#include "common.h" #include "patcher.h" #include "Draw.h" #include "Frontend.h" #include "Camera.h" #ifdef ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE float CDraw::ms_fAspectRatio = DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO; #endif float &CDraw::ms_fNearClipZ = *(float*)0x8E2DC4; float &CDraw::ms_fFarClipZ = *(float*)0x9434F0; float &CDraw::ms_fFOV = *(float*)0x5FBC6C; float &CDraw::ms_fLODDistance = *(float*)0x8F2C30; uint8 &CDraw::FadeValue = *(uint8*)0x95CD68; uint8 &CDraw::FadeRed = *(uint8*)0x95CD90; uint8 &CDraw::FadeGreen = *(uint8*)0x95CD71; uint8 &CDraw::FadeBlue = *(uint8*)0x95CD53; float CDraw::FindAspectRatio(void) { #ifndef ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE if(FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen) return 16.0f/9.0f; else return 4.0f/3.0f; #else switch (FrontEndMenuManager.m_PrefsUseWideScreen) { case AR_AUTO: return SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT; default: case AR_4_3: return 4.0f / 3.0f; case AR_16_9: return 16.0f / 9.0f; }; #endif } #ifdef ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE // convert a 4:3 hFOV to vFOV, // then convert that vFOV to hFOV for our aspect ratio, // i.e. HOR+ float CDraw::ConvertFOV(float hfov) { // => tan(hFOV/2) = tan(vFOV/2)*aspectRatio // => tan(vFOV/2) = tan(hFOV/2)/aspectRatio float ar1 = DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO; float ar2 = GetAspectRatio(); hfov = DEGTORAD(hfov); float vfov = Atan(tan(hfov/2) / ar1) *2; hfov = Atan(tan(vfov/2) * ar2) *2; return RADTODEG(hfov); } #endif void CDraw::SetFOV(float fov) { #ifdef ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE ms_fFOV = ConvertFOV(fov); #else ms_fFOV = fov; #endif } STARTPATCHES InjectHook(0x4FE7B0, CDraw::SetFOV, PATCH_JUMP); Nop(0x46B618, 2); Patch<float>(0x5F0A64, 1.3333334f); ENDPATCHES