# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Raw SVC definitions from the kernel. # # Avoid modifying the prototypes; see below for how to customize generation # for a given typename. SVCS = [ [0x01, "Result SetHeapSize(Address* out_address, Size size);"], [0x02, "Result SetMemoryPermission(Address address, Size size, MemoryPermission perm);"], [0x03, "Result SetMemoryAttribute(Address address, Size size, uint32_t mask, uint32_t attr);"], [0x04, "Result MapMemory(Address dst_address, Address src_address, Size size);"], [0x05, "Result UnmapMemory(Address dst_address, Address src_address, Size size);"], [0x06, "Result QueryMemory(Address out_memory_info, PageInfo* out_page_info, Address address);"], [0x07, "void ExitProcess();"], [0x08, "Result CreateThread(Handle* out_handle, ThreadFunc func, Address arg, Address stack_bottom, int32_t priority, int32_t core_id);"], [0x09, "Result StartThread(Handle thread_handle);"], [0x0A, "void ExitThread();"], [0x0B, "void SleepThread(int64_t ns);"], [0x0C, "Result GetThreadPriority(int32_t* out_priority, Handle thread_handle);"], [0x0D, "Result SetThreadPriority(Handle thread_handle, int32_t priority);"], [0x0E, "Result GetThreadCoreMask(int32_t* out_core_id, uint64_t* out_affinity_mask, Handle thread_handle);"], [0x0F, "Result SetThreadCoreMask(Handle thread_handle, int32_t core_id, uint64_t affinity_mask);"], [0x10, "int32_t GetCurrentProcessorNumber();"], [0x11, "Result SignalEvent(Handle event_handle);"], [0x12, "Result ClearEvent(Handle event_handle);"], [0x13, "Result MapSharedMemory(Handle shmem_handle, Address address, Size size, MemoryPermission map_perm);"], [0x14, "Result UnmapSharedMemory(Handle shmem_handle, Address address, Size size);"], [0x15, "Result CreateTransferMemory(Handle* out_handle, Address address, Size size, MemoryPermission map_perm);"], [0x16, "Result CloseHandle(Handle handle);"], [0x17, "Result ResetSignal(Handle handle);"], [0x18, "Result WaitSynchronization(int32_t* out_index, Address handles, int32_t num_handles, int64_t timeout_ns);"], [0x19, "Result CancelSynchronization(Handle handle);"], [0x1A, "Result ArbitrateLock(Handle thread_handle, Address address, uint32_t tag);"], [0x1B, "Result ArbitrateUnlock(Address address);"], [0x1C, "Result WaitProcessWideKeyAtomic(Address address, Address cv_key, uint32_t tag, int64_t timeout_ns);"], [0x1D, "void SignalProcessWideKey(Address cv_key, int32_t count);"], [0x1E, "int64_t GetSystemTick();"], [0x1F, "Result ConnectToNamedPort(Handle* out_handle, Address name);"], [0x20, "Result SendSyncRequestLight(Handle session_handle);"], [0x21, "Result SendSyncRequest(Handle session_handle);"], [0x22, "Result SendSyncRequestWithUserBuffer(Address message_buffer, Size message_buffer_size, Handle session_handle);"], [0x23, "Result SendAsyncRequestWithUserBuffer(Handle* out_event_handle, Address message_buffer, Size message_buffer_size, Handle session_handle);"], [0x24, "Result GetProcessId(uint64_t* out_process_id, Handle process_handle);"], [0x25, "Result GetThreadId(uint64_t* out_thread_id, Handle thread_handle);"], [0x26, "void Break(BreakReason break_reason, Address arg, Size size);"], [0x27, "Result OutputDebugString(Address debug_str, Size len);"], [0x28, "void ReturnFromException(Result result);"], [0x29, "Result GetInfo(uint64_t* out, InfoType info_type, Handle handle, uint64_t info_subtype);"], [0x2A, "void FlushEntireDataCache();"], [0x2B, "Result FlushDataCache(Address address, Size size);"], [0x2C, "Result MapPhysicalMemory(Address address, Size size);"], [0x2D, "Result UnmapPhysicalMemory(Address address, Size size);"], [0x2E, "Result GetDebugFutureThreadInfo(LastThreadContext* out_context, uint64_t* out_thread_id, Handle debug_handle, int64_t ns);"], [0x2F, "Result GetLastThreadInfo(LastThreadContext* out_context, Address* out_tls_address, uint32_t* out_flags);"], [0x30, "Result GetResourceLimitLimitValue(int64_t* out_limit_value, Handle resource_limit_handle, LimitableResource which);"], [0x31, "Result GetResourceLimitCurrentValue(int64_t* out_current_value, Handle resource_limit_handle, LimitableResource which);"], [0x32, "Result SetThreadActivity(Handle thread_handle, ThreadActivity thread_activity);"], [0x33, "Result GetThreadContext3(Address out_context, Handle thread_handle);"], [0x34, "Result WaitForAddress(Address address, ArbitrationType arb_type, int32_t value, int64_t timeout_ns);"], [0x35, "Result SignalToAddress(Address address, SignalType signal_type, int32_t value, int32_t count);"], [0x36, "void SynchronizePreemptionState();"], [0x37, "Result GetResourceLimitPeakValue(int64_t* out_peak_value, Handle resource_limit_handle, LimitableResource which);"], [0x39, "Result CreateIoPool(Handle* out_handle, IoPoolType which);"], [0x3A, "Result CreateIoRegion(Handle* out_handle, Handle io_pool, PhysicalAddress physical_address, Size size, MemoryMapping mapping, MemoryPermission perm);"], [0x3C, "void KernelDebug(KernelDebugType kern_debug_type, uint64_t arg0, uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2);"], [0x3D, "void ChangeKernelTraceState(KernelTraceState kern_trace_state);"], [0x40, "Result CreateSession(Handle* out_server_session_handle, Handle* out_client_session_handle, bool is_light, Address name);"], [0x41, "Result AcceptSession(Handle* out_handle, Handle port);"], [0x42, "Result ReplyAndReceiveLight(Handle handle);"], [0x43, "Result ReplyAndReceive(int32_t* out_index, Address handles, int32_t num_handles, Handle reply_target, int64_t timeout_ns);"], [0x44, "Result ReplyAndReceiveWithUserBuffer(int32_t* out_index, Address message_buffer, Size message_buffer_size, Address handles, int32_t num_handles, Handle reply_target, int64_t timeout_ns);"], [0x45, "Result CreateEvent(Handle* out_write_handle, Handle* out_read_handle);"], [0x46, "Result MapIoRegion(Handle io_region, Address address, Size size, MemoryPermission perm);"], [0x47, "Result UnmapIoRegion(Handle io_region, Address address, Size size);"], [0x48, "Result MapPhysicalMemoryUnsafe(Address address, Size size);"], [0x49, "Result UnmapPhysicalMemoryUnsafe(Address address, Size size);"], [0x4A, "Result SetUnsafeLimit(Size limit);"], [0x4B, "Result CreateCodeMemory(Handle* out_handle, Address address, Size size);"], [0x4C, "Result ControlCodeMemory(Handle code_memory_handle, CodeMemoryOperation operation, uint64_t address, uint64_t size, MemoryPermission perm);"], [0x4D, "void SleepSystem();"], [0x4E, "Result ReadWriteRegister(uint32_t* out_value, PhysicalAddress address, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value);"], [0x4F, "Result SetProcessActivity(Handle process_handle, ProcessActivity process_activity);"], [0x50, "Result CreateSharedMemory(Handle* out_handle, Size size, MemoryPermission owner_perm, MemoryPermission remote_perm);"], [0x51, "Result MapTransferMemory(Handle trmem_handle, Address address, Size size, MemoryPermission owner_perm);"], [0x52, "Result UnmapTransferMemory(Handle trmem_handle, Address address, Size size);"], [0x53, "Result CreateInterruptEvent(Handle* out_read_handle, int32_t interrupt_id, InterruptType interrupt_type);"], [0x54, "Result QueryPhysicalAddress(PhysicalMemoryInfo* out_info, Address address);"], [0x55, "Result QueryIoMapping(Address* out_address, Size* out_size, PhysicalAddress physical_address, Size size);"], [0x56, "Result CreateDeviceAddressSpace(Handle* out_handle, uint64_t das_address, uint64_t das_size);"], [0x57, "Result AttachDeviceAddressSpace(DeviceName device_name, Handle das_handle);"], [0x58, "Result DetachDeviceAddressSpace(DeviceName device_name, Handle das_handle);"], [0x59, "Result MapDeviceAddressSpaceByForce(Handle das_handle, Handle process_handle, uint64_t process_address, Size size, uint64_t device_address, uint32_t option);"], [0x5A, "Result MapDeviceAddressSpaceAligned(Handle das_handle, Handle process_handle, uint64_t process_address, Size size, uint64_t device_address, uint32_t option);"], [0x5C, "Result UnmapDeviceAddressSpace(Handle das_handle, Handle process_handle, uint64_t process_address, Size size, uint64_t device_address);"], [0x5D, "Result InvalidateProcessDataCache(Handle process_handle, uint64_t address, uint64_t size);"], [0x5E, "Result StoreProcessDataCache(Handle process_handle, uint64_t address, uint64_t size);"], [0x5F, "Result FlushProcessDataCache(Handle process_handle, uint64_t address, uint64_t size);"], [0x60, "Result DebugActiveProcess(Handle* out_handle, uint64_t process_id);"], [0x61, "Result BreakDebugProcess(Handle debug_handle);"], [0x62, "Result TerminateDebugProcess(Handle debug_handle);"], [0x63, "Result GetDebugEvent(Address out_info, Handle debug_handle);"], [0x64, "Result ContinueDebugEvent(Handle debug_handle, uint32_t flags, Address thread_ids, int32_t num_thread_ids);"], [0x65, "Result GetProcessList(int32_t* out_num_processes, Address out_process_ids, int32_t max_out_count);"], [0x66, "Result GetThreadList(int32_t* out_num_threads, Address out_thread_ids, int32_t max_out_count, Handle debug_handle);"], [0x67, "Result GetDebugThreadContext(Address out_context, Handle debug_handle, uint64_t thread_id, uint32_t context_flags);"], [0x68, "Result SetDebugThreadContext(Handle debug_handle, uint64_t thread_id, Address context, uint32_t context_flags);"], [0x69, "Result QueryDebugProcessMemory(Address out_memory_info, PageInfo* out_page_info, Handle process_handle, Address address);"], [0x6A, "Result ReadDebugProcessMemory(Address buffer, Handle debug_handle, Address address, Size size);"], [0x6B, "Result WriteDebugProcessMemory(Handle debug_handle, Address buffer, Address address, Size size);"], [0x6C, "Result SetHardwareBreakPoint(HardwareBreakPointRegisterName name, uint64_t flags, uint64_t value);"], [0x6D, "Result GetDebugThreadParam(uint64_t* out_64, uint32_t* out_32, Handle debug_handle, uint64_t thread_id, DebugThreadParam param);"], [0x6F, "Result GetSystemInfo(uint64_t* out, SystemInfoType info_type, Handle handle, uint64_t info_subtype);"], [0x70, "Result CreatePort(Handle* out_server_handle, Handle* out_client_handle, int32_t max_sessions, bool is_light, Address name);"], [0x71, "Result ManageNamedPort(Handle* out_server_handle, Address name, int32_t max_sessions);"], [0x72, "Result ConnectToPort(Handle* out_handle, Handle port);"], [0x73, "Result SetProcessMemoryPermission(Handle process_handle, uint64_t address, uint64_t size, MemoryPermission perm);"], [0x74, "Result MapProcessMemory(Address dst_address, Handle process_handle, uint64_t src_address, Size size);"], [0x75, "Result UnmapProcessMemory(Address dst_address, Handle process_handle, uint64_t src_address, Size size);"], [0x76, "Result QueryProcessMemory(Address out_memory_info, PageInfo* out_page_info, Handle process_handle, uint64_t address);"], [0x77, "Result MapProcessCodeMemory(Handle process_handle, uint64_t dst_address, uint64_t src_address, uint64_t size);"], [0x78, "Result UnmapProcessCodeMemory(Handle process_handle, uint64_t dst_address, uint64_t src_address, uint64_t size);"], [0x79, "Result CreateProcess(Handle* out_handle, Address parameters, Address caps, int32_t num_caps);"], [0x7A, "Result StartProcess(Handle process_handle, int32_t priority, int32_t core_id, uint64_t main_thread_stack_size);"], [0x7B, "Result TerminateProcess(Handle process_handle);"], [0x7C, "Result GetProcessInfo(int64_t* out_info, Handle process_handle, ProcessInfoType info_type);"], [0x7D, "Result CreateResourceLimit(Handle* out_handle);"], [0x7E, "Result SetResourceLimitLimitValue(Handle resource_limit_handle, LimitableResource which, int64_t limit_value);"], [0x7F, "void CallSecureMonitor(SecureMonitorArguments args);"], [0x90, "Result MapInsecureMemory(Address address, Size size);"], [0x91, "Result UnmapInsecureMemory(Address address, Size size);"], ] # These use a custom ABI, and therefore require custom wrappers SKIP_WRAPPERS = { 0x20: "SendSyncRequestLight", 0x42: "ReplyAndReceiveLight", 0x7F: "CallSecureMonitor", } BIT_32 = 0 BIT_64 = 1 REG_SIZES = [4, 8] SUFFIX_NAMES = ["64From32", "64"] TYPE_SIZES = { # SVC types "ArbitrationType": 4, "BreakReason": 4, "CodeMemoryOperation": 4, "DebugThreadParam": 4, "DeviceName": 4, "HardwareBreakPointRegisterName": 4, "Handle": 4, "InfoType": 4, "InterruptType": 4, "IoPoolType": 4, "KernelDebugType": 4, "KernelTraceState": 4, "LimitableResource": 4, "MemoryMapping": 4, "MemoryPermission": 4, "PageInfo": 4, "ProcessActivity": 4, "ProcessInfoType": 4, "Result": 4, "SignalType": 4, "SystemInfoType": 4, "ThreadActivity": 4, # Arch-specific types "ilp32::LastThreadContext": 16, "ilp32::PhysicalMemoryInfo": 16, "ilp32::SecureMonitorArguments": 32, "lp64::LastThreadContext": 32, "lp64::PhysicalMemoryInfo": 24, "lp64::SecureMonitorArguments": 64, # Generic types "bool": 1, "int32_t": 4, "int64_t": 8, "uint32_t": 4, "uint64_t": 8, "void": 0, } TYPE_REPLACEMENTS = { "Address": ["uint32_t", "uint64_t"], "LastThreadContext": ["ilp32::LastThreadContext", "lp64::LastThreadContext"], "PhysicalAddress": ["uint64_t", "uint64_t"], "PhysicalMemoryInfo": ["ilp32::PhysicalMemoryInfo", "lp64::PhysicalMemoryInfo"], "SecureMonitorArguments": ["ilp32::SecureMonitorArguments", "lp64::SecureMonitorArguments"], "Size": ["uint32_t", "uint64_t"], "ThreadFunc": ["uint32_t", "uint64_t"], } # Statically verify that the hardcoded sizes match the intended # sizes in C++. def emit_size_check(): lines = [] for type, size in TYPE_SIZES.items(): if type != "void": lines.append(f"static_assert(sizeof({type}) == {size});") return "\n".join(lines) # Replaces a type with an arch-specific one, if it exists. def substitute_type(name, bitness): if name in TYPE_REPLACEMENTS: return TYPE_REPLACEMENTS[name][bitness] else: return name class Argument: def __init__(self, type_name, var_name, is_output, is_outptr, is_address): self.type_name = type_name self.var_name = var_name self.is_output = is_output self.is_outptr = is_outptr self.is_address = is_address # Parses C-style string declarations for SVCs. def parse_declaration(declaration, bitness): return_type, rest = declaration.split(" ", 1) func_name, rest = rest.split("(", 1) arg_names, rest = rest.split(")", 1) argument_types = [] return_type = substitute_type(return_type, bitness) assert return_type in TYPE_SIZES, f"Unknown type '{return_type}'" if arg_names: for arg_name in arg_names.split(", "): type_name, var_name = arg_name.replace("*", "").split(" ", 1) # All outputs must contain out_ in the name. is_output = var_name == "out" or var_name.find("out_") != -1 # User-pointer outputs are not written to registers. is_outptr = is_output and arg_name.find("*") == -1 # Special handling is performed for output addresses to avoid awkwardness # in conversion for the 32-bit equivalents. is_address = is_output and not is_outptr and \ type_name in ["Address", "Size"] type_name = substitute_type(type_name, bitness) assert type_name in TYPE_SIZES, f"Unknown type '{type_name}'" argument_types.append( Argument(type_name, var_name, is_output, is_outptr, is_address)) return (return_type, func_name, argument_types) class RegisterAllocator: def __init__(self, num_regs, byte_size, parameter_count): self.registers = {} self.num_regs = num_regs self.byte_size = byte_size self.parameter_count = parameter_count # Mark the given register as allocated, for use in layout # calculation if the NGRN exceeds the ABI parameter count. def allocate(self, i): assert i not in self.registers, f"Register R{i} already allocated" self.registers[i] = True return i # Calculate the next available location for a register; # the NGRN has exceeded the ABI parameter count. def allocate_first_free(self): for i in range(0, self.num_regs): if i in self.registers: continue self.allocate(i) return i assert False, "No registers available" # Add a single register at the given NGRN. # If the index exceeds the ABI parameter count, try to find a # location to add it. Returns the output location and increment. def add_single(self, ngrn): if ngrn >= self.parameter_count: return (self.allocate_first_free(), 0) else: return (self.allocate(ngrn), 1) # Add registers at the given NGRN for a data type of # the given size. Returns the output locations and increment. def add(self, ngrn, data_size, align=True): if data_size <= self.byte_size: r, i = self.add_single(ngrn) return ([r], i) regs = [] inc = ngrn % 2 if align else 0 remaining_size = data_size while remaining_size > 0: r, i = self.add_single(ngrn + inc) regs.append(r) inc += i remaining_size -= self.byte_size return (regs, inc) def reg_alloc(bitness): if bitness == 0: # aapcs32: 4 4-byte registers return RegisterAllocator(8, 4, 4) elif bitness == 1: # aapcs64: 8 8-byte registers return RegisterAllocator(8, 8, 8) # Converts a parsed SVC declaration into register lists for # the return value, outputs, and inputs. def get_registers(parse_result, bitness): output_alloc = reg_alloc(bitness) input_alloc = reg_alloc(bitness) return_type, _, arguments = parse_result return_write = [] output_writes = [] input_reads = [] input_ngrn = 0 output_ngrn = 0 # Run the input calculation. for arg in arguments: if arg.is_output and not arg.is_outptr: input_ngrn += 1 continue regs, increment = input_alloc.add( input_ngrn, TYPE_SIZES[arg.type_name], align=True) input_reads.append([arg.type_name, arg.var_name, regs]) input_ngrn += increment # Include the return value if this SVC returns a value. if return_type != "void": regs, increment = output_alloc.add( output_ngrn, TYPE_SIZES[return_type], align=False) return_write.append([return_type, regs]) output_ngrn += increment # Run the output calculation. for arg in arguments: if not arg.is_output or arg.is_outptr: continue regs, increment = output_alloc.add( output_ngrn, TYPE_SIZES[arg.type_name], align=False) output_writes.append( [arg.type_name, arg.var_name, regs, arg.is_address]) output_ngrn += increment return (return_write, output_writes, input_reads) # Collects possibly multiple source registers into the named C++ value. def emit_gather(sources, name, type_name, reg_size): get_fn = f"GetReg{reg_size*8}" if len(sources) == 1: s, = sources line = f"{name} = Convert<{type_name}>({get_fn}(system, {s}));" return [line] var_type = f"std::array" lines = [ f"{var_type} {name}_gather{{}};" ] for i in range(0, len(sources)): lines.append( f"{name}_gather[{i}] = {get_fn}(system, {sources[i]});") lines.append(f"{name} = Convert<{type_name}>({name}_gather);") return lines # Produces one or more statements which assign the named C++ value # into possibly multiple registers. def emit_scatter(destinations, name, reg_size): set_fn = f"SetReg{reg_size*8}" reg_type = f"uint{reg_size*8}_t" if len(destinations) == 1: d, = destinations line = f"{set_fn}(system, {d}, Convert<{reg_type}>({name}));" return [line] var_type = f"std::array<{reg_type}, {len(destinations)}>" lines = [ f"auto {name}_scatter = Convert<{var_type}>({name});" ] for i in range(0, len(destinations)): lines.append( f"{set_fn}(system, {destinations[i]}, {name}_scatter[{i}]);") return lines def emit_lines(lines, indent=' '): output_lines = [] first = True for line in lines: if line and not first: output_lines.append(indent + line) else: output_lines.append(line) first = False return "\n".join(output_lines) # Emit a C++ function to wrap a guest SVC. def emit_wrapper(wrapped_fn, suffix, register_info, arguments, byte_size): return_write, output_writes, input_reads = register_info lines = [ f"static void SvcWrap_{wrapped_fn}{suffix}(Core::System& system) {{" ] # Get everything ready. for return_type, _ in return_write: lines.append(f"{return_type} ret{{}};") if return_write: lines.append("") for output_type, var_name, _, is_address in output_writes: output_type = "uint64_t" if is_address else output_type lines.append(f"{output_type} {var_name}{{}};") for input_type, var_name, _ in input_reads: lines.append(f"{input_type} {var_name}{{}};") if output_writes or input_reads: lines.append("") for input_type, var_name, sources in input_reads: lines += emit_gather(sources, var_name, input_type, byte_size) if input_reads: lines.append("") # Build the call. call_arguments = ["system"] for arg in arguments: if arg.is_output and not arg.is_outptr: call_arguments.append(f"&{arg.var_name}") else: call_arguments.append(arg.var_name) line = "" if return_write: line += "ret = " line += f"{wrapped_fn}{suffix}({', '.join(call_arguments)});" lines.append(line) if return_write or output_writes: lines.append("") # Write back the return value and outputs. for _, destinations in return_write: lines += emit_scatter(destinations, "ret", byte_size) for _, var_name, destinations, _ in output_writes: lines += emit_scatter(destinations, var_name, byte_size) # Finish. return emit_lines(lines) + "\n}" COPYRIGHT = """\ // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later // This file is automatically generated using svc_generator.py. """ PROLOGUE_H = """ #pragma once namespace Core { class System; } #include "common/common_types.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/svc_types.h" #include "core/hle/result.h" namespace Kernel::Svc { // clang-format off """ EPILOGUE_H = """ // clang-format on // Custom ABI. Result ReplyAndReceiveLight(Core::System& system, Handle handle, uint32_t* args); Result ReplyAndReceiveLight64From32(Core::System& system, Handle handle, uint32_t* args); Result ReplyAndReceiveLight64(Core::System& system, Handle handle, uint32_t* args); Result SendSyncRequestLight(Core::System& system, Handle session_handle, uint32_t* args); Result SendSyncRequestLight64From32(Core::System& system, Handle session_handle, uint32_t* args); Result SendSyncRequestLight64(Core::System& system, Handle session_handle, uint32_t* args); void CallSecureMonitor(Core::System& system, lp64::SecureMonitorArguments* args); void CallSecureMonitor64From32(Core::System& system, ilp32::SecureMonitorArguments* args); void CallSecureMonitor64(Core::System& system, lp64::SecureMonitorArguments* args); // Defined in svc_light_ipc.cpp. void SvcWrap_ReplyAndReceiveLight64From32(Core::System& system); void SvcWrap_ReplyAndReceiveLight64(Core::System& system); void SvcWrap_SendSyncRequestLight64From32(Core::System& system); void SvcWrap_SendSyncRequestLight64(Core::System& system); // Defined in svc_secure_monitor_call.cpp. void SvcWrap_CallSecureMonitor64From32(Core::System& system); void SvcWrap_CallSecureMonitor64(Core::System& system); // Perform a supervisor call by index. void Call(Core::System& system, u32 imm); } // namespace Kernel::Svc """ PROLOGUE_CPP = """ #include #include "core/arm/arm_interface.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/k_process.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/svc.h" namespace Kernel::Svc { static uint32_t GetReg32(Core::System& system, int n) { return static_cast(system.CurrentArmInterface().GetReg(n)); } static void SetReg32(Core::System& system, int n, uint32_t result) { system.CurrentArmInterface().SetReg(n, static_cast(result)); } static uint64_t GetReg64(Core::System& system, int n) { return system.CurrentArmInterface().GetReg(n); } static void SetReg64(Core::System& system, int n, uint64_t result) { system.CurrentArmInterface().SetReg(n, result); } // Like bit_cast, but handles the case when the source and dest // are differently-sized. template requires(std::is_trivial_v && std::is_trivially_copyable_v) static To Convert(const From& from) { To to{}; if constexpr (sizeof(To) >= sizeof(From)) { std::memcpy(&to, &from, sizeof(From)); } else { std::memcpy(&to, &from, sizeof(To)); } return to; } // clang-format off """ EPILOGUE_CPP = """ // clang-format on void Call(Core::System& system, u32 imm) { auto& kernel = system.Kernel(); kernel.EnterSVCProfile(); if (GetCurrentProcess(system.Kernel()).Is64BitProcess()) { Call64(system, imm); } else { Call32(system, imm); } kernel.ExitSVCProfile(); } } // namespace Kernel::Svc """ def emit_call(bitness, names, suffix): bit_size = REG_SIZES[bitness]*8 indent = " " lines = [ f"static void Call{bit_size}(Core::System& system, u32 imm) {{", f"{indent}switch (static_cast(imm)) {{" ] for _, name in names: lines.append(f"{indent}case SvcId::{name}:") lines.append(f"{indent*2}return SvcWrap_{name}{suffix}(system);") lines.append(f"{indent}default:") lines.append( f"{indent*2}LOG_CRITICAL(Kernel_SVC, \"Unknown SVC {{:x}}!\", imm);") lines.append(f"{indent*2}break;") lines.append(f"{indent}}}") lines.append("}") return "\n".join(lines) def build_fn_declaration(return_type, name, arguments): arg_list = ["Core::System& system"] for arg in arguments: type_name = "uint64_t" if arg.is_address else arg.type_name pointer = "*" if arg.is_output and not arg.is_outptr else "" arg_list.append(f"{type_name}{pointer} {arg.var_name}") return f"{return_type} {name}({', '.join(arg_list)});" def build_enum_declarations(): lines = ["enum class SvcId : u32 {"] indent = " " for imm, decl in SVCS: _, name, _ = parse_declaration(decl, BIT_64) lines.append(f"{indent}{name} = {hex(imm)},") lines.append("};") return "\n".join(lines) def main(): arch_fw_declarations = [[], []] svc_fw_declarations = [] wrapper_fns = [] names = [] for imm, decl in SVCS: return_type, name, arguments = parse_declaration(decl, BIT_64) if imm not in SKIP_WRAPPERS: svc_fw_declarations.append( build_fn_declaration(return_type, name, arguments)) names.append([imm, name]) for bitness in range(2): byte_size = REG_SIZES[bitness] suffix = SUFFIX_NAMES[bitness] for imm, decl in SVCS: if imm in SKIP_WRAPPERS: continue parse_result = parse_declaration(decl, bitness) return_type, name, arguments = parse_result register_info = get_registers(parse_result, bitness) wrapper_fns.append( emit_wrapper(name, suffix, register_info, arguments, byte_size)) arch_fw_declarations[bitness].append( build_fn_declaration(return_type, name + suffix, arguments)) call_32 = emit_call(BIT_32, names, SUFFIX_NAMES[BIT_32]) call_64 = emit_call(BIT_64, names, SUFFIX_NAMES[BIT_64]) enum_decls = build_enum_declarations() with open("svc.h", "w") as f: f.write(COPYRIGHT) f.write(PROLOGUE_H) f.write("\n".join(svc_fw_declarations)) f.write("\n\n") f.write("\n".join(arch_fw_declarations[BIT_32])) f.write("\n\n") f.write("\n".join(arch_fw_declarations[BIT_64])) f.write("\n\n") f.write(enum_decls) f.write(EPILOGUE_H) with open("svc.cpp", "w") as f: f.write(COPYRIGHT) f.write(PROLOGUE_CPP) f.write(emit_size_check()) f.write("\n\n") f.write("\n\n".join(wrapper_fns)) f.write("\n\n") f.write(call_32) f.write("\n\n") f.write(call_64) f.write(EPILOGUE_CPP) print(f"Done (emitted {len(names)} definitions)") if __name__ == "__main__": main()