package ldap import ( "fmt" "testing" ) var ldap_server string = "" var ldap_port uint16 = 389 var base_dn string = "dc=umich,dc=edu" var filter []string = []string { "(cn=cis-fac)", "(&(objectclass=rfc822mailgroup)(cn=*Computer*))", "(&(objectclass=rfc822mailgroup)(cn=*Mathematics*))" } var attributes []string = []string { "cn", "description" } func TestConnect( t *testing.T ) { fmt.Printf( "TestConnect: starting...\n" ) l, err := Dial( "tcp", fmt.Sprintf( "%s:%d", ldap_server, ldap_port ) ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } defer l.Close() fmt.Printf( "TestConnect: finished...\n" ) } func TestSearch( t *testing.T ) { fmt.Printf( "TestSearch: starting...\n" ) l, err := Dial( "tcp", fmt.Sprintf( "%s:%d", ldap_server, ldap_port ) ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } defer l.Close() search_request := NewSearchRequest( base_dn, ScopeWholeSubtree, DerefAlways, 0, 0, false, filter[0], attributes, nil ) sr, err := l.Search( search_request ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } fmt.Printf( "TestSearch: %s -> num of entries = %d\n", search_request.Filter, len( sr.Entries ) ) } func TestSearchWithPaging( t *testing.T ) { fmt.Printf( "TestSearchWithPaging: starting...\n" ) l, err := Dial( "tcp", fmt.Sprintf( "%s:%d", ldap_server, ldap_port ) ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } defer l.Close() err = l.Bind( "", "" ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } search_request := NewSearchRequest( base_dn, ScopeWholeSubtree, DerefAlways, 0, 0, false, filter[1], attributes, nil ) sr, err := l.SearchWithPaging( search_request, 5 ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } fmt.Printf( "TestSearchWithPaging: %s -> num of entries = %d\n", search_request.Filter, len( sr.Entries ) ) } func testMultiGoroutineSearch( t *testing.T, l *Conn, results chan *SearchResult, i int ) { search_request := NewSearchRequest( base_dn, ScopeWholeSubtree, DerefAlways, 0, 0, false, filter[i], attributes, nil ) sr, err := l.Search( search_request ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) results <- nil return } results <- sr } func TestMultiGoroutineSearch( t *testing.T ) { fmt.Printf( "TestMultiGoroutineSearch: starting...\n" ) l, err := Dial( "tcp", fmt.Sprintf( "%s:%d", ldap_server, ldap_port ) ) if err != nil { t.Errorf( err.String() ) return } defer l.Close() results := make( []chan *SearchResult, len( filter ) ) for i := range filter { results[ i ] = make( chan *SearchResult ) go testMultiGoroutineSearch( t, l, results[ i ], i ) } for i := range filter { sr := <-results[ i ] if sr == nil { t.Errorf( "Did not receive results from goroutine for %q", filter[ i ] ) } else { fmt.Printf( "TestMultiGoroutineSearch(%d): %s -> num of entries = %d\n", i, filter[ i ], len( sr.Entries ) ) } } }