// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/fs/file.h" #include "common/fs/fs_types.h" #include "common/fs/path_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/settings.h" #include "input_common/tas/tas_input.h" namespace TasInput { constexpr std::array, 20> text_to_tas_button = { std::pair{"KEY_A", TasButton::BUTTON_A}, {"KEY_B", TasButton::BUTTON_B}, {"KEY_X", TasButton::BUTTON_X}, {"KEY_Y", TasButton::BUTTON_Y}, {"KEY_LSTICK", TasButton::STICK_L}, {"KEY_RSTICK", TasButton::STICK_R}, {"KEY_L", TasButton::TRIGGER_L}, {"KEY_R", TasButton::TRIGGER_R}, {"KEY_PLUS", TasButton::BUTTON_PLUS}, {"KEY_MINUS", TasButton::BUTTON_MINUS}, {"KEY_DLEFT", TasButton::BUTTON_LEFT}, {"KEY_DUP", TasButton::BUTTON_UP}, {"KEY_DRIGHT", TasButton::BUTTON_RIGHT}, {"KEY_DDOWN", TasButton::BUTTON_DOWN}, {"KEY_SL", TasButton::BUTTON_SL}, {"KEY_SR", TasButton::BUTTON_SR}, {"KEY_CAPTURE", TasButton::BUTTON_CAPTURE}, {"KEY_HOME", TasButton::BUTTON_HOME}, {"KEY_ZL", TasButton::TRIGGER_ZL}, {"KEY_ZR", TasButton::TRIGGER_ZR}, }; Tas::Tas() { LoadTasFiles(); } Tas::~Tas() { update_thread_running = false; } void Tas::RefreshTasFile() { refresh_tas_fle = true; } void Tas::LoadTasFiles() { script_length = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_NUMBER; i++) { LoadTasFile(i); if (commands[i].size() > script_length) { script_length = commands[i].size(); } } } void Tas::LoadTasFile(size_t player_index) { LOG_DEBUG(Input, "LoadTasFile()"); if (!commands[player_index].empty()) { commands[player_index].clear(); } std::string file = Common::FS::ReadStringFromFile( Common::FS::GetYuzuPathString(Common::FS::YuzuPath::TASFile) + "script0-" + std::to_string(player_index + 1) + ".txt", Common::FS::FileType::BinaryFile); std::stringstream command_line(file); std::string line; int frameNo = 0; TASCommand empty = {.buttons = 0, .l_axis = {0.f, 0.f}, .r_axis = {0.f, 0.f}}; while (std::getline(command_line, line, '\n')) { if (line.empty()) { continue; } LOG_DEBUG(Input, "Loading line: {}", line); std::smatch m; std::stringstream linestream(line); std::string segment; std::vector seglist; while (std::getline(linestream, segment, ' ')) { seglist.push_back(segment); } if (seglist.size() < 4) { continue; } while (frameNo < std::stoi(seglist.at(0))) { commands[player_index].push_back(empty); frameNo++; } TASCommand command = { .buttons = ReadCommandButtons(seglist.at(1)), .l_axis = ReadCommandAxis(seglist.at(2)), .r_axis = ReadCommandAxis(seglist.at(3)), }; commands[player_index].push_back(command); frameNo++; } LOG_INFO(Input, "TAS file loaded! {} frames", frameNo); } void Tas::WriteTasFile() { LOG_DEBUG(Input, "WriteTasFile()"); std::string output_text = ""; for (int frame = 0; frame < (signed)record_commands.size(); frame++) { if (!output_text.empty()) { output_text += "\n"; } TASCommand line = record_commands.at(frame); output_text += std::to_string(frame) + " " + WriteCommandButtons(line.buttons) + " " + WriteCommandAxis(line.l_axis) + " " + WriteCommandAxis(line.r_axis); } size_t bytesWritten = Common::FS::WriteStringToFile( Common::FS::GetYuzuPathString(Common::FS::YuzuPath::TASFile) + "record.txt", Common::FS::FileType::TextFile, output_text); if (bytesWritten == output_text.size()) { LOG_INFO(Input, "TAS file written to file!"); } else { LOG_ERROR(Input, "Writing the TAS-file has failed! {} / {} bytes written", bytesWritten, output_text.size()); } } static std::pair FlipY(std::pair old) { auto [x, y] = old; return {x, -y}; } void Tas::RecordInput(u32 buttons, const std::array, 2>& axes) { last_input = {buttons, FlipY(axes[0]), FlipY(axes[1])}; } std::tuple Tas::GetStatus() { TasState state; if (Settings::values.tas_record) { return {TasState::RECORDING, record_commands.size(), record_commands.size()}; } else if (Settings::values.tas_enable) { state = TasState::RUNNING; } else { state = TasState::STOPPED; } return {state, current_command, script_length}; } static std::string DebugButtons(u32 buttons) { return "{ " + TasInput::Tas::ButtonsToString(buttons) + " }"; } static std::string DebugJoystick(float x, float y) { return "[ " + std::to_string(x) + "," + std::to_string(y) + " ]"; } static std::string DebugInput(const TasData& data) { return "{ " + DebugButtons(data.buttons) + " , " + DebugJoystick(data.axis[0], data.axis[1]) + " , " + DebugJoystick(data.axis[2], data.axis[3]) + " }"; } static std::string DebugInputs(const std::array& arr) { std::string returns = "[ "; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { returns += DebugInput(arr[i]); if (i != arr.size() - 1) { returns += " , "; } } return returns + "]"; } void Tas::UpdateThread() { if (update_thread_running) { if (Settings::values.pause_tas_on_load && Settings::values.is_cpu_boosted) { for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_NUMBER; i++) { tas_data[i].buttons = 0; tas_data[i].axis = {}; } } if (Settings::values.tas_record) { record_commands.push_back(last_input); } if (!Settings::values.tas_record && !record_commands.empty()) { WriteTasFile(); Settings::values.tas_reset = true; refresh_tas_fle = true; record_commands.clear(); } if (Settings::values.tas_reset) { current_command = 0; if (refresh_tas_fle) { LoadTasFiles(); refresh_tas_fle = false; } Settings::values.tas_reset = false; LoadTasFiles(); LOG_DEBUG(Input, "tas_reset done"); } if (Settings::values.tas_enable) { if ((signed)current_command < script_length) { LOG_INFO(Input, "Playing TAS {}/{}", current_command, script_length); size_t frame = current_command++; for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_NUMBER; i++) { if (frame < commands[i].size()) { TASCommand command = commands[i][frame]; tas_data[i].buttons = command.buttons; auto [l_axis_x, l_axis_y] = command.l_axis; tas_data[i].axis[0] = l_axis_x; tas_data[i].axis[1] = l_axis_y; auto [r_axis_x, r_axis_y] = command.r_axis; tas_data[i].axis[2] = r_axis_x; tas_data[i].axis[3] = r_axis_y; } else { tas_data[i].buttons = 0; tas_data[i].axis = {}; } } } else { Settings::values.tas_enable = false; current_command = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_NUMBER; i++) { tas_data[i].buttons = 0; tas_data[i].axis = {}; } } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_NUMBER; i++) { tas_data[i].buttons = 0; tas_data[i].axis = {}; } } } LOG_DEBUG(Input, "TAS inputs: {}", DebugInputs(tas_data)); } TasAnalog Tas::ReadCommandAxis(const std::string& line) const { std::stringstream linestream(line); std::string segment; std::vector seglist; while (std::getline(linestream, segment, ';')) { seglist.push_back(segment); } const float x = std::stof(seglist.at(0)) / 32767.f; const float y = std::stof(seglist.at(1)) / 32767.f; return {x, y}; } u32 Tas::ReadCommandButtons(const std::string& data) const { std::stringstream button_text(data); std::string line; u32 buttons = 0; while (std::getline(button_text, line, ';')) { for (auto [text, tas_button] : text_to_tas_button) { if (text == line) { buttons |= static_cast(tas_button); break; } } } return buttons; } std::string Tas::WriteCommandAxis(TasAnalog data) const { auto [x, y] = data; std::string line; line += std::to_string(static_cast(x * 32767)); line += ";"; line += std::to_string(static_cast(y * 32767)); return line; } std::string Tas::WriteCommandButtons(u32 data) const { if (data == 0) return "NONE"; std::string line; u32 index = 0; while (data > 0) { if ((data & 1) == 1) { for (auto [text, tas_button] : text_to_tas_button) { if (tas_button == static_cast(1 << index)) { if (line.size() > 0) { line += ";"; } line += text; break; } } } index++; data >>= 1; } return line; } InputCommon::ButtonMapping Tas::GetButtonMappingForDevice( const Common::ParamPackage& params) const { // This list is missing ZL/ZR since those are not considered buttons. // We will add those afterwards // This list also excludes any button that can't be really mapped static constexpr std::array, 20> switch_to_tas_button = { std::pair{Settings::NativeButton::A, TasButton::BUTTON_A}, {Settings::NativeButton::B, TasButton::BUTTON_B}, {Settings::NativeButton::X, TasButton::BUTTON_X}, {Settings::NativeButton::Y, TasButton::BUTTON_Y}, {Settings::NativeButton::LStick, TasButton::STICK_L}, {Settings::NativeButton::RStick, TasButton::STICK_R}, {Settings::NativeButton::L, TasButton::TRIGGER_L}, {Settings::NativeButton::R, TasButton::TRIGGER_R}, {Settings::NativeButton::Plus, TasButton::BUTTON_PLUS}, {Settings::NativeButton::Minus, TasButton::BUTTON_MINUS}, {Settings::NativeButton::DLeft, TasButton::BUTTON_LEFT}, {Settings::NativeButton::DUp, TasButton::BUTTON_UP}, {Settings::NativeButton::DRight, TasButton::BUTTON_RIGHT}, {Settings::NativeButton::DDown, TasButton::BUTTON_DOWN}, {Settings::NativeButton::SL, TasButton::BUTTON_SL}, {Settings::NativeButton::SR, TasButton::BUTTON_SR}, {Settings::NativeButton::Screenshot, TasButton::BUTTON_CAPTURE}, {Settings::NativeButton::Home, TasButton::BUTTON_HOME}, {Settings::NativeButton::ZL, TasButton::TRIGGER_ZL}, {Settings::NativeButton::ZR, TasButton::TRIGGER_ZR}, }; InputCommon::ButtonMapping mapping{}; for (const auto& [switch_button, tas_button] : switch_to_tas_button) { Common::ParamPackage button_params({{"engine", "tas"}}); button_params.Set("pad", params.Get("pad", 0)); button_params.Set("button", static_cast(tas_button)); mapping.insert_or_assign(switch_button, std::move(button_params)); } return mapping; } InputCommon::AnalogMapping Tas::GetAnalogMappingForDevice( const Common::ParamPackage& params) const { InputCommon::AnalogMapping mapping = {}; Common::ParamPackage left_analog_params; left_analog_params.Set("engine", "tas"); left_analog_params.Set("pad", params.Get("pad", 0)); left_analog_params.Set("axis_x", static_cast(TasAxes::StickX)); left_analog_params.Set("axis_y", static_cast(TasAxes::StickY)); mapping.insert_or_assign(Settings::NativeAnalog::LStick, std::move(left_analog_params)); Common::ParamPackage right_analog_params; right_analog_params.Set("engine", "tas"); right_analog_params.Set("pad", params.Get("pad", 0)); right_analog_params.Set("axis_x", static_cast(TasAxes::SubstickX)); right_analog_params.Set("axis_y", static_cast(TasAxes::SubstickY)); mapping.insert_or_assign(Settings::NativeAnalog::RStick, std::move(right_analog_params)); return mapping; } const TasData& Tas::GetTasState(std::size_t pad) const { return tas_data[pad]; } } // namespace TasInput