/* rpts_help.mel This script may be freely distributed. Modify at your own risk. Author: Dirk Bialluch (DirkBi@Software2000.de) Creation date: 15.10.2000 Last update: 15.10.2000 */ // // Create UI // global proc rp_help ( int $function ) { int $uiLabelWidth = 150; int $uiInputWidth = 80; int $uiWidth = $uiLabelWidth + $uiInputWidth + 220; if ( `window -exists rp_help` ) deleteUI rp_help; window -maximizeButton false -resizeToFitChildren false -title "Randomize Points Help" -iconName "Ranomdize Points Help" rp_help; tabLayout -innerMarginWidth 5 -innerMarginHeight 5 -childResizable true rp_helpTab; string $rp1_form = `formLayout -numberOfDivisions 100 "Randomize Points"`; string $rp1_scroll = `scrollLayout -hst 16 -vst 16 -childResizable true -minChildWidth $uiWidth`; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true -rowSpacing 6; // randomize points - instructions frameLayout -label "Instructions" -labelAlign "center" -cll false -lw $uiWidth -mh 3 -borderStyle "etchedIn" -bv true; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true; rowLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -cat 1 "left" 5; text rp1_instructions; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; string $rp1_button = `button -label "Close" -command "deleteUI rp_help"`; setParent ..; string $rp2_form = `formLayout -numberOfDivisions 100 "About"`; string $rp2_scroll = `scrollLayout -hst 16 -vst 16 -childResizable true -minChildWidth $uiWidth`; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true -rowSpacing 6; // about frameLayout -label "About Randomize Points" -labelAlign "center" -cll false -lw $uiWidth -mh 3 -borderStyle "etchedIn" -bv true; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true; rowLayout -numberOfColumns 1 -cat 1 "left" 5; text rp2_instructions; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; setParent ..; string $rp2_button = `button -label "Close" -command "deleteUI rp_help"`; // set form layouts formLayout -edit -attachForm $rp1_scroll "top" 4 -attachForm $rp1_scroll "left" 4 -attachControl $rp1_scroll "bottom" 4 $rp1_button -attachForm $rp1_scroll "right" 4 $rp1_form; formLayout -edit -attachNone $rp1_button "top" -attachForm $rp1_button "left" 4 -attachForm $rp1_button "bottom" 4 -attachForm $rp1_button "right" 4 $rp1_form; formLayout -edit -attachForm $rp2_scroll "top" 4 -attachForm $rp2_scroll "left" 4 -attachControl $rp2_scroll "bottom" 4 $rp2_button -attachForm $rp2_scroll "right" 4 $rp2_form; formLayout -edit -attachNone $rp2_button "top" -attachForm $rp2_button "left" 4 -attachForm $rp2_button "bottom" 4 -attachForm $rp2_button "right" 4 $rp2_form; /* Enable Axes Enable/disable the world space, object space or distance axes depending on the Transform Mode settings. */ string $rp1_instructions = "This tool randomizes the position of selected CV´s, Poly Vertices and Lattice Points.\n" + "\n" + "Workflow tips\n" + " To avoid problems at object poles when deforming eg a nurbs sphere, better bind\n" + " the object to a lattice and randomize the lattice points instead.\n" + "\n" + "Intensity\n" + " The Intensity value is measured in world or object space units depending on the.\n" + " chosen Transform Mode. A value of 1 will displace the selected points within a\n" + " maximum range of -0.5 to 0.5, if Intensity Range is set to 0. If you are using the\n" + " object space mode, object scale values are taken into account.\n" + "\n" + "Intensity Range\n" + " Shift the displacement toward the positive or negative value range. If Intensity is\n" + " set to 2, an Intensity Range of 100% will shift the displacement completely to a\n" + " positive range from 0 to 2. Setting the value to -100% would result in a range from\n" + " -2 to 0.\n" + "\n" + "Min/Max Value\n" + " These values show the final displacement range.\n" + "\n" + "Threshold\n" + " Increase the Threshold value to leave a certain amount of points unaffected. When\n" + " leaving this value at 0, all points will be affected. A value of 0.8 will skip\n" + " approximately 80% of all selected points and randomize the remaining 20%.\n" + "\n" + "Use Seed Value\n" + " Enable/disable the usage of a seed value for the randomize function.\n" + "\n" + "Seed\n" + " The Seed value inits the randomize function, so the deformation is repeatable.\n" + " The function will only produce identical results, if the points are always selected\n" + " in the same order.\n" + "\n" + "Transform Mode\n" + " World Space will displace points along the enabled world space axes.\n" + " Object Space will displace points along the enabled object space axes.\n" + " Distance will displace points along the enabled normal, u and v tangent.\n" + " Lattice points are not affected by this transform node, because they do not have\n" + " UVN properties.\n" + "\n" + "Enable Axes\n" + " Enable/disable the axes depending on the Transform Mode settings.\n"; string $rp2_instructions = "Randomize Points V1.6\n" + "\n" + "Programmed by Dirk Bialluch, 1998-2000\n" + "\n" + "This script may be freely distributed.\n" + "Modify at your own risk.\n" + "\n" + "Email: 'DirkBi@Software2000.de'\n" + "Homepage: 'http://dirk-bialluch.mayaring.com'"; text -e -label $rp1_instructions rp1_instructions; text -e -label $rp2_instructions rp2_instructions; tabLayout -e -selectTabIndex $function rp_helpTab; showWindow rp_help; } // end of script