FileName = ''; $this -> OverWrite = true; $this -> NameCase = ''; $this -> Error = ''; $this -> NewName = ''; $this -> ImageNewExt= ''; $this -> ThumbNewExt= ''; $this -> RNewName = ''; } function UploadFile() { if(is_array($this->File['name'])) { $this -> _ArrayUpload(); } else { $this -> _NormalUpload(); } return $this -> Error; } function _ArrayUpload() { for($i = 0; $i < count($this -> File['name']); $i++) { $_FileName = $this->File['name'][$i]; //if new name is set then apply this. $_NewName = $this -> NewName[$i]; if(!empty($this->File['name'][$i]) and $this -> _FileExist($_NewName, $_FileName,$i) == false) { $ErrorMsg= ''; //Upload and resize image $ErrorMsg = $this -> _UploadImage($this -> File['name'][$i], $this -> File['tmp_name'][$i], $this -> File['size'][$i], $this -> File['type'][$i],$this -> NewName[$i]); //==== Creaet Thumb if(!empty($this -> ThumbPath) && empty($ErrorMsg)) { $this -> _ThumbUpload($this -> File['name'][$i], $this -> File['tmp_name'][$i], $this -> File['size'][$i], $this -> File['type'][$i], $this -> NewName[$i]); }// if save thumb }//if !empty file name }//for loop } function _NormalUpload() { $_FileName = $this->File['name']; //if new name is set then apply this. $_NewName = $this -> NewName; if(!empty($this->File['name']) and $this -> _FileExist($_NewName, $_FileName) == false) { //upload and resize image $this -> _UploadImage($this -> File['name'], $this -> File['tmp_name'], $this -> File['size'], $this -> File['type'], $this -> NewName); //upload thumb if(!empty($this -> ThumbPath)) { $this -> _ThumbUpload($this -> File['name'], $this -> File['tmp_name'], $this -> File['size'], $this -> File['type'], $this -> NewName); }// if save thumb }// if check file empty and file exist } // function _Normal Upload function _UploadImage($FileName, $TmpName, $Size, $Type, $NewName) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($TmpName); $this -> image = new Image($FileName); $this -> image -> newWidth = $this -> NewWidth; // new width $this -> image -> newHeight = $this -> NewHeight; //new height $this -> image -> PicDir = $this -> SavePath; $this -> image -> TmpName = $TmpName; $this -> image -> FileSize = $Size; $this -> image -> FileType = $Type; //if user want to change the file name chackname function will do that. $this -> image -> FileName = $this-> _CheckName($NewName , $FileName, $this -> ImageNewExt); // Onemogocimo resizing za dolocene uporabnike (3 uporabniki EF) global $global_user_id; global $site_domain; $skip_resize = ( $site_domain == "" && in_array($global_user_id, array('114', '68473', '6700', '74604')) ) ? true : false; // Samo shranimo brez resiza if(($width < $this->NewWidth && $height < $this->NewHeight) || $skip_resize){ return $this -> image -> Save(); } else{ return $this -> image -> Resize(); } } function _ThumbUpload($FileName, $TmpName, $Size, $Type, $NewName) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($TmpName); $this -> Timage = new Image($FileName); $this -> Timage -> newWidth = $this -> TWidth; // new width $this -> Timage -> newHeight = $this -> THeight; //new height $this -> Timage -> PicDir = $this -> ThumbPath; $this -> Timage -> TmpName = $TmpName; $this -> Timage -> FileSize = $Size; $this -> Timage -> FileType = $Type; //if user want to change the file name chackname function will do that. $this -> Timage -> FileName = $this-> _CheckName($NewName , $FileName, $this -> ThumbNewExt); if($width < $this -> TWidth and $height < $this -> THeight) { $this -> Timage -> Save(); //use this if you wish images without resizing } else { $this -> Timage -> Resize(); } } function _CheckName($NewName,$UpFile, $NewExt = '') { if(empty($NewName)) { return $this->_ChangeCase($UpFile); } else { $Ext = explode(".",$UpFile); $Ext = end($Ext); $Ext = strtolower($Ext); return $this->_ChangeCase($this -> _CheckExtantion($NewName,$Ext,$NewExt)); } } function _CheckExtantion($NewName, $Ext, $NewExt) { $Ext2 = explode(".",$NewName); if(is_array($Ext2)) { $NewName = $Ext2[0]; } /* if(!empty($NewExt) && $NewExt != $Ext) { return $NewName.'.'.$NewExt; } else { return $NewName.'.'.$Ext; } */ return $NewName.'.'.$Ext; } function _ChangeCase($FileName) { if($this->NameCase == 'lower') { $this -> RNewName = $FileName; $FileName = preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]/", "", $FileName); $FileName = strtolower($FileName); $cas = time(); $FileName = $cas.$FileName; //vrnemo trenuten čas v sekundah in ime datoteke return $FileName; } elseif($this->NameCase == 'upper') { $this -> RNewName = $FileName; return strtoupper($FileName); } else { $this -> RNewName = $FileName; return $FileName; } } function _FileExist($_NewName, $_FileName,$i = 0) { if($this -> OverWrite == true) { if(file_exists($this->SavePath.$this -> _CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName))) { if(!unlink($this->SavePath.$this->_CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName))) { $this -> Error[] = "File: ". $this->_CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName) . " Cannot be overwrite."; } else { if(file_exists($this->ThumbPath.$this -> _CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName))) { //also remove thumb unlink($this->ThumbPath.$this->_CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName)); } } } } else { if(file_exists($this->SavePath. $this -> _CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName))) { $this -> Error[] = "File: ". $this -> _CheckName($_NewName, $_FileName) . " aready exist! "; return true; } } }//function _FileExist } ?>