path: root/private/mvdm/suballoc/suballoc.txt
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diff --git a/private/mvdm/suballoc/suballoc.txt b/private/mvdm/suballoc/suballoc.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03dfc9813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/suballoc/suballoc.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ suballoc.c
+ This module contains code for managing a paritially commited address
+ space. It handles allocation of chunks of memory smaller than the
+ commit granularity. It commits and decommits memory as needed using
+ the supplied function for committing and decommitting memory. The
+ structures used for tracking the address space are allocated outside
+ of the specified addresss space.
+ Dave Hastings (daveh) creation-date 21-Jan-1994
+ Since this package does not actually access memory in the address space
+ it is managing, it will work as well with real linear addresses or
+ "Intel Addresses" such as would be encountered with the Insignia Emulator
+ on risc.
+Revision History:
+// Constants
+// Smallest chunk that will be sub allocated
+// 1024 was chosen currently, because that is the
+// smallest chunk XMS will allocate.
+// The size of the character array require to hold the
+// bits defining whether the individual allocation entities
+// in the commited chunk are allocated or free
+// Types
+// Routine for committing a specific region of of the address
+// space. Although the return type is NTSTATUS, the only value
+// that is checked is 0 (for STATUS_SUCCESS). If STATUS_SUCCESS
+// is returned, it is assumed that the function worked. If not,
+// it is assumed that it failed. No special meaning is attached to
+// particular non-zero values.
+ ULONG BaseAddress,
+ ULONG Size
+ );
+// Structure for tracking the address space. Each chunk of
+// memory of SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY in size is represented by
+// a bit. Each chunk of memory of COMMIT_GRANULARITY is
+// represented by one element of the array of bitfields.
+// The FreeCheck array half of the union allows us to check
+// whether the entire committed chunk is free more quickly.
+// ?? Should we add a field to indicate whether the chunk is
+// committed? We can always check for all allocated bits
+// zero, and use that as an indication that the chunk is
+// not committed.
+// BUGBUG Assert that the bits fit into memory the way we think
+// they do.
+typedef struct _SubAllocation {
+ ULONG BaseAddress;
+ ULONG Size;
+ union {
+ //
+ // bitfield with one bit per chunk. Bit set indicates
+ // allocated. Bit clear indicates free. All bits
+ // clear indicates un committed
+ //
+ //
+ // Hopefully a faster way to check all bits.
+ //
+ } CommitedChunk;
+ ULONG BaseAddress,
+ ULONG Size,
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function performs initialization of the sub allocation package
+ for the specified addresss range. It allocates the data structures
+ necessary to track the allocations
+ BaseAddress -- Supplies the base address of the address space to
+ sub allocate.
+ Size -- Supplies the size in bytes of the address space to sub allocate.
+ CommitRoutine -- Supplies a pointer to the routine used to commit regions
+ of the address space.
+Return Value:
+ If the function was successful it returns a pointer to the sub-allocation
+ data structures. Otherwise it returns NULL.
+ PVOID SubAllocation,
+ PULONG FreeBytes
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine returns the number of free bytes in the
+ sub allocated address space.
+ SubAllocation -- Supplies the pointer returned by SAInitialize
+ FreeBytes -- Returns the number of free bytes
+Return Value:
+ TRUE -- if successful, and FreeBytes contains the number of free bytes.
+ FALSE otherwise
+ PVOID SubAllocation,
+ ULONG Size,
+ PULONG Address
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This function allocates a portion of the address space described by
+ SubAllocation. If necessary, it will commit additional blocks. Address is
+ rounded down to the next lower SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY boundary.
+ size is rounded up to the next higher multiple of SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY.
+ SubAllocation -- Supplies the pointer returned by SAInitialize.
+ Size -- Supplies the size in bytes of the region to allocate.
+ Address -- Returns the address of the region allocated.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if successful. If false is returned, no address is returned.
+ Zero is a valid value for the returned address.
+ PVOID SubAllocation,
+ ULONG Size,
+ ULONG Address
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine frees a sub-allocated chunk of memory. If the
+ entire commited block (or blocks) that the specified chunk
+ belongs to are free, the chunks are decommitted. Address is
+ rounded down to the next lower SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY boundary.
+ size is rounded up to the next higher multiple of SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY.
+ SubAllocation -- Supplies the pointer returned by SAInitialize.
+ Size -- Supplies the size in bytes of the region to free.
+ Address -- Supplies the address of the region to free.
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if successful.
+ It is possible to free a different size at a particular
+ address than was allocated. This will not cause the
+ SubAllocation package any problems.
+ PVOID SubAllocation,
+ ULONG OriginalSize,
+ ULONG OriginalAddress,
+ ULONG NewSize,
+ PULONG NewAddress
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ This routine reallocates a sub allocated block of memory.
+ The sizes are rounded up to the next SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY.
+ The Original address is rounded down to the next SUBALLOC_GRANULARITY
+ boundary. Only min(OriginalSize, NewSize) bytes of data are copied to
+ the new block. The block changed in place if possible.
+ SubAllocation -- Supplies the pointer returned by SAInitialize.
+ OriginalSize -- Supplies the old size in bytes of the block.
+ OriginalAddress -- Supplies the old address of the block.
+ NewSize -- Supplies the new size in bytes of the block.
+ NewAddress -- Returns the new address of the block.
+Return Value:
+ True if successful. If unsucessful, no allocation is changed.
+ If the caller does not supply the correct original size for the block,
+ some memory may be lost, and the block may be moved unnecessarily.