@echo off cls echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Simpsons 2 - XBOX build process echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rem ### Use this to chain commands together ### set WHENDONE=END rem ### Use this to signal cleaning ### set DOCLEAN=false if "%1" == "d" goto DEBUG if "%1" == "r" goto RELEASE if "%1" == "t" goto TUNE ://if "%1" == "all" goto ALL goto ERROR: :DEBUG SET XBOXCONFIG=debug goto MAKE :RELEASE SET XBOXCONFIG=release goto MAKE :TUNE set XBOXCONFIG=Tune goto MAKE :MAKE if "%2" == "clean" SET CLEANOPT=/CLEAN :// build the XBOX xbe with the specified options :// :// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- :// Full path and name of the Visual Studio batch file for setting up :// the MSDev environment for Win32 builds. :// *** THIS _MUST_ ACCURATELY REFLECT WHERE THE FILE IS ON YOUR SYSTEM *** :// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SET VCVARS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat IF EXIST "%VCVARS%" GOTO XboxBuild @ECHO ***ERROR*** Could not find MSDev environment. @ECHO Make sure the VCVARS environment variable in make.bat is correct! GOTO END :XboxBuild :// This calls the Visual Studio batch file for setting up the MSDev Environment ://CALL "%VCVARS%" :// Here's where the MSDev executable is :// NOTE : %MSDevDir% is set by the VCVARS batch file SET MSDEV=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe "%MSDEV%" SRR2.sln /build %XBOXCONFIG% /project srr2 "srr2.sln" IF "%1" == "d" IF EXIST Debug\SRR2xd.xbe echo Debug XBOX build completed successfully. IF "%1" == "d" IF NOT EXIST Debug\SRR2xd.xbe echo Debug XBOX build failed (see file err for details). IF "%1" == "t" IF EXIST Tune\SRR2xt.xbe echo Optimized XBOX build completed successfully. IF "%1" == "t" IF NOT EXIST Tune\SRR2xt.xbe echo Optimized XBOX build failed (see file err for details). IF "%1" == "r" IF EXIST Release\SRR2xr.xbe echo Release XBOX build completed successfully. IF "%1" == "r" IF NOT EXIST Release\SRR2xr.xbe echo Release XBOX build failed (see file err for details). goto END :ERROR echo Please specify option all\d\r\t [clean] :END echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pause