// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_context.h" #include "shader_recompiler/backend/glasm/emit_glasm_instructions.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h" #include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/value.h" #include "shader_recompiler/profile.h" namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM { namespace { void StorageOp(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, std::string_view then_expr, std::string_view else_expr = {}) { // Operate on bindless SSBO, call the expression with bounds checking // address = c[binding].xy // length = c[binding].z const u32 sb_binding{binding.U32()}; ctx.Add("PK64.U DC,c[{}];" // pointer = address "CVT.U64.U32 DC.z,{};" // offset = uint64_t(offset) "ADD.U64 DC.x,DC.x,DC.z;" // pointer += offset "SLT.U.CC RC.x,{},c[{}].z;", // cc = offset < length sb_binding, offset, offset, sb_binding); if (else_expr.empty()) { ctx.Add("IF NE.x;{}ENDIF;", then_expr); } else { ctx.Add("IF NE.x;{}ELSE;{}ENDIF;", then_expr, else_expr); } } void GlobalStorageOp(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, bool pointer_based, std::string_view expr, std::string_view else_expr = {}) { const size_t num_buffers{ctx.info.storage_buffers_descriptors.size()}; for (size_t index = 0; index < num_buffers; ++index) { if (!ctx.info.nvn_buffer_used[index]) { continue; } const auto& ssbo{ctx.info.storage_buffers_descriptors[index]}; ctx.Add("LDC.U64 DC.x,c{}[{}];" // ssbo_addr "LDC.U32 RC.x,c{}[{}];" // ssbo_size_u32 "CVT.U64.U32 DC.y,RC.x;" // ssbo_size = ssbo_size_u32 "ADD.U64 DC.y,DC.y,DC.x;" // ssbo_end = ssbo_addr + ssbo_size "SGE.U64 RC.x,{}.x,DC.x;" // a = input_addr >= ssbo_addr ? -1 : 1 "SLT.U64 RC.y,{}.x,DC.y;" // b = input_addr < ssbo_end ? -1 : 1 "AND.U.CC RC.x,RC.x,RC.y;" "IF NE.x;" // a && b "SUB.U64 DC.x,{}.x,DC.x;", // offset = input_addr - ssbo_addr ssbo.cbuf_index, ssbo.cbuf_offset, ssbo.cbuf_index, ssbo.cbuf_offset + 8, address, address, address); if (pointer_based) { ctx.Add("PK64.U DC.y,c[{}];" // host_ssbo = cbuf "ADD.U64 DC.x,DC.x,DC.y;" // host_addr = host_ssbo + offset "{}" "ELSE;", index, expr); } else { ctx.Add("CVT.U32.U64 RC.x,DC.x;" "{},ssbo{}[RC.x];" "ELSE;", expr, index); } } if (!else_expr.empty()) { ctx.Add("{}", else_expr); } for (size_t index = 0; index < num_buffers; ++index) { ctx.Add("ENDIF;"); } } template void Write(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ValueType value, std::string_view size) { if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) { ctx.Add("STB.{} {},ssbo{}[{}];", size, value, binding.U32(), offset); } else { StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset, fmt::format("STORE.{} {},DC.x;", size, value)); } } void Load(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, std::string_view size) { const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)}; if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) { ctx.Add("LDB.{} {},ssbo{}[{}];", size, ret, binding.U32(), offset); } else { StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset, fmt::format("LOAD.{} {},DC.x;", size, ret), fmt::format("MOV.U {},{{0,0,0,0}};", ret)); } } template void GlobalWrite(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, ValueType value, std::string_view size) { if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) { GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, false, fmt::format("STB.{} {}", size, value)); } else { GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, true, fmt::format("STORE.{} {},DC.x;", size, value)); } } void GlobalLoad(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address, std::string_view size) { const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)}; if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) { GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, false, fmt::format("LDB.{} {}", size, ret)); } else { GlobalStorageOp(ctx, address, true, fmt::format("LOAD.{} {},DC.x;", size, ret), fmt::format("MOV.S {},0;", ret)); } } template void Atom(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ValueType value, std::string_view operation, std::string_view size) { const Register ret{ctx.reg_alloc.Define(inst)}; if (ctx.runtime_info.glasm_use_storage_buffers) { ctx.Add("ATOMB.{}.{} {},{},ssbo{}[{}];", operation, size, ret, value, binding.U32(), offset); } else { StorageOp(ctx, binding, offset, fmt::format("ATOM.{}.{} {},{},DC.x;", operation, size, ret, value)); } } } // Anonymous namespace void EmitLoadGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U8"); } void EmitLoadGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "S8"); } void EmitLoadGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U16"); } void EmitLoadGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "S16"); } void EmitLoadGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32"); } void EmitLoadGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32X2"); } void EmitLoadGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, Register address) { GlobalLoad(ctx, inst, address, "U32X4"); } void EmitWriteGlobalU8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U8"); } void EmitWriteGlobalS8(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "S8"); } void EmitWriteGlobalU16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U16"); } void EmitWriteGlobalS16(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "S16"); } void EmitWriteGlobal32(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, ScalarU32 value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32"); } void EmitWriteGlobal64(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32X2"); } void EmitWriteGlobal128(EmitContext& ctx, Register address, Register value) { GlobalWrite(ctx, address, value, "U32X4"); } void EmitLoadStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U8"); } void EmitLoadStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S8"); } void EmitLoadStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U16"); } void EmitLoadStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "S16"); } void EmitLoadStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32"); } void EmitLoadStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32X2"); } void EmitLoadStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset) { Load(ctx, inst, binding, offset, "U32X4"); } void EmitWriteStorageU8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U8"); } void EmitWriteStorageS8(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "S8"); } void EmitWriteStorageU16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U16"); } void EmitWriteStorageS16(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "S16"); } void EmitWriteStorage32(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32"); } void EmitWriteStorage64(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32X2"); } void EmitWriteStorage128(EmitContext& ctx, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Write(ctx, binding, offset, value, "U32X4"); } void EmitSharedAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.ADD.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarS32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.MIN.S32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.MIN.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarS32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.MAX.S32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.MAX.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.IWRAP.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.DWRAP.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.AND.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.OR.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.XOR.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, ScalarU32 value) { ctx.Add("ATOMS.EXCH.U32 {},{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitSharedAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, ScalarU32 pointer_offset, Register value) { ctx.LongAdd("ATOMS.EXCH.U64 {}.x,{},shared_mem[{}];", inst, value, pointer_offset); } void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicSMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "S32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicUMin32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicSMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarS32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "S32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicUMax32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicInc32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "IWRAP", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicDec32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "DWRAP", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicAnd32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "AND", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicOr32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "OR", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicXor32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "XOR", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicExchange32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarU32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "EXCH", "U32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicSMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "S64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicUMin64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicSMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "S64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicUMax64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicAnd64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "AND", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicOr64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "OR", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicXor64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "XOR", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicExchange64(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "EXCH", "U64"); } void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, ScalarF32 value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "F32"); } void EmitStorageAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "ADD", "F16x2"); } void EmitStorageAtomicAddF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst, [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitStorageAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MIN", "F16x2"); } void EmitStorageAtomicMinF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst, [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext& ctx, IR::Inst& inst, const IR::Value& binding, ScalarU32 offset, Register value) { Atom(ctx, inst, binding, offset, value, "MAX", "F16x2"); } void EmitStorageAtomicMaxF32x2([[maybe_unused]] EmitContext& ctx, [[maybe_unused]] IR::Inst& inst, [[maybe_unused]] const IR::Value& binding, [[maybe_unused]] ScalarU32 offset, [[maybe_unused]] Register value) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicInc32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicDec32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicOr32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicXor32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicIAdd64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicSMin64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicUMin64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicSMax64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicUMax64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicInc64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicDec64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicAnd64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicOr64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicXor64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicExchange64(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF16x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicAddF32x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF16x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicMinF32x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF16x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } void EmitGlobalAtomicMaxF32x2(EmitContext&) { throw NotImplementedException("GLASM instruction"); } } // namespace Shader::Backend::GLASM