-- main.lua -- Implements the plugin entrypoint (in this case the entire plugin) -- Global variables: local g_Plugin = nil local g_PluginFolder = "" local g_Stats = {} local g_TrackedPages = {} local function LoadAPIFiles(a_Folder, a_DstTable) assert(type(a_Folder) == "string") assert(type(a_DstTable) == "table") local Folder = g_PluginFolder .. a_Folder; for _, fnam in ipairs(cFile:GetFolderContents(Folder)) do local FileName = Folder .. fnam; -- We only want .lua files from the folder: if (cFile:IsFile(FileName) and fnam:match(".*%.lua$")) then local TablesFn = assert(loadfile(FileName)) local Tables = TablesFn() if (type(Tables) ~= "table") then error("Cannot load API descriptions from " .. FileName .. ", returned object is not a table (" .. type(Tables) .. ").") break end for k, cls in pairs(Tables) do if (a_DstTable[k]) then -- The class is documented in two files, warn and store into a file (so that CIs can mark build as failure): LOGWARNING(string.format( "Warning: class %s is documented at two places, the documentation in file %s will overwrite the previously loaded one!", k, FileName )) local f = io.open("DuplicateDocs.txt", "a") f:write(k, "\t", FileName) f:close() end a_DstTable[k] = cls end end -- if (is lua file) end -- for fnam - Folder[] end --- Returns the API currently detected from the global environment local function CreateAPITables() --[[ We want an API table of the following shape: local API = { { Name = "cCuboid", Functions = { {Name = "Sort"}, {Name = "IsInside"} }, Constants = { }, Variables = { }, Descendants = {}, -- Will be filled by ReadDescriptions(), array of class APIs (references to other member in the tree) }, { Name = "cBlockArea", Functions = { {Name = "Clear"}, {Name = "CopyFrom"}, ... }, Constants = { {Name = "baTypes", Value = 0}, {Name = "baMetas", Value = 1}, ... }, Variables = { }, ... }, cCuboid = {} -- Each array item also has the map item by its name }; local Globals = { Functions = { ... }, Constants = { ... } }; --]] local Globals = {Functions = {}, Constants = {}, Variables = {}, Descendants = {}}; local API = {}; local function Add(a_APIContainer, a_ObjName, a_ObjValue) if (type(a_ObjValue) == "function") then table.insert(a_APIContainer.Functions, {Name = a_ObjName}); elseif ( (type(a_ObjValue) == "number") or (type(a_ObjValue) == "string") ) then table.insert(a_APIContainer.Constants, {Name = a_ObjName, Value = a_ObjValue}); end end local function ParseClass(a_ClassName, a_ClassObj) local res = {Name = a_ClassName, Functions = {}, Constants = {}, Variables = {}, Descendants = {}}; -- Add functions and constants: for i, v in pairs(a_ClassObj) do Add(res, i, v); end -- Member variables: local GetField = a_ClassObj[".get"]; local SetField = a_ClassObj[".set"] or {}; if ((GetField ~= nil) and (type(GetField) == "table")) then for k, v in pairs(GetField) do if ((SetField[k] == nil) and ((type(v) ~= "table") or (v["__newindex"] == nil))) then -- It is a read-only variable or array, add it as a constant: table.insert(res.Constants, {Name = k, Value = ""}); else -- It is a read-write variable or array, add it as a variable: table.insert(res.Variables, { Name = k }); end end end return res; end for i, v in pairs(getmetatable(_G).__index) do if ( (v ~= _G) and -- don't want the global namespace (v ~= _G.packages) and -- don't want any packages (v ~= _G[".get"]) ) then if (type(v) == "table") then local cls = ParseClass(i, v) table.insert(API, cls); API[cls.Name] = cls else Add(Globals, i, v); end end end -- Remove the built-in Lua libraries: API.debug = nil API.io = nil API.string = nil API.table = nil return API, Globals; end --- Returns the timestamp in HTML format -- The timestamp will be inserted to all generated HTML files local function GetHtmlTimestamp() return string.format("
Generated by APIDump on %s, Build ID %s, Commit %s
", os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), cRoot:GetBuildID(), cRoot:GetBuildCommitID() ) end --- Writes links to articles in a bullet format into the output HTML file -- f is the output file stream -- a_APIDesc is the API description as read from APIDesc.lua local function WriteArticles(f, a_APIDesc) f:write([[


The following articles provide various extra information on plugin development

"); end -- Make a link out of anything with the special linkifying syntax {{link|title}} local function LinkifyString(a_String, a_Referrer, a_API) assert(a_Referrer ~= nil); assert(a_Referrer ~= ""); -- If the string is a known class, return a direct link to it: if (a_API[a_String]) then return "" .. a_String .. "" end --- Adds a page to the list of tracked pages (to be checked for existence at the end) local function AddTrackedPage(a_PageName) local Pg = (g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] or {}); table.insert(Pg, a_Referrer); g_TrackedPages[a_PageName] = Pg; end --- Creates the HTML for the specified link and title local function CreateLink(Link, Title) if ((Link:sub(1, 7) == "http://") or (Link:sub(1, 8) == "https://")) then -- The link is a full absolute URL, do not modify, do not track: return "" .. Title .. ""; end local idxHash = Link:find("#"); if (idxHash ~= nil) then -- The link contains an anchor: if (idxHash == 1) then -- Anchor in the current page, no need to track: return "" .. Title .. ""; end -- Anchor in another page: local PageName = Link:sub(1, idxHash - 1); AddTrackedPage(PageName); return "" .. Title .. ""; end -- Link without anchor: AddTrackedPage(Link); return "" .. Title .. ""; end -- Linkify the strings using the CreateLink() function: local txt = a_String:gsub("{{([^|}]*)|([^}]*)}}", CreateLink) -- {{link|title}} txt = txt:gsub("{{([^|}]*)}}", -- {{LinkAndTitle}} function(LinkAndTitle) local idxHash = LinkAndTitle:find("#"); if (idxHash ~= nil) then -- The LinkAndTitle contains a hash, remove the hashed part from the title: return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle:sub(1, idxHash - 1)); end return CreateLink(LinkAndTitle, LinkAndTitle); end ); return txt; end local function WriteHtmlHook(a_Hook, a_HookNav, a_API) local fnam = "API/" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. ".html"; local f, error = io.open(fnam, "w"); if (f == nil) then LOG("Cannot write \"" .. fnam .. "\": \"" .. error .. "\"."); return; end local HookName = a_Hook.DefaultFnName; f:write([[ Cuberite API - ]], HookName, [[ Hook

]], a_Hook.Name, [[


Quick navigation:
]]); f:write(a_HookNav); f:write([[

]]); f:write(LinkifyString(a_Hook.Desc, HookName, a_API)); f:write("


Callback function


The default name for the callback function is "); f:write(a_Hook.DefaultFnName, ". It has the following signature:\n"); f:write("

function My", HookName, "(");
	if (a_Hook.Params == nil) then
		a_Hook.Params = {};
	for i, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do
		if (i > 1) then
			f:write(", ");


\n\n"); for _, param in ipairs(a_Hook.Params) do f:write("\n"); end f:write("
", param.Name, "", LinkifyString(param.Type, HookName, a_API), "", LinkifyString(param.Notes, HookName, a_API), "

" .. LinkifyString(a_Hook.Returns or "", HookName, a_API) .. "

\n\n"); f:write([[

Code examples

Registering the callback

]]); f:write("
	f:write([[cPluginManager:AddHook(cPluginManager.]] .. a_Hook.Name .. ", My" .. a_Hook.DefaultFnName .. [[);]]);
\n\n"); local Examples = a_Hook.CodeExamples or {}; for _, example in ipairs(Examples) do f:write("

", (example.Title or "missing Title"), "

\n"); f:write("

", (example.Desc or "missing Desc"), "

\n"); f:write("
", (example.Code or "missing Code"), "\n
\n\n"); end f:write([[
]]) f:write(GetHtmlTimestamp()) f:write([[]]) f:close(); end --- Writes all hooks into HTML output file as links in a sorted bullet list, as well as the individual hook HTML files -- f is the output HTML index file -- a_Hooks is an array of hook descriptions -- a_UndocumentedHooks is a table that will be filled with the names of hooks that are not documented -- a_HookNav is the HTML code for the menu on the left that is constant for all hook pages local function WriteHooks(f, a_Hooks, a_UndocumentedHooks, a_HookNav, a_API) f:write([[


A plugin can register to be called whenever an "interesting event" occurs. It does so by calling cPluginManager's AddHook() function and implementing a callback function to handle the event.

A plugin can decide whether it will let the event pass through to the rest of the plugins, or hide it from them. This is determined by the return value from the hook callback function. If the function returns false or no value, the event is propagated further. If the function returns true, the processing is stopped, no other plugin receives the notification (and possibly Cuberite disables the default behavior for the event). See each hook's details to see the exact behavior.

]]); for _, hook in ipairs(a_Hooks) do if (hook.DefaultFnName == nil) then -- The hook is not documented yet f:write(" \n \n \n \n"); table.insert(a_UndocumentedHooks, hook.Name); else f:write(" \n \n \n \n"); WriteHtmlHook(hook, a_HookNav, a_API); end end f:write([[
Hook name Called when
" .. hook.Name .. "(No documentation yet)
" .. hook.Name .. "" .. LinkifyString(hook.CalledWhen, hook.Name, a_API) .. "

]]); end --- Fills the API in a_API table with descriptions from a_Desc -- a_API is the API detected from current global environment -- a_Desc is the description loaded from APIDesc.lua and Classes files local function ReadDescriptions(a_API, a_Desc) -- Returns true if the class of the specified name is to be ignored local function IsClassIgnored(a_ClsName) if (a_Desc.IgnoreClasses == nil) then return false; end for _, name in ipairs(a_Desc.IgnoreClasses) do if (a_ClsName:match(name)) then return true; end end return false; end -- Returns true if the function is to be ignored local function IsFunctionIgnored(a_ClassName, a_FnName) if (a_Desc.IgnoreFunctions == nil) then return false; end if (((a_Desc.Classes[a_ClassName] or {}).Functions or {})[a_FnName] ~= nil) then -- The function is documented, don't ignore return false; end local FnName = a_ClassName .. "." .. a_FnName; for _, name in ipairs(a_Desc.IgnoreFunctions) do if (FnName:match(name)) then return true; end end return false; end -- Returns true if the constant (specified by its fully qualified name) is to be ignored local function IsConstantIgnored(a_CnName) if (a_Desc.IgnoreConstants == nil) then return false; end; for _, name in ipairs(a_Desc.IgnoreConstants) do if (a_CnName:match(name)) then return true; end end return false; end -- Returns true if the member variable (specified by its fully qualified name) is to be ignored local function IsVariableIgnored(a_VarName) if (a_Desc.IgnoreVariables == nil) then return false; end; for _, name in ipairs(a_Desc.IgnoreVariables) do if (a_VarName:match(name)) then return true; end end return false; end -- Remove ignored classes from a_API: local APICopy = {}; for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do if not(IsClassIgnored(cls.Name)) then table.insert(APICopy, cls); end end for i = 1, #a_API do a_API[i] = APICopy[i]; end; -- Process the documentation for each class: for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do -- Initialize default values for each class: cls.ConstantGroups = {}; cls.NumConstantsInGroups = 0; cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = 0; -- Rename special functions: for _, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do if (fn.Name == ".call") then fn.DocID = "constructor"; fn.Name = "() (constructor)"; elseif (fn.Name == ".add") then fn.DocID = "operator_plus"; fn.Name = "operator +"; elseif (fn.Name == ".div") then fn.DocID = "operator_div"; fn.Name = "operator /"; elseif (fn.Name == ".mul") then fn.DocID = "operator_mul"; fn.Name = "operator *"; elseif (fn.Name == ".sub") then fn.DocID = "operator_sub"; fn.Name = "operator -"; elseif (fn.Name == ".eq") then fn.DocID = "operator_eq"; fn.Name = "operator =="; end end local APIDesc = a_Desc.Classes[cls.Name]; if (APIDesc ~= nil) then APIDesc.IsExported = true; cls.Desc = APIDesc.Desc; cls.AdditionalInfo = APIDesc.AdditionalInfo; -- Process inheritance: if (APIDesc.Inherits ~= nil) then for _, icls in ipairs(a_API) do if (icls.Name == APIDesc.Inherits) then table.insert(icls.Descendants, cls); cls.Inherits = icls; end end end cls.UndocumentedFunctions = {}; -- This will contain names of all the functions that are not documented cls.UndocumentedConstants = {}; -- This will contain names of all the constants that are not documented cls.UndocumentedVariables = {}; -- This will contain names of all the variables that are not documented local DoxyFunctions = {}; -- This will contain all the API functions together with their documentation local function AddFunction(a_Name, a_Params, a_Returns, a_IsStatic, a_Notes) table.insert(DoxyFunctions, {Name = a_Name, Params = a_Params, Returns = a_Returns, IsStatic = a_IsStatic, Notes = a_Notes}); end if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) then -- Assign function descriptions: for _, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name; local FnDesc = APIDesc.Functions[FnName]; if (FnDesc == nil) then -- No description for this API function AddFunction(func.Name); if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName); end else -- Description is available if (FnDesc[1] == nil) then -- Single function definition AddFunction(func.Name, FnDesc.Params, FnDesc.Returns, FnDesc.IsStatic, FnDesc.Notes); else -- Multiple function overloads for _, desc in ipairs(FnDesc) do AddFunction(func.Name, desc.Params, desc.Returns, desc.IsStatic, desc.Notes); end -- for k, desc - FnDesc[] end FnDesc.IsExported = true; end end -- for j, func -- Replace functions with their described and overload-expanded versions: cls.Functions = DoxyFunctions; else -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) for _, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name; if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName); end end end -- if (APIDesc.Functions ~= nil) if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) then -- Assign constant descriptions: for _, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do local CnDesc = APIDesc.Constants[cons.Name]; if (CnDesc == nil) then -- Not documented if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name); end else cons.Notes = CnDesc.Notes; CnDesc.IsExported = true; end end -- for j, cons else -- if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) for _, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name); end end end -- else if (APIDesc.Constants ~= nil) -- Assign member variables' descriptions: if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil) then for _, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do local VarDesc = APIDesc.Variables[var.Name]; if (VarDesc == nil) then -- Not documented if not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name); end else -- Copy all documentation: for k, v in pairs(VarDesc) do var[k] = v end end end -- for j, var else -- if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil) for _, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do if not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name); end end end -- else if (APIDesc.Variables ~= nil) if (APIDesc.ConstantGroups ~= nil) then -- Create links between the constants and the groups: local NumInGroups = 0; local NumInDescendantGroups = 0; for j, group in pairs(APIDesc.ConstantGroups) do group.Name = j; group.Constants = {}; if (type(group.Include) == "string") then group.Include = { group.Include }; end local NumInGroup = 0; for _, incl in ipairs(group.Include or {}) do for _, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do if ((cons.Group == nil) and cons.Name:match(incl)) then cons.Group = group; table.insert(group.Constants, cons); NumInGroup = NumInGroup + 1; end end -- for cidx - cls.Constants[] end -- for idx - group.Include[] NumInGroups = NumInGroups + NumInGroup; if (group.ShowInDescendants) then NumInDescendantGroups = NumInDescendantGroups + NumInGroup; end -- Sort the constants: table.sort(group.Constants, function(c1, c2) return (c1.Name < c2.Name); end ); end -- for j - APIDesc.ConstantGroups[] cls.ConstantGroups = APIDesc.ConstantGroups; cls.NumConstantsInGroups = NumInGroups; cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants = NumInDescendantGroups; -- Remove grouped constants from the normal list: local NewConstants = {}; for _, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do if (cons.Group == nil) then table.insert(NewConstants, cons); end end cls.Constants = NewConstants; end -- if (ConstantGroups ~= nil) else -- if (APIDesc ~= nil) -- Class is not documented at all, add all its members to Undocumented lists: cls.UndocumentedFunctions = {}; cls.UndocumentedConstants = {}; cls.UndocumentedVariables = {}; cls.Variables = cls.Variables or {}; g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses + 1; for _, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do local FnName = func.DocID or func.Name; if not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, FnName)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedFunctions, FnName); end end -- for j, func - cls.Functions[] for _, cons in ipairs(cls.Constants) do if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. cons.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedConstants, cons.Name); end end -- for j, cons - cls.Constants[] for _, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do if not(IsConstantIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name)) then table.insert(cls.UndocumentedVariables, var.Name); end end -- for j, var - cls.Variables[] end -- else if (APIDesc ~= nil) -- Remove ignored functions: local NewFunctions = {}; for _, fn in ipairs(cls.Functions) do if (not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, fn.Name))) then table.insert(NewFunctions, fn); end end -- for j, fn cls.Functions = NewFunctions; -- Sort the functions (they may have been renamed): table.sort(cls.Functions, function(f1, f2) return (f1.Name < f2.Name); end ); -- Remove ignored constants: local NewConstants = {}; for _, cn in ipairs(cls.Constants) do if (not(IsFunctionIgnored(cls.Name, cn.Name))) then table.insert(NewConstants, cn); end end -- for j, cn cls.Constants = NewConstants; -- Sort the constants: table.sort(cls.Constants, function(c1, c2) return (c1.Name < c2.Name); end ); -- Remove ignored member variables: local NewVariables = {}; for _, var in ipairs(cls.Variables) do if (not(IsVariableIgnored(cls.Name .. "." .. var.Name))) then table.insert(NewVariables, var); end end -- for j, var cls.Variables = NewVariables; -- Sort the member variables: table.sort(cls.Variables, function(v1, v2) return (v1.Name < v2.Name); end ); end -- for i, cls -- Sort the descendants lists: for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do table.sort(cls.Descendants, function(c1, c2) return (c1.Name < c2.Name); end ); end -- for i, cls end --- Fills the hooks in a_Hooks with their descriptions from a_Descs -- a_Hooks is an array of hooks detected from current global environment -- a_Descs is the description read from APIDesc.lua and Hooks files local function ReadHooks(a_Hooks, a_Descs) --[[ a_Hooks = { { Name = "HOOK_1"}, { Name = "HOOK_2"}, ... }; We want to add hook descriptions to each hook in this array --]] for _, hook in ipairs(a_Hooks) do local HookDesc = a_Descs.Hooks[hook.Name]; if (HookDesc ~= nil) then for key, val in pairs(HookDesc) do hook[key] = val; end end end -- for i, hook - a_Hooks[] g_Stats.NumTotalHooks = #a_Hooks; end --- Returns a HTML string describing the (parameter) type, linking to the type's documentation, if available -- a_Type is the string containing the type (such as "cPlugin" or "number"), or nil -- a_API is the complete API description (used for searching the classnames) local function LinkifyType(a_Type, a_API) -- Check params: assert(type(a_Type) == "string") assert(type(a_API) == "table") -- If the type is a known class, return a direct link to it: if (a_API[a_Type]) then return "" .. a_Type .. "" end -- If the type has a hash sign, it's a child enum of a class: local idxColon = a_Type:find("#") if (idxColon) then local classType = a_Type:sub(1, idxColon - 1) if (a_API[classType]) then local enumType = a_Type:sub(idxColon + 1) return "" .. enumType .. "" end end -- If the type is a ConstantGroup within the Globals, it's a global enum: if ((a_API.Globals.ConstantGroups or {})[a_Type]) then return "" .. a_Type .. "" end -- Unknown or built-in type, output just text: return a_Type end --- Returns an HTML string describing all function parameters (or return values) -- a_FnParams is an array-table or string description of the parameters -- a_ClassName is the name of the class for which the function is being documented (for Linkification) -- a_API is the complete API description (for cross-type linkification) local function CreateFunctionParamsDescription(a_FnParams, a_ClassName, a_API) local pt = type(a_FnParams) assert((pt == "string") or (pt == "table")) assert(type(a_ClassName) == "string") assert(type(a_API) == "table") -- If the params description is a string (old format), just linkify it: if (pt == "string") then return LinkifyString(a_FnParams, a_ClassName, a_API) end -- If the params description is an empty table, give no description at all: if not(a_FnParams[1]) then return "" end -- The params description is a table, output the full desc: local res = {""} local idx = 2 for _, param in ipairs(a_FnParams) do res[idx] = "" idx = idx + 5 end res[idx] = "
" res[idx + 1] = param.Name or "" res[idx + 2] = "" res[idx + 3] = LinkifyType(param.Type, a_API) res[idx + 4] = "
" return table.concat(res) end --- Writes an HTML file containing the class API description for the given class -- a_ClassAPI is the API description of the class to output -- a_ClassMenu is the HTML string containing the code for the menu sidebar -- a_API is the complete API (for cross-type linkification) local function WriteHtmlClass(a_ClassAPI, a_ClassMenu, a_API) -- Check params: assert(type(a_ClassAPI) == "table") assert(type(a_ClassMenu) == "string") assert(type(a_API) == "table") local cf, err = io.open("API/" .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. ".html", "w"); if (cf == nil) then LOGINFO("Cannot write HTML API for class " .. a_ClassAPI.Name .. ": " .. err) return; end -- Writes a table containing all functions in the specified list, with an optional "inherited from" header when a_InheritedName is valid local function WriteFunctions(a_Functions, a_InheritedName) if not(a_Functions[1]) then -- No functions to write return; end if (a_InheritedName) then cf:write("

Functions inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "

\n"); end cf:write("\n\n"); -- Store all function names, to create unique anchor names for all functions local TableOverloadedFunctions = {} for _, func in ipairs(a_Functions) do local StaticClause = "" if (func.IsStatic) then StaticClause = "(STATIC) " end -- Increase number by one TableOverloadedFunctions[func.Name] = (TableOverloadedFunctions[func.Name] or 0) + 1 -- Add the anchor names as a title cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); end cf:write("
NameParametersReturn valueNotes
", func.Name, "", CreateFunctionParamsDescription(func.Params or {}, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name, a_API), "", CreateFunctionParamsDescription(func.Returns or {}, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name, a_API), "", StaticClause .. LinkifyString(func.Notes or "(undocumented)", (a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name), a_API), "
\n"); end local function WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, a_Source) cf:write("\n\n"); for _, cons in ipairs(a_Constants) do cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); end cf:write("
", cons.Name, "", cons.Value, "", LinkifyString(cons.Notes or "", a_Source, a_API), "
\n\n"); end local function WriteConstants(a_Constants, a_ConstantGroups, a_NumConstantGroups, a_InheritedName) if ((#a_Constants == 0) and (a_NumConstantGroups == 0)) then return; end local Source = a_ClassAPI.Name if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then cf:write("

Constants inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "

\n"); Source = a_InheritedName; end if (#a_Constants > 0) then WriteConstantTable(a_Constants, Source); end for _, group in pairs(a_ConstantGroups) do if ((a_InheritedName == nil) or group.ShowInDescendants) then cf:write("

"); cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextBefore or "", Source, a_API)); WriteConstantTable(group.Constants, a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name); cf:write(LinkifyString(group.TextAfter or "", Source, a_API), "

"); end end end local function WriteVariables(a_Variables, a_InheritedName) if (#a_Variables == 0) then return; end if (a_InheritedName ~= nil) then cf:write("

Member variables inherited from ", a_InheritedName, "

\n"); end cf:write("\n"); for _, var in ipairs(a_Variables) do cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n"); cf:write("\n \n"); end cf:write("
", var.Name, "", LinkifyString(var.Type or "(undocumented)", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name, a_API), "", LinkifyString(var.Notes or "", a_InheritedName or a_ClassAPI.Name, a_API), "
\n\n"); end local function WriteDescendants(a_Descendants) if (#a_Descendants == 0) then return; end cf:write("\n"); end local ClassName = a_ClassAPI.Name; -- Build an array of inherited classes chain: local InheritanceChain = {}; local CurrInheritance = a_ClassAPI.Inherits; while (CurrInheritance ~= nil) do table.insert(InheritanceChain, CurrInheritance); CurrInheritance = CurrInheritance.Inherits; end cf:write([[ Cuberite API - ]], a_ClassAPI.Name, [[ Class

]], a_ClassAPI.Name, [[


Quick navigation:
]]); cf:write(a_ClassMenu); cf:write([[


    ]]); local HasInheritance = ((#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.Inherits ~= nil)); local HasConstants = (#a_ClassAPI.Constants > 0) or (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups > 0); local HasFunctions = (#a_ClassAPI.Functions > 0); local HasVariables = (#a_ClassAPI.Variables > 0); for _, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do HasConstants = HasConstants or (#cls.Constants > 0) or (cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants > 0); HasFunctions = HasFunctions or (#cls.Functions > 0); HasVariables = HasVariables or (#cls.Variables > 0); end -- Write the table of contents: if (HasInheritance) then cf:write("
  • Inheritance
  • \n"); end if (HasConstants) then cf:write("
  • Constants
  • \n"); end if (HasVariables) then cf:write("
  • Member variables
  • \n"); end if (HasFunctions) then cf:write("
  • Functions
  • \n"); end if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do cf:write("
  • ", (additional.Header or "(No header)"), "
  • \n"); end end cf:write("

\n"); -- Write the class description: cf:write("

", ClassName, " class

\n"); if (a_ClassAPI.Desc ~= nil) then cf:write("

"); cf:write(LinkifyString(a_ClassAPI.Desc, ClassName, a_API)); cf:write("

\n\n"); end; -- Write the inheritance, if available: if (HasInheritance) then cf:write("


\n"); if (#InheritanceChain > 0) then cf:write("

This class inherits from the following parent classes:

    \n"); for _, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do cf:write("
  • ", cls.Name, "
  • \n"); end cf:write("

\n"); end if (#a_ClassAPI.Descendants > 0) then cf:write("

This class has the following descendants:\n"); WriteDescendants(a_ClassAPI.Descendants); cf:write("

\n\n"); end end -- Write the constants: if (HasConstants) then cf:write("


\n"); WriteConstants(a_ClassAPI.Constants, a_ClassAPI.ConstantGroups, a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups, nil); g_Stats.NumTotalConstants = g_Stats.NumTotalConstants + #a_ClassAPI.Constants + (a_ClassAPI.NumConstantsInGroups or 0); for _, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do WriteConstants(cls.Constants, cls.ConstantGroups, cls.NumConstantsInGroupsForDescendants, cls.Name); end; end; -- Write the member variables: if (HasVariables) then cf:write("

Member variables

\n"); WriteVariables(a_ClassAPI.Variables, nil); g_Stats.NumTotalVariables = g_Stats.NumTotalVariables + #a_ClassAPI.Variables; for _, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do WriteVariables(cls.Variables, cls.Name); end; end -- Write the functions, including the inherited ones: if (HasFunctions) then cf:write("


\n"); WriteFunctions(a_ClassAPI.Functions, nil); g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions = g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions + #a_ClassAPI.Functions; for _, cls in ipairs(InheritanceChain) do WriteFunctions(cls.Functions, cls.Name); end end -- Write the additional infos: if (a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo ~= nil) then for i, additional in ipairs(a_ClassAPI.AdditionalInfo) do cf:write("

", additional.Header, "

\n"); cf:write(LinkifyString(additional.Contents, ClassName, a_API)); end end cf:write([[
]]) cf:write(GetHtmlTimestamp()) cf:write([[]]) cf:close() end --- Writes all classes into HTML output file as links in a sorted bullet list, as well as the individual class HTML files -- f is the output file -- a_API is the API detected from current environment enriched with descriptions -- a_ClassMenu is the HTML code for the menu on the left that is constant for all class pages local function WriteClasses(f, a_API, a_ClassMenu) f:write([[

Class index

The following classes are available in the Cuberite Lua scripting language:

]]); end --- Writes a list of undocumented objects into a file local function ListUndocumentedObjects(API, UndocumentedHooks) local f = io.open("API/_undocumented.lua", "w"); if (f ~= nil) then f:write("\n-- This is the list of undocumented API objects, automatically generated by APIDump\n\n"); f:write("return\n{\n\tClasses =\n\t{\n"); for _, cls in ipairs(API) do local HasFunctions = ((cls.UndocumentedFunctions ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedFunctions > 0)); local HasConstants = ((cls.UndocumentedConstants ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedConstants > 0)); local HasVariables = ((cls.UndocumentedVariables ~= nil) and (#cls.UndocumentedVariables > 0)); g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions + #cls.UndocumentedFunctions; g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants + #cls.UndocumentedConstants; g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables = g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables + #cls.UndocumentedVariables; if (HasFunctions or HasConstants or HasVariables) then f:write("\t\t" .. cls.Name .. " =\n\t\t{\n"); if ((cls.Desc == nil) or (cls.Desc == "")) then f:write("\t\t\tDesc = \"\",\n"); end end if (HasFunctions) then f:write("\t\t\tFunctions =\n\t\t\t{\n"); table.sort(cls.UndocumentedFunctions); for _, fn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedFunctions) do f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. fn .. " = { Params = \"\", Return = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedFunctions[] f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n"); end if (HasConstants) then f:write("\t\t\tConstants =\n\t\t\t{\n"); table.sort(cls.UndocumentedConstants); for _, cn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedConstants) do f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. cn .. " = { Notes = \"\" },\n"); end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedConstants[] f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n"); end if (HasVariables) then f:write("\t\t\tVariables =\n\t\t\t{\n"); table.sort(cls.UndocumentedVariables); for _, vn in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedVariables) do f:write("\t\t\t\t" .. vn .. " = { Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); end -- for j, fn - cls.UndocumentedVariables[] f:write("\t\t\t},\n\n"); end if (HasFunctions or HasConstants or HasVariables) then f:write("\t\t},\n\n"); end end -- for i, cls - API[] f:write("\t},\n"); if (#UndocumentedHooks > 0) then f:write("\n\tHooks =\n\t{\n"); for i, hook in ipairs(UndocumentedHooks) do if (i > 1) then f:write("\n"); end f:write("\t\t" .. hook .. " =\n\t\t{\n"); f:write("\t\t\tCalledWhen = \"\",\n"); f:write("\t\t\tDefaultFnName = \"On\", -- also used as pagename\n"); f:write("\t\t\tDesc = [[\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t]],\n"); f:write("\t\t\tParams =\n\t\t\t{\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t\t{ Name = \"\", Type = \"\", Notes = \"\" },\n"); f:write("\t\t\t},\n"); f:write("\t\t\tReturns = [[\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t]],\n"); f:write("\t\t}, -- " .. hook .. "\n"); end f:write("\t},\n"); end f:write("}\n\n\n\n"); f:close(); end g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks = #UndocumentedHooks; end --- Lists the API objects that are documented but not available in the API: local function ListUnexportedObjects(a_APIDesc) f = io.open("API/_unexported-documented.txt", "w"); if (f ~= nil) then for clsname, cls in pairs(a_APIDesc.Classes) do if not(cls.IsExported) then -- The whole class is not exported f:write("class\t" .. clsname .. "\n"); else if (cls.Functions ~= nil) then for fnname, fnapi in pairs(cls.Functions) do if not(fnapi.IsExported) then f:write("func\t" .. clsname .. "." .. fnname .. "\n"); end end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[] end if (cls.Constants ~= nil) then for cnname, cnapi in pairs(cls.Constants) do if not(cnapi.IsExported) then f:write("const\t" .. clsname .. "." .. cnname .. "\n"); end end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[] end end end -- for i, cls - a_APIDesc.Classes[] f:close(); end end local function ListMissingPages() local MissingPages = {}; local NumLinks = 0; for PageName, Referrers in pairs(g_TrackedPages) do NumLinks = NumLinks + 1; if not(cFile:IsFile("API/" .. PageName .. ".html")) then table.insert(MissingPages, {Name = PageName, Refs = Referrers} ); end end; g_Stats.NumTrackedLinks = NumLinks; g_TrackedPages = {}; if (#MissingPages == 0) then -- No missing pages, congratulations! return; end -- Sort the pages by name: table.sort(MissingPages, function (Page1, Page2) return (Page1.Name < Page2.Name); end ); -- Output the pages: local f, err = io.open("API/_missingPages.txt", "w"); if (f == nil) then LOGWARNING("Cannot open _missingPages.txt for writing: '" .. err .. "'. There are " .. #MissingPages .. " pages missing."); return; end for _, pg in ipairs(MissingPages) do f:write(pg.Name .. ":\n"); -- Sort and output the referrers: table.sort(pg.Refs); f:write("\t" .. table.concat(pg.Refs, "\n\t")); f:write("\n\n"); end f:close(); g_Stats.NumInvalidLinks = #MissingPages; end --- Writes the documentation statistics (in g_Stats) into the given HTML file local function WriteStats(f) local function ExportMeter(a_Percent) local Color; if (a_Percent > 99) then Color = "green"; elseif (a_Percent > 50) then Color = "orange"; else Color = "red"; end local meter = { "\n", "
\n", "
\n", string.format("%.2f", a_Percent), " %", }; return table.concat(meter, ""); end f:write([[

Documentation statistics

]]); f:write("\n"); f:write("\n"); f:write("\n"); f:write("\n"); f:write("\n"); f:write([[
ObjectTotalDocumentedUndocumentedDocumented %
Classes", g_Stats.NumTotalClasses); f:write("", g_Stats.NumTotalClasses - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses); f:write("", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses); f:write("", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalClasses - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedClasses) / g_Stats.NumTotalClasses)); f:write("
Functions", g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions); f:write("", g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions); f:write("", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions); f:write("", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedFunctions) / g_Stats.NumTotalFunctions)); f:write("
Member variables", g_Stats.NumTotalVariables); f:write("", g_Stats.NumTotalVariables - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables); f:write("", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables); f:write("", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalVariables - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedVariables) / g_Stats.NumTotalVariables)); f:write("
Constants", g_Stats.NumTotalConstants); f:write("", g_Stats.NumTotalConstants - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants); f:write("", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants); f:write("", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalConstants - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedConstants) / g_Stats.NumTotalConstants)); f:write("
Hooks", g_Stats.NumTotalHooks); f:write("", g_Stats.NumTotalHooks - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks); f:write("", g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks); f:write("", ExportMeter(100 * (g_Stats.NumTotalHooks - g_Stats.NumUndocumentedHooks) / g_Stats.NumTotalHooks)); f:write("

There are ]], g_Stats.NumTrackedLinks, " internal links, ", g_Stats.NumInvalidLinks, " of them are invalid.

" ); end local function DumpAPIHtml(a_API, a_Descs) LOG("Dumping all available functions and constants to API subfolder..."); -- Create the output folder if not(cFile:IsFolder("API")) then cFile:CreateFolder("API"); end LOG("Copying static files.."); cFile:CreateFolder("API/Static"); local localFolder = g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder(); for _, fnam in ipairs(cFile:GetFolderContents(localFolder .. "/Static")) do cFile:Delete("API/Static/" .. fnam); cFile:Copy(localFolder .. "/Static/" .. fnam, "API/Static/" .. fnam); end -- Extract hook constants: local Hooks = {}; local UndocumentedHooks = {}; for name, obj in pairs(cPluginManager) do if ( (type(obj) == "number") and name:match("HOOK_.*") and (name ~= "HOOK_MAX") and (name ~= "HOOK_NUM_HOOKS") ) then table.insert(Hooks, { Name = name }); end end table.sort(Hooks, function(Hook1, Hook2) return (Hook1.Name < Hook2.Name); end ); ReadHooks(Hooks, a_Descs); -- Create a "class index" file, write each class as a link to that file, -- then dump class contents into class-specific file LOG("Writing HTML files..."); local f, err = io.open("API/index.html", "w"); if (f == nil) then LOGINFO("Cannot output HTML API: " .. err); return; end -- Create a class navigation menu that will be inserted into each class file for faster navigation (#403) local ClassMenuTab = {}; for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do table.insert(ClassMenuTab, ""); table.insert(ClassMenuTab, cls.Name); table.insert(ClassMenuTab, "
"); end local ClassMenu = table.concat(ClassMenuTab, ""); -- Create a hook navigation menu that will be inserted into each hook file for faster navigation(#403) local HookNavTab = {}; for _, hook in ipairs(Hooks) do table.insert(HookNavTab, ""); table.insert(HookNavTab, (hook.Name:gsub("^HOOK_", ""))); -- remove the "HOOK_" part of the name table.insert(HookNavTab, "
"); end local HookNav = table.concat(HookNavTab, ""); -- Write the HTML file: f:write([[ Cuberite API - Index

Cuberite API - Index

The API reference is divided into the following sections:

]]); WriteArticles(f, a_Descs); WriteClasses(f, a_API, ClassMenu); WriteHooks(f, Hooks, UndocumentedHooks, HookNav, a_API); -- Copy the static files to the output folder: local StaticFiles = { "main.css", "prettify.js", "prettify.css", "lang-lua.js", }; for _, fnam in ipairs(StaticFiles) do cFile:Delete("API/" .. fnam); cFile:Copy(g_Plugin:GetLocalFolder() .. "/" .. fnam, "API/" .. fnam); end -- List the documentation problems: LOG("Listing leftovers..."); ListUndocumentedObjects(a_API, UndocumentedHooks); ListUnexportedObjects(a_Descs); ListMissingPages(); WriteStats(f); f:write([[
]]) f:write(GetHtmlTimestamp()) f:write([[]]) f:close() LOG("API subfolder written"); end --- Returns the string with extra tabs and CR/LFs removed function CleanUpDescription(a_Desc) -- Get rid of indent and newlines, normalize whitespace: local res = a_Desc:gsub("[\n\t]", "") res = a_Desc:gsub("%s%s+", " ") -- Replace paragraph marks with newlines: res = res:gsub("

", "\n") res = res:gsub("

", "") -- Replace list items with dashes: res = res:gsub("", "") res = res:gsub("
  • ", "\n - ") res = res:gsub("
  • ", "") return res end --- Writes a list of methods into the specified file in ZBS format local function WriteZBSMethods(f, a_Methods) for _, func in ipairs(a_Methods or {}) do f:write("\t\t\t[\"", func.Name, "\"] =\n") f:write("\t\t\t{\n") f:write("\t\t\t\ttype = \"method\",\n") -- No way to indicate multiple signatures to ZBS, so don't output any params at all if ((func.Notes ~= nil) and (func.Notes ~= "")) then f:write("\t\t\t\tdescription = [[", CleanUpDescription(func.Notes or ""), " ]],\n") end f:write("\t\t\t},\n") end end --- Writes a list of constants into the specified file in ZBS format local function WriteZBSConstants(f, a_Constants) for _, cons in ipairs(a_Constants or {}) do f:write("\t\t\t[\"", cons.Name, "\"] =\n") f:write("\t\t\t{\n") f:write("\t\t\t\ttype = \"value\",\n") if ((cons.Desc ~= nil) and (cons.Desc ~= "")) then f:write("\t\t\t\tdescription = [[", CleanUpDescription(cons.Desc or ""), " ]],\n") end f:write("\t\t\t},\n") end end --- Writes one Cuberite class definition into the specified file in ZBS format local function WriteZBSClass(f, a_Class) assert(type(a_Class) == "table") -- Write class header: f:write("\t", a_Class.Name, " =\n\t{\n") f:write("\t\ttype = \"class\",\n") f:write("\t\tdescription = [[", CleanUpDescription(a_Class.Desc or ""), " ]],\n") f:write("\t\tchilds =\n") f:write("\t\t{\n") -- Export methods and constants: WriteZBSMethods(f, a_Class.Functions) WriteZBSConstants(f, a_Class.Constants) -- Finish the class definition: f:write("\t\t},\n") f:write("\t},\n\n") end --- Dumps the entire API table into a file in the ZBS format local function DumpAPIZBS(a_API) LOG("Dumping ZBS API description...") local f, err = io.open("cuberite_api.lua", "w") if (f == nil) then LOG("Cannot open cuberite_api.lua for writing, ZBS API will not be dumped. " .. err) return end -- Write the file header: f:write("-- This is a Cuberite API file automatically generated by the APIDump plugin\n") f:write("-- Note that any manual changes will be overwritten by the next dump\n\n") f:write("return {\n") -- Export each class except Globals, store those aside: local Globals for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do if (cls.Name ~= "Globals") then WriteZBSClass(f, cls) else Globals = cls end end -- Export the globals: if (Globals) then WriteZBSMethods(f, Globals.Functions) WriteZBSConstants(f, Globals.Constants) end -- Finish the file: f:write("}\n") f:close() LOG("ZBS API dumped...") end local function DumpLuaCheck(a_API) LOG("Creating file .luacheckrc...") local file = io.open(".luacheckrc", "w") file:write([[ -- This file is the config file for the tool named Luacheck -- Documentation: https://luacheck.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html -- Ignore unused function and loop arguments unused_args = false -- Allow self defined globals allow_defined = true -- Ignore this functions ignore = { "Initialize", -- Plugin "OnDisable", -- Plugin "RegisterPluginInfoCommands", -- InfoReg.lua "RegisterPluginInfoConsoleCommands", -- InfoReg.lua "g_PluginInfo", -- Info.lua } -- Ignore files / directories exclude_files = { "tests/" -- CuberitePluginChecker } -- All globals from cuberite (classes, enums, functions) globals = { ]]) -- Export all global symbols for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do if cls.Name == "Globals" then -- Global functions for _, func in ipairs(cls.Functions) do file:write("\t\"", func.Name, "\",\n") end -- Global constants for _, const in ipairs(cls.Constants) do file:write("\t\"", const.Name, "\",\n") end -- Global constants from all groups for _, group in pairs(cls.ConstantGroups) do for _, const in pairs(group.Constants) do file:write("\t\"", const.Name, "\",\n") end end else file:write("\t\"", cls.Name, "\",\n") end end file:write("}\n\n") -- Add merge code file:write([[ -- ## Main ## -- Load plugins's luacheck local FilePluginLuacheck = loadfile(".luacheckrc_plugin") if FilePluginLuacheck ~= nil then local PluginLuacheck = {} setfenv(FilePluginLuacheck, PluginLuacheck) FilePluginLuacheck() for Option, Value in pairs(PluginLuacheck) do if (type(Value) == "table") and not(getfenv(1)[Option] == nil) then -- Merge tables together for _ , Entry in ipairs(Value) do table.insert(getfenv(1)[Option], Entry) end else -- Add a option, table or overwrite a option getfenv(1)[Option] = Value end end end ]]) file:close() LOG("Config file .luacheckrc created...") end --- Returns true if a_Descendant is declared to be a (possibly indirect) descendant of a_Base local function IsDeclaredDescendant(a_DescendantName, a_BaseName, a_API) -- Check params: assert(type(a_DescendantName) == "string") assert(type(a_BaseName) == "string") assert(type(a_API) == "table") if not(a_API[a_BaseName]) then return false end assert(type(a_API[a_BaseName]) == "table", "Not a class name: " .. a_BaseName) assert(type(a_API[a_BaseName].Descendants) == "table") -- Check direct inheritance: for _, desc in ipairs(a_API[a_BaseName].Descendants) do if (desc.Name == a_DescendantName) then return true end end -- for desc - a_BaseName's descendants -- Check indirect inheritance: for _, desc in ipairs(a_API[a_BaseName].Descendants) do if (IsDeclaredDescendant(a_DescendantName, desc.Name, a_API)) then return true end end -- for desc - a_BaseName's descendants return false end --- Checks the specified class' inheritance -- Reports any problems as new items in the a_Report table local function CheckClassInheritance(a_Class, a_API, a_Report) -- Check params: assert(type(a_Class) == "table") assert(type(a_API) == "table") assert(type(a_Report) == "table") -- Check that the declared descendants are really descendants: local registry = debug.getregistry() for _, desc in ipairs(a_Class.Descendants or {}) do local isParent = false local parents = registry["tolua_super"][_G[desc.Name]] if not(parents[a_Class.Name]) then table.insert(a_Report, desc.Name .. " is not a descendant of " .. a_Class.Name) end end -- for desc - a_Class.Descendants[] -- Check that all inheritance is listed for the class: local parents = registry["tolua_super"][_G[a_Class.Name]] -- map of "classname" -> true for each class that a_Class inherits for clsName, isParent in pairs(parents or {}) do if ((clsName ~= "") and not(clsName:match("const .*"))) then if not(IsDeclaredDescendant(a_Class.Name, clsName, a_API)) then table.insert(a_Report, a_Class.Name .. " inherits from " .. clsName .. " but this isn't documented") end end end end --- Checks each class's declared inheritance versus the actual inheritance local function CheckAPIDescendants(a_API) -- Check each class: local report = {} for _, cls in ipairs(a_API) do if (cls.Name ~= "Globals") then CheckClassInheritance(cls, a_API, report) end end -- If there's anything to report, output it to a file: if (report[1] ~= nil) then LOG("There are inheritance errors in the API description:") for _, msg in ipairs(report) do LOG(" " .. msg) end local f, err = io.open("API/_inheritance_errors.txt", "w") if (f == nil) then LOG("Cannot report inheritance problems to a file: " .. tostring(err)) return end f:write(table.concat(report, "\n")) f:close() end end --- Prepares the API and Globals tables containing the documentation -- Returns the API and Globals desc table, containing the Classes and Hooks subtables with descriptions, -- and the apiDesc table containing the descriptions only in their original format. local function PrepareApi() -- Load the API descriptions from the Classes and Hooks subfolders: -- This needs to be done each time the command is invoked because the export modifies the tables' contents local apiDesc = dofile(g_PluginFolder .. "/APIDesc.lua") apiDesc.Classes = apiDesc.Classes or {} apiDesc.Hooks = apiDesc.Hooks or {} LoadAPIFiles("/Classes/", apiDesc.Classes) LoadAPIFiles("/Hooks/", apiDesc.Hooks) -- Reset the stats: g_TrackedPages = {}; -- List of tracked pages, to be checked later whether they exist. Each item is an array of referring pagenames. g_Stats = -- Statistics about the documentation { NumTotalClasses = 0, NumUndocumentedClasses = 0, NumTotalFunctions = 0, NumUndocumentedFunctions = 0, NumTotalConstants = 0, NumUndocumentedConstants = 0, NumTotalVariables = 0, NumUndocumentedVariables = 0, NumTotalHooks = 0, NumUndocumentedHooks = 0, NumTrackedLinks = 0, NumInvalidLinks = 0, } -- Create the API tables: local API, Globals = CreateAPITables(); -- Sort the classes by name: table.sort(API, function (c1, c2) return (string.lower(c1.Name) < string.lower(c2.Name)); end ); g_Stats.NumTotalClasses = #API; -- Add Globals into the API: Globals.Name = "Globals"; table.insert(API, Globals); API.Globals = Globals -- Read in the descriptions: LOG("Reading descriptions..."); ReadDescriptions(API, apiDesc); return API, Globals, apiDesc end local function DumpApi() LOG("Dumping the API...") -- Match the currently exported API with the available documentation: local API, Globals, descs = PrepareApi() -- Check that the API lists the inheritance properly, report any problems to a file: CheckAPIDescendants(API) -- Dump all available API objects in HTML format into a subfolder: DumpAPIHtml(API, descs); -- Dump all available API objects in format used by ZeroBraneStudio API descriptions: DumpAPIZBS(API) -- Dump all available API objects in format used by Lua-Language-Server API descriptions: DumpAPILLS(API); -- Export the API in a format used by LuaCheck DumpLuaCheck(API) LOG("APIDump finished"); return true end --- Checks the currently undocumented symbols against an "official" undocumented symbol list -- Returns an array-table of strings representing the newly-undocumented symbol names -- If no newly undocumented symbols are found, returns no value. -- If an error occurs, returns true and error message. local function CheckNewUndocumentedSymbols() -- Download the official API stats on undocumented stuff: -- (We need a blocking downloader, which is impossible with the current cNetwork API) assert(os.execute("wget -q -O official_undocumented.lua https://api.cuberite.org/_undocumented.lua")) local OfficialStats = cFile:ReadWholeFile("official_undocumented.lua") if (OfficialStats == "") then return true, "Cannot load official stats" end -- Load the API stats as a Lua file, process into usable dictionary: -- The _undocumented.lua file format has changed from "g_APIDesc = {}" to "return {}" -- To support both versions, we execute the function in a sandbox and check both its return value and the sandbox globals local Loaded, Msg = loadstring(OfficialStats) if not(Loaded) then return true, "Cannot load official stats: " .. (Msg or "") end local sandbox = {} setfenv(Loaded, sandbox) local IsSuccess, OfficialUndocumented = pcall(Loaded) if not(IsSuccess) then return true, "Cannot parse official stats: " .. tostring(OfficialUndocumented or "") end local Parsed = {} for clsK, clsV in pairs((sandbox.g_APIDesc or OfficialUndocumented).Classes) do -- Check return value OR sandbox global, whichever is present local cls = { Desc = not(clsV.Desc), -- set to true if the Desc was not documented in the official docs Functions = {}, Constants = {} } for funK, _ in pairs(clsV.Functions or {}) do cls.Functions[funK] = true end for conK, _ in pairs(clsV.Constants or {}) do cls.Constants[conK] = true end Parsed[clsK] = cls end -- Get the current API's undocumented stats: local API = PrepareApi() -- Compare the two sets of undocumented stats, list anything extra in current: local res = {} local ins = table.insert for _, cls in ipairs(API) do local ParsedOfficial = Parsed[cls.Name] or {} if (not(cls.Desc) and ParsedOfficial.Desc) then ins(res, cls.Name .. ".Desc") end local ParsedOfficialFns = ParsedOfficial.Functions or {} for _, funK in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedFunctions or {}) do if not(ParsedOfficialFns[funK]) then ins(res, cls.Name .. "." .. funK .. " (function)") end end local ParsedOfficialCons = ParsedOfficial.Constants or {} for _, conK in ipairs(cls.UndocumentedConstants or {}) do if not(ParsedOfficialCons[conK]) then ins(res, cls.Name .. "." .. conK .. " (constant)") end end end table.sort(res) -- Bail out if no items found: if not(res[1]) then return end -- Save any found items to a file: local f = io.open("NewlyUndocumented.lua", "w") f:write(table.concat(res, "\n")) f:write("\n") f:close() return res end --- Checks the API description for unknown types listed in Params or Returns -- Returns an array-table of { Location = "cClass:function(), param #1", Type = "UnknownType" } -- Returns nil if no unknown types are found local function CheckBadTypes() -- Load the API and preprocess known types: local api = PrepareApi() local knownTypes = { string = true, number = true, boolean = true, any = true, self = true, table = true, ["function"] = true, ["..."] = true, ["SQLite DB object"] = true, [""] = true, -- Allow "" types, for now, until the API is properly documented } for _, clsDesc in ipairs(api) do knownTypes[clsDesc.Name] = true -- The class is a known type for grpName, _ in pairs(clsDesc.ConstantGroups or {}) do -- All class' enums are known types (with namespacing) knownTypes[clsDesc.Name .. "#" .. grpName] = true end if (clsDesc.Name == "Globals") then for grpName, _ in pairs(clsDesc.ConstantGroups or {}) do -- All Globals' enums are known types without namespacing, too knownTypes[grpName] = true end end end -- for cls - classes -- Check types: local res = {} for _, clsDesc in ipairs(api) do for _, fnDesc in ipairs(clsDesc.Functions or {}) do local fnName = fnDesc.Name local fn = fnDesc[1] and fnDesc or { fnDesc } -- Unify the format, fn is an array of function signatures for idxS, signature in ipairs(fn) do for idxP, param in ipairs(signature.Params or {}) do if not(knownTypes[param.Type]) then table.insert(res, { Location = string.format("%s:%s(), signature #%d, param #%d", clsDesc.Name, fnName, idxS, idxP), Type = param.Type, }) end end -- for param if (type(signature.Returns) == "table") then for idxR, ret in ipairs(signature.Returns) do if not(knownTypes[ret.Type]) then table.insert(res, { Location = string.format("%s:%s(), signature #%d, return #%d", clsDesc.Name, fnName, idxS, idxR), Type = ret.Type, }) end end -- for ret elseif not(signature.Returns) then else table.insert(res, { Location = string.format("%s:%s(), signature #%d, return string", clsDesc.Name, fnName, idxS), Type = tostring(signature.Returns), }) end end -- for signature end -- for fn - functions end -- for cls - classes -- If no problems found, bail out: if not(res[1]) then return end -- Write the problems into a file: local f = io.open("UnknownTypes.lua", "w") f:write("return\n{\n") for _, item in ipairs(res) do f:write("\t{ ", string.format("{ Location = %q, Type = %q", item.Location, item.Type), "},\n") end f:write("}\n") f:close() return res end --- Checks if any functions that are documented are present in the API -- Returns an array-table of strings representing the unexported symbol names -- If no unexported are found, returns no value. -- If an error occurs, returns true and error message. local function CheckUnexportedFunctions() local res = {} local API, Globals, Desc = PrepareApi() for clsname, cls in pairs(Desc.Classes) do if not(cls.IsExported) then -- The whole class is not exported table.insert(res, "class\t" .. clsname .. "\n"); else if (cls.Functions ~= nil) then for fnname, fnapi in pairs(cls.Functions) do if not(fnapi.IsExported) then table.insert(res, "func\t" .. clsname .. "." .. fnname); end end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[] end if (cls.Constants ~= nil) then for cnname, cnapi in pairs(cls.Constants) do if not(cnapi.IsExported) then table.insert(res, "const\t" .. clsname .. "." .. cnname); end end -- for j, fn - cls.Functions[] end end end -- for i, cls - a_APIDesc.Classes[] table.sort(res) -- Bail out if no items found: if not(res[1]) then return end -- Save any found items to a file: local f = io.open("Unexported.lua", "w") f:write(table.concat(res, "\n")) f:write("\n") f:close() return res end local function HandleWebAdminDump(a_Request) if (a_Request.PostParams["Dump"] ~= nil) then DumpApi() end return [[

    Pressing the button will generate the API dump on the server. Note that this can take some time.

    ]] end local function HandleCmdApi(a_Split) DumpApi() return true end local function HandleCmdApiShow(a_Split, a_EntireCmd) os.execute("API" .. cFile:GetPathSeparator() .. "index.html") return true, "Launching the browser to show the API docs..." end local function HandleCmdApiCheck(a_Split, a_EntireCmd) -- Check the Params and Returns types: LOG("Checking API for bad types...") local badTypes = CheckBadTypes() if (badTypes) then -- Serialize into descriptions: local descs = {} for idx, t in ipairs(badTypes) do descs[idx] = string.format("Location %q, type %q", t.Location, t.Type) end return true, "Found bad types:\n" .. table.concat(descs, "\n") end -- Check for new symbols that are not documented: LOG("Checking API for newly undocumented symbols...") local newUndocumented, msg = CheckNewUndocumentedSymbols() if (newUndocumented) then if (newUndocumented == true) then LOGERROR("Cannot check for new undocumented symbols: " .. (msg or "")) return true else LOGERROR("Found new undocumented symbols:\n" .. table.concat(newUndocumented, "\n")) return true end end LOG("Checking for unexported Objects...") local unexported, msg = CheckUnexportedFunctions() if (unexported) then if (unexported == true) then LOGERROR("Cannot check for unexported symbols: " .. (msg or "")) return true else LOGERROR("Found unexported symbols:\n" .. table.concat(unexported, "\n")) return true end end -- The check completed successfully, remove the "test failed" flag from the filesystem: cFile:DeleteFile("apiCheckFailed.flag") return true, "API check completed successfully" end function Initialize(Plugin) g_Plugin = Plugin; g_PluginFolder = Plugin:GetLocalFolder(); LOG("Initialising v." .. Plugin:GetVersion()) -- Bind a console command to dump the API: cPluginManager:BindConsoleCommand("api", HandleCmdApi, "Dumps the Lua API docs into the API/ subfolder") cPluginManager:BindConsoleCommand("apicheck", HandleCmdApiCheck, "Checks the Lua API documentation stats against the official stats") cPluginManager:BindConsoleCommand("apishow", HandleCmdApiShow, "Runs the default browser to show the API docs") -- Add a WebAdmin tab that has a Dump button g_Plugin:AddWebTab("APIDump", HandleWebAdminDump) return true end