// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include "common/fs/fs.h" #include "common/fs/fs_paths.h" #include "common/fs/path_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include // Used in GetExeDirectory() #else #include // Used in Get(Home/Data)Directory() #include // Used in GetHomeDirectory() #include // Used in GetHomeDirectory() #include // Used in GetDataDirectory() #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include // Used in GetBundleDirectory() // CFURL contains __attribute__ directives that gcc does not know how to parse, so we need to just // ignore them if we're not using clang. The macro is only used to prevent linking against // functions that don't exist on older versions of macOS, and the worst case scenario is a linker // error, so this is perfectly safe, just inconvenient. #ifndef __clang__ #define availability(...) #endif #include // Used in GetBundleDirectory() #include // Used in GetBundleDirectory() #include // Used in GetBundleDirectory() #ifdef availability #undef availability #endif #endif #ifndef MAX_PATH #ifdef _WIN32 // This is the maximum number of UTF-16 code units permissible in Windows file paths #define MAX_PATH 260 #else // This is the maximum number of UTF-8 code units permissible in all other OSes' file paths #define MAX_PATH 1024 #endif #endif namespace Common::FS { namespace fs = std::filesystem; /** * The PathManagerImpl is a singleton allowing to manage the mapping of * YuzuPath enums to real filesystem paths. * This class provides 2 functions: GetYuzuPathImpl and SetYuzuPathImpl. * These are used by GetYuzuPath and SetYuzuPath respectively to get or modify * the path mapped by the YuzuPath enum. */ class PathManagerImpl { public: static PathManagerImpl& GetInstance() { static PathManagerImpl path_manager_impl; return path_manager_impl; } PathManagerImpl(const PathManagerImpl&) = delete; PathManagerImpl& operator=(const PathManagerImpl&) = delete; PathManagerImpl(PathManagerImpl&&) = delete; PathManagerImpl& operator=(PathManagerImpl&&) = delete; [[nodiscard]] const fs::path& GetYuzuPathImpl(YuzuPath yuzu_path) { return yuzu_paths.at(yuzu_path); } void SetYuzuPathImpl(YuzuPath yuzu_path, const fs::path& new_path) { yuzu_paths.insert_or_assign(yuzu_path, new_path); } private: PathManagerImpl() { #ifdef _WIN32 auto yuzu_path = GetExeDirectory() / PORTABLE_DIR; if (!IsDir(yuzu_path)) { yuzu_path = GetAppDataRoamingDirectory() / YUZU_DIR; } GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::YuzuDir, yuzu_path); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::CacheDir, yuzu_path / CACHE_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::ConfigDir, yuzu_path / CONFIG_DIR); #else auto yuzu_path = GetCurrentDir() / PORTABLE_DIR; if (Exists(yuzu_path) && IsDir(yuzu_path)) { GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::YuzuDir, yuzu_path); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::CacheDir, yuzu_path / CACHE_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::ConfigDir, yuzu_path / CONFIG_DIR); } else { yuzu_path = GetDataDirectory("XDG_DATA_HOME") / YUZU_DIR; GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::YuzuDir, yuzu_path); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::CacheDir, GetDataDirectory("XDG_CACHE_HOME") / YUZU_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::ConfigDir, GetDataDirectory("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") / YUZU_DIR); } #endif GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::DumpDir, yuzu_path / DUMP_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::KeysDir, yuzu_path / KEYS_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::LoadDir, yuzu_path / LOAD_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::LogDir, yuzu_path / LOG_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::NANDDir, yuzu_path / NAND_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::ScreenshotsDir, yuzu_path / SCREENSHOTS_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::SDMCDir, yuzu_path / SDMC_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::ShaderDir, yuzu_path / SHADER_DIR); GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath::TASFile, yuzu_path / TAS_DIR); } ~PathManagerImpl() = default; void GenerateYuzuPath(YuzuPath yuzu_path, const fs::path& new_path) { void(FS::CreateDir(new_path)); SetYuzuPathImpl(yuzu_path, new_path); } std::unordered_map yuzu_paths; }; bool ValidatePath(const fs::path& path) { if (path.empty()) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Input path is empty, path={}", PathToUTF8String(path)); return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (path.u16string().size() >= MAX_PATH) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Input path is too long, path={}", PathToUTF8String(path)); return false; } #else if (path.u8string().size() >= MAX_PATH) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Input path is too long, path={}", PathToUTF8String(path)); return false; } #endif return true; } fs::path ConcatPath(const fs::path& first, const fs::path& second) { const bool second_has_dir_sep = IsDirSeparator(second.u8string().front()); if (!second_has_dir_sep) { return (first / second).lexically_normal(); } fs::path concat_path = first; concat_path += second; return concat_path.lexically_normal(); } fs::path ConcatPathSafe(const fs::path& base, const fs::path& offset) { const auto concatenated_path = ConcatPath(base, offset); if (!IsPathSandboxed(base, concatenated_path)) { return base; } return concatenated_path; } bool IsPathSandboxed(const fs::path& base, const fs::path& path) { const auto base_string = RemoveTrailingSeparators(base.lexically_normal()).u8string(); const auto path_string = RemoveTrailingSeparators(path.lexically_normal()).u8string(); if (path_string.size() < base_string.size()) { return false; } return base_string.compare(0, base_string.size(), path_string, 0, base_string.size()) == 0; } bool IsDirSeparator(char character) { return character == '/' || character == '\\'; } bool IsDirSeparator(char8_t character) { return character == u8'/' || character == u8'\\'; } fs::path RemoveTrailingSeparators(const fs::path& path) { if (path.empty()) { return path; } auto string_path = path.u8string(); while (IsDirSeparator(string_path.back())) { string_path.pop_back(); } return fs::path{string_path}; } const fs::path& GetYuzuPath(YuzuPath yuzu_path) { return PathManagerImpl::GetInstance().GetYuzuPathImpl(yuzu_path); } std::string GetYuzuPathString(YuzuPath yuzu_path) { return PathToUTF8String(GetYuzuPath(yuzu_path)); } void SetYuzuPath(YuzuPath yuzu_path, const fs::path& new_path) { if (!FS::IsDir(new_path)) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Filesystem object at new_path={} is not a directory", PathToUTF8String(new_path)); return; } PathManagerImpl::GetInstance().SetYuzuPathImpl(yuzu_path, new_path); } #ifdef _WIN32 fs::path GetExeDirectory() { wchar_t exe_path[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, exe_path, MAX_PATH); if (!exe_path) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Failed to get the path to the executable of the current process"); } return fs::path{exe_path}.parent_path(); } fs::path GetAppDataRoamingDirectory() { PWSTR appdata_roaming_path = nullptr; SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, 0, nullptr, &appdata_roaming_path); auto fs_appdata_roaming_path = fs::path{appdata_roaming_path}; CoTaskMemFree(appdata_roaming_path); if (fs_appdata_roaming_path.empty()) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Failed to get the path to the %APPDATA% directory"); } return fs_appdata_roaming_path; } #else fs::path GetHomeDirectory() { const char* home_env_var = getenv("HOME"); if (home_env_var) { return fs::path{home_env_var}; } LOG_INFO(Common_Filesystem, "$HOME is not defined in the environment variables, " "attempting to query passwd to get the home path of the current user"); const auto* pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (!pw) { LOG_ERROR(Common_Filesystem, "Failed to get the home path of the current user"); return {}; } return fs::path{pw->pw_dir}; } fs::path GetDataDirectory(const std::string& env_name) { const char* data_env_var = getenv(env_name.c_str()); if (data_env_var) { return fs::path{data_env_var}; } if (env_name == "XDG_DATA_HOME") { return GetHomeDirectory() / ".local/share"; } else if (env_name == "XDG_CACHE_HOME") { return GetHomeDirectory() / ".cache"; } else if (env_name == "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") { return GetHomeDirectory() / ".config"; } return {}; } #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ fs::path GetBundleDirectory() { char app_bundle_path[MAXPATHLEN]; // Get the main bundle for the app CFURLRef bundle_ref = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); CFStringRef bundle_path = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(bundle_ref, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(bundle_path, app_bundle_path, sizeof(app_bundle_path)); CFRelease(bundle_ref); CFRelease(bundle_path); return fs::path{app_bundle_path}; } #endif // vvvvvvvvvv Deprecated vvvvvvvvvv // std::string_view RemoveTrailingSlash(std::string_view path) { if (path.empty()) { return path; } if (path.back() == '\\' || path.back() == '/') { path.remove_suffix(1); return path; } return path; } std::vector SplitPathComponents(std::string_view filename) { std::string copy(filename); std::replace(copy.begin(), copy.end(), '\\', '/'); std::vector out; std::stringstream stream(copy); std::string item; while (std::getline(stream, item, '/')) { out.push_back(std::move(item)); } return out; } std::string SanitizePath(std::string_view path_, DirectorySeparator directory_separator) { std::string path(path_); char type1 = directory_separator == DirectorySeparator::BackwardSlash ? '/' : '\\'; char type2 = directory_separator == DirectorySeparator::BackwardSlash ? '\\' : '/'; if (directory_separator == DirectorySeparator::PlatformDefault) { #ifdef _WIN32 type1 = '/'; type2 = '\\'; #endif } std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), type1, type2); auto start = path.begin(); #ifdef _WIN32 // allow network paths which start with a double backslash (e.g. \\server\share) if (start != path.end()) ++start; #endif path.erase(std::unique(start, path.end(), [type2](char c1, char c2) { return c1 == type2 && c2 == type2; }), path.end()); return std::string(RemoveTrailingSlash(path)); } std::string_view GetParentPath(std::string_view path) { const auto name_bck_index = path.rfind('\\'); const auto name_fwd_index = path.rfind('/'); std::size_t name_index; if (name_bck_index == std::string_view::npos || name_fwd_index == std::string_view::npos) { name_index = std::min(name_bck_index, name_fwd_index); } else { name_index = std::max(name_bck_index, name_fwd_index); } return path.substr(0, name_index); } std::string_view GetPathWithoutTop(std::string_view path) { if (path.empty()) { return path; } while (path[0] == '\\' || path[0] == '/') { path.remove_prefix(1); if (path.empty()) { return path; } } const auto name_bck_index = path.find('\\'); const auto name_fwd_index = path.find('/'); return path.substr(std::min(name_bck_index, name_fwd_index) + 1); } std::string_view GetFilename(std::string_view path) { const auto name_index = path.find_last_of("\\/"); if (name_index == std::string_view::npos) { return {}; } return path.substr(name_index + 1); } std::string_view GetExtensionFromFilename(std::string_view name) { const std::size_t index = name.rfind('.'); if (index == std::string_view::npos) { return {}; } return name.substr(index + 1); } } // namespace Common::FS