#include <csignal> #define WITHWINDOWS #include "common.h" #if defined DETECT_JOYSTICK_MENU && defined XINPUT #include <xinput.h> #if !defined(PSAPI_VERSION) || (PSAPI_VERSION > 1) #pragma comment( lib, "Xinput9_1_0.lib" ) #else #pragma comment( lib, "Xinput.lib" ) #endif #endif #include "Renderer.h" #include "Credits.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "Weather.h" #include "Clock.h" #include "World.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "ModelIndices.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "PathFind.h" #include "Boat.h" #include "Heli.h" #include "Automobile.h" #include "Console.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Hud.h" #include "SceneEdit.h" #include "Pad.h" #include "PlayerPed.h" #include "Radar.h" #include "debugmenu.h" #include "Frontend.h" #include "WaterLevel.h" #include "main.h" #include "Script.h" #include "postfx.h" #include "custompipes.h" #include "MemoryHeap.h" #include "FileMgr.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "MBlur.h" #include "ControllerConfig.h" #include "CarCtrl.h" #include "Population.h" #include "IniFile.h" #include "crossplatform.h" #ifndef _WIN32 #include "assert.h" #include <stdarg.h> #endif #ifdef RWLIBS extern "C" int vsprintf(char* const _Buffer, char const* const _Format, va_list _ArgList); #endif #ifdef USE_PS2_RAND unsigned long long myrand_seed = 1; #else unsigned long int myrand_seed = 1; #endif int myrand(void) { #ifdef USE_PS2_RAND // Use our own implementation of rand, stolen from PS2 myrand_seed = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D * myrand_seed + 1; return ((myrand_seed >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF); #else // or original codewarrior rand myrand_seed = myrand_seed * 1103515245 + 12345; return((myrand_seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF); #endif } void mysrand(unsigned int seed) { myrand_seed = seed; } #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS #include "frontendoption.h" #ifdef MORE_LANGUAGES void LangPolSelect(int8 action) { if (action == FEOPTION_ACTION_SELECT) { FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage = CMenuManager::LANGUAGE_POLISH; FrontEndMenuManager.m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt = true; FrontEndMenuManager.InitialiseChangedLanguageSettings(); FrontEndMenuManager.SaveSettings(); } } void LangRusSelect(int8 action) { if (action == FEOPTION_ACTION_SELECT) { FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage = CMenuManager::LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN; FrontEndMenuManager.m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt = true; FrontEndMenuManager.InitialiseChangedLanguageSettings(); FrontEndMenuManager.SaveSettings(); } } void LangJapSelect(int8 action) { if (action == FEOPTION_ACTION_SELECT) { FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage = CMenuManager::LANGUAGE_JAPANESE; FrontEndMenuManager.m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt = true; FrontEndMenuManager.InitialiseChangedLanguageSettings(); FrontEndMenuManager.SaveSettings(); } } #endif void CustomFrontendOptionsPopulate(void) { // Most of custom options are done statically in MenuScreensCustom.cpp, we add them here only if they're dependent to extra files // These work only if we have neo folder int fd; #ifdef EXTENDED_PIPELINES const char *vehPipelineNames[] = { "FED_MFX", "FED_NEO" }; const char *off_on[] = { "FEM_OFF", "FEM_ON" }; fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile("neo/neo.txd","r"); if (fd) { #ifdef GRAPHICS_MENU_OPTIONS FrontendOptionSetCursor(MENUPAGE_GRAPHICS_SETTINGS, -3, false); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_VPL", vehPipelineNames, ARRAY_SIZE(vehPipelineNames), (int8*)&CustomPipes::VehiclePipeSwitch, false, nil, "Graphics", "VehiclePipeline"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_PRM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::RimlightEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRimLight"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_WLM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::LightmapEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoLightMaps"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_RGL", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::GlossEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRoadGloss"); #else FrontendOptionSetCursor(MENUPAGE_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, -3, false); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_VPL", vehPipelineNames, ARRAY_SIZE(vehPipelineNames), (int8*)&CustomPipes::VehiclePipeSwitch, false, nil, "Graphics", "VehiclePipeline"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_PRM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::RimlightEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRimLight"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_WLM", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::LightmapEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoLightMaps"); FrontendOptionAddSelect("FED_RGL", off_on, 2, (int8*)&CustomPipes::GlossEnable, false, nil, "Graphics", "NeoRoadGloss"); #endif CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } #endif // Add outsourced language translations, if files are found #ifdef MORE_LANGUAGES int fd2; FrontendOptionSetCursor(MENUPAGE_LANGUAGE_SETTINGS, 5, false); if (fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile("text/polish.gxt","r")) { if (fd2 = CFileMgr::OpenFile("models/fonts_p.txd","r")) { FrontendOptionAddDynamic("FEL_POL", nil, nil, LangPolSelect, nil, nil); CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd2); } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } if (fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile("text/russian.gxt","r")) { if (fd2 = CFileMgr::OpenFile("models/fonts_r.txd","r")) { FrontendOptionAddDynamic("FEL_RUS", nil, nil, LangRusSelect, nil, nil); CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd2); } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } if (fd = CFileMgr::OpenFile("text/japanese.gxt","r")) { if (fd2 = CFileMgr::OpenFile("models/fonts_j.txd","r")) { FrontendOptionAddDynamic("FEL_JAP", nil, nil, LangJapSelect, nil, nil); CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd2); } CFileMgr::CloseFile(fd); } #endif } #endif #ifdef LOAD_INI_SETTINGS #define MINI_CASE_SENSITIVE #include "ini.h" mINI::INIFile ini("re3.ini"); mINI::INIStructure cfg; bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, uint32 *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtoul(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr, 0); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, uint8 *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtoul(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr, 0); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, bool *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtoul(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr, 0); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, int32 *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtol(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr, 0); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, int8 *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtol(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr, 0); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, float *out) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { char *endPtr; *out = strtof(section.get(key).c_str(), &endPtr); return true; } return false; } bool ReadIniIfExists(const char *cat, const char *key, char *out, int size) { mINI::INIMap<std::string> section = cfg.get(cat); if (section.has(key)) { strncpy(out, section.get(key).c_str(), size - 1); out[size - 1] = '\0'; return true; } return false; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, uint32 val) { char temp[11]; sprintf(temp, "%u", val); cfg[cat][key] = temp; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, uint8 val) { char temp[11]; sprintf(temp, "%u", val); cfg[cat][key] = temp; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, int32 val) { char temp[11]; sprintf(temp, "%d", val); cfg[cat][key] = temp; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, int8 val) { char temp[11]; sprintf(temp, "%d", val); cfg[cat][key] = temp; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, float val) { char temp[50]; sprintf(temp, "%f", val); cfg[cat][key] = temp; } void StoreIni(const char *cat, const char *key, char *val, int size) { cfg[cat][key] = val; } const char *iniControllerActions[] = { "PED_FIREWEAPON", "PED_CYCLE_WEAPON_RIGHT", "PED_CYCLE_WEAPON_LEFT", "GO_FORWARD", "GO_BACK", "GO_LEFT", "GO_RIGHT", "PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_IN", "PED_SNIPER_ZOOM_OUT", "VEHICLE_ENTER_EXIT", "CAMERA_CHANGE_VIEW_ALL_SITUATIONS", "PED_JUMPING", "PED_SPRINT", "PED_LOOKBEHIND", #ifdef BIND_VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON "VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON", #endif "VEHICLE_ACCELERATE", "VEHICLE_BRAKE", "VEHICLE_CHANGE_RADIO_STATION", "VEHICLE_HORN", "TOGGLE_SUBMISSIONS", "VEHICLE_HANDBRAKE", "PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_LEFT", "PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_RIGHT", "VEHICLE_LOOKLEFT", "VEHICLE_LOOKRIGHT", "VEHICLE_LOOKBEHIND", "VEHICLE_TURRETLEFT", "VEHICLE_TURRETRIGHT", "VEHICLE_TURRETUP", "VEHICLE_TURRETDOWN", "PED_CYCLE_TARGET_LEFT", "PED_CYCLE_TARGET_RIGHT", "PED_CENTER_CAMERA_BEHIND_PLAYER", "PED_LOCK_TARGET", "NETWORK_TALK", "PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_UP", "PED_1RST_PERSON_LOOK_DOWN", "_CONTROLLERACTION_36", "TOGGLE_DPAD", "SWITCH_DEBUG_CAM_ON", "TAKE_SCREEN_SHOT", "SHOW_MOUSE_POINTER_TOGGLE" }; const char *iniControllerTypes[] = { "kbd:", "2ndKbd:", "mouse:", "joy:" }; const char *iniMouseButtons[] = {"LEFT","MIDDLE","RIGHT","WHLUP","WHLDOWN","X1","X2"}; const char *iniKeyboardButtons[] = {"ESC","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12", "INS","DEL","HOME","END","PGUP","PGDN","UP","DOWN","LEFT","RIGHT","DIVIDE","TIMES","PLUS","MINUS","PADDEL", "PADEND","PADDOWN","PADPGDN","PADLEFT","PAD5","NUMLOCK","PADRIGHT","PADHOME","PADUP","PADPGUP","PADINS", "PADENTER", "SCROLL","PAUSE","BACKSP","TAB","CAPSLK","ENTER","LSHIFT","RSHIFT","SHIFT","LCTRL","RCTRL","LALT", "RALT", "LWIN", "RWIN", "APPS", "NULL"}; void LoadINIControllerSettings() { #ifdef DETECT_JOYSTICK_MENU #ifdef XINPUT int storedJoy1 = -1; if (ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "JoystickName", &storedJoy1)) { CPad::XInputJoy1 = -1; CPad::XInputJoy2 = -1; XINPUT_STATE xstate; memset(&xstate, 0, sizeof(XINPUT_STATE)); // Firstly confirm & set joy 1 if (XInputGetState(storedJoy1, &xstate) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CPad::XInputJoy1 = storedJoy1; } for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { if (XInputGetState(i, &xstate) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (CPad::XInputJoy1 == -1) CPad::XInputJoy1 = i; else if (CPad::XInputJoy2 == -1 && i != CPad::XInputJoy1) CPad::XInputJoy2 = i; } } // There is no plug event on XInput, so let's leave XInputJoy1/2 as 0/1 respectively, and hotplug will be possible. if (CPad::XInputJoy1 == -1) { CPad::XInputJoy1 = 0; CPad::XInputJoy2 = 1; } else if (CPad::XInputJoy2 == -1) { CPad::XInputJoy2 = (CPad::XInputJoy1 + 1) % 4; } } #else ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "JoystickName", gSelectedJoystickName, 128); #endif #endif // force to default GTA behaviour (never overwrite bindings on joy change/initialization) if user init'ed/set bindings before we introduced that if (!ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "PadButtonsInited", &ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited)) { ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited = cfg.get("Bindings").size() != 0 ? 16 : 0; } for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CONTROLLERACTIONS; i++) { char value[128]; if (ReadIniIfExists("Bindings", iniControllerActions[i], value, 128)) { for (int32 j = 0; j < MAX_CONTROLLERTYPES; j++){ ControlsManager.ClearSettingsAssociatedWithAction((e_ControllerAction)i, (eControllerType)j); } for (char *binding = strtok(value,", "); binding != nil; binding = strtok(nil, ", ")) { int contType = -1; for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniControllerTypes); k++) { int len = strlen(iniControllerTypes[k]); if (strncmp(binding, iniControllerTypes[k], len) == 0) { contType = k; binding += len; break; } } if (contType == -1) continue; int contKey; if (contType == JOYSTICK) { char *temp; contKey = strtol(binding, &temp, 0); } else if (contType == KEYBOARD || contType == OPTIONAL_EXTRA) { if (strlen(binding) == 1) { contKey = binding[0]; } else if(strcmp(binding, "SPC") == 0) { contKey = ' '; } else { for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniKeyboardButtons); k++) { if(strcmp(binding, iniKeyboardButtons[k]) == 0) { contKey = 1000 + k; break; } } } } else if (contType == MOUSE) { for (int32 k = 0; k < ARRAY_SIZE(iniMouseButtons); k++) { if(strcmp(binding, iniMouseButtons[k]) == 0) { contKey = 1 + k; break; } } } ControlsManager.SetControllerKeyAssociatedWithAction((e_ControllerAction)i, contKey, (eControllerType)contType); } } } } void SaveINIControllerSettings() { for (int32 i = 0; i < MAX_CONTROLLERACTIONS; i++) { char value[128] = { '\0' }; // upper limit should've been GetNumOfSettingsForAction(i), but sadly even R* doesn't use it's own system correctly, and there are gaps between orders. for (int32 j = SETORDER_1; j < MAX_SETORDERS; j++){ // We respect the m_ContSetOrder, and join/implode/order the bindings according to that; using comma as seperator. for (int32 k = 0; k < MAX_CONTROLLERTYPES; k++){ if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_ContSetOrder == j) { char next[32]; if (k == JOYSTICK) { snprintf(next, 32, "%s%d,", iniControllerTypes[k], ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key); } else if (k == KEYBOARD || k == OPTIONAL_EXTRA) { if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key == ' ') snprintf(next, 32, "%sSPC,", iniControllerTypes[k]); else if (ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key < 256) snprintf(next, 32, "%s%c,", iniControllerTypes[k], ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key); else snprintf(next, 32, "%s%s,", iniControllerTypes[k], iniKeyboardButtons[ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key - 1000]); } else if (k == MOUSE) { snprintf(next, 32, "%s%s,", iniControllerTypes[k], iniMouseButtons[ControlsManager.m_aSettings[i][k].m_Key - 1]); } strcat(value, next); break; } } } int len = strlen(value); if (len > 0) value[len - 1] = '\0'; // to remove comma StoreIni("Bindings", iniControllerActions[i], value, 128); } #ifdef DETECT_JOYSTICK_MENU #ifdef XINPUT StoreIni("Controller", "JoystickName", CPad::XInputJoy1); #else StoreIni("Controller", "JoystickName", gSelectedJoystickName, 128); #endif #endif StoreIni("Controller", "PadButtonsInited", ControlsManager.ms_padButtonsInited); ini.write(cfg); } bool LoadINISettings() { if (!ini.read(cfg)) return false; #ifdef IMPROVED_VIDEOMODE ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Width", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsWidth); ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Height", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsHeight); ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Depth", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsDepth); ReadIniIfExists("VideoMode", "Subsystem", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsSubsystem); // Windowed mode is loaded below in CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS section #else ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "VideoMode", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nDisplayVideoMode); #endif ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "HeadBob1stPerson", &TheCamera.m_bHeadBob); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "VerticalMouseSens", &TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelVertical); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "HorizantalMouseSens", &TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "InvertMouseVertically", &MousePointerStateHelper.bInvertVertically); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "DisableMouseSteering", &CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "Vibration", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseVibration); ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "SfxVolume", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSfxVolume); ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "MusicVolume", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsMusicVolume); ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "Radio", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsRadioStation); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "SpeakerType", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSpeakers); ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "Provider", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsAudio3DProviderIndex); #endif ReadIniIfExists("Audio", "DynamicAcoustics", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsDMA); ReadIniIfExists("Display", "Brightness", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsBrightness); ReadIniIfExists("Display", "DrawDistance", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLOD); ReadIniIfExists("Display", "Subtitles", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsShowSubtitles); ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "AspectRatio", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen); ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "VSync", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsyncDisp); ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "FrameLimiter", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter); ReadIniIfExists("Graphics", "Trails", &CMBlur::BlurOn); ReadIniIfExists("General", "SkinFile", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSkinFile, 256); ReadIniIfExists("Controller", "Method", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_ControlMethod); ReadIniIfExists("General", "Language", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage); #ifdef EXTENDED_COLOURFILTER ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", &CPostFX::Intensity); #endif #ifdef EXTENDED_PIPELINES ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", &CustomPipes::VehicleShininess); ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", &CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity); ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", &CustomPipes::RimlightMult); ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", &CustomPipes::LightmapMult); ReadIniIfExists("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", &CustomPipes::GlossMult); #endif #ifdef NEW_RENDERER ReadIniIfExists("Rendering", "NewRenderer", &gbNewRenderer); #endif #ifdef PROPER_SCALING ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "ProperScaling", &CDraw::ms_bProperScaling); #endif #ifdef FIX_RADAR ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "FixRadar", &CDraw::ms_bFixRadar); #endif #ifdef FIX_SPRITES ReadIniIfExists("Draw", "FixSprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites); #endif #ifdef DRAW_GAME_VERSION_TEXT ReadIniIfExists("General", "DrawVersionText", &gbDrawVersionText); #endif #ifdef NO_MOVIES ReadIniIfExists("General", "NoMovies", &gbNoMovies); #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS bool migrate = cfg.get("FrontendOptions").size() != 0; for (int i = 0; i < MENUPAGES; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MENUROWS; j++) { CMenuScreenCustom::CMenuEntry &option = aScreens[i].m_aEntries[j]; if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_NOTHING) break; // CFO check if (option.m_Action < MENUACTION_NOTHING && option.m_CFO->save) { // Migrate from old .ini to new .ini // Old values can only be int8, new ones can contain float if it is slider if (migrate && ReadIniIfExists("FrontendOptions", option.m_CFO->save, (int8*)option.m_CFO->value)) cfg["FrontendOptions"].remove(option.m_CFO->save); else if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_CFO_SLIDER) ReadIniIfExists(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, (float*)option.m_CFO->value); else ReadIniIfExists(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, (int8*)option.m_CFO->value); if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_CFO_SELECT) { option.m_CFOSelect->lastSavedValue = option.m_CFOSelect->displayedValue = *(int8*)option.m_CFO->value; } } } } #endif // Fetched in above block, but needs evaluation #ifdef PED_CAR_DENSITY_SLIDERS CPopulation::MaxNumberOfPedsInUse = DEFAULT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PEDS * CIniFile::PedNumberMultiplier; CCarCtrl::MaxNumberOfCarsInUse = DEFAULT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CARS * CIniFile::CarNumberMultiplier; #endif return true; } void SaveINISettings() { #ifdef IMPROVED_VIDEOMODE StoreIni("VideoMode", "Width", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsWidth); StoreIni("VideoMode", "Height", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsHeight); StoreIni("VideoMode", "Depth", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsDepth); StoreIni("VideoMode", "Subsystem", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsSubsystem); // Windowed mode is loaded below in CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS section #else StoreIni("Graphics", "VideoMode", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nDisplayVideoMode); #endif StoreIni("Controller", "HeadBob1stPerson", TheCamera.m_bHeadBob); StoreIni("Controller", "VerticalMouseSens", TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelVertical); StoreIni("Controller", "HorizantalMouseSens", TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl); StoreIni("Controller", "InvertMouseVertically", MousePointerStateHelper.bInvertVertically); StoreIni("Controller", "DisableMouseSteering", CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering); StoreIni("Controller", "Vibration", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseVibration); StoreIni("Audio", "SfxVolume", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSfxVolume); StoreIni("Audio", "MusicVolume", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsMusicVolume); StoreIni("Audio", "Radio", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsRadioStation); #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND StoreIni("Audio", "SpeakerType", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSpeakers); StoreIni("Audio", "Provider", FrontEndMenuManager.m_nPrefsAudio3DProviderIndex); #endif StoreIni("Audio", "DynamicAcoustics", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsDMA); StoreIni("Display", "Brightness", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsBrightness); StoreIni("Display", "DrawDistance", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLOD); StoreIni("Display", "Subtitles", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsShowSubtitles); StoreIni("Graphics", "AspectRatio", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen); StoreIni("Graphics", "VSync", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsyncDisp); StoreIni("Graphics", "FrameLimiter", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter); StoreIni("Graphics", "Trails", CMBlur::BlurOn); StoreIni("General", "SkinFile", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsSkinFile, 256); StoreIni("Controller", "Method", FrontEndMenuManager.m_ControlMethod); StoreIni("General", "Language", FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsLanguage); #ifdef EXTENDED_COLOURFILTER StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "PostFXIntensity", CPostFX::Intensity); #endif #ifdef EXTENDED_PIPELINES StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleShininess", CustomPipes::VehicleShininess); StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "NeoVehicleSpecularity", CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity); StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "RimlightMult", CustomPipes::RimlightMult); StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "LightmapMult", CustomPipes::LightmapMult); StoreIni("CustomPipesValues", "GlossMult", CustomPipes::GlossMult); #endif #ifdef NEW_RENDERER StoreIni("Rendering", "NewRenderer", gbNewRenderer); #endif #ifdef PROPER_SCALING StoreIni("Draw", "ProperScaling", CDraw::ms_bProperScaling); #endif #ifdef FIX_RADAR StoreIni("Draw", "FixRadar", CDraw::ms_bFixRadar); #endif #ifdef FIX_SPRITES StoreIni("Draw", "FixSprites", CDraw::ms_bFixSprites); #endif #ifdef DRAW_GAME_VERSION_TEXT StoreIni("General", "DrawVersionText", gbDrawVersionText); #endif #ifdef NO_MOVIES StoreIni("General", "NoMovies", gbNoMovies); #endif #ifdef CUSTOM_FRONTEND_OPTIONS for (int i = 0; i < MENUPAGES; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < NUM_MENUROWS; j++) { CMenuScreenCustom::CMenuEntry &option = aScreens[i].m_aEntries[j]; if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_NOTHING) break; if (option.m_Action < MENUACTION_NOTHING && option.m_CFO->save) { if (option.m_Action == MENUACTION_CFO_SLIDER) StoreIni(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, *(float*)option.m_CFO->value); else StoreIni(option.m_CFO->saveCat, option.m_CFO->save, *(int8*)option.m_CFO->value); } } } #endif ini.write(cfg); } #endif #ifdef DEBUGMENU void WeaponCheat(); void HealthCheat(); void TankCheat(); void BlowUpCarsCheat(); void ChangePlayerCheat(); void MayhemCheat(); void EverybodyAttacksPlayerCheat(); void WeaponsForAllCheat(); void FastTimeCheat(); void SlowTimeCheat(); void MoneyCheat(); void ArmourCheat(); void WantedLevelUpCheat(); void WantedLevelDownCheat(); void SunnyWeatherCheat(); void CloudyWeatherCheat(); void RainyWeatherCheat(); void FoggyWeatherCheat(); void FastWeatherCheat(); void OnlyRenderWheelsCheat(); void ChittyChittyBangBangCheat(); void StrongGripCheat(); void NastyLimbsCheat(); DebugMenuEntry *carCol1; DebugMenuEntry *carCol2; void SpawnCar(int id) { CVector playerpos; CStreaming::RequestModel(id, 0); CStreaming::LoadAllRequestedModels(false); if(CStreaming::HasModelLoaded(id)){ playerpos = FindPlayerCoors(); int node; if(!CModelInfo::IsBoatModel(id)){ node = ThePaths.FindNodeClosestToCoors(playerpos, 0, 100.0f, false, false); if(node < 0) return; } CVehicle *v; if(CModelInfo::IsBoatModel(id)) v = new CBoat(id, RANDOM_VEHICLE); else v = new CAutomobile(id, RANDOM_VEHICLE); v->bHasBeenOwnedByPlayer = true; if(carCol1) DebugMenuEntrySetAddress(carCol1, &v->m_currentColour1); if(carCol2) DebugMenuEntrySetAddress(carCol2, &v->m_currentColour2); if(CModelInfo::IsBoatModel(id)) v->SetPosition(TheCamera.GetPosition() + TheCamera.GetForward()*15.0f); else v->SetPosition(ThePaths.m_pathNodes[node].GetPosition()); v->GetMatrix().GetPosition().z += 4.0f; v->SetOrientation(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.49f); v->SetStatus(STATUS_ABANDONED); v->m_nDoorLock = CARLOCK_UNLOCKED; CWorld::Add(v); } } static void FixCar(void) { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if(veh == nil) return; veh->m_fHealth = 1000.0f; if(!veh->IsCar()) return; ((CAutomobile*)veh)->Damage.SetEngineStatus(0); ((CAutomobile*)veh)->Fix(); } #ifdef MENU_MAP static void TeleportToWaypoint(void) { if (FindPlayerVehicle()) { if (CRadar::TargetMarkerId != -1) FindPlayerVehicle()->Teleport(CRadar::TargetMarkerPos + CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, FindPlayerVehicle()->GetColModel()->boundingSphere.center.z)); } else if(CRadar::TargetMarkerId != -1) FindPlayerPed()->Teleport(CRadar::TargetMarkerPos + CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, FEET_OFFSET)); } #endif static void SwitchCarCollision(void) { if (FindPlayerVehicle() && FindPlayerVehicle()->IsCar()) FindPlayerVehicle()->bUsesCollision = !FindPlayerVehicle()->bUsesCollision; } static void ToggleComedy(void) { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if(veh == nil) return; veh->bComedyControls = !veh->bComedyControls; } static void PlaceOnRoad(void) { CVehicle *veh = FindPlayerVehicle(); if(veh == nil) return; if(veh->IsCar()) ((CAutomobile*)veh)->PlaceOnRoadProperly(); } static void ResetCamStatics(void) { TheCamera.Cams[TheCamera.ActiveCam].ResetStatics = true; } #ifdef MISSION_SWITCHER int8 nextMissionToSwitch = 0; static void SwitchToMission(void) { CTheScripts::SwitchToMission(nextMissionToSwitch); } #endif #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_ALLOCATOR static void ParseHeap(void) { gMainHeap.ParseHeap(); } #endif static const char *carnames[] = { "landstal", "idaho", "stinger", "linerun", "peren", "sentinel", "patriot", "firetruk", "trash", "stretch", "manana", "infernus", "blista", "pony", "mule", "cheetah", "ambulan", "fbicar", "moonbeam", "esperant", "taxi", "kuruma", "bobcat", "mrwhoop", "bfinject", "corpse", "police", "enforcer", "securica", "banshee", "predator", "bus", "rhino", "barracks", "train", "chopper", "dodo", "coach", "cabbie", "stallion", "rumpo", "rcbandit", "bellyup", "mrwongs", "mafia", "yardie", "yakuza", "diablos", "columb", "hoods", "airtrain", "deaddodo", "speeder", "reefer", "panlant", "flatbed", "yankee", "escape", "borgnine", "toyz", "ghost", }; //#include <list> static CTweakVar** TweakVarsList; static int TweakVarsListSize = -1; static bool bAddTweakVarsNow = false; static const char *pTweakVarsDefaultPath = NULL; void CTweakVars::Add(CTweakVar *var) { if(TweakVarsListSize == -1) { TweakVarsList = (CTweakVar**)malloc(64 * sizeof(CTweakVar*)); TweakVarsListSize = 0; } if(TweakVarsListSize > 63) TweakVarsList = (CTweakVar**) realloc(TweakVarsList, (TweakVarsListSize + 1) * sizeof(CTweakVar*)); TweakVarsList[TweakVarsListSize++] = var; // TweakVarsList.push_back(var); if ( bAddTweakVarsNow ) var->AddDBG(pTweakVarsDefaultPath); } void CTweakVars::AddDBG(const char *path) { pTweakVarsDefaultPath = path; for(int i = 0; i < TweakVarsListSize; ++i) TweakVarsList[i]->AddDBG(pTweakVarsDefaultPath); bAddTweakVarsNow = true; } void CTweakSwitch::AddDBG(const char *path) { DebugMenuEntry *e = DebugMenuAddVar(m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (int32_t *)m_pIntVar, m_pFunc, 1, m_nMin, m_nMax, m_aStr); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); } void CTweakFunc::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddCmd (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, m_pFunc); } void CTweakBool::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVarBool8(m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (int8_t *)m_pBoolVar, NULL); } void CTweakInt8::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (int8_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakUInt8::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (uint8_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakInt16::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (int16_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakUInt16::AddDBG(const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (uint16_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakInt32::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (int32_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakUInt32::AddDBG(const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (uint32_t *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound, NULL); } void CTweakFloat::AddDBG (const char *path) { DebugMenuAddVar (m_pPath == NULL ? path : m_pPath, m_pVarName, (float *)m_pIntVar, NULL, m_nStep, m_nLoawerBound, m_nUpperBound); } /* static const char *wt[] = { "Sunny", "Cloudy", "Rainy", "Foggy" }; SETTWEAKPATH("TEST"); TWEAKSWITCH(CWeather::NewWeatherType, 0, 3, wt, NULL); */ void DebugMenuPopulate(void) { if(1){ static const char *weathers[] = { "Sunny", "Cloudy", "Rainy", "Foggy" }; DebugMenuEntry *e; e = DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "Current Hour", &CClock::GetHoursRef(), nil, 1, 0, 23, nil); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); e = DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "Current Minute", &CClock::GetMinutesRef(), [](){ CWeather::InterpolationValue = CClock::GetMinutes()/60.0f; }, 1, 0, 59, nil); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); e = DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "Old Weather", (int16*)&CWeather::OldWeatherType, nil, 1, 0, 3, weathers); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); e = DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "New Weather", (int16*)&CWeather::NewWeatherType, nil, 1, 0, 3, weathers); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "Wind", (float*)&CWeather::Wind, nil, 0.1f, 0.0f, 1.0f); DebugMenuAddVar("Time & Weather", "Time scale", (float*)&CTimer::GetTimeScale(), nil, 0.1f, 0.0f, 10.0f); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Weapons", WeaponCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Money", MoneyCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Health", HealthCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Wanted level up", WantedLevelUpCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Wanted level down", WantedLevelDownCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Tank", TankCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Blow up cars", BlowUpCarsCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Change player", ChangePlayerCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Mayhem", MayhemCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Everybody attacks player", EverybodyAttacksPlayerCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Weapons for all", WeaponsForAllCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Fast time", FastTimeCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Slow time", SlowTimeCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Armour", ArmourCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Sunny weather", SunnyWeatherCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Cloudy weather", CloudyWeatherCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Rainy weather", RainyWeatherCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Foggy weather", FoggyWeatherCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Fast weather", FastWeatherCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Only render wheels", OnlyRenderWheelsCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Chitty chitty bang bang", ChittyChittyBangBangCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Strong grip", StrongGripCheat); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cheats", "Nasty limbs", NastyLimbsCheat); static int spawnCarId = MI_LANDSTAL; e = DebugMenuAddVar("Spawn", "Spawn Car ID", &spawnCarId, nil, 1, MI_LANDSTAL, MI_GHOST, carnames); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Car", [](){ if(spawnCarId == MI_TRAIN || spawnCarId == MI_CHOPPER || spawnCarId == MI_AIRTRAIN || spawnCarId == MI_DEADDODO || spawnCarId == MI_ESCAPE) return; SpawnCar(spawnCarId); }); static uint8 dummy; carCol1 = DebugMenuAddVar("Spawn", "First colour", &dummy, nil, 1, 0, 255, nil); carCol2 = DebugMenuAddVar("Spawn", "Second colour", &dummy, nil, 1, 0, 255, nil); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Stinger", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_STINGER); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Infernus", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_INFERNUS); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Cheetah", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_CHEETAH); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Esperanto", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_ESPERANT); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Stallion", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_STALLION); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Kuruma", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_KURUMA); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Taxi", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_TAXI); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Police", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_POLICE); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Enforcer", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_ENFORCER); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Banshee", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_BANSHEE); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Yakuza", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_YAKUZA); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Yardie", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_YARDIE); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Dodo", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_DODO); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Rhino", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_RHINO); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Firetruck", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_FIRETRUCK); }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Spawn", "Spawn Predator", [](){ SpawnCar(MI_PREDATOR); }); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Draw hud", &CHud::m_Wants_To_Draw_Hud, nil); #ifdef PROPER_SCALING DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Proper Scaling", &CDraw::ms_bProperScaling, nil); #endif #ifdef FIX_RADAR DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Fix Radar", &CDraw::ms_bFixRadar, nil); #endif #ifdef FIX_SPRITES DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Fix Sprites", &CDraw::ms_bFixSprites, nil); #endif DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "PS2 Alpha test Emu", &gPS2alphaTest, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Frame limiter", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsFrameLimiter, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "VSynch", &FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsVsync, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Max FPS", &RsGlobal.maxFPS, nil, 1, 1, 1000, nil); #ifdef NEW_RENDERER DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "New Renderer", &gbNewRenderer, nil); extern bool gbRenderRoads; extern bool gbRenderEverythingBarRoads; //extern bool gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities; extern bool gbRenderFadingInEntities; extern bool gbRenderWater; extern bool gbRenderBoats; extern bool gbRenderVehicles; extern bool gbRenderWorld0; extern bool gbRenderWorld1; extern bool gbRenderWorld2; DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderRoads", &gbRenderRoads, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderEverythingBarRoads", &gbRenderEverythingBarRoads, nil); // DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities", &gbRenderFadingInUnderwaterEntities, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderFadingInEntities", &gbRenderFadingInEntities, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderWater", &gbRenderWater, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderBoats", &gbRenderBoats, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderVehicles", &gbRenderVehicles, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderWorld0", &gbRenderWorld0, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderWorld1", &gbRenderWorld1, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "gbRenderWorld2", &gbRenderWorld2, nil); #endif #ifdef EXTENDED_COLOURFILTER static const char *filternames[] = { "None", "Simple", "Normal", "Mobile" }; e = DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Colourfilter", &CPostFX::EffectSwitch, nil, 1, CPostFX::POSTFX_OFF, CPostFX::POSTFX_MOBILE, filternames); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Intensity", &CPostFX::Intensity, nil, 0.05f, 0, 10.0f); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Motion Blur", &CPostFX::MotionBlurOn, nil); #endif #ifdef LIBRW DebugMenuAddVarBool32("Render", "MatFX env map apply light", &rw::MatFX::envMapApplyLight, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool32("Render", "MatFX env map flip U", &rw::MatFX::envMapFlipU, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool32("Render", "MatFX env map use matcolor", &rw::MatFX::envMapUseMatColor, nil); #endif #ifdef EXTENDED_PIPELINES static const char *vehpipenames[] = { "MatFX", "Neo" }; e = DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Vehicle Pipeline", &CustomPipes::VehiclePipeSwitch, nil, 1, CustomPipes::VEHICLEPIPE_MATFX, CustomPipes::VEHICLEPIPE_NEO, vehpipenames); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(e, true); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Neo Vehicle Shininess", &CustomPipes::VehicleShininess, nil, 0.1f, 0, 1.0f); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Neo Vehicle Specularity", &CustomPipes::VehicleSpecularity, nil, 0.1f, 0, 1.0f); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Neo Ped Rim light enable", &CustomPipes::RimlightEnable, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Mult", &CustomPipes::RimlightMult, nil, 0.1f, 0, 1.0f); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Neo World Lightmaps enable", &CustomPipes::LightmapEnable, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Mult", &CustomPipes::LightmapMult, nil, 0.1f, 0, 1.0f); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Render", "Neo Road Gloss enable", &CustomPipes::GlossEnable, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Render", "Mult", &CustomPipes::GlossMult, nil, 0.1f, 0, 1.0f); #endif DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Ped Paths", &gbShowPedPaths, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Car Paths", &gbShowCarPaths, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Car Path Links", &gbShowCarPathsLinks, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Ped Road Groups", &gbShowPedRoadGroups, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Car Road Groups", &gbShowCarRoadGroups, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Collision Lines", &gbShowCollisionLines, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Show Collision Polys", &gbShowCollisionPolys, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't render Buildings", &gbDontRenderBuildings, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't render Big Buildings", &gbDontRenderBigBuildings, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't render Peds", &gbDontRenderPeds, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't render Vehicles", &gbDontRenderVehicles, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't render Objects", &gbDontRenderObjects, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug Render", "Don't Render Water", &gbDontRenderWater, nil); #ifdef DRAW_GAME_VERSION_TEXT DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Version Text", &gbDrawVersionText, nil); #endif DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show DebugStuffInRelease", &gbDebugStuffInRelease, nil); #ifdef TIMEBARS DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show Timebars", &gbShowTimebars, nil); #endif #ifndef FINAL DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Use debug render groups", &bDebugRenderGroups, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Print Memory Usage", &gbPrintMemoryUsage, nil); #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_ALLOCATOR DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Parse Heap", ParseHeap); #endif #endif DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Show cullzone debug stuff", &gbShowCullZoneDebugStuff, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Disable zone cull", &gbDisableZoneCull, nil); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "pad 1 -> pad 2", &CPad::m_bMapPadOneToPadTwo, nil); #ifdef GTA_SCENE_EDIT DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Debug", "Edit on", &CSceneEdit::m_bEditOn, nil); #endif //DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Start Credits", CCredits::Start); //DebugMenuAddCmd("Debug", "Stop Credits", CCredits::Stop); #ifdef MENU_MAP DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Teleport to map waypoint", TeleportToWaypoint); #endif DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Fix Car", FixCar); DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Place Car on Road", PlaceOnRoad); DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Switch car collision", SwitchCarCollision); DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Toggle Comedy Controls", ToggleComedy); DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Game", "Toggle popping heads on headshot", &CPed::bPopHeadsOnHeadshot, nil); #ifdef MISSION_SWITCHER DebugMenuEntry *missionEntry; static const char* missions[] = { "Intro Movie", "Hospital Info Scene", "Police Station Info Scene", "RC Diablo Destruction", "RC Mafia Massacre", "RC Rumpo Rampage", "RC Casino Calamity", "Patriot Playground", "A Ride In The Park", "Gripped!", "Multistorey Mayhem", "Paramedic", "Firefighter", "Vigilante", "Taxi Driver", "The Crook", "The Thieves", "The Wife", "Her Lover", "Give Me Liberty and Luigi's Girls", "Don't Spank My Bitch Up", "Drive Misty For Me", "Pump-Action Pimp", "The Fuzz Ball", "Mike Lips Last Lunch", "Farewell 'Chunky' Lee Chong", "Van Heist", "Cipriani's Chauffeur", "Dead Skunk In The Trunk", "The Getaway", "Taking Out The Laundry", "The Pick-Up", "Salvatore's Called A Meeting", "Triads And Tribulations", "Blow Fish", "Chaperone", "Cutting The Grass", "Bomb Da Base: Act I", "Bomb Da Base: Act II", "Last Requests", "Turismo", "I Scream, You Scream", "Trial By Fire", "Big'N'Veiny", "Sayonara Salvatore", "Under Surveillance", "Paparazzi Purge", "Payday For Ray", "Two-Faced Tanner", "Kanbu Bust-Out", "Grand Theft Auto", "Deal Steal", "Shima", "Smack Down", "Silence The Sneak", "Arms Shortage", "Evidence Dash", "Gone Fishing", "Plaster Blaster", "Marked Man", "Liberator", "Waka-Gashira Wipeout!", "A Drop In The Ocean", "Bling-Bling Scramble", "Uzi Rider", "Gangcar Round-Up", "Kingdom Come", "Grand Theft Aero", "Escort Service", "Decoy", "Love's Disappearance", "Bait", "Espresso-2-Go!", "S.A.M.", "Uzi Money", "Toyminator", "Rigged To Blow", "Bullion Run", "Rumble", "The Exchange" }; missionEntry = DebugMenuAddVar("Game", "Select mission", &nextMissionToSwitch, nil, 1, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(missions) - 1, missions); DebugMenuEntrySetWrap(missionEntry, true); DebugMenuAddCmd("Game", "Start selected mission ", SwitchToMission); #endif extern bool PrintDebugCode; extern int16 DebugCamMode; DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Use mouse Cam", &CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson, nil); #ifdef FREE_CAM DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Free Cam", &CCamera::bFreeCam, nil); #endif DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Print Debug Code", &PrintDebugCode, nil); DebugMenuAddVar("Cam", "Cam Mode", &DebugCamMode, nil, 1, 0, CCam::MODE_EDITOR, nil); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cam", "Normal", []() { DebugCamMode = 0; }); // DebugMenuAddCmd("Cam", "Follow Ped With Bind", []() { DebugCamMode = CCam::MODE_FOLLOW_PED_WITH_BIND; }); // DebugMenuAddCmd("Cam", "Reaction", []() { DebugCamMode = CCam::MODE_REACTION; }); // DebugMenuAddCmd("Cam", "Chris", []() { DebugCamMode = CCam::MODE_CHRIS; }); DebugMenuAddCmd("Cam", "Reset Statics", ResetCamStatics); CTweakVars::AddDBG("Debug"); } } #endif #ifndef __MWERKS__ #ifndef MASTER const int re3_buffsize = 1024; static char re3_buff[re3_buffsize]; #endif #ifndef MASTER void re3_assert(const char *expr, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func) { #ifdef _WIN32 int nCode; strcpy_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Assertion failed!" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "File: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, filename ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Line: " ); _itoa_s( lineno, re3_buff + strlen(re3_buff), re3_buffsize - strlen(re3_buff), 10 ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n"); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Function: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, func ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "Expression: "); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, expr); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n"); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "\n" ); strcat_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, "(Press Retry to debug the application)"); nCode = ::MessageBoxA(nil, re3_buff, "RE3 Assertion Failed!", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TASKMODAL); if (nCode == IDABORT) { raise(SIGABRT); _exit(3); } if (nCode == IDRETRY) { __debugbreak(); return; } if (nCode == IDIGNORE) return; abort(); #else // TODO printf("\nRE3 ASSERT FAILED\n\tFile: %s\n\tLine: %d\n\tFunction: %s\n\tExpression: %s\n",filename,lineno,func,expr); assert(false); #endif } #endif void re3_debug(const char *format, ...) { #ifndef MASTER va_list va; va_start(va, format); #ifdef _WIN32 vsprintf_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, format, va); #else vsprintf(re3_buff, format, va); #endif va_end(va); printf("%s", re3_buff); CDebug::DebugAddText(re3_buff); #endif } #ifndef MASTER void re3_trace(const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, const char *func, const char *format, ...) { char buff[re3_buffsize *2]; va_list va; va_start(va, format); #ifdef _WIN32 vsprintf_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, format, va); va_end(va); sprintf_s(buff, re3_buffsize * 2, "[%s.%s:%d]: %s", filename, func, lineno, re3_buff); #else vsprintf(re3_buff, format, va); va_end(va); sprintf(buff, "[%s.%s:%d]: %s", filename, func, lineno, re3_buff); #endif OutputDebugString(buff); } #endif #ifndef MASTER void re3_usererror(const char *format, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, format); #ifdef _WIN32 vsprintf_s(re3_buff, re3_buffsize, format, va); va_end(va); ::MessageBoxA(nil, re3_buff, "RE3 Error!", MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TASKMODAL); raise(SIGABRT); _exit(3); #else vsprintf(re3_buff, format, va); printf("\nRE3 Error!\n\t%s\n",re3_buff); assert(false); #endif } #endif #endif #ifdef VALIDATE_SAVE_SIZE int32 _saveBufCount; #endif