#pragma once #include <string> #include <SDL_net.h> /** * Platform independent class for working with platform dependent hardware socket * @brief Wrapper around raw sockets * @warning Connection state is based on lifetime of Socket object instance, ie connected at ctor and disconnect at dtor */ class Socket { IPaddress server; TCPsocket socket; public: /** * Constructs Socket class instance from IP's string and Port number and connects to remote server * @param[in] address IP address of remote server. String should be ANSI and contains 4 one-byte values separated by dots * @param[in] port target port of remote server to connect * @throw std::runtime_error if connection is failed */ Socket(std::string address, unsigned short port); /** * Destruct Socket instance and disconnect from server * @warning There is no way to force disconnect, except use delete for manually allocated objects and scope of visibility for auto variables */ ~Socket(); /** * Reads data from socket and write to buffer * @warning This is blocking function, and execution flow will not be returned until all required data is sended * @warning Reported buffer length must be <= actual size of buffer, or memory corruption will be caused * @param[out] buffPtr Pointer to buffer, where data must be placed * @param[in] buffLen Length of data, that must be readed from server and writed to buffer */ void Read(unsigned char *buffPtr, size_t buffLen); /** * Writes data from buffer to socket * @warning This is blocking function, and execution flow will not be returned until all required data is received * @param[in] buffPtr Pointer to buffer that contain data to send * @param[in] buffLen Length of buffer */ void Write(unsigned char *buffPtr, size_t buffLen); };