path: root/main/survey/app/Controllers/BodyController.php
diff options
authorAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
committerAnton Luka Šijanec <>2022-01-11 12:35:47 +0100
commit19985dbb8c0aa66dc4bf7905abc1148de909097d (patch)
tree2cd5a5d20d7e80fc2a51adf60d838d8a2c40999e /main/survey/app/Controllers/BodyController.php
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 2458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/survey/app/Controllers/BodyController.php b/main/survey/app/Controllers/BodyController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..308b30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/survey/app/Controllers/BodyController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,2458 @@
+ * Description:
+ * Autor: Robert Šmalc
+ * Created date: 08.02.2016
+ *****************************************/
+namespace App\Controllers;
+use App\Controllers\CheckController as Check;
+use App\Controllers\DisplayController as Display;
+use App\Controllers\FindController as Find;
+use App\Controllers\HeaderController as Header;
+use App\Controllers\HelperController as Helper;
+use App\Controllers\JsController as Js;
+use App\Controllers\StatisticController as Statistic;
+use App\Controllers\Vprasanja\VprasanjaController as Vprasanja;
+use App\Models\Model;
+use App\Models\SaveSurvey;
+use Hierarhija\Hierarhija;
+use SurveyAdvancedParadataLog;
+use SurveyInfo;
+use SurveySetting;
+use SurveyAdminSettings;
+use Common;
+use TrackingClass;
+use SurveyPanel;
+use SurveyQuiz;
+use SurveyGorenje;
+use SurveyNIJZ;
+use GDPR;
+use UserAccess;
+class BodyController extends Controller
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::getGlobalVariables();
+ }
+ /************************************************
+ * Get instance
+ ************************************************/
+ private static $_instance;
+ public static function getInstance()
+ {
+ if (self::$_instance)
+ return self::$_instance;
+ return new BodyController();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze uvodni nagovor
+ */
+ public function displayIntroduction()
+ {
+ Header::getInstance()->displaySistemske();
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ SaveSurvey::saveSistemske();
+ }
+ // datapiping
+ $row['introduction'] = Helper::dataPiping($row['introduction']);
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $hide_mobile_img = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('hide_mobile_img');
+ $class = ($hide_mobile_img == '1') ? 'hide_mobile_img' : '';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 1)
+ $class .= ' mobile_preview';
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 2)
+ $class .= ' tablet_preview';
+ // crn div za ozadje popupov
+ echo '<div id="fade"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="popup"></div>';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder ' . $class . ' intro">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer" class="' . $class . ' intro">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ echo '<h1 ' . (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost') ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // opozorilo ce urejamo ze reseno anketo
+ if (get('quick_view') == true) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_quick_view_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // opozorilo ce urejamo ze reseno anketo
+ if (isset($_GET['urejanje'])) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_edit_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Preverimo ce gre za prvo popravljanje podatkov in avtomatsko ustvarimo arhiv podatkov ce je potrebno
+ ob_flush(); // ZAKAJ JE TUKAJ TA FLUSH? KER POTEM NE DELA NAKNADNO UREJANJE CE IMA ANKETA LOOPE - Ce ni tega flusha, prvi klik na urejanje odpre poruseno stran (naknadni kliki so pa potem ok)
+ $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();
+ $sas->checkFirstDataChange();
+ // Updatamo tracking (ker gre za editiranje odgovorov)
+ TrackingClass::update(get('anketa'), 4);
+ }
+ echo '<form method="post" action="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(false, false) . '&amp;grupa=0' . Header::getSurveyParams(true) . str_replace('&', '&amp;', get('cookie_url')) . '">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="dummy" value="foo">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '') . '">' . "\n";
+ $this->displayIntroductionContent();
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 1 && $row['user_from_cms_email'] == 1) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT user_id FROM srv_user WHERE id = '" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $sqlu = Model::db_select_user($row1['user_id']);
+ $rowu = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlu);
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlu) > 0) {
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ echo self::$lang['srv_recognized'] . ' <strong>' . $rowu['name'] . ' ' . $rowu['surname'] . '</strong>';
+ if ($row['user_from_cms_email'] == 1)
+ echo ' (' . $rowu['email'] . ')';
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // koda za izponjevanje ankete (splosna - brez prepoznave userjev) - dodatno preverimo ce je ta funkcionalnost na voljo v paketu
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance(self::$global_user_id);
+ $sqlp = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM srv_password WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'");
+ $rowp = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlp);
+ if ($rowp['count'] > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='password')) {
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p>' . self::$lang['insert_password'] . ': <input type="text" name="password" value="' . (isset($_COOKIE['password_' . get('anketa')]) ? $_COOKIE['password_' . get('anketa')] : '') . '"></p>';
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ if ($row['user_base'] == 1
+ #če imamo neindividualizirana vabila - poslana preko vabil, vendar bez kode in zato brez sledenja (uporabnik se pri pošiljanju NE prenese iz srv_invitations_recipients v srv_user)
+ && $row['individual_invitation'] != 0
+ ) {
+ if (isset($_GET['code']))
+ $usercode = $_GET['code'];
+ else
+ $usercode = '';
+ if ($row['usercode_required'] == 1)
+ $usercode == '';
+ // �e ni nujno da vnesemo kodo usercode_skip = 1 ali 2
+ $canNotSkip = true;
+ if ($row['usercode_skip'] > 0) {
+ if ($row['usercode_skip'] == 1) { // lahko presko�imo kodo
+ $canNotSkip = false;
+ } elseif ($row['usercode_skip'] == 2) { // preverimo �e je uporabnik avtor ankete
+ $sqlUserAutor = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id, uid FROM srv_dostop WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' AND uid='" . self::$global_user_id . "'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlUserAutor) > 0)
+ $canNotSkip = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce smo v preview ali testnem vnosu in ce imamo vklopljeno da ne preverjamo kode
+ if (isset($_GET['preview']) && $_GET['preview'] == 'on' && isset($_GET['disablecode']) && $_GET['disablecode'] == 1) {
+ $canNotSkip = false;
+ }
+ if ($usercode == '' && $canNotSkip || ($row['usercode_required'] == 1 /*&& $row['usercode_skip'] != 1*/)) {
+ $usercode_text = ($row['usercode_text'] != "") ? $row['usercode_text'] : self::$lang['srv_basecode'];
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p>' . $usercode_text . ': <input type="text" name="usercode" value="' . $usercode . '"></p>';
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ } else {
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="usercode" value="' . $usercode . '">';
+ }
+ }
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ // izbira jezika za respondenta
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang') == 1 && $row['multilang'] == 1 && !get('printPreview')) {
+ $lang_resp = $row['lang_resp'];
+ $lang_array = array();
+ $current = self::$lang['id'];
+ $file = lang_path($lang_resp);
+ include($file);
+ $lang_array[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ $file = lang_path($current);
+ include($file);
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_id, language FROM srv_language WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' ORDER BY language");
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll)) {
+ $lang_array[$rowl['lang_id']] = $rowl['language'];
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka lang_pick">' . "\n";
+ // Izbira jezika z dropdown menijem
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang_type') == 1) {
+ echo ' <h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': ';
+ echo ' <select
+ name="language"
+ id="language"
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $val . '</option>';
+ }
+ echo ' </select>';
+ echo '</h3>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Izbira jezika z radio gumbi (default)
+ else {
+ echo '<h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': </h3>';
+ echo '<span style="font-size:13px;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<label for="language_' . $key . '">';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="language" id="language_' . $key . '"
+ value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? '
+ checked="checked"' : '') . '
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language_' . $key . '\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;">';
+ // Font awesome checkbox
+ echo '<span class="enka-checkbox-radio" '.((Helper::getCustomCheckbox() != 0) ? 'style="font-size:' . Helper::getCustomCheckbox() . 'px;"' : '').'></span>';
+ echo $val;
+ echo '</label><br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - grupa
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ if (get('lang_id') != null)
+ $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id');
+ else
+ $_lang = '';
+ $srv_nextpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_nextpage_uvod' . $_lang);
+ $label = $srv_nextpage != '' ? $srv_nextpage : self::$lang['srv_nextpage_uvod'];
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ // JS na submitu prve strani - lahko da preverjamo privacy ali sprejetje cookija
+ $survey_privacy = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_privacy');
+ if(($row['cookie_continue'] == 0 && $row['cookie'] != -1) || $survey_privacy == 2){
+ $js_submit = ' onclick="';
+ if($survey_privacy == 2)
+ $js_submit .= 'privacy_check();';
+ if($row['cookie_continue'] == 0 && $row['cookie'] != -1)
+ $js_submit .= 'cookie_check();';
+ $js_submit .= 'return false;"';
+ }
+ else{
+ $js_submit = '';
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="buttons"><input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $label . '" '.$js_submit.'>' . "\n";
+ if (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup'] == '1'){
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . self::$lang['srv_zapri'] . '" onclick="$(\'#popup_div, #popup_iframe\', window.parent.document).hide(); return false;">' . "\n";
+ // Varianta da zapiranje iframa deluje cross domain
+ //echo '<input class="next" type="button" value="' . self::$lang['srv_zapri'] . '" onclick="parent.window.postMessage(\'closePopup\', \'http://HOST_DOMENA_TODO\');">' . "\n"
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</form>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - container
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ }
+ // TAWK chat, ce je vklopljen
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('chat')){
+ Display::getInstance()->displayChatTAWK();
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ Js::js_tracking();
+ }
+ public function displayIntroductionContent()
+ {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ // Ce prikazemo dodaten preduvod za gdpr ankete
+ if(GDPR::isGDPRSurveyTemplate(get('anketa'))){
+ self::displayIntroductionGDPR();
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ if ($row['introduction'] == '')
+ $intro = self::$lang['srv_intro'];
+ else
+ $intro = Helper::dataPiping($row['introduction']);
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' AND spr_id='-1' AND lang_id='" . get('lang_id') . "'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ if ($row1['naslov'] != '') $intro = $row1['naslov'];
+ }
+ echo '<div class="naslov">';
+ // ta p je mogoce prevec, ker ga verjetno vedno doda editor?
+ echo '<p>' . $intro . '</p>';
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $privacy = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_privacy');
+ if ($privacy == 1) {
+ echo '<p><br /></p><p style="font-weight:400;">' . self::$lang['srv_privacy_text_1'] . '</p>';
+ } elseif ($privacy == 2) {
+ echo '<p><br /></p>';
+ echo '<p style="font-weight:400;"><label for="privacy_box">';
+ echo '<input type="checkbox" name="privacy_box" id="privacy_box">';
+ // Font awesome checkbox
+ echo '<span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_privacy_text_2'];
+ echo '</label></p>';
+ }
+ // Ce imamo staticen uvod in preverjanje s captcho
+ if($row['intro_static'] == 2){
+ global $recaptcha_sitekey;
+ $captcha_error = (isset($_GET['captcha_error']) && $_GET['captcha_error'] == 1) ? true : false;
+ echo '<br />';
+ echo '<p>';
+ echo '<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="' .$recaptcha_sitekey .'"></div>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ if($captcha_error){
+ //echo '<p class="red italic">Wrong captcha!<p>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Prikazemo dodaten uvod za GDPR
+ public function displayIntroductionGDPR()
+ {
+ $user_settings = GDPR::getSurveySettings(get('anketa'));
+ echo '<div class="spremenljivka '.(isset($_POST['gdpr']) ? ' required_require' : '').'">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="naslov">';
+ echo GDPR::getSurveyIntro(get('anketa'));
+ // JS za prikaz popup-a
+ echo '<script> $(".gdpr_popup_trigger").click(function(){ show_gdpr_about(\''.get('lang_id').'\'); });</script>';
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ // Radio buttons
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="gdpr" value="1">';
+ echo '<div class="variable_holder clr">';
+ echo ' <div class="variabla"><label for="gdpr_accept_0"><input type="radio" name="gdpr_accept" id="gdpr_accept_0" value="0"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>'.self::$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_no'].'</label></div>';
+ echo ' <div class="variabla"><label for="gdpr_accept_1"><input type="radio" name="gdpr_accept" id="gdpr_accept_1" value="1"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>'.self::$lang['srv_gdpr_intro_yes'].'</label></div>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ /************************************************
+ * Izrišemo staticen uvod, ki ne shrani nicesar (user se ustvari v bazi sele na naslednji strani)
+ ************************************************/
+ public function displayStaticIntroduction()
+ {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ // datapiping
+ $row['introduction'] = Helper::dataPiping($row['introduction']);
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $hide_mobile_img = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('hide_mobile_img');
+ $class = ($hide_mobile_img == '1') ? 'hide_mobile_img' : '';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 1)
+ $class .= ' mobile_preview';
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 2)
+ $class .= ' tablet_preview';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder ' . $class . ' uvod_static">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer" class="' . $class . ' uvod_static">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ echo '<h1 ' . (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost') ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ }
+ //opozorilo ce urejamo ze reseno anketo
+ if (get('quick_view') == true) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_quick_view_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ //opozorilo ce urejamo ze reseno anketo
+ if (isset($_GET['urejanje'])) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_edit_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Preverimo ce gre za prvo popravljanje podatkov in avtomatsko ustvarimo arhiv podatkov ce je potrebno
+ $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();
+ $sas->checkFirstDataChange();
+ // Updatamo tracking (ker gre za editiranje odgovorov)
+ TrackingClass::update(get('anketa'), 4);
+ }
+ echo '<form method="post" action="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(false, false) . '&amp;grupa=0' . Header::getSurveyParams(true) . str_replace('&', '&amp;', get('cookie_url')) . '">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="dummy" value="foo">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="referer" value="' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '') . '">' . "\n";
+ $this->displayIntroductionContent();
+ // koda za izponjevanje ankete (splosna - brez prepoznave userjev) - dodatno preverimo ce je ta funkcionalnost na voljo v paketu
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance(self::$global_user_id);
+ $sqlp = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM srv_password WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'");
+ $rowp = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlp);
+ if ($rowp['count'] > 0 && $userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='password')) {
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <p>' . self::$lang['insert_password'] . ': <input type="text" name="password" value="' . (isset($_COOKIE['password_' . get('anketa')]) ? $_COOKIE['password_' . get('anketa')] : '') . '"></p>';
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ // izbira jezika za respondenta
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang') == 1 && $row['multilang'] == 1 && !get('printPreview')) {
+ $lang_resp = $row['lang_resp'];
+ $lang_array = array();
+ $current = self::$lang['id'];
+ $file = lang_path($lang_resp);
+ include($file);
+ $lang_array[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ $file = lang_path($current);
+ include($file);
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_id, language FROM srv_language WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' ORDER BY language");
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll)) {
+ $lang_array[$rowl['lang_id']] = $rowl['language'];
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka lang_pick">' . "\n";
+ // Izbira jezika z dropdown menijem
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang_type') == 1) {
+ echo ' <h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': ';
+ echo ' <select
+ name="language"
+ id="language"
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $val . '</option>';
+ }
+ echo ' </select>';
+ echo '</h3>' . "\n";
+ } // Izbira jezika z radio gumbi (default)
+ else {
+ echo '<h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': </h3>';
+ echo '<span style="font-size:13px;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<label for="language_' . $key . '">';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="language" id="language_' . $key . '"
+ value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? '
+ checked="checked"' : '') . '
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language_' . $key . '\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;"> ';
+ // Font awesome checkbox
+ echo '<span class="enka-checkbox-radio" '.((Helper::getCustomCheckbox() != 0) ? 'style="font-size:' . Helper::getCustomCheckbox() . 'px;"' : '').'></span>';
+ echo $val;
+ echo '</label><br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - grupa
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id'); else $_lang = '';
+ $srv_nextpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_nextpage_uvod' . $_lang);
+ $label = $srv_nextpage != '' ? $srv_nextpage : self::$lang['srv_nextpage_uvod'];
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ // JS na submitu prve strani - lahko da preverjamo privacy ali sprejetje cookija
+ $survey_privacy = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_privacy');
+ if(($row['cookie_continue'] == 0 && $row['cookie'] != -1) || $survey_privacy == 2){
+ $js_submit = ' onclick="';
+ if($survey_privacy == 2)
+ $js_submit .= 'privacy_check();';
+ if($row['cookie_continue'] == 0 && $row['cookie'] != -1)
+ $js_submit .= 'cookie_check();';
+ $js_submit .= 'return false;"';
+ }
+ else{
+ $js_submit = '';
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="buttons"><input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $label . '" '.$js_submit.'>' . "\n";
+ if (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup'] == '1')
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . self::$lang['srv_zapri'] . '" onclick="$(\'#popup_div, #popup_iframe\', window.parent.document).hide(); return false;">' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ echo '</form>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - container
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ }
+ /************************************************
+ * Izrišemo konec ankete
+ ************************************************/
+ public function displayKonec()
+ {
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_url;
+ global $app_settings;
+ Header::getInstance()->displaySistemske();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ $sqlAlert = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_alert WHERE ank_id = '" . get('anketa') . "'AND (finish_respondent=1 OR finish_respondent_cms=1 OR finish_author=1 OR finish_other =1)");
+ // EVALVACIJA - oznacimo, da je student odgovoril
+ if (Common::checkModule('evalvacija') == '1') {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT student FROM eval_data_user WHERE ank_id='".get('anketa')."' AND usr_id='".get('usr_id')."'");
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g, srv_data_text" . get('db_table') . " d WHERE g.ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND AND s.sistem='1' AND s.variable='sifpredm' AND AND d.usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $sql3 = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g, srv_data_text" . get('db_table') . " d WHERE g.ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND AND s.sistem='1' AND s.variable='siffaks' AND AND d.usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $sql4 = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g, srv_data_text" . get('db_table') . " d WHERE g.ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND AND s.sistem='1' AND s.variable='sifizv1' AND AND d.usr_id='" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $sql5 = sisplet_query("SELECT s.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE g.ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND AND s.sistem='1' AND s.variable='podipl'");
+ $sql6 = sisplet_query("SELECT s.* FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g WHERE g.ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND AND s.sistem='1' AND s.variable='podipl2'");
+ // Ce imamo sifro predmeta gre za anketo za ocenjevanje predmetov
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql2) > 0) {
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ $row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2);
+ // Ce imamo sifro izvajalca gre za anketo PRED izpiti (eval_data_anketaPred), drugace je anketa PO izpitih (eval_data_anketaPo)
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sql4) > 0) {
+ // student je v celoti odgovoril na anketo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO eval_data_anketaPred (predmet, student, ank_id) VALUES ('$row2[text]', '$row1[student]', '" . get('anketa') . "')");
+ } else {
+ // student je v celoti odgovoril na anketo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO eval_data_anketaPo (predmet, student, ank_id) VALUES ('$row2[text]', '$row1[student]', '" . get('anketa') . "')");
+ }
+ // Pobrisemo md5 (id studenta) iz zacasne tabele eval_data_user zaradi anonimnosti
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM eval_data_user WHERE usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ }
+ // splosna PODIPLOMSKA anketa (ena na studenta, brez predmetov)
+ elseif (mysqli_num_rows($sql5) > 0) {
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ // student je v celoti odgovoril na anketo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO eval_data_podipl (student, ank_id) VALUES ('$row1[student]', '" . get('anketa') . "')");
+ // Pobrisemo md5 (id studenta) iz zacasne tabele eval_data_user zaradi anonimnosti
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM eval_data_user WHERE usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ }
+ // splosna PODIPLOMSKA anketa 2 (ena na studenta, brez predmetov)
+ elseif (mysqli_num_rows($sql6) > 0) {
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ // student je v celoti odgovoril na anketo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO eval_data_podipl2 (student, ank_id) VALUES ('$row1[student]', '" . get('anketa') . "')");
+ // Pobrisemo md5 (id studenta) iz zacasne tabele eval_data_user zaradi anonimnosti
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM eval_data_user WHERE usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ }
+ // SPLOSNA anketa (ena na studenta, brez predmetov)
+ elseif (mysqli_num_rows($sql1) > 0) {
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ // student je v celoti odgovoril na anketo
+ sisplet_query("INSERT INTO eval_data_splosna (student, ank_id) VALUES ('$row1[student]', '" . get('anketa') . "')");
+ // Pobrisemo md5 (id studenta) iz zacasne tabele eval_data_user zaradi anonimnosti
+ sisplet_query("DELETE FROM eval_data_user WHERE usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ }
+ }
+ // Ce je vklopljen evoli team meter zabelezimo kvoto
+ $tm_quota_increase = false;
+ $modules = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyModules();
+ if (isset($modules['evoli_teammeter'])
+ || isset($modules['evoli_quality_climate'])
+ || isset($modules['evoli_teamship_meter'])
+ || isset($modules['evoli_organizational_employeeship_meter'])
+ ) {
+ // Dobimo id skupine za respondenta
+ $sqlGroupTM = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_data_vrednost_active d, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE g.ank_id='".get('anketa')."' AND d.usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND s.skupine='1'
+ AND AND");
+ $rowGroupTM = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGroupTM);
+ if($rowGroupTM['vre_id'] > 0){
+ $tm_quota = 0;
+ // Prestejemo vse response za doloceno skupino/podjetje (to ni vezano na departmente, ker smo lahko tudi brez departmentov!)
+ $sqlTM = sisplet_query("SELECT DISTINCT(usr_id) AS usr_id
+ FROM srv_data_vrednost_active
+ WHERE vre_id='".$rowGroupTM['vre_id']."'");
+ while($rowTM = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlTM)){
+ // Dodatno se preverimo, ce je user res koncal anketo (ima status 6 in ni lurker)
+ $sqlTMU = sisplet_query("SELECT last_status, lurker FROM srv_user where id='".$rowTM['usr_id']."'");
+ $rowTMU = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlTMU);
+ if($rowTMU['last_status'] == '6' && $rowTMU['lurker'] == '0')
+ $tm_quota++;
+ }
+ $sqlTM = sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_evoli_teammeter
+ SET kvota_val='".$tm_quota."'
+ WHERE ank_id='".get('anketa')."' AND skupina_id='".$rowGroupTM['vre_id']."'");
+ $tm_quota_increase = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Popravimo url za skok po koncu ankete ce nima http://
+ if ($row['url'] != '' && substr($row['url'], 0, 4) != 'http') {
+ $finishUrl = 'http://' . $row['url'];
+ } else {
+ $finishUrl = $row['url'];
+ }
+ // Dodamo datapiping v url-ju
+ if($row['url'] != ''){
+ // Počistimo html tage
+ $finishUrl = strip_tags(Helper::dataPiping($finishUrl));
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo nastavljene kaksne get parametre za dodat pri skoku na url
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1 && $finishUrl != '') {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $concl_url_usr_id = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_usr_id');
+ $concl_url_status = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_status');
+ $concl_url_recnum = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_recnum');
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1' || $concl_url_status == '1' || $concl_url_recnum == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= '?';
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1') {
+ $finishUrl .= 'usr_id=' . get('usr_id') . '&';
+ }
+ if ($concl_url_status == '1' || $concl_url_recnum == '1') {
+ $sqlU = sisplet_query("SELECT last_status, recnum FROM srv_user WHERE id = '" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $rowU = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlU);
+ if($concl_url_recnum == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= 'recnum=' . $rowU['recnum'] . '&';
+ if($concl_url_status == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= 'status=' . $rowU['last_status'] . '&';
+ }
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1' || $concl_url_status == '1' || $concl_url_recnum == '1')
+ $finishUrl = substr($finishUrl, 0, -1);
+ }
+ // Pri Gorenje anketah posljemo id reklamacije preko njihovega api-ja
+ if (Common::checkModule('gorenje')){
+ $rek_id = SurveyGorenje::getGorenjeVariable(get('anketa'), 'rekid', get('usr_id'));
+ if($rek_id != '' && $rek_id > 0){
+ // Posljemo id reklamacije preko api-ja
+ SurveyGorenje::sendGorenjeRekID($rek_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo vklopljen modul za panel - potem napolnimo url z ustreznimi parametri
+ if(isset($modules['panel'])){
+ // Pridobimo vse nastavitve panela
+ $sp = new SurveyPanel(get('anketa'));
+ $panel_settings = $sp->getPanelSettings();
+ // Posebno samo za ipanel - Izraelski projekt
+ if($app_settings['app_name'] == '' && (get('anketa') == '232992' || get('anketa') == '232795' || get('anketa') == '248217' || get('anketa') == '248757' || get('anketa') == '248762')){
+ // Pridobimo id panelista ki je bil shranjen na zacetku resevanja v sistemsko spremenljivko
+ $sqlP = sisplet_query("SELECT d.*, s.variable FROM srv_data_text".get('db_table')." d, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE d.usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND s.variable IN ('id', 'i_project', 'i_user1', 'i_user4', 'i_user5', 'i_user6', 'i_user7')
+ AND AND AND g.ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ while($rowP = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlP)){
+ if($rowP['variable'] == 'id')
+ $panelist_id = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_user1')
+ $panelist_user = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_project')
+ $panelist_project = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_user4')
+ $user_data4 = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_user5')
+ $user_data5 = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_user6')
+ $user_data6 = $rowP['text'];
+ elseif($rowP['variable'] == 'i_user7')
+ $user_data7 = $rowP['text'];
+ }
+ // Pridobimo koncen status panelista (ce ni bil nikjer nastavljen uporabimo default)
+ $panel_status = (isset($_COOKIE['panel_status']) && $_COOKIE['panel_status'] != '') ? $_COOKIE['panel_status'] : $panel_settings['status_default'];
+ // Nastavimo koncen url za redirect
+ $finishUrl = '';
+ $finishUrl .= 'id='.$panelist_id.'&i.user1='.$panelist_user.'&i.project='.$panelist_project.'&i.user9='.$panel_status;
+ $finishUrl .= '&i.user4='.$user_data4.'&i.user5='.$user_data5.'&i.user6='.$user_data6.'&i.user7='.$user_data7;
+ }
+ else{
+ // Pridobimo id panelista ki je bil shranjen na zacetku resevanja v sistemsko spremenljivko
+ $sqlP = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_data_text".get('db_table')." d, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE d.usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND s.variable='".$panel_settings['user_id_name']."'
+ AND AND AND g.ank_id='".get('anketa')."'");
+ $rowP = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlP);
+ $panelist_id = $rowP['text'];
+ // Pridobimo koncen status panelista (ce ni bil nikjer nastavljen uporabimo default)
+ $panel_status = (isset($_COOKIE['panel_status']) && $_COOKIE['panel_status'] != '') ? $_COOKIE['panel_status'] : $panel_settings['status_default'];
+ // Nastavimo koncen url za redirect
+ $finishUrl = $row['url'].'?'.$panel_settings['user_id_name'].'='.$panelist_id.'&'.$panel_settings['status_name'].'='.$panel_status;
+ }
+ }
+ // Na koncu preverimo, če gre za hierarhijo in resevanje supersifre
+ // V kolikor gre za hierarhijo, ki uporablja superšifro potem pred redirectom poberemo vse parametre
+ if (Common::checkModule('hierarhija') == '1' && SurveyInfo::checkSurveyModule('hierarhija') == 2) {
+ $resevanje = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_hierarhija_supersifra_resevanje WHERE user_id='".get('usr_id')."'", "obj");
+ $kode = sisplet_query("SELECT kode FROM srv_hierarhija_supersifra WHERE koda='".$resevanje->supersifra."'", "obj");
+ $kode = unserialize($kode->kode);
+ sisplet_query("UPDATE srv_hierarhija_supersifra_resevanje SET status=6 WHERE user_id='".get('usr_id')."'");
+ // V kolikor prispemo smo ravno zaključili reševanje zadnje ankete v supersifri potem prikažemo konec oz. glede na nastavitve ankete in ne preusmerimo ponovno na začetek
+ if(end($kode) != $resevanje->koda){
+ // Glede na vrednost
+ $naslednja = array_search($resevanje->koda, $kode) + 1;
+ $url = sisplet_query("SELECT url FROM srv_hierarhija_koda WHERE koda='".$kode[$naslednja]."'", "obj");
+ $url_encode_spremenljivke = urlencode(base64_encode($url->url . '&supersifra=' . $resevanje->supersifra.'&resujem='.$naslednja));
+ $redirect = $site_url .'a/'.get('anketa').'?enc='.$url_encode_spremenljivke;
+ header("Location: $redirect");
+ }
+ }
+ // za posebno MJU anketo pridobimo skupino in preusmerimo nazaj na zacetek z ustreznim lepim linkom
+ if(isset($modules['mju_theme'])){
+ // Dobimo id skupine za respondenta
+ $sqlGroup = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_data_vrednost_active d, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE g.ank_id='".get('anketa')."' AND d.usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND s.skupine='1'
+ AND AND");
+ $rowGroup = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGroup);
+ if($rowGroup['vre_id'] > 0){
+ $sqlGroupName = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov FROM srv_vrednost WHERE id='".$rowGroup['vre_id']."' AND spr_id='".$rowGroup['spr_id']."'");
+ $rowGroupName = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGroupName);
+ $finishUrl = ''.$rowGroupName['naslov'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $finishUrl = '';
+ }
+ }
+ // za posebno MJU anketo pridobimo skupino in preusmerimo nazaj na zacetek z ustreznim lepim linkom
+ if(isset($modules['mju_redirect'])){
+ // Dobimo id skupine za respondenta
+ $sqlGroup = sisplet_query("SELECT d.* FROM srv_data_vrednost_active d, srv_spremenljivka s, srv_grupa g
+ WHERE g.ank_id='".get('anketa')."' AND d.usr_id='".get('usr_id')."' AND s.skupine='1'
+ AND AND");
+ $rowGroup = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGroup);
+ if($rowGroup['vre_id'] > 0){
+ $sqlGroupName = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov, variable FROM srv_vrednost WHERE id='".$rowGroup['vre_id']."' AND spr_id='".$rowGroup['spr_id']."'");
+ $rowGroupName = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGroupName);
+ $finishUrl = ''.$rowGroupName['variable'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $finishUrl = '';
+ }
+ }
+ // URL na katerega skocimo ce se zapre okno - pogledamo ce imamo nastavljen custom url (settings_optional.php)
+ if(isset($app_settings['survey_finish_url']) && $app_settings['survey_finish_url'] != '')
+ $close_url = $app_settings['survey_finish_url'];
+ else
+ $close_url = '';
+ // pri formi posebej pogledamo ce anketo zapremo ali skocimo na url - po novem je lahko vklopljen zakljucek
+ if ($row['survey_type'] == 1 && $row['show_concl'] == 0) {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1) {
+ header("Location: $finishUrl");
+ }
+ else {
+ echo ' <script>' . "\n";
+ echo ' window.close();' . "\n";
+ echo ' document.location.href=\''.$close_url.'\';' . "\n";
+ echo ' </script>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // zakljucek ankete ni prikazan in oznaceno je da zapremo anketo
+ elseif ($row['show_concl'] == 0) {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 0) {
+ echo ' <script>' . "\n";
+ echo ' window.close();' . "\n";
+ echo ' document.location.href=\''.$close_url.'\';' . "\n";
+ echo ' </script>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Rekurzivno
+ else if ($row['concl_link'] == 2) {
+ header("Location: " . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink());
+ }
+ else {
+ header("Location: $finishUrl");
+ }
+ } else {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $hide_mobile_img = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('hide_mobile_img');
+ $class = ($hide_mobile_img == '1') ? 'hide_mobile_img' : '';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 1)
+ $class .= ' mobile_preview';
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 2)
+ $class .= ' tablet_preview';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder ' . $class . ' concl">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer" class="' . $class . ' concl">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ echo '<h1 ' . (isset($modules['uporabnost']) ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ Statistic::displayStatistika(true);
+ $this->displayKonecContent();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; //-grupa
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 2) {
+ //echo '<p style="text-align:center"><a href="'.$site_url.'a/'.$this->anketa.'">'.$lang['srv_nextins'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '<p style="text-align:center"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '">' . $lang['srv_nextins'] . '</a></p>';
+ }
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id'); else $_lang = '';
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $srv_prevpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_prevpage' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_prevpage == '') $srv_prevpage = $lang['srv_prevpage'];
+ $display_backlink = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('display_backlink');
+ echo '<div class="buttons">';
+ // prejsna stran, prikazemo ce ni v zakjucku drugace nastavljeno
+ if ($row['concl_back_button'] != '0')
+ #echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="'.$srv_prevpage.'" onclick="history.back()">'."\n";
+ if ($display_backlink != '0') {
+ // Posebej za WebSM anketo - back naredimo tako, da poiscemo prejsnjo stran
+ if (get('anketa') == get('webSMSurvey') && Common::checkModule('websmsurvey') == '1') {
+ $grupa = Find::findPrevGrupa(get('anketa'), get('grupa'));
+ $grupa = ($grupa > 0) ? '&grupa=' . $grupa : '';
+ $language = (isset($_GET['language'])) ? '&language=' . $_GET['language'] : '';
+ $link = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(false, false) . $grupa . $language;
+ echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="' . $srv_prevpage . '" onclick="location.href=\'' . $link . '\';">';
+ } else {
+ echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="' . $srv_prevpage . '" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)">' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($finishUrl != '') {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1) {
+ if (!isset($modules['uporabnost']))
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . $finishUrl . '\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'top.location.href=\'' . $finishUrl . '\';';
+ }
+ elseif ($row['concl_link'] == 2) {
+ if (!isset($modules['uporabnost']))
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'top.location.href=\'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '\';';
+ }
+ elseif (!isset($modules['uporabnost'])) {
+ if (Common::checkModule('evalvacija') == '1')
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\'\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\''.$close_url.'\';';
+ }
+ // uporabnost
+ else
+ $js = 'top.close();';
+ if (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup'] == '1')
+ $js = '$(\'#popup_div, #popup_iframe\', window.parent.document).hide(); ';
+ // Za posebno MJU anketo posebej pohendlamo kaj se zgodi po koncu
+ if(isset($modules['mju_theme'])){
+ // Mobitel ali tablica se po koncu zapre
+ if(get('mobile') == 1 || get('mobile') == 2){
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\'https://\';';
+ }
+ // Drugace se preusmeri na zacetek
+ else{
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . $finishUrl . '\';';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $srv_konec = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_konec' . $_lang);
+ /*if ($row['text'] != '') // besedilo koncne povezave shranimo v misc setting, da bo konsistentno z ostalimi prevodi
+ $text = $row['text'];
+ else*/
+ if ($srv_konec != '')
+ $text = $srv_konec;
+ else
+ $text = $lang['srv_konec'];
+ if ($row['concl_end_button'] == 1)
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $text . '" onclick="' . $js . ' return false;">' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 2 && $row['user_from_cms_email'] == 1 && $admin_type <= 2) { // vnosos
+ $sqlg = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC LIMIT 1");
+ $rowg = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlg);
+ //echo '<p class="vnos"><a href="'.$site_url.'a/'.$this->anketa.'&grupa='.$rowg['id'].'">'.$lang['srv_nextins'].'</a> | <a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'">'.$lang['srv_insend'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '<p class="vnos"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '&grupa=' . $rowg['id'] . '">' . $lang['srv_nextins'] . '</a> | <a href="' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa=' . get('anketa') . '">' . $lang['srv_insend'] . '</a></p>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -container
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ #$this->displayRespondetnPDF();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ }
+ //is respondent lurker?
+ $sqlur = sisplet_query("SELECT lurker FROM srv_user WHERE id = '" . get('usr_id') . "'", "obj");
+ // ce je tko oznacen in ce reposndent ni lurker, posljemo se alerte
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlAlert) > 0 && $sqlur->lurker == 0)
+ Helper::getInstance()->alert();
+ // Ce je vklopljen evoli team meter, preverimo, ce posiljamo obvestilo po dosezeni kvoti
+ if( (isset($modules['evoli_teammeter']) || isset($modules['evoli_quality_climate']) || isset($modules['evoli_teamship_meter']) || isset($modules['evoli_organizational_employeeship_meter']))
+ && $tm_quota_increase
+ ){
+ Helper::getInstance()->alertTeamMeter();
+ }
+ Js::js_tracking();
+ } else { // za print preview in pdf
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ if ($row['conclusion'] == '') {
+ $concl = $lang['srv_end'];
+ } else {
+ $concl = $row['conclusion'];
+ }
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'AND spr_id='-2' AND lang_id='" . get('lang_id') . "'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ if ($row1['naslov'] != '') $concl = $row1['naslov'];
+ }
+ echo ' <p>' . $concl . '</p>' . "\n";
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ public function displayKonecContent(){
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ // Ce gre za gdpr zakljucek (respondent ni sprejel pogojev)
+ if(GDPR::isGDPRSurveyTemplate(get('anketa')) && isset($_POST['gdpr_accept']) && $_POST['gdpr_accept'] == '0'){
+ self::displayKonecGDPR();
+ }
+ else{
+ if ($row['conclusion'] == '') {
+ $concl = self::$lang['srv_end'];
+ } else {
+ $concl = $row['conclusion'];
+ }
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) {
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' AND spr_id='-2' AND lang_id='" . get('lang_id') . "'");
+ $row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1);
+ if ($row1['naslov'] != '') $concl = $row1['naslov'];
+ }
+ $concl = Helper::dataPiping($concl);
+ echo ' <div class="naslov"><p>' . $concl . '</p></div>' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->displayReturnEditURL();
+ Display::getInstance()->displayRespondetnPDF();
+ }
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ // Prikaz pravilnih rezultatov v primeru kviza
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('quiz')){
+ // Pridobimo nastavitve kviza
+ $sq = new SurveyQuiz(get('anketa'));
+ $quiz_settings = $sq->getSettings();
+ if($quiz_settings['results'] == '1' || $quiz_settings['results_chart'] == '1'){
+ echo '<div id="quiz_results">';
+ echo '<h2>'.self::$lang['results'].'</h2>';
+ // Prikaz grafa rezultatov
+ if($quiz_settings['results_chart'] == '1')
+ Display::getInstance()->displayQuizChart();
+ // Prikaz rezultatov
+ if($quiz_settings['results'] == '1')
+ Display::getInstance()->displayQuizAnswers();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikaz Excelleration matrix grafa ce je vklopljen napredni modul
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('excell_matrix')){
+ echo '<div id="excell_matrix">';
+ Display::getInstance()->displayExcellChart();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // SKAVTI - prikaz povzetka odgovorov in grafa
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ //if($mysql_database_name == '1ka' && get('anketa') == '64'){
+ if($mysql_database_name == 'real1kasi' && (get('anketa') == '293926' || get('anketa') == '314856' || get('anketa') == '332793')){
+ echo '<div id="skavti_answers">';
+ Display::getInstance()->displaySkavtiAnswers();
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // NIJZ - prikaz radar grafa in tabele
+ global $site_domain;
+ if( ($site_domain == '' && get('anketa') == '8892') || ($site_domain == '' && get('anketa') == '126738') ){
+ $nijz = new SurveyNIJZ(get('anketa'), get('usr_id'));
+ $nijz->displayRadar();
+ $nijz->displayTable();
+ }
+ }
+ // Prikazemo dodaten uvod za GDPR
+ public function displayKonecGDPR()
+ {
+ //$user_settings = GDPR::getSurveySettings(get('anketa'));
+ echo '<div class="naslov">';
+ echo '<p>'.self::$lang['srv_gdpr_concl'].'</p>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze konec ankete
+ */
+ public function displayKonecGlasovanje(){
+ global $app_settings;
+ echo '<script>var srv_meta_anketa_id = ' . get('anketa') . ';</script>';
+ //izpis zakljucka
+ if (isset($_GET['glas_end']) && $_GET['glas_end'] == 1) {
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $endButton = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_konec');
+ $endButton = ($endButton == '') ? self::$lang['srv_konec'] : $endButton;
+ //$row['text'] == '' ? $endButton = self::$lang['srv_konec'] : $endButton = $row['text'];
+ //dodaten naslov gumba zakljucek
+ $srv_prevpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_prevpage');
+ if ($srv_prevpage != '')
+ $text = $srv_prevpage;
+ else
+ $text = self::$lang['srv_prevpage'];
+ // URL na katerega skocimo ce se zapre okno - pogledamo ce imamo nastavljen custom url (settings_optional.php)
+ if(isset($app_settings['survey_finish_url']) && $app_settings['survey_finish_url'] != '')
+ $close_url = $app_settings['survey_finish_url'];
+ else
+ $close_url = '';
+ // zakljucek ankete ni prikazan in oznaceno je da zapremo anketo
+ if ($row['show_concl'] < 1) {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 0) {
+ echo ' <script>' . "\n";
+ echo ' window.close();' . "\n";
+ echo ' document.location.href=\''.$close_url.'\';' . "\n";
+ echo ' </script>' . "\n";
+ } else {
+ header("Location: $row[url]");
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder concl_glasovanje">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer concl_glasovanje">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ echo '<h1>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ if ($row['conclusion'] == '') {
+ $concl = self::$lang['srv_end'];
+ } else {
+ $concl = $row['conclusion'];
+ }
+ echo ' <h3><p>' . $concl . '</p></h3>' . "\n";
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -grupa
+ if ($_GET['preview'] == 'on') {
+ echo '<div class="buttons"><a href="' . self::$site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa=' . get('anketa') . '">' . self::$lang['srv_back_edit'] . '</a></div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo '<div class="buttons">';
+ if ($row['concl_back_button'] == 1) {
+ echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="' . $text . '" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)">';
+ }
+ if ($row['concl_end_button'] == 1) {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1)
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . $row['url'] . '\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\''.$close_url.'\';';
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $endButton . '" onclick="' . $js . ' return false;">' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -container
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ // ce je tko oznacen posljemo se alerte
+ $sqlAlert = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_alert WHERE ank_id = '" . get('anketa') . "' AND (finish_respondent=1 OR finish_respondent_cms=1 OR finish_author=1 OR finish_other =1)");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlAlert) > 0)
+ Helper::getInstance()->alert();
+ }
+ else { // za print preview in pdf
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ if ($row['conclusion'] == '') {
+ $concl = self::$lang['srv_end'];
+ } else {
+ $concl = $row['conclusion'];
+ }
+ echo ' <p>' . $concl . '</p>' . "\n";
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ } //izpis statistike
+ else {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ $sqls = sisplet_query("SELECT stat FROM srv_spremenljivka s, srv_glasovanje g WHERE g.ank_id = '" . get('anketa') . "' AND = g.spr_id");
+ $rows = mysqli_fetch_array($sqls);
+ //ce statistike ne prikazujemo skocimo na zakljucek (ce imammo izklopljeno ali nastavleno na samo urednike in ni urednik)
+ if ($rows['stat'] == 0 || ($rows['stat'] == 2 && self::$admin_type != 0 && self::$admin_type != 1)) {
+ //header('Location: '.self::$site_url.'a/'.get('anketa').'&grupa='.get('grupa').'&glas_end=1'.get('cookie_url').'');
+ header('Location: ' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '&grupa=' . get('grupa') . (isset($_GET['language']) ? '&language=' . $_GET['language'] : '') . '&glas_end=1' . get('cookie_url') . '');
+ } else {
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder concl_statistika">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer concl_statistika">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ echo '<h1>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ Statistic::displayStatistika(true);
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="buttons">';
+ //$url_stat = ''.self::$site_url.'a/'.get('anketa').'&grupa='.get('grupa').'&glas_end=1'.get('cookie_url');
+ $url_stat = '' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '&grupa=' . get('grupa') . (isset($_GET['language']) ? '&language=' . $_GET['language'] : '') . '&glas_end=1' . get('cookie_url');
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . $url_stat . '\';';
+ // Gumb nazaj
+ if ($row['concl_back_button'] == 1) {
+ $srv_prevpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_prevpage');
+ if ($srv_prevpage != '')
+ $text = $srv_prevpage;
+ else
+ $text = self::$lang['srv_prevpage'];
+ echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="' . $text . '" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)">';
+ }
+ if ($row['show_concl'] == 1) {
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id'); else $_lang = '';
+ $srv_potrdi = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_potrdi'.$_lang);
+ if ($srv_potrdi == '') $srv_potrdi = self::$lang['srv_potrdi'];
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $srv_potrdi . '" onclick="' . $js . ' return false;">' . "\n";
+ }
+ elseif ($row['concl_end_button'] == 1) {
+ $endButton = self::$lang['srv_konec'];
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $endButton . '" onclick="' . $js . ' return false;">' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -container
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Konec pri anketi evoli team meter - ce je kvota polna
+ public function displayKonecEvoliTM($date_to='')
+ {
+ global $mysql_database_name;
+ global $lang;
+ global $admin_type;
+ global $site_url;
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ // Popravimo url za skok po koncu ankete ce nima http://
+ if ($row['url'] != '' && substr($row['url'], 0, 4) != 'http') {
+ $finishUrl = 'http://' . $row['url'];
+ } else {
+ $finishUrl = $row['url'];
+ }
+ // Dodamo datapiping v url-ju
+ if($row['url'] != ''){
+ // Počistimo html tage
+ $finishUrl = strip_tags(Helper::dataPiping($finishUrl));
+ }
+ // Preverimo ce imamo nastavljene kaksne get parametre za dodat pri skoku na url
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1 && $finishUrl != '') {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $concl_url_usr_id = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_usr_id');
+ $concl_url_status = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_status');
+ $concl_url_recnum = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('concl_url_recnum');
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1' || $concl_url_status == '1' || $concl_url_recnum == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= '?';
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1') {
+ $finishUrl .= 'usr_id=' . get('usr_id') . '&';
+ }
+ if ($concl_url_status == '1' || $concl_url_recnum == '1') {
+ $sqlU = sisplet_query("SELECT last_status FROM srv_user WHERE id = '" . get('usr_id') . "'");
+ $rowU = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlU);
+ if($concl_url_recnum == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= 'recnum=' . $rowU['recnum'] . '&';
+ if($concl_url_status == '1')
+ $finishUrl .= 'status=' . $rowU['last_status'] . '&';
+ }
+ if ($concl_url_usr_id == '1' || $concl_url_status == '1')
+ $finishUrl = substr($finishUrl, 0, -1);
+ }
+ if ($row['show_concl'] == 0) {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 0) {
+ echo ' <script>' . "\n";
+ echo ' window.close();' . "\n";
+ echo ' document.location.href=\'\';' . "\n";
+ echo ' </script>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Rekurzivno
+ else if ($row['concl_link'] == 2) {
+ header("Location: " . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink());
+ }
+ else {
+ header("Location: $finishUrl");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $hide_mobile_img = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('hide_mobile_img');
+ $class = ($hide_mobile_img == '1') ? 'hide_mobile_img' : '';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 1)
+ $class .= ' mobile_preview';
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 2)
+ $class .= ' tablet_preview';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder ' . $class . '">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer" class="' . $class . '">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ echo '<h1 ' . (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost') ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ // Vsebina zakljucka ce je kvota polna oz je presezen datum
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <div class="naslov"><p>';
+ if($date_to != '')
+ echo self::$lang['srv_evoli_survey_expired'].' '.$date_to.' '.self::$lang['srv_evoli_survey_end_help'];
+ else
+ echo self::$lang['srv_evoli_survey_quota_full'].' '.self::$lang['srv_evoli_survey_end_help'];
+ echo ' </p></div>';
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; //-grupa
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 2) {
+ echo '<p style="text-align:center"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '">' . $lang['srv_nextins'] . '</a></p>';
+ }
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ if (get('lang_id') != null) $_lang = '_' . get('lang_id'); else $_lang = '';
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $srv_prevpage = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_prevpage' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_prevpage == '') $srv_prevpage = $lang['srv_prevpage'];
+ $display_backlink = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('display_backlink');
+ echo '<div class="buttons">';
+ // prejsna stran, prikazemo ce ni v zakjucku drugace nastavljeno
+ /*if ($row['concl_back_button'] != '0')
+ if ($display_backlink != '0') {
+ echo '<input class="prev" type="button" value="' . $srv_prevpage . '" onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)">' . "\n";
+ }*/
+ }
+ if ($finishUrl != '') {
+ if ($row['concl_link'] == 1) {
+ if (!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost'))
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . $finishUrl . '\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'top.location.href=\'' . $finishUrl . '\';';
+ } elseif ($row['concl_link'] == 2) {
+ if (!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost'))
+ $js = 'document.location.href=\'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'top.location.href=\'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '\';';
+ } elseif (!SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost')) {
+ if (Common::checkModule('evalvacija') == '1')
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\'\';';
+ else
+ $js = 'window.close(); document.location.href=\'\';';
+ } // uporabnost
+ else
+ $js = 'top.close();';
+ if (isset($_GET['popup']) && $_GET['popup'] == '1')
+ $js = '$(\'#popup_div, #popup_iframe\', window.parent.document).hide(); ';
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ $srv_konec = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('srvlang_srv_konec' . $_lang);
+ if ($srv_konec != '')
+ $text = $srv_konec;
+ else
+ $text = $lang['srv_konec'];
+ if ($row['concl_end_button'] == 1)
+ echo '<input class="next" type="submit" value="' . $text . '" onclick="' . $js . ' return false;">' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ if ($row['user_from_cms'] == 2 && $row['user_from_cms_email'] == 1 && $admin_type <= 2) { // vnosos
+ $sqlg = sisplet_query("SELECT id FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "'ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC LIMIT 1");
+ $rowg = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlg);
+ //echo '<p class="vnos"><a href="'.$site_url.'a/'.$this->anketa.'&grupa='.$rowg['id'].'">'.$lang['srv_nextins'].'</a> | <a href="'.$site_url.'admin/survey/index.php?anketa='.$this->anketa.'">'.$lang['srv_insend'].'</a></p>';
+ echo '<p class="vnos"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '&grupa=' . $rowg['id'] . '">' . $lang['srv_nextins'] . '</a> | <a href="' . $site_url . 'admin/survey/index.php?anketa=' . get('anketa') . '">' . $lang['srv_insend'] . '</a></p>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -container
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // -outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div></div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze trenutno anketo
+ */
+ public function displayAnketa()
+ {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ // crn div za ozadje popupov
+ echo '<div id="fade"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="popup"></div>';
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $hide_mobile_img = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('hide_mobile_img');
+ $class = ($hide_mobile_img == '1') ? 'hide_mobile_img' : '';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 1)
+ $class .= ' mobile_preview';
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == 2)
+ $class .= ' tablet_preview';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder ' . $class . '">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer" class="' . $class . '">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ $d = new Display();
+ $d->logo();
+ $d->progress_bar();
+ echo '<h1 ' . (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost') ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ if (get('quick_view') == true) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_quick_view_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ //opozorilo ce urejamo ze reseno anketo
+ if (isset($_GET['urejanje'])) {
+ echo '<div id="edit_warning">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_edit_text'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Preverimo ce gre za prvo popravljanje podatkov in avtomatsko ustvarimo arhiv podatkov ce je potrebno
+ $sas = new SurveyAdminSettings();
+ $sas->checkFirstDataChange();
+ // Updatamo tracking (ker gre za editiranje odgovorov)
+ TrackingClass::update(get('anketa'), 4);
+ }
+ $this->displayGrupa();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - container
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ // TAWK chat, ce je vklopljen
+ if(SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('chat')){
+ Display::getInstance()->displayChatTAWK();
+ }
+ echo '</div>'; // - outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ Js::js_tracking();
+ } else {
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ $this->displayGrupa();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ public function displayAllPages()
+ {
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_top"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="outercontainer">';
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_header"></div>';
+ echo '<div id="container">' . "\n";
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ Display::getInstance()->progress_bar();
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ echo '<h1 ' . (SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('uporabnost') ? ' class="evalvacija"' : '') . '>' . Helper::getInstance()->displayAkronim() . '</h1>' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo '<div class="grupa">';
+ $this->displayIntroductionContent();
+ echo '</div>';
+ $this->displayGrupa();
+ echo '<div class="grupa">';
+ $this->displayKonecContent();
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - container
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - outercontainer
+ echo '<div class="outercontainer_holder_bottom"></div>';
+ echo '</div>'; // -outercontainer_holder
+ $this->displayFooterNote();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @desc prikaze trenutno grupo
+ */
+ public function displayGrupa(){
+ global $admin_type;
+ // Ce imamo vklopljene napredne parapodatke zabelezimo id-strani
+ if(SurveyAdvancedParadataLog::getInstance()->paradataEnabled()){
+ SurveyAdvancedParadataLog::getInstance()->displayGrupa(get('grupa'));
+ }
+ $sql = sisplet_query("SELECT naslov, vrstni_red FROM srv_grupa WHERE id = '" . get('grupa') . "'");
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
+ if (!get('printPreview')) {
+ Display::getInstance()->display_tabs();
+ echo '<form name="vnos" method="post" action="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(false, false) . '&amp;grupa=' . get('grupa') . (get('loop_id') != null ? '&amp;loop_id=' . get('loop_id') : '') . Header::getSurveyParams(true) . str_replace('&', '&amp;', get('cookie_url')) . '" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . "\n";
+ echo '<div class="grupa">' . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="dummy" value="foo">' . "\n";
+ SurveySetting::getInstance()->Init(get('anketa'));
+ $rowa = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ // izbira jezika za respondenta - Ce nimamo prikazanega uvoda, prikazemo izbiro na prvi strani
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang') == 1 && $rowa['multilang'] == 1 && $rowa['show_intro'] == 0 && $row['vrstni_red'] == 1) {
+ $lang_resp = $rowa['lang_resp'];
+ $lang_array = array();
+ $current = self::$lang['id'];
+ $file = lang_path($lang_resp);
+ include($file);
+ $lang_array[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ $file = lang_path($current);
+ include($file);
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_id, language FROM srv_language WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' ORDER BY language");
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll)) {
+ $lang_array[$rowl['lang_id']] = $rowl['language'];
+ }
+ echo ' <div class="spremenljivka lang_pick">' . "\n";
+ // Izbira jezika z dropdown menijem
+ if (SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('resp_change_lang_type') == 1) {
+ echo ' <h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': ';
+ echo ' <select
+ name="language"
+ id="language"
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $val . '</option>';
+ }
+ echo ' </select>';
+ echo '</h3>' . "\n";
+ }
+ // Izbira jezika z radio gumbi (default)
+ else {
+ echo '<h3>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': </h3>';
+ echo '<span style="font-size:13px;">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<label for="language_' . $key . '">';
+ echo '<input type="radio" name="language" id="language_' . $key . '"
+ value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? '
+ checked="checked"' : '') . '
+ onchange="window.location.href =
+ \'' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . '?language=\'+document.getElementById(\'language_' . $key . '\').value+\'' .
+ '&survey-'.get('anketa').'=' . get('cookie_url') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['skupina']) ? '&skupina=' . $_GET['skupina'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['preview']) ? '&preview=' . $_GET['preview'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['testdata']) ? '&testdata=' . $_GET['testdata'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['code']) ? '&code=' . $_GET['code'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['params']) ? '&params=' . $_GET['params'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['usr_id']) ? '&usr_id=' . $_GET['usr_id'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['status']) ? '&status=' . $_GET['status'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['recnum']) ? '&recnum=' . $_GET['recnum'] : '') . '\'+\'' .
+ (isset($_GET['enc']) ? '&enc=' . urlencode($_GET['enc']) : '') . '\';
+ return false;"> ';
+ // Font awesome checkbox
+ echo '<span class="enka-checkbox-radio" '.((Helper::getCustomCheckbox() != 0) ? 'style="font-size:' . Helper::getCustomCheckbox() . 'px;"' : '').'></span>';
+ echo $val;
+ echo '</label><br />';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ echo ' </div>' . "\n";
+ }
+ Vprasanja::getInstance()->displaySpremenljivke();
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // - grupa
+ Js::getInstance()->generateSubmitJS();
+ echo '</form>' . "\n";
+ Js::getInstance()->generateBranchingJS();
+ // Disable odgovorov, ce je ze izpolnjeval to stran in ima vklopljeno nastavitev, da ni dovoljeno naknadno vnasanje odogovorov
+ if($rowa['subsequent_answers'] == '0' && $admin_type != '0' && $admin_type != '1'){
+ // Preverimo, ce je uporabnik ze bil na strani
+ if(Check::getInstance()->check_subsequent_visit()){
+ echo '<script>disableSubsequentAnswers();</script>';
+ }
+ }
+ // nov zgornji link pri uporabnosti
+ $link = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('uporabnost_link_' . get('grupa'));
+ if ($link != '' && strlen($link) > 7)
+ echo "<script> top.frames['link'].location.href = '" . $link . "'; </script>";
+ }
+ else{
+ Display::getInstance()->displaySpremenljivke();
+ }
+ }
+ public function displayFooterNote(){
+ global $mysql_database_name, $app_settings;
+ $row = SurveyInfo::getInstance()->getSurveyRow();
+ echo '<div id="footer_survey">';
+ // Pri mobilnem skinu (in mju skinu pri tablici) prikazemo na dnu se logo
+ if (get('mobile') == 1 || (get('mobile') == 2 && SurveyInfo::getInstance()->checkSurveyModule('mju_theme') == '1')) {
+ Display::getInstance()->logo();
+ }
+ // Custom footer
+ if(isset($app_settings['footer_survey_custom']) && $app_settings['footer_survey_custom'] == 1){
+ echo '<p>'.$app_settings['footer_survey_text'].'</p>';
+ }
+ // Default footer
+ else{
+ $link = (self::$lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ $link_cookie = (self::$lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ $link_privacy = (self::$lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ $link_paradata = (self::$lang['id'] == '1') ? '' : '';
+ echo '<p class="footer_survey_UL">Univerza <i>v Ljubljani</i></p>';
+ echo '<p class="footer_survey_FDV"><i>Fakulteta za dru&#382;bene vede</i></p>';
+ echo '<p class="footer_survey_PoweredBy"><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">Powered by: 1KA</a></p>';
+ echo '<p class="footer_1ka"><a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">1KA - ' . self::$lang['srv_footer_1ka'] . '</a></p>';
+ echo '<p class="privacy">';
+ $survey_ip = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_ip');
+ $ip_show = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_show_ip');
+ $survey_browser = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_browser');
+ $survey_referal = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_referal');
+ $survey_date = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_date');
+ $privacy_text = '';
+ // Ce imamo vse izklopljeno je anketa brez parapodatkov
+ if(($survey_ip == 1 || $ip_show == 0) && $survey_browser == 1 && $survey_referal == 1 && $survey_date == 1){
+ $privacy_text = '<a href="'.$link_paradata.'" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_no_paradata'] . '</a>';
+ echo $privacy_text;
+ }
+ else{
+ echo '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_no_anketa'] . ' </a>';
+ // Piskotki
+ if ($row['cookie'] == -1)
+ $privacy_text .= '<a href="'.$link_cookie.'" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_no_cookie'] . '</a>, ';
+ // IP sledenje
+ if ($survey_ip == 1)
+ $privacy_text .= '<a href="'.$link_paradata.'" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_no_ip'] . '</a>, ';
+ // Email povezovanje
+ if ($row['user_base'] == 1 && $row['show_email'] == 0)
+ $privacy_text .= '<a href="'.$link_paradata.'" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_no_email'] . '</a>, ';
+ echo substr($privacy_text, 0, -2);
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ echo '<p class="privacy_link">';
+ echo '<a href="' . $link_privacy . '" target="_blank">' . self::$lang['srv_privacy_policy'] . '</a>';
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ echo '</div>';
+ if (isset($_GET['preview']) && $_GET['preview'] == 'on' && $_GET['no_preview'] != '1') {
+ echo '<div id="preview-window">';
+ // Gump za odprtje/zaprtje okna
+ echo '<div id="preview_open" '.($_GET['testdata'] == 'on' ? ' class="testdata"' : '').'>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="preview_popup_open(); return false;" class="preview_icon_open" style="display:none;"><span class="faicon dropdown_blue"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="preview_popup_close(); return false;" class="preview_icon_close"><span class="faicon dropup_blue"></span></a>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Preklop na celostranski preview
+ echo '<div id="preview_switch">';
+ echo '<span class="bold">'.self::$lang['srv_mode'] . ':</span>';
+ echo '<span class="'.(get('displayAllPages') ? 'nonactive' : 'active').'"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . Header::getSurveyParams(false, null, array('pages')) . '" title="' . self::$lang['srv_normal_x'] . '">' . self::$lang['srv_normal'] . '</a></span>';
+ echo '<span class="'.(get('displayAllPages') ? 'active' : 'nonactive').'"><a href="' . SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink() . Header::getSurveyParams(false, array('pages' => 'all', 'mobile' => '0')) . '" title="' . self::$lang['srv_scrolling_x'] . '">' . self::$lang['srv_scrolling'] . '</a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ // Vsebina - preview-holder
+ echo '<div id="preview-holder">';
+ echo '<div id="preview" class="' . ($_GET['testdata'] == 'on' ? 'testdata' : '') . '">';
+ if ($_GET['testdata'] == 'on')
+ echo '<p>' . self::$lang['srv_testalert'] . '</p>';
+ else
+ echo '<p>' . self::$lang['srv_previewalert'] . '</p>';
+ if ($row['multilang'] == 1) {
+ $lang_resp = $row['lang_resp'];
+ $lang_array = array();
+ $current = self::$lang['id'];
+ $file = lang_path($lang_resp);
+ include($file);
+ $lang_array[$lang['id']] = $lang['language'];
+ $file = lang_path($current);
+ include($file);
+ $sqll = sisplet_query("SELECT lang_id, language FROM srv_language WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' ORDER BY language");
+ while ($rowl = mysqli_fetch_array($sqll)) {
+ $lang_array[$rowl['lang_id']] = $rowl['language'];
+ }
+ // FORM s preklopom jezika
+ echo '<form name="change_lang" action="" method="get">';
+ if (isset($_GET['code']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . $_GET['code'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['preview']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="' . $_GET['preview'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['disableif']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disableif" value="' . $_GET['disableif'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['displayifs']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="displayifs" value="' . $_GET['displayifs'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['displayvariables']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="displayvariables" value="' . $_GET['displayvariables'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['disablealert']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablealert" value="' . $_GET['disablealert'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['disablecode']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablecode" value="' . $_GET['disablecode'] . '">';
+ if ($row['user_base'] == 1 && $row['individual_invitation'] != 0 && $row['usercode_skip'] == 0)
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablecode" value="1">';
+ if (isset($_GET['grupa']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="grupa" value="' . $_GET['grupa'] . '">';
+ echo '<p>' . self::$lang['lang'] . ': ';
+ echo ' <select name="language" onchange="document.change_lang.submit();">';
+ foreach ($lang_array AS $key => $val) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($key == $current ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $val . '</option>';
+ }
+ echo ' </select></p>' . "\n";
+ echo '</form>';
+ }
+ // Preklop med preview-ji za mobilnik, tablico in pc
+ if(!get('displayAllPages')){
+ echo '<span id="preview_device"><span>' . self::$lang['srv_para_graph_device'] . ': </span>';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == '1')
+ $device_value = 1;
+ elseif (isset($_GET['mobile']) && $_GET['mobile'] == '2')
+ $device_value = 2;
+ else
+ $device_value = 0;
+ echo '<a href="#" title="PC" onClick="$(\'#device_value\').val(\'0\'); document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="faicon monitor ' . ($device_value == 0 ? ' active' : '') . '"></span></a>';
+ // Ce imamo izklopljene mobilne prilagoditve ne pustimo preview-ja na mobile, ker itak ne prikaze scalano
+ $mobile_friendly = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('mobile_friendly');
+ if($mobile_friendly != '0'){
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . self::$lang['srv_preview_tablet'] . '" onClick="$(\'#device_value\').val(\'2\'); document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="faicon tablet ' . ($device_value == 2 ? ' active' : '') . '"></span></a>';
+ echo '<a href="#" title="' . self::$lang['srv_preview_mobile'] . '" onClick="$(\'#device_value\').val(\'1\'); document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="faicon mobile ' . ($device_value == 1 ? ' active' : '') . '"></span></a>';
+ }
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ // FORM z dropdownom za preklop med stranmi
+ echo '<form name="go_to_page" action="#" method="get">';
+ if (isset($_GET['code']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . $_GET['code'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['preview']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="preview" value="' . $_GET['preview'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['mobile']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="mobile" value="' . $_GET['mobile'] . '">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disableif" value="1">';
+ if (isset($_GET['displayifs']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="displayifs" value="' . $_GET['displayifs'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['displayvariables']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="displayvariables" value="' . $_GET['displayvariables'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['disablealert']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablealert" value="' . $_GET['disablealert'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['disablecode']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablecode" value="' . $_GET['disablecode'] . '">';
+ if ($row['user_base'] == 1 && $row['individual_invitation'] != 0 && $row['usercode_skip'] == 0)
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="disablecode" value="1">';
+ if ($row['multilang'] == 1 && isset($_GET['language']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $_GET['language'] . '">';
+ // Skok na doloceno stran - samo ce nimamo prikaza vse na eni strani
+ if(!get('displayAllPages')){
+ echo '<p>' . self::$lang['srv_jump_to'] . ': <select name="grupa" onchange="document.go_to_page.submit();">';
+ $sql1 = sisplet_query("SELECT id, naslov, vrstni_red FROM srv_grupa WHERE ank_id = '" . get('anketa') . "' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) {
+ echo '<option value="' . $row1['id'] . '" ' . ($row1['id'] == get('grupa') ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . self::$lang['srv_stran'] . ' ' . $row1['vrstni_red'] . '</option>';
+ $sql2 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_spremenljivka WHERE gru_id='$row1[id]' ORDER BY vrstni_red ASC");
+ while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql2)) {
+ if ($row['multilang'] == 1) {
+ $sqlLang = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM srv_language_spremenljivka WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' AND spr_id='" . $row2['id'] . "' AND lang_id='" . get('lang_id') . "'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($sqlLang) > 0) {
+ $rowLang = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlLang);
+ $row2['naslov'] = $rowLang['naslov'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo '<option value="' . $row1['id'] . '"> - (' . $row2['variable'] . ') ' . substr($row2['naslov'], 0, 100) . '</option>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</select></p>';
+ }
+ echo '</form>';
+ // FORM s checkbox nastavitvami
+ $link = SurveyInfo::getSurveyLink(get('anketa')) . '' . Header::getSurveyParams(false, null, array('disableif', 'disablealert', 'disablecode', 'displayifs', 'displayvariables', 'hidecomment', 'mobile')) . '&survey-' . get('anketa') . '=' . $_GET['survey-' . get('anketa') . ''] . '&grupa=' . $_GET['grupa'];
+ echo '<form name="change_diable" action="' . $link . '" method="get">';
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="mobile" id="device_value" value="' . $device_value . '">';
+ if ($row['multilang'] == 1 && isset($_GET['language']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="language" value="' . $_GET['language'] . '">';
+ if (isset($_GET['code']))
+ echo '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . $_GET['code'] . '">';
+ echo '<p><label for="disableif"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['disableif'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="disableif" id="disableif" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_disableif'] . '</label></p>';
+ echo '<p><label for="disablealert"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['disablealert'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="disablealert" id="disablealert" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_disablealert'] . '</label></p>';
+ // Pogoj za izlapljanje kode ce imamo email vabila z zahtevano kodo
+ if ($row['user_base'] == 1 && $row['individual_invitation'] != 0 && $row['usercode_skip'] == 0) {
+ echo '<p><label for="disablecode"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['disablecode'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="disablecode" id="disablecode" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_disablecode'] . '</label></p>';
+ }
+ echo '<p><label for="displayifs"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['displayifs'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="displayifs" id="displayifs" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_displayifs'] . '</label></p>';
+ echo '<p><label for="displayvariables"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['displayvariables'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="displayvariables" id="displayvariables" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_displayvariables'] . '</label></p>';
+ // Komentarji - vidno samo ce imamo ustrezen paket
+ $userAccess = UserAccess::getInstance(self::$global_user_id);
+ if($userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='komentarji')){
+ $question_resp_comment = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment');
+ $preview_disable_test_insert = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('preview_disable_test_insert');
+ if ($_GET['testdata'] == 'on' || $preview_disable_test_insert == 0) {
+ if ($question_resp_comment == 0) {
+ echo '<p><a href="#" onclick="$.post(\'' . self::$site_url . '/main/survey/ajax.php?a=enable_comments\', {anketa: ' . get('anketa') . '}, function () { window.location = window.location + \'&testdata=on\' }); return false;">';
+ if ($_GET['testdata'] == 'on')
+ echo self::$lang['srv_preview_comments'];
+ else
+ echo self::$lang['srv_savedatapreview'];
+ echo '</a></p>';
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($_GET['testdata'] == 'on') {
+ echo '<p><label for="hidecomment"><input type="checkbox" value="1" ' . ($_GET['hidecomment'] == '1' ? ' checked' : '') . ' name="hidecomment" id="hidecomment" onchange="document.change_diable.submit();"><span class="enka-checkbox-radio"></span>';
+ echo ' ' . self::$lang['srv_preview_comments2'] . '</label></p>';
+ } else {
+ echo '<p><a href="#" onclick="$.post(\'' . self::$site_url . '/main/survey/ajax.php?a=enable_comments\', {anketa: ' . get('anketa') . '}, function () { window.location = window.location + \'&testdata=on\' }); return false;">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_savedatapreview'];
+ echo '</a></p>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</form>';
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // preview
+ // Komentarji - vidno samo ce imamo ustrezen paket
+ if($userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='komentarji')){
+ if ($question_resp_comment == 1 && $_GET['testdata'] == 'on') {
+ $question_resp_comment_inicialke = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('question_resp_comment_inicialke');
+ if ($question_resp_comment_inicialke == 1) {
+ echo '<p class="inicialke">' . self::$lang['srv_inicialke'] . ': <input type="text" value="" size="3" id="inicialke"></p>';
+ echo '<script> inicialke(); </script>';
+ }
+ }
+ $sqlUserAutor = sisplet_query("SELECT ank_id, uid FROM srv_dostop WHERE ank_id='" . get('anketa') . "' AND uid='" . self::$global_user_id . "'");
+ (mysqli_num_rows($sqlUserAutor) > 0) ? save('userAutor', true) : save('userAutor', false);
+ // Komentarji urednikov na anketo
+ if (get('userAutor')) {
+ echo '<div style="margin: 20px 0 15px; width: 100%;">';
+ $view = 1;
+ $survey_comment = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_comment');
+ $preview_hide_survey_comment = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('preview_hide_survey_comment');
+ if ((self::$admin_type <= $survey_comment && $survey_comment != '') && (/*$preview_hide_survey_comment != 1 ||*/
+ $_GET['testdata'] == 'on')
+ ) {
+ echo '<span class="stngs floatLeft">';
+ $show_survey_comment = $_GET['show_survey_comment'];
+ if ($row['forum'] == 0 || $row['thread'] == 0) {
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="surveycomment bold" id="surveycomment_0_' . $view . '" type="0" view="' . $view . '" spremenljivka="0">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_comment_splosen'] . ' ';
+ echo '<span class="faicon comment" title="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '" alt="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '"></span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ } else {
+ $sqlf = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM post WHERE tid='$row[thread]'");
+ $rowf = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlf);
+ $rowf['count']--; //zaradi 1. avtomatskega posta
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="surveycomment bold" id="surveycomment_0_' . $view . '" type="0" view="' . $view . '" spremenljivka="0">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_comment_splosen'] . ' ';
+ echo '<span class="faicon comment" title="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '" alt="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '"></span>';
+ // ali prikazemo okno odprto - je dodan tak admin komentar
+ $sqlf1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM post p WHERE p.tid='$row[thread]' AND p.ocena='5'");
+ while ($rowf1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlf1)) {
+ $s = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM views WHERE pid='$rowf1[id]' AND uid='self::$global_user_id'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($s) == 0)
+ $show_survey_comment = 1;
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/js-lang.php?lang='.self::$lang['lang_short'].'&amp;v=13.06.07"></script>';
+ // Ce je tole vklopljeno se js porusi?
+ //echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.self::$site_url.'/admin/survey/minify/g=jsnew?v=13.06.07"></script>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/jquery/jquery.qtip-1.0.js"></script>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/script.js"></script>';
+ echo '<script> $(function() { load_comment(\'#surveycomment_0_' . $view . '\'' . ($show_survey_comment == '1' ? ', \'2\'' : '') . '); });</script>';
+ echo '</span>';
+ }
+ // Uredniske nastavitve link
+ echo '<span class="floatRight bold"><a href="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/index.php?anketa=' . get('anketa') . '&a=testiranje&popup=open" target="_blank" title="' . self::$lang['srv_uredniske_nastavitve'] . '">' . self::$lang['settings'] . ' <span class="faicon settings"></span></a></span>';
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+ // Komentarji respondentov na anketo
+ elseif (self::$global_user_id > 0 || true) {
+ echo '<p class="stngs">';
+ $view = 1;
+ $survey_comment_resp = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('survey_comment_resp');
+ $preview_hide_survey_comment = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('preview_hide_survey_comment');
+ if (((self::$admin_type <= $survey_comment_resp && self::$admin_type != -1 && $survey_comment_resp != '') || $survey_comment_resp == 4) && ($preview_hide_survey_comment != 1 || $_GET['testdata'] == 'on')) {
+ $show_survey_comment = $_GET['show_survey_comment'];
+ if ($row['forum'] == 0 || $row['thread_resp'] == 0) {
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="surveycomment bold" id="surveycomment_0_' . $view . '" type="4" view="' . $view . '" spremenljivka="0">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_comment_splosen'] . ' ';
+ //echo '<span class="sprites _comments_add" title="'.self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'].'"></span>';
+ echo '<span class="faicon comment" title="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '" alt="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '"></span>';
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ else {
+ $sqlf = sisplet_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM post WHERE tid='$row[thread_resp]'");
+ $rowf = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlf);
+ $rowf['count']--; //zaradi 1. avtomatskega posta
+ echo '<a href="#" onclick="return false;" class="surveycomment bold" id="surveycomment_0_' . $view . '" type="4" view="' . $view . '" spremenljivka="0">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_comment_splosen'] . ' ';
+ echo '<span class="faicon comment" title="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '" alt="' . self::$lang['srv_survey_comment'] . '"></span>';
+ $sqlf1 = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM post p WHERE p.tid='$row[thread_resp]' AND p.ocena='5'");
+ while ($rowf1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlf1)) {
+ $s = sisplet_query("SELECT * FROM views WHERE pid='$rowf1[id]' AND uid='self::$global_user_id'");
+ if (mysqli_num_rows($s) == 0)
+ $show_survey_comment = 1;
+ }
+ echo '</a>';
+ }
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/js-lang.php?lang='.self::$lang['lang_short'].'&amp;v=13.06.07"></script>';
+ // Ce je tole vklopljeno se js porusi?
+ //echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.self::$site_url.'/admin/survey/minify/g=jsnew?v=13.06.07"></script>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/jquery/jquery.qtip-1.0.js"></script>';
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . self::$site_url . '/admin/survey/script/script.js"></script>';
+ echo '<script> $(function() { load_comment(\'#surveycomment_0_' . $view . '\'' . ($show_survey_comment == '1' ? ', \'2\'' : '') . '); });</script>';
+ }
+ echo '</p>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // preview-holder
+ echo '</div>' . "\n"; // preview-window
+ ?><script>
+ if (localStorage.preview_popup == 1) {
+ $('#preview-holder, #preview_switch').hide();
+ $('.preview_icon_open').show();
+ $('.preview_icon_close').hide();
+ $('#preview-window').addClass('closed');
+ }
+ </script><?
+ // Komentarji - vidno samo ce imamo ustrezen paket
+ if($userAccess->checkUserAccess($what='komentarji')){
+ // Prikazemo okno s komentarji ce je nastavljeno da je vedno odprto
+ $preview_survey_comment_showalways = SurveySetting::getInstance()->getSurveyMiscSetting('preview_survey_comment_showalways');
+ if ($preview_survey_comment_showalways == 1) {
+ $view = 1;
+ $show_survey_comment = '1';//$_GET['show_survey_comment'];
+ ?><script>
+ $(function () {
+ <?echo 'load_comment(\'#surveycomment_0_' . $view . '\'' . ($show_survey_comment == '1' ? ', \'2\'' : '') . ');';?>
+ });
+ </script><?
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ save('cookie_expire', $row['cookie']);
+ // alert za shranjevanje cookiejev
+ if (get('cookie_expire') != -1 && !(isset($_COOKIE['cookie_ok']) && $_COOKIE['cookie_ok'] == 1) && !empty($row)) {
+ echo '<div id="cookie_alert">';
+ if($mysql_database_name == 'vprasalnikirsrssi')
+ echo self::$lang['srv_cookie_ok_rsrs'];
+ else
+ echo self::$lang['srv_cookie_ok'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ ?><script>
+ $(function () {
+ $('#cookie_alert').slideDown();
+ });
+ $('#cookie_ok').on('click', cookie_ok);
+ </script><?
+ }
+ // alert da je testna anketa
+ if ((get('cookie_expire') == -1 || (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_ok']) && $_COOKIE['cookie_ok'] == 1)) && isset($_GET['testdata']) && $_GET['testdata'] == 'on') {
+ echo '<div id="test_alert">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_test_alert'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ ?><script>
+ $(function () {
+ $('#test_alert').slideDown();
+ });
+ </script><?
+ }
+ // alert da je predogled
+ elseif ((get('cookie_expire') == -1 || (isset($_COOKIE['cookie_ok']) && $_COOKIE['cookie_ok'] == 1)) && isset($_GET['preview']) && $_GET['preview'] == 'on') {
+ echo '<div id="test_alert">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_preview_alert'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ ?><script>
+ $(function () {
+ $('#test_alert').slideDown();
+ });
+ </script><?
+ }
+ // Odgovori, ki so disable jih ustrezno skrijemo
+ ?><script>
+ $('.answer-disabled').find('td.category ').each(function () {
+ $(this).find('input, textarea').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ });
+ $('div.variabla.answer-disabled').find('label input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $('span.answer-disabled').on('click', function () {
+ return false;
+ });
+ </script><?
+ // Alert ce ni javascripta
+ echo '<div id="javascript_alert">';
+ echo self::$lang['srv_javascript_warning'];
+ echo '</div>';
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file