCarsOnFire(float x, float y, float z, float radius, CEntity* reason); static void SetPedsOnFire(float x, float y, float z, float radius, CEntity* reason); static void Initialise(); static void AddParticles(); static void ShutDown(); static void ClearForRestart(void); static void RepositionCertainDynamicObjects(); static void RepositionOneObject(CEntity* pEntity); static void RemoveStaticObjects(); static void Process(); static void TriggerExplosion(const CVector& position, float fRadius, float fPower, CEntity* pCreator, bool bProcessVehicleBombTimer); static void TriggerExplosionSectorList(CPtrList& list, const CVector& position, float fRadius, float fPower, CEntity* pCreator, bool bProcessVehicleBombTimer); static void UseDetonator(CEntity *pEntity); }; extern CColPoint gaTempSphereColPoints[MAX_COLLISION_POINTS]; class CPlayerPed; class CVehicle; CPlayerPed *FindPlayerPed(void); CVehicle *FindPlayerVehicle(void); CVehicle *FindPlayerTrain(void); CEntity *FindPlayerEntity(void); CVector FindPlayerCoors(void); CVector &FindPlayerSpeed(void); const CVector &FindPlayerCentreOfWorld(int32 player); const CVector &FindPlayerCentreOfWorld_NoSniperShift(void); float FindPlayerHeading(void);