#include "common.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include "rwcore.h" #include "skeleton.h" #include "platform.h" static RwBool DefaultVideoMode = TRUE; bool TurnOnAnimViewer = false; RsGlobalType RsGlobal; RwUInt32 RsTimer(void) { return psTimer(); } /* ***************************************************************************** */ void RsCameraShowRaster(RwCamera * camera) { psCameraShowRaster(camera); return; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsCameraBeginUpdate(RwCamera * camera) { return psCameraBeginUpdate(camera); } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsRegisterImageLoader(void) { return TRUE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ static RwBool RsSetDebug(void) { return TRUE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ void RsMouseSetPos(RwV2d * pos) { psMouseSetPos(pos); return; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsSelectDevice(void) { return psSelectDevice(); } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsInputDeviceAttach(RsInputDeviceType inputDevice, RsInputEventHandler inputEventHandler) { switch (inputDevice) { case rsKEYBOARD: { RsGlobal.keyboard.inputEventHandler = inputEventHandler; RsGlobal.keyboard.used = TRUE; break; } case rsMOUSE: { RsGlobal.mouse.inputEventHandler = inputEventHandler; RsGlobal.mouse.used = TRUE; break; } case rsPAD: { RsGlobal.pad.inputEventHandler = inputEventHandler; RsGlobal.pad.used = TRUE; break; } default: { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ static RwBool rsCommandLine(RwChar *arg) { RsEventHandler(rsFILELOAD, arg); return TRUE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ static RwBool rsPreInitCommandLine(RwChar *arg) { if( !strcmp(arg, RWSTRING("-vms")) ) { DefaultVideoMode = FALSE; return TRUE; } #ifndef MASTER if (!strcmp(arg, RWSTRING("-animviewer"))) { TurnOnAnimViewer = TRUE; return TRUE; } #endif return FALSE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RsEventStatus RsKeyboardEventHandler(RsEvent event, void *param) { if (RsGlobal.keyboard.used) { return RsGlobal.keyboard.inputEventHandler(event, param); } return rsEVENTNOTPROCESSED; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RsEventStatus RsPadEventHandler(RsEvent event, void *param) { if (RsGlobal.pad.used) { return RsGlobal.pad.inputEventHandler(event, param); } return rsEVENTNOTPROCESSED; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RsEventStatus RsEventHandler(RsEvent event, void *param) { RsEventStatus result; RsEventStatus es; /* * Give the application an opportunity to override any events... */ es = AppEventHandler(event, param); /* * We never allow the app to replace the quit behaviour, * only to intercept... */ if (event == rsQUITAPP) { /* * Set the flag which causes the event loop to exit... */ RsGlobal.quit = TRUE; } if (es == rsEVENTNOTPROCESSED) { switch (event) { case rsSELECTDEVICE: result = (RsSelectDevice()? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsCOMMANDLINE: result = (rsCommandLine((RwChar *) param) ? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsPREINITCOMMANDLINE: result = (rsPreInitCommandLine((RwChar *) param) ? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsINITDEBUG: result = (RsSetDebug()? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsREGISTERIMAGELOADER: result = (RsRegisterImageLoader()? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsRWTERMINATE: RsRwTerminate(); result = (rsEVENTPROCESSED); break; case rsRWINITIALISE: result = (RsRwInitialise(param) ? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; case rsTERMINATE: RsTerminate(); result = (rsEVENTPROCESSED); break; case rsINITIALISE: result = (RsInitialise()? rsEVENTPROCESSED : rsEVENTERROR); break; default: result = (es); break; } } else { result = (es); } return result; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ void RsRwTerminate(void) { /* Close RenderWare */ RwEngineStop(); RwEngineClose(); RwEngineTerm(); return; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsRwInitialise(void *displayID) { RwEngineOpenParams openParams; /* * Start RenderWare... */ if (!RwEngineInit(psGetMemoryFunctions(), 0, rsRESOURCESDEFAULTARENASIZE)) { return (FALSE); } /* * Install any platform specific file systems... */ psInstallFileSystem(); /* * Initialize debug message handling... */ RsEventHandler(rsINITDEBUG, nil); /* * Attach all plugins... */ if (RsEventHandler(rsPLUGINATTACH, nil) == rsEVENTERROR) { return (FALSE); } /* * Attach input devices... */ if (RsEventHandler(rsINPUTDEVICEATTACH, nil) == rsEVENTERROR) { return (FALSE); } openParams.displayID = displayID; if (!RwEngineOpen(&openParams)) { RwEngineTerm(); return (FALSE); } if (RsEventHandler(rsSELECTDEVICE, displayID) == rsEVENTERROR) { RwEngineClose(); RwEngineTerm(); return (FALSE); } if (!RwEngineStart()) { RwEngineClose(); RwEngineTerm(); return (FALSE); } /* * Register loaders for an image with a particular file extension... */ RsEventHandler(rsREGISTERIMAGELOADER, nil); psNativeTextureSupport(); RwTextureSetMipmapping(FALSE); RwTextureSetAutoMipmapping(FALSE); return TRUE; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ void RsTerminate(void) { psTerminate(); return; } /* ***************************************************************************** */ RwBool RsInitialise(void) { /* * Initialize Platform independent data... */ RwBool result; RsGlobal.appName = RWSTRING("GTA3"); RsGlobal.maximumWidth = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH; RsGlobal.maximumHeight = DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT; RsGlobal.width = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH; RsGlobal.height = DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT; RsGlobal.maxFPS = 30; RsGlobal.quit = FALSE; /* setup the keyboard */ RsGlobal.keyboard.inputDeviceType = rsKEYBOARD; RsGlobal.keyboard.inputEventHandler = nil; RsGlobal.keyboard.used = FALSE; /* setup the mouse */ RsGlobal.mouse.inputDeviceType = rsMOUSE; RsGlobal.mouse.inputEventHandler = nil; RsGlobal.mouse.used = FALSE; /* setup the pad */ RsGlobal.pad.inputDeviceType = rsPAD; RsGlobal.pad.inputEventHandler = nil; RsGlobal.pad.used = FALSE; result = psInitialise(); return result; }