// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/alignment.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/math_util.h" #include "common/microprofile.h" #include "common/scope_exit.h" #include "core/core.h" #include "core/frontend/emu_window.h" #include "core/hle/kernel/process.h" #include "core/settings.h" #include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/maxwell_to_gl.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/renderer_opengl.h" #include "video_core/video_core.h" namespace OpenGL { using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs; using PixelFormat = SurfaceParams::PixelFormat; using SurfaceType = SurfaceParams::SurfaceType; MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_VAO, "OpenGL", "Vertex Array Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Shader, "OpenGL", "Shader Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_UBO, "OpenGL", "Const Buffer Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Index, "OpenGL", "Index Buffer Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Texture, "OpenGL", "Texture Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Framebuffer, "OpenGL", "Framebuffer Setup", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Drawing, "OpenGL", "Drawing", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_Blits, "OpenGL", "Blits", MP_RGB(128, 128, 192)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_CacheManagement, "OpenGL", "Cache Mgmt", MP_RGB(100, 255, 100)); MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(OpenGL_PrimitiveAssembly, "OpenGL", "Prim Asmbl", MP_RGB(255, 100, 100)); struct DrawParameters { GLenum primitive_mode; GLsizei count; GLint current_instance; bool use_indexed; GLint vertex_first; GLenum index_format; GLint base_vertex; GLintptr index_buffer_offset; void DispatchDraw() const { if (use_indexed) { const auto index_buffer_ptr = reinterpret_cast(index_buffer_offset); if (current_instance > 0) { glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(primitive_mode, count, index_format, index_buffer_ptr, 1, base_vertex, current_instance); } else { glDrawElementsBaseVertex(primitive_mode, count, index_format, index_buffer_ptr, base_vertex); } } else { if (current_instance > 0) { glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(primitive_mode, vertex_first, count, 1, current_instance); } else { glDrawArrays(primitive_mode, vertex_first, count); } } } }; RasterizerOpenGL::RasterizerOpenGL(Core::Frontend::EmuWindow& window, ScreenInfo& info) : emu_window{window}, screen_info{info}, buffer_cache(STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE) { // Create sampler objects for (std::size_t i = 0; i < texture_samplers.size(); ++i) { texture_samplers[i].Create(); state.texture_units[i].sampler = texture_samplers[i].sampler.handle; } GLint ext_num; glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &ext_num); for (GLint i = 0; i < ext_num; i++) { const std::string_view extension{ reinterpret_cast(glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i))}; if (extension == "GL_ARB_direct_state_access") { has_ARB_direct_state_access = true; } else if (extension == "GL_ARB_multi_bind") { has_ARB_multi_bind = true; } else if (extension == "GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects") { has_ARB_separate_shader_objects = true; } else if (extension == "GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding") { has_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding = true; } } ASSERT_MSG(has_ARB_separate_shader_objects, "has_ARB_separate_shader_objects is unsupported"); // Clipping plane 0 is always enabled for PICA fixed clip plane z <= 0 state.clip_distance[0] = true; // Create render framebuffer framebuffer.Create(); shader_program_manager = std::make_unique(); state.draw.shader_program = 0; state.Apply(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glGetIntegerv(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT, &uniform_buffer_alignment); LOG_CRITICAL(Render_OpenGL, "Sync fixed function OpenGL state here!"); } RasterizerOpenGL::~RasterizerOpenGL() {} void RasterizerOpenGL::SetupVertexArrays() { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_VAO); const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D(); const auto& regs = gpu.regs; auto [iter, is_cache_miss] = vertex_array_cache.try_emplace(regs.vertex_attrib_format); auto& VAO = iter->second; if (is_cache_miss) { VAO.Create(); state.draw.vertex_array = VAO.handle; state.Apply(); // The index buffer binding is stored within the VAO. Stupid OpenGL, but easy to work // around. glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_cache.GetHandle()); // Use the vertex array as-is, assumes that the data is formatted correctly for OpenGL. // Enables the first 16 vertex attributes always, as we don't know which ones are actually // used until shader time. Note, Tegra technically supports 32, but we're capping this to 16 // for now to avoid OpenGL errors. // TODO(Subv): Analyze the shader to identify which attributes are actually used and don't // assume every shader uses them all. for (unsigned index = 0; index < 16; ++index) { const auto& attrib = regs.vertex_attrib_format[index]; // Ignore invalid attributes. if (!attrib.IsValid()) continue; const auto& buffer = regs.vertex_array[attrib.buffer]; LOG_TRACE(HW_GPU, "vertex attrib {}, count={}, size={}, type={}, offset={}, normalize={}", index, attrib.ComponentCount(), attrib.SizeString(), attrib.TypeString(), attrib.offset.Value(), attrib.IsNormalized()); ASSERT(buffer.IsEnabled()); glEnableVertexAttribArray(index); if (attrib.type == Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::VertexAttribute::Type::SignedInt || attrib.type == Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::VertexAttribute::Type::UnsignedInt) { glVertexAttribIFormat(index, attrib.ComponentCount(), MaxwellToGL::VertexType(attrib), attrib.offset); } else { glVertexAttribFormat(index, attrib.ComponentCount(), MaxwellToGL::VertexType(attrib), attrib.IsNormalized() ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE, attrib.offset); } glVertexAttribBinding(index, attrib.buffer); } } state.draw.vertex_array = VAO.handle; state.draw.vertex_buffer = buffer_cache.GetHandle(); state.Apply(); // Upload all guest vertex arrays sequentially to our buffer for (u32 index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumVertexArrays; ++index) { const auto& vertex_array = regs.vertex_array[index]; if (!vertex_array.IsEnabled()) continue; Tegra::GPUVAddr start = vertex_array.StartAddress(); const Tegra::GPUVAddr end = regs.vertex_array_limit[index].LimitAddress(); ASSERT(end > start); const u64 size = end - start + 1; const GLintptr vertex_buffer_offset = buffer_cache.UploadMemory(start, size); // Bind the vertex array to the buffer at the current offset. glBindVertexBuffer(index, buffer_cache.GetHandle(), vertex_buffer_offset, vertex_array.stride); if (regs.instanced_arrays.IsInstancingEnabled(index) && vertex_array.divisor != 0) { // Enable vertex buffer instancing with the specified divisor. glVertexBindingDivisor(index, vertex_array.divisor); } else { // Disable the vertex buffer instancing. glVertexBindingDivisor(index, 0); } } } DrawParameters RasterizerOpenGL::SetupDraw() { const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D(); const auto& regs = gpu.regs; const bool is_indexed = accelerate_draw == AccelDraw::Indexed; DrawParameters params{}; params.current_instance = gpu.state.current_instance; if (regs.draw.topology == Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology::Quads) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_PrimitiveAssembly); params.use_indexed = true; params.primitive_mode = GL_TRIANGLES; if (is_indexed) { params.index_format = MaxwellToGL::IndexFormat(regs.index_array.format); params.count = (regs.index_array.count / 4) * 6; params.index_buffer_offset = primitive_assembler.MakeQuadIndexed( regs.index_array.IndexStart(), regs.index_array.FormatSizeInBytes(), regs.index_array.count); params.base_vertex = static_cast(regs.vb_element_base); } else { // MakeQuadArray always generates u32 indexes params.index_format = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; params.count = (regs.vertex_buffer.count / 4) * 6; params.index_buffer_offset = primitive_assembler.MakeQuadArray(regs.vertex_buffer.first, params.count); } return params; } params.use_indexed = is_indexed; params.primitive_mode = MaxwellToGL::PrimitiveTopology(regs.draw.topology); if (is_indexed) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Index); params.index_format = MaxwellToGL::IndexFormat(regs.index_array.format); params.count = regs.index_array.count; params.index_buffer_offset = buffer_cache.UploadMemory(regs.index_array.IndexStart(), CalculateIndexBufferSize()); params.base_vertex = static_cast(regs.vb_element_base); } else { params.count = regs.vertex_buffer.count; params.vertex_first = regs.vertex_buffer.first; } return params; } void RasterizerOpenGL::SetupShaders(GLenum primitive_mode) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Shader); const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D(); // Next available bindpoints to use when uploading the const buffers and textures to the GLSL // shaders. The constbuffer bindpoint starts after the shader stage configuration bind points. u32 current_constbuffer_bindpoint = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxShaderStage; u32 current_texture_bindpoint = 0; for (std::size_t index = 0; index < Maxwell::MaxShaderProgram; ++index) { const auto& shader_config = gpu.regs.shader_config[index]; const Maxwell::ShaderProgram program{static_cast(index)}; // Skip stages that are not enabled if (!gpu.regs.IsShaderConfigEnabled(index)) { switch (program) { case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Geometry: shader_program_manager->UseTrivialGeometryShader(); break; } continue; } const std::size_t stage{index == 0 ? 0 : index - 1}; // Stage indices are 0 - 5 GLShader::MaxwellUniformData ubo{}; ubo.SetFromRegs(gpu.state.shader_stages[stage]); const GLintptr offset = buffer_cache.UploadHostMemory( &ubo, sizeof(ubo), static_cast(uniform_buffer_alignment)); // Bind the buffer glBindBufferRange(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, static_cast(stage), buffer_cache.GetHandle(), offset, static_cast(sizeof(ubo))); Shader shader{shader_cache.GetStageProgram(program)}; switch (program) { case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::VertexA: case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::VertexB: { shader_program_manager->UseProgrammableVertexShader( shader->GetProgramHandle(primitive_mode)); break; } case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Geometry: { shader_program_manager->UseProgrammableGeometryShader( shader->GetProgramHandle(primitive_mode)); break; } case Maxwell::ShaderProgram::Fragment: { shader_program_manager->UseProgrammableFragmentShader( shader->GetProgramHandle(primitive_mode)); break; } default: LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "Unimplemented shader index={}, enable={}, offset=0x{:08X}", index, shader_config.enable.Value(), shader_config.offset); UNREACHABLE(); } // Configure the const buffers for this shader stage. current_constbuffer_bindpoint = SetupConstBuffers(static_cast(stage), shader, primitive_mode, current_constbuffer_bindpoint); // Configure the textures for this shader stage. current_texture_bindpoint = SetupTextures(static_cast(stage), shader, primitive_mode, current_texture_bindpoint); // When VertexA is enabled, we have dual vertex shaders if (program == Maxwell::ShaderProgram::VertexA) { // VertexB was combined with VertexA, so we skip the VertexB iteration index++; } } state.Apply(); } std::size_t RasterizerOpenGL::CalculateVertexArraysSize() const { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; std::size_t size = 0; for (u32 index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumVertexArrays; ++index) { if (!regs.vertex_array[index].IsEnabled()) continue; const Tegra::GPUVAddr start = regs.vertex_array[index].StartAddress(); const Tegra::GPUVAddr end = regs.vertex_array_limit[index].LimitAddress(); ASSERT(end > start); size += end - start + 1; } return size; } std::size_t RasterizerOpenGL::CalculateIndexBufferSize() const { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; return static_cast(regs.index_array.count) * static_cast(regs.index_array.FormatSizeInBytes()); } bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateDrawBatch(bool is_indexed) { accelerate_draw = is_indexed ? AccelDraw::Indexed : AccelDraw::Arrays; DrawArrays(); return true; } template static constexpr auto RangeFromInterval(Map& map, const Interval& interval) { return boost::make_iterator_range(map.equal_range(interval)); } void RasterizerOpenGL::UpdatePagesCachedCount(VAddr addr, u64 size, int delta) { const u64 page_start{addr >> Memory::PAGE_BITS}; const u64 page_end{(addr + size + Memory::PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> Memory::PAGE_BITS}; // Interval maps will erase segments if count reaches 0, so if delta is negative we have to // subtract after iterating const auto pages_interval = CachedPageMap::interval_type::right_open(page_start, page_end); if (delta > 0) cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta}); for (const auto& pair : RangeFromInterval(cached_pages, pages_interval)) { const auto interval = pair.first & pages_interval; const int count = pair.second; const VAddr interval_start_addr = boost::icl::first(interval) << Memory::PAGE_BITS; const VAddr interval_end_addr = boost::icl::last_next(interval) << Memory::PAGE_BITS; const u64 interval_size = interval_end_addr - interval_start_addr; if (delta > 0 && count == delta) Memory::RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, true); else if (delta < 0 && count == -delta) Memory::RasterizerMarkRegionCached(interval_start_addr, interval_size, false); else ASSERT(count >= 0); } if (delta < 0) cached_pages.add({pages_interval, delta}); } void RasterizerOpenGL::ConfigureFramebuffers(bool using_color_fb, bool using_depth_fb, bool preserve_contents, boost::optional single_color_target) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Framebuffer); const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; Surface depth_surface; if (using_depth_fb) { depth_surface = res_cache.GetDepthBufferSurface(preserve_contents); } // TODO(bunnei): Figure out how the below register works. According to envytools, this should be // used to enable multiple render targets. However, it is left unset on all games that I have // tested. ASSERT_MSG(regs.rt_separate_frag_data == 0, "Unimplemented"); // Bind the framebuffer surfaces state.draw.draw_framebuffer = framebuffer.handle; state.Apply(); if (using_color_fb) { if (single_color_target) { // Used when just a single color attachment is enabled, e.g. for clearing a color buffer Surface color_surface = res_cache.GetColorBufferSurface(*single_color_target, preserve_contents); if (color_surface) { // Assume that a surface will be written to if it is used as a framebuffer, even if // the shader doesn't actually write to it. color_surface->MarkAsDirty(); } glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + static_cast(*single_color_target), GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_surface != nullptr ? color_surface->Texture().handle : 0, 0); glDrawBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + static_cast(*single_color_target)); } else { // Multiple color attachments are enabled std::array buffers; for (std::size_t index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumRenderTargets; ++index) { Surface color_surface = res_cache.GetColorBufferSurface(index, preserve_contents); if (color_surface) { // Assume that a surface will be written to if it is used as a framebuffer, even // if the shader doesn't actually write to it. color_surface->MarkAsDirty(); } buffers[index] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + regs.rt_control.GetMap(index); glFramebufferTexture2D( GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + static_cast(index), GL_TEXTURE_2D, color_surface != nullptr ? color_surface->Texture().handle : 0, 0); } glDrawBuffers(regs.rt_control.count, buffers.data()); } } else { // No color attachments are enabled - zero out all of them for (std::size_t index = 0; index < Maxwell::NumRenderTargets; ++index) { glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + static_cast(index), GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); } glDrawBuffer(GL_NONE); } if (depth_surface) { // Assume that a surface will be written to if it is used as a framebuffer, even if // the shader doesn't actually write to it. depth_surface->MarkAsDirty(); if (regs.stencil_enable) { // Attach both depth and stencil glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_surface->Texture().handle, 0); } else { // Attach depth glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, depth_surface->Texture().handle, 0); // Clear stencil attachment glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); } } else { // Clear both depth and stencil attachment glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); } SyncViewport(); state.Apply(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::Clear() { const auto prev_state{state}; SCOPE_EXIT({ prev_state.Apply(); }); const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; bool use_color{}; bool use_depth{}; bool use_stencil{}; OpenGLState clear_state; clear_state.draw.draw_framebuffer = framebuffer.handle; clear_state.color_mask.red_enabled = regs.clear_buffers.R ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; clear_state.color_mask.green_enabled = regs.clear_buffers.G ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; clear_state.color_mask.blue_enabled = regs.clear_buffers.B ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; clear_state.color_mask.alpha_enabled = regs.clear_buffers.A ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; if (regs.clear_buffers.R || regs.clear_buffers.G || regs.clear_buffers.B || regs.clear_buffers.A) { use_color = true; } if (regs.clear_buffers.Z) { ASSERT_MSG(regs.zeta_enable != 0, "Tried to clear Z but buffer is not enabled!"); use_depth = true; // Always enable the depth write when clearing the depth buffer. The depth write mask is // ignored when clearing the buffer in the Switch, but OpenGL obeys it so we set it to true. clear_state.depth.test_enabled = true; clear_state.depth.test_func = GL_ALWAYS; } if (regs.clear_buffers.S) { ASSERT_MSG(regs.zeta_enable != 0, "Tried to clear stencil but buffer is not enabled!"); use_stencil = true; clear_state.stencil.test_enabled = true; } if (!use_color && !use_depth && !use_stencil) { // No color surface nor depth/stencil surface are enabled return; } ScopeAcquireGLContext acquire_context{emu_window}; ConfigureFramebuffers(use_color, use_depth || use_stencil, false, regs.clear_buffers.RT.Value()); clear_state.Apply(); if (use_color) { glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, regs.clear_buffers.RT, regs.clear_color); } if (use_depth && use_stencil) { glClearBufferfi(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, 0, regs.clear_depth, regs.clear_stencil); } else if (use_depth) { glClearBufferfv(GL_DEPTH, 0, ®s.clear_depth); } else if (use_stencil) { glClearBufferiv(GL_STENCIL, 0, ®s.clear_stencil); } } void RasterizerOpenGL::DrawArrays() { if (accelerate_draw == AccelDraw::Disabled) return; MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Drawing); const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D(); const auto& regs = gpu.regs; ScopeAcquireGLContext acquire_context{emu_window}; ConfigureFramebuffers(); SyncDepthTestState(); SyncStencilTestState(); SyncBlendState(); SyncLogicOpState(); SyncCullMode(); SyncAlphaTest(); SyncScissorTest(); SyncTransformFeedback(); SyncPointState(); // TODO(bunnei): Sync framebuffer_scale uniform here // TODO(bunnei): Sync scissorbox uniform(s) here // Draw the vertex batch const bool is_indexed = accelerate_draw == AccelDraw::Indexed; state.draw.vertex_buffer = buffer_cache.GetHandle(); state.Apply(); std::size_t buffer_size = CalculateVertexArraysSize(); // Add space for index buffer (keeping in mind non-core primitives) switch (regs.draw.topology) { case Maxwell::PrimitiveTopology::Quads: buffer_size = Common::AlignUp(buffer_size, 4) + primitive_assembler.CalculateQuadSize(regs.vertex_buffer.count); break; default: if (is_indexed) { buffer_size = Common::AlignUp(buffer_size, 4) + CalculateIndexBufferSize(); } break; } // Uniform space for the 5 shader stages buffer_size = Common::AlignUp(buffer_size, 4) + (sizeof(GLShader::MaxwellUniformData) + uniform_buffer_alignment) * Maxwell::MaxShaderStage; // Add space for at least 18 constant buffers buffer_size += Maxwell::MaxConstBuffers * (MaxConstbufferSize + uniform_buffer_alignment); buffer_cache.Map(buffer_size); SetupVertexArrays(); DrawParameters params = SetupDraw(); SetupShaders(params.primitive_mode); buffer_cache.Unmap(); shader_program_manager->ApplyTo(state); state.Apply(); // Execute draw call params.DispatchDraw(); // Disable scissor test state.scissor.enabled = false; accelerate_draw = AccelDraw::Disabled; // Unbind textures for potential future use as framebuffer attachments for (auto& texture_unit : state.texture_units) { texture_unit.Unbind(); } state.Apply(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushAll() {} void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushRegion(VAddr addr, u64 size) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement); if (Settings::values.use_accurate_framebuffers) { // Only flush if use_accurate_framebuffers is enabled, as it incurs a performance hit res_cache.FlushRegion(addr, size); } shader_cache.FlushRegion(addr, size); buffer_cache.FlushRegion(addr, size); } void RasterizerOpenGL::InvalidateRegion(VAddr addr, u64 size) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement); res_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size); shader_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size); buffer_cache.InvalidateRegion(addr, size); } void RasterizerOpenGL::FlushAndInvalidateRegion(VAddr addr, u64 size) { FlushRegion(addr, size); InvalidateRegion(addr, size); } bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateSurfaceCopy(const Tegra::Engines::Fermi2D::Regs::Surface& src, const Tegra::Engines::Fermi2D::Regs::Surface& dst) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Blits); res_cache.FermiCopySurface(src, dst); return true; } bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateFill(const void* config) { UNREACHABLE(); return true; } bool RasterizerOpenGL::AccelerateDisplay(const Tegra::FramebufferConfig& config, VAddr framebuffer_addr, u32 pixel_stride) { if (!framebuffer_addr) { return {}; } MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_CacheManagement); const auto& surface{res_cache.TryFindFramebufferSurface(framebuffer_addr)}; if (!surface) { return {}; } // Verify that the cached surface is the same size and format as the requested framebuffer const auto& params{surface->GetSurfaceParams()}; const auto& pixel_format{SurfaceParams::PixelFormatFromGPUPixelFormat(config.pixel_format)}; ASSERT_MSG(params.width == config.width, "Framebuffer width is different"); ASSERT_MSG(params.height == config.height, "Framebuffer height is different"); ASSERT_MSG(params.pixel_format == pixel_format, "Framebuffer pixel_format is different"); screen_info.display_texture = surface->Texture().handle; return true; } void RasterizerOpenGL::SamplerInfo::Create() { sampler.Create(); mag_filter = min_filter = Tegra::Texture::TextureFilter::Linear; wrap_u = wrap_v = wrap_p = Tegra::Texture::WrapMode::Wrap; uses_depth_compare = false; depth_compare_func = Tegra::Texture::DepthCompareFunc::Never; // default is GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR glSamplerParameteri(sampler.handle, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Other attributes have correct defaults glSamplerParameteri(sampler.handle, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, GL_NEVER); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SamplerInfo::SyncWithConfig(const Tegra::Texture::TSCEntry& config) { const GLuint s = sampler.handle; if (mag_filter != config.mag_filter) { mag_filter = config.mag_filter; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, MaxwellToGL::TextureFilterMode(mag_filter)); } if (min_filter != config.min_filter) { min_filter = config.min_filter; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, MaxwellToGL::TextureFilterMode(min_filter)); } if (wrap_u != config.wrap_u) { wrap_u = config.wrap_u; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, MaxwellToGL::WrapMode(wrap_u)); } if (wrap_v != config.wrap_v) { wrap_v = config.wrap_v; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, MaxwellToGL::WrapMode(wrap_v)); } if (wrap_p != config.wrap_p) { wrap_p = config.wrap_p; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, MaxwellToGL::WrapMode(wrap_p)); } if (uses_depth_compare != (config.depth_compare_enabled == 1)) { uses_depth_compare = (config.depth_compare_enabled == 1); if (uses_depth_compare) { glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE); } else { glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL_NONE); } } if (depth_compare_func != config.depth_compare_func) { depth_compare_func = config.depth_compare_func; glSamplerParameteri(s, GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, MaxwellToGL::DepthCompareFunc(depth_compare_func)); } if (wrap_u == Tegra::Texture::WrapMode::Border || wrap_v == Tegra::Texture::WrapMode::Border || wrap_p == Tegra::Texture::WrapMode::Border) { const GLvec4 new_border_color = {{config.border_color_r, config.border_color_g, config.border_color_b, config.border_color_a}}; if (border_color != new_border_color) { border_color = new_border_color; glSamplerParameterfv(s, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, border_color.data()); } } } u32 RasterizerOpenGL::SetupConstBuffers(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage, Shader& shader, GLenum primitive_mode, u32 current_bindpoint) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_UBO); const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU(); const auto& maxwell3d = gpu.Maxwell3D(); const auto& shader_stage = maxwell3d.state.shader_stages[static_cast(stage)]; const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().const_buffer_entries; constexpr u64 max_binds = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxConstBuffers; std::array bind_buffers; std::array bind_offsets; std::array bind_sizes; ASSERT_MSG(entries.size() <= max_binds, "Exceeded expected number of binding points."); // Upload only the enabled buffers from the 16 constbuffers of each shader stage for (u32 bindpoint = 0; bindpoint < entries.size(); ++bindpoint) { const auto& used_buffer = entries[bindpoint]; const auto& buffer = shader_stage.const_buffers[used_buffer.GetIndex()]; if (!buffer.enabled) { // With disabled buffers set values as zero to unbind them bind_buffers[bindpoint] = 0; bind_offsets[bindpoint] = 0; bind_sizes[bindpoint] = 0; continue; } std::size_t size = 0; if (used_buffer.IsIndirect()) { // Buffer is accessed indirectly, so upload the entire thing size = buffer.size; if (size > MaxConstbufferSize) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_GPU, "indirect constbuffer size {} exceeds maximum {}", size, MaxConstbufferSize); size = MaxConstbufferSize; } } else { // Buffer is accessed directly, upload just what we use size = used_buffer.GetSize() * sizeof(float); } // Align the actual size so it ends up being a multiple of vec4 to meet the OpenGL std140 // UBO alignment requirements. size = Common::AlignUp(size, sizeof(GLvec4)); ASSERT_MSG(size <= MaxConstbufferSize, "Constbuffer too big"); GLintptr const_buffer_offset = buffer_cache.UploadMemory( buffer.address, size, static_cast(uniform_buffer_alignment)); // Now configure the bindpoint of the buffer inside the shader glUniformBlockBinding(shader->GetProgramHandle(primitive_mode), shader->GetProgramResourceIndex(used_buffer), current_bindpoint + bindpoint); // Prepare values for multibind bind_buffers[bindpoint] = buffer_cache.GetHandle(); bind_offsets[bindpoint] = const_buffer_offset; bind_sizes[bindpoint] = size; } glBindBuffersRange(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, current_bindpoint, static_cast(entries.size()), bind_buffers.data(), bind_offsets.data(), bind_sizes.data()); return current_bindpoint + static_cast(entries.size()); } u32 RasterizerOpenGL::SetupTextures(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage, Shader& shader, GLenum primitive_mode, u32 current_unit) { MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(OpenGL_Texture); const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU(); const auto& maxwell3d = gpu.Maxwell3D(); const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().texture_samplers; ASSERT_MSG(current_unit + entries.size() <= std::size(state.texture_units), "Exceeded the number of active textures."); for (u32 bindpoint = 0; bindpoint < entries.size(); ++bindpoint) { const auto& entry = entries[bindpoint]; const u32 current_bindpoint = current_unit + bindpoint; // Bind the uniform to the sampler. glProgramUniform1i(shader->GetProgramHandle(primitive_mode), shader->GetUniformLocation(entry), current_bindpoint); const auto texture = maxwell3d.GetStageTexture(entry.GetStage(), entry.GetOffset()); if (!texture.enabled) { state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].texture = 0; continue; } texture_samplers[current_bindpoint].SyncWithConfig(texture.tsc); Surface surface = res_cache.GetTextureSurface(texture, entry); if (surface != nullptr) { state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].texture = surface->Texture().handle; state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].target = surface->Target(); state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].swizzle.r = MaxwellToGL::SwizzleSource(texture.tic.x_source); state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].swizzle.g = MaxwellToGL::SwizzleSource(texture.tic.y_source); state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].swizzle.b = MaxwellToGL::SwizzleSource(texture.tic.z_source); state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].swizzle.a = MaxwellToGL::SwizzleSource(texture.tic.w_source); } else { // Can occur when texture addr is null or its memory is unmapped/invalid state.texture_units[current_bindpoint].texture = 0; } } return current_unit + static_cast(entries.size()); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncViewport() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; const MathUtil::Rectangle viewport_rect{regs.viewport_transform[0].GetRect()}; state.viewport.x = viewport_rect.left; state.viewport.y = viewport_rect.bottom; state.viewport.width = static_cast(viewport_rect.GetWidth()); state.viewport.height = static_cast(viewport_rect.GetHeight()); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncClipEnabled() { UNREACHABLE(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncClipCoef() { UNREACHABLE(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncCullMode() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; state.cull.enabled = regs.cull.enabled != 0; if (state.cull.enabled) { state.cull.front_face = MaxwellToGL::FrontFace(regs.cull.front_face); state.cull.mode = MaxwellToGL::CullFace(regs.cull.cull_face); const bool flip_triangles{regs.screen_y_control.triangle_rast_flip == 0 || regs.viewport_transform[0].scale_y < 0.0f}; // If the GPU is configured to flip the rasterized triangles, then we need to flip the // notion of front and back. Note: We flip the triangles when the value of the register is 0 // because OpenGL already does it for us. if (flip_triangles) { if (state.cull.front_face == GL_CCW) state.cull.front_face = GL_CW; else if (state.cull.front_face == GL_CW) state.cull.front_face = GL_CCW; } } } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncDepthScale() { UNREACHABLE(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncDepthOffset() { UNREACHABLE(); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncDepthTestState() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; state.depth.test_enabled = regs.depth_test_enable != 0; state.depth.write_mask = regs.depth_write_enabled ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; if (!state.depth.test_enabled) return; state.depth.test_func = MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.depth_test_func); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncStencilTestState() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; state.stencil.test_enabled = regs.stencil_enable != 0; if (!regs.stencil_enable) { return; } // TODO(bunnei): Verify behavior when this is not set ASSERT(regs.stencil_two_side_enable); state.stencil.front.test_func = MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_front_func_func); state.stencil.front.test_ref = regs.stencil_front_func_ref; state.stencil.front.test_mask = regs.stencil_front_func_mask; state.stencil.front.action_stencil_fail = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_fail); state.stencil.front.action_depth_fail = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zfail); state.stencil.front.action_depth_pass = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_front_op_zpass); state.stencil.front.write_mask = regs.stencil_front_mask; state.stencil.back.test_func = MaxwellToGL::ComparisonOp(regs.stencil_back_func_func); state.stencil.back.test_ref = regs.stencil_back_func_ref; state.stencil.back.test_mask = regs.stencil_back_func_mask; state.stencil.back.action_stencil_fail = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_fail); state.stencil.back.action_depth_fail = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zfail); state.stencil.back.action_depth_pass = MaxwellToGL::StencilOp(regs.stencil_back_op_zpass); state.stencil.back.write_mask = regs.stencil_back_mask; } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncBlendState() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; // TODO(Subv): Support more than just render target 0. state.blend.enabled = regs.blend.enable[0] != 0; if (!state.blend.enabled) return; ASSERT_MSG(regs.logic_op.enable == 0, "Blending and logic op can't be enabled at the same time."); ASSERT_MSG(regs.independent_blend_enable == 1, "Only independent blending is implemented"); ASSERT_MSG(!regs.independent_blend[0].separate_alpha, "Unimplemented"); state.blend.rgb_equation = MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.independent_blend[0].equation_rgb); state.blend.src_rgb_func = MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.independent_blend[0].factor_source_rgb); state.blend.dst_rgb_func = MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.independent_blend[0].factor_dest_rgb); state.blend.a_equation = MaxwellToGL::BlendEquation(regs.independent_blend[0].equation_a); state.blend.src_a_func = MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.independent_blend[0].factor_source_a); state.blend.dst_a_func = MaxwellToGL::BlendFunc(regs.independent_blend[0].factor_dest_a); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncLogicOpState() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; // TODO(Subv): Support more than just render target 0. state.logic_op.enabled = regs.logic_op.enable != 0; if (!state.logic_op.enabled) return; ASSERT_MSG(regs.blend.enable[0] == 0, "Blending and logic op can't be enabled at the same time."); state.logic_op.operation = MaxwellToGL::LogicOp(regs.logic_op.operation); } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncAlphaTest() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; // TODO(Rodrigo): Alpha testing is a legacy OpenGL feature, but it can be // implemented with a test+discard in fragment shaders. if (regs.alpha_test_enabled != 0) { LOG_CRITICAL(Render_OpenGL, "Alpha testing is not implemented"); UNREACHABLE(); } } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncScissorTest() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; state.scissor.enabled = (regs.scissor_test.enable != 0); // TODO(Blinkhawk): Figure if the hardware supports scissor testing per viewport and how it's // implemented. if (regs.scissor_test.enable != 0) { const u32 width = regs.scissor_test.max_x - regs.scissor_test.min_x; const u32 height = regs.scissor_test.max_y - regs.scissor_test.min_y; state.scissor.x = regs.scissor_test.min_x; state.scissor.y = regs.scissor_test.min_y; state.scissor.width = width; state.scissor.height = height; } } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncTransformFeedback() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; if (regs.tfb_enabled != 0) { LOG_CRITICAL(Render_OpenGL, "Transform feedbacks are not implemented"); UNREACHABLE(); } } void RasterizerOpenGL::SyncPointState() { const auto& regs = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D().regs; // TODO(Rodrigo): Most games do not set a point size. I think this is a case of a // register carrying a default value. For now, if the point size is zero, assume it's // OpenGL's default (1). state.point.size = regs.point_size == 0 ? 1 : regs.point_size; } } // namespace OpenGL