path: root/private/mvdm/wow32/wuclip.c
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diff --git a/private/mvdm/wow32/wuclip.c b/private/mvdm/wow32/wuclip.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b33d49a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/mvdm/wow32/wuclip.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+ *
+ * WOW v1.0
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation
+ *
+ * WOW32 16-bit User API support
+ *
+ * History:
+ * WOW Clipboard functionality designed and developed by ChandanC
+ *
+#include "precomp.h"
+#pragma hdrstop
+struct _CBFORMATS ClipboardFormats;
+ {"ConvertObjDescriptor", NULL};
+UINT CFOLEObjectDescriptor;
+UINT CFOLELinkSrcDescriptor;
+ BOOL ChangeClipboardChain(<hwnd>, <hwndNext>)
+ HWND <hwnd>;
+ HWND <hwndNext>;
+ The %ChangeClipboardChain% function removes the window specified by the
+ <hwnd> parameter from the chain of clipboard viewers and makes the window
+ specified by the <hwndNext> parameter the descendant of the <hwnd>
+ parameter's ancestor in the chain.
+ <hwnd>
+ Identifies the window that is to be removed from the chain. The handle
+ must previously have been passed to the SetClipboardViewer function.
+ <hwndNext>
+ Identifies the window that follows <hwnd> in the clipboard-viewer
+ chain (this is the handle returned by the %SetClipboardViewer% function,
+ unless the sequence was changed in response to a WM_CHANGECBCHAIN
+ message).
+ The return value specifies the status of the <hwnd> window. It is TRUE if
+ the window is found and removed. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32ChangeClipboardChain(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ register PCHANGECLIPBOARDCHAIN16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(CHANGECLIPBOARDCHAIN16), parg16);
+ ul = GETBOOL16(ChangeClipboardChain(
+ HWND32(parg16->f1),
+ HWND32(parg16->f2)
+ ));
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ BOOL CloseClipboard(VOID)
+ The %CloseClipboard% function closes the clipboard. The %CloseClipboard%
+ function should be called when a window has finished examining or changing
+ the clipboard. It lets other applications access the clipboard.
+ This function has no parameters.
+ The return value specifies whether the clipboard is closed. It is TRUE if
+ the clipboard is closed. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
+ ULONG ul;
+ ul = GETBOOL16(CloseClipboard());
+ RETURN(ul);
+ No REF header file
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32CountClipboardFormats(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ ul = GETINT16(CountClipboardFormats());
+ RETURN(ul);
+ BOOL EmptyClipboard(VOID)
+ The %EmptyClipboard% function empties the clipboard and frees handles to
+ data in the clipboard. It then assigns ownership of the clipboard to the
+ window that currently has the clipboard open.
+ This function has no parameters.
+ The return value specifies the status of the clipboard. It is TRUE if the
+ clipboard is emptied. It is FALSE if an error occurs.
+ The clipboard must be open when the %EmptyClipboard% function is called.
+ ULONG ul;
+ ul = GETBOOL16(EmptyClipboard());
+ W32EmptyClipboard ();
+ RETURN(ul);
+ WORD EnumClipboardFormats(<wFormat>)
+ WORD <wFormat>;
+ The %EnumClipboardFormats% function enumerates the formats found in a list
+ of available formats that belong to the clipboard. On each call to this
+ function, the <wFormat> parameter specifies a known available format, and
+ the function returns the format that appears next in the list. The first
+ format in the list can be retrieved by setting <wFormat> to zero.
+ <wFormat>
+ Specifies a known format.
+ The return value specifies the next known clipboard data format. It is zero
+ if <wFormat> specifies the last format in the list of available formats. It
+ is zero if the clipboard is not open.
+ Before it enumerates the formats by using the %EnumClipboardFormats%
+ function, an application must open the clipboard by using the
+ %OpenClipboard% function.
+ The order that an application uses for putting alternative formats for the
+ same data into the clipboard is the same order that the enumerator uses when
+ returning them to the pasting application. The pasting application should
+ use the first format enumerated that it can handle. This gives the donor a
+ chance to recommend formats that involve the least loss of data.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32EnumClipboardFormats(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ register PENUMCLIPBOARDFORMATS16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(ENUMCLIPBOARDFORMATS16), parg16);
+ ul = GETWORD16(EnumClipboardFormats(
+ WORD32(parg16->f1)
+ ));
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ HANDLE GetClipboardData(<wFormat>)
+ WORD <wFormat>;
+ The %GetClipboardData% function retrieves data from the clipboard in the
+ format given by the <wFormat> parameter. The clipboard must have been opened
+ previously.
+ <wFormat>
+ Specifies a data format. For a description of the data formats, see the
+ SetClipboardData function, later in this chapter.
+ The return value identifies the memory block that contains the data from the
+ clipboard. The handle type depends on the type of data specified by the
+ <wFormat> parameter. It is NULL if there is an error.
+ The available formats can be enumerated in advance by using the
+ %EnumClipboardFormats% function.
+ The data handle returned by %GetClipboardData% is controlled by the
+ clipboard, not by the application. The application should copy the data
+ immediately, instead of relying on the data handle for long-term use. The
+ application should not free the data handle or leave it locked.
+ Windows supports two formats for text, CF_TEXT and CF_OEMTEXT. CF_TEXT is
+ the default Windows text clipboard format, while Windows uses the CF_OEMTEXT
+ format for text in non-Windows applications. If you call %GetClipboardData%
+ to retrieve data in one text format and the other text format is the only
+ available text format, Windows automatically converts the text to the
+ requested format before supplying it to your application.
+ If the clipboard contains data in the CF_PALETTE (logical color palette)
+ format, the application should assume that any other data in the clipboard
+ is realized against that logical palette.
+ ULONG ul = 0;
+ HANDLE hMem32, hMeta32 = 0;
+ HMEM16 hMem16=0, hMeta16 = 0;
+ VPVOID vp;
+ LPBYTE lpMem32;
+ LPBYTE lpMem16;
+ int cb;
+ register PGETCLIPBOARDDATA16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCLIPBOARDDATA16), parg16);
+ LOGDEBUG(6, ("WOW::WUICBGetClipboardData(): CF_FORMAT is %04x\n", parg16->f1));
+ switch (parg16->f1) {
+ // This is intentional to let it thru to the "case statements".
+ // ChandanC 5/11/92.
+ default:
+ if ((parg16->f1 == CFOLEObjectDescriptor) || (parg16->f1 == CFOLELinkSrcDescriptor)) {
+ hMem32 = GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1));
+ if (hMem32) {
+ hMem16 = (HMEM16) W32ConvertObjDescriptor(hMem32, CFOLE_UNICODE_TO_ANSI);
+ }
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CF_DIB:
+ case CF_TEXT:
+ case CF_DSPTEXT:
+ case CF_SYLK:
+ case CF_DIF:
+ case CF_TIFF:
+ case CF_OEMTEXT:
+ case CF_PENDATA:
+ case CF_RIFF:
+ case CF_WAVE:
+ hMem16 = WU32ICBGetHandle(parg16->f1);
+ if (!hMem16) {
+ hMem32 = GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1));
+ if (hMem16 = WU32ICBGetHandle(parg16->f1)) {
+ //
+ // We couldn't find the hMem16 using WU32ICBGetHandle
+ // before we called Win32 GetClipboardData, but we can
+ // now, so that means it was cut/copied from a task in
+ // this WOW using delayed rendering, so that the actual
+ // non-NULL hMem16 wasn't SetClipboardData until we
+ // just called GetClipboardData. Since we now have
+ // a valid cached copy of the data in 16-bit land,
+ // we can just return that.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hMem32) {
+ lpMem32 = GlobalLock(hMem32);
+ cb = GlobalSize(hMem32);
+ vp = GlobalAllocLock16(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, cb, &hMem16);
+ // 16-bit memory may have moved - refresh flat pointers
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ GETFRAMEPTR(((PTD)CURRENTPTD())->vpStack, pFrame);
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCLIPBOARDDATA16), parg16);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ RtlCopyMemory(lpMem16, lpMem32, cb);
+ GlobalUnlock16(hMem16);
+ FLUSHVDMPTR(vp, cb, lpMem16);
+ }
+ GlobalUnlock(hMem32);
+ }
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CF_HDROP:
+ // This is the case when app is retrieving cf_hdrop from the
+ // clipboard, thus we will convert the dropfiles structure
+ // from 32 to 16-bit one
+ hMem16 = WU32ICBGetHandle(parg16->f1);
+ if (!hMem16) {
+ hMem32 = GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1));
+ if (hMem32) {
+ hMem16 = CopyDropFilesFrom32(hMem32);
+ }
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CF_BITMAP:
+ hMem16 = GETHBITMAP16(GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1)));
+ break;
+ case CF_PALETTE:
+ hMem16 = GETHPALETTE16(GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1)));
+ break;
+ hMem16 = WU32ICBGetHandle(parg16->f1);
+ if (!(hMem16)) {
+ hMem32 = GetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1));
+ if (hMem16 = WU32ICBGetHandle(parg16->f1)) {
+ //
+ // We couldn't find the hMem16 using WU32ICBGetHandle
+ // before we called Win32 GetClipboardData, but we can
+ // now, so that means it was cut/copied from a task in
+ // this WOW using delayed rendering, so that the actual
+ // non-NULL hMem16 wasn't SetClipboardData until we
+ // just called GetClipboardData. Since we now have
+ // a valid cached copy of the data in 16-bit land,
+ // we can just return that.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ if (hMem32) {
+ lpMem32 = GlobalLock(hMem32);
+ vp = GlobalAllocLock16(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, sizeof(METAFILEPICT16), &hMem16);
+ // 16-bit memory may have moved - refresh flat pointers
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ GETFRAMEPTR(((PTD)CURRENTPTD())->vpStack, pFrame);
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCLIPBOARDDATA16), parg16);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ FixMetafile32To16 ((LPMETAFILEPICT) lpMem32, (LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16);
+ hMeta32 = ((LPMETAFILEPICT) lpMem32)->hMF;
+ if (hMeta32) {
+ hMeta16 = WinMetaFileFromHMF(hMeta32, FALSE);
+ // 16-bit memory may have moved
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ GETFRAMEPTR(((PTD)CURRENTPTD())->vpStack, pFrame);
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(GETCLIPBOARDDATA16), parg16);
+ }
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ STOREWORD(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->hMF, hMeta16);
+ GlobalUnlock16(hMem16);
+ FLUSHVDMPTR(vp, sizeof(METAFILEPICT16), lpMem16);
+ }
+ GlobalUnlock(hMem32);
+ }
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ul = (ULONG) hMem16;
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ int GetClipboardFormatName(<wFormat>, <lpFormatName>, <nMaxCount>)
+ WORD <wFormat>;
+ LPSTR <lpFormatName>;
+ int <nMaxCount>;
+ The %GetClipboardFormatName% function retrieves from the clipboard the name
+ of the registered format specified by the <wFormat> parameter. The name is
+ copied to the buffer pointed to by the <lpFormatName> parameter.
+ <wFormat>
+ Specifies the type of format to be retrieved. It must not specify any of
+ the predefined clipboard formats.
+ <lpFormatName>
+ Points to the buffer that is to receive the format name.
+ <nMaxCount>
+ Specifies the maximum length (in bytes) of the string to be copied
+ to the buffer. If the actual name is longer, it is truncated.
+ The return value specifies the actual length of the string copied to the
+ buffer. It is zero if the requested format does not exist or is a predefined
+ format.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetClipboardFormatName(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ PSZ psz2 = NULL;
+ ALLOCVDMPTR(parg16->f2, parg16->f3, psz2);
+ ul = GETINT16(GetClipboardFormatName(
+ WORD32(parg16->f1),
+ psz2,
+ INT32(parg16->f3)
+ ));
+ FLUSHVDMPTR(parg16->f2, strlen(psz2)+1, psz2);
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ HWND GetClipboardOwner(VOID)
+ The %GetClipboardOwner% function retrieves the window handle of the current
+ owner of the clipboard.
+ This function has no parameters.
+ The return value identifies the window that owns the clipboard. It is NULL
+ if the clipboard is not owned.
+ The clipboard can still contain data even if the clipboard is not currently
+ owned.
+ ULONG ul;
+ ul = GETHWND16(GetClipboardOwner());
+ RETURN(ul);
+ HWND GetClipboardViewer(VOID)
+ The %GetClipboardViewer% function retrieves the window handle of the first
+ window in the clipboard-viewer chain.
+ This function has no parameters.
+ The return value identifies the window currently responsible for displaying
+ the clipboard. It is NULL if there is no viewer.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetClipboardViewer(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ ul = GETHWND16(GetClipboardViewer());
+ RETURN(ul);
+ int GetPriorityClipboardFormat(<lpPriorityList>, <cEntries>)
+ LPWORD <lpPriorityList>;
+ int <cEntries>;
+ The %GetPriorityClipboardFormat% function returns the first clipboard format
+ in a list for which data exist in the clipboard.
+ <lpPriorityList>
+ Points to an integer array that contains a list of clipboard formats in
+ priority order. For a description of the data formats, see the
+ SetClipboardData function later in this chapter.
+ <cEntries>
+ Specifies the number of entries in <lpPriorityList>. This value
+ must not be greater than the actual number of entries in the list.
+ The return value is the highest priority clipboard format in the list for
+ which data exist. If no data exist in the clipboard, this function returns
+ NULL. If data exist in the clipboard which did not match any format in the
+ list, the return value is -1.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32GetPriorityClipboardFormat(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ UINT *pu1;
+ INT BufferT[256]; // comfortably large array
+ pu1 = STACKORHEAPALLOC(parg16->f2 * sizeof(INT), sizeof(BufferT), BufferT);
+ getuintarray16(parg16->f1, parg16->f2, pu1);
+ if (pu1) {
+ ul = GETINT16(GetPriorityClipboardFormat(
+ pu1,
+ INT32(parg16->f2)
+ ));
+ } else {
+ ul = (ULONG)-1;
+ }
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ BOOL IsClipboardFormatAvailable(<wFormat>)
+ WORD <wFormat>;
+ The %IsClipboardFormatAvailable% function specifies whether data of a
+ certain type exist in the clipboard.
+ <wFormat>
+ Specifies a registered clipboard format. For information on clipboard
+ formats, see the description of the SetClipboardData function, later in
+ this chapter.
+ The return value specifies the outcome of the function. It is TRUE if data
+ having the specified format are present. Otherwise, it is FALSE.
+ This function is typically called during processing of the WM_INITMENU or
+ WM_INITMENUPOPUP message to determine whether the clipboard contains data
+ that the application can paste. If such data are present, the application
+ typically enables the Paste command (in its Edit menu).
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32IsClipboardFormatAvailable(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ // Hack-a-roo! PhotoShop 2.5 has a bug in its code for handling large DIB's
+ // on the clipboard and will fault if it encounters one. On WFW, it usually
+ // won't encounter one because most apps (in this case alt-Prtscrn button)
+ // copy BITMAPS, not DIBS, to the clipboard. On NT, anytime an app writes
+ // a BITMAP to the clipboard it gets converted to a DIB & vice versa-making
+ // more clipboard data formats available to inquiring apps. Unfortunately,
+ // Photoshop checks for DIBS before BITMAPS and finds one on Win
+ // Versions >= 4.0. a-craigj
+ // if this is a DIB check && the app is PhotoShop...
+ if((WORD32(parg16->f1) == CF_DIB) &&
+ // ...see if there is a bitmap format available too
+ if(IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_BITMAP)) {
+ // if so return FALSE which will cause Photoshop to ask for a
+ // BITMAP format next
+ ul = FALSE;
+ }
+ // otherwise we'll check for a DIB anyway & hope it's a small one
+ else {
+ ul = GETBOOL16(IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB));
+ }
+ }
+ // no hack path
+ else {
+ ul = GETBOOL16(IsClipboardFormatAvailable(WORD32(parg16->f1)));
+ }
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ BOOL OpenClipboard(<hwnd>)
+ HWND <hwnd>;
+ The %OpenClipboard% function opens the clipboard. Other applications will
+ not be able to modify the clipboard until the %CloseClipboard% function is
+ called.
+ <hwnd>
+ Identifies the window to be associated with the open clipboard.
+ The return value is TRUE if the clipboard is opened, or FALSE if another
+ application or window has the clipboard opened.
+ The window specified by the <hwnd> parameter will not become the owner of
+ the clipboard until the %EmptyCLipboard% function is called.
+ ULONG ul;
+ register POPENCLIPBOARD16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(OPENCLIPBOARD16), parg16);
+ ul = GETBOOL16(OpenClipboard(
+ HWND32(parg16->f1)
+ ));
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ WORD RegisterClipboardFormat(<lpFormatName>)
+ LPSTR <lpFormatName>;
+ The %RegisterClipboardFormat% function registers a new clipboard format
+ whose name is pointed to by the <lpFormatName> parameter. The registered
+ format can be used in subsequent clipboard functions as a valid format in
+ which to render data, and it will appear in the clipboard's list of
+ formats.
+ <lpFormatName>
+ Points to a character string that names the new format. The string must
+ be a null-terminated string.
+ The return value specifies the newly registered format. If the identical
+ format name has been registered before, even by a different application, the
+ format's reference count is increased and the same value is returned as when
+ the format was originally registered. The return value is zero if the format
+ cannot be registered.
+ The format value returned by the %RegisterClipboardFormat% function is
+ within the range of 0xC000 to 0xFFFF.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32RegisterClipboardFormat(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ PSZ psz1;
+ GETPSZPTR(parg16->f1, psz1);
+ ul = GETWORD16(RegisterClipboardFormat(
+ psz1
+ ));
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ HANDLE SetClipboardData(<wFormat>, <hData>)
+ WORD <wFormat>;
+ HANDLE <hData>;
+ The %SetClipboardData% function sets the data in the clipboard. The
+ application must have called the %OpenClipboard% function before calling
+ the %SetClipboardData% function.
+ <wFormat>
+ Specifies the format of the data. It can be any one of the
+ system-defined formats, or a format registered by the
+ %RegisterClipboardFormat% function. For a list of system-defined
+ formats,
+ <hData>
+ Identifies the data to be placed into the clipboard. For all formats
+ except CF_BITMAP and CF_PALETTE, this parameter must be a handle to
+ memory allocated by the %GlobalAlloc% function. For CF_BITMAP format,
+ the <hData> parameter is a handle to a bitmap (see %LoadBitmap%). For
+ CF_PALETTE format, the <hData> parameter is a handle to a palette (see
+ %CreatePalette%).
+ If this parameter is NULL, the owner of the clipboard will be sent a
+ WM_RENDERFORMAT message when it needs to supply the data.
+ The return value is a handle to the data if the function is succesful, or
+ NULL if an error occurred.
+ If the <hData> parameter contains a handle to memory allocated by the
+ %GlobalAlloc% function, the application must not use this handle once it
+ has called the %SetClipboardData% function.
+ The following list contains the system-defined clipboard formats:
+ The data is a bitmap.
+ The data is a memory block containing a %BITMAPINFO% structure followed
+ by the bitmap data.
+ The data is in Software Arts' Data Interchange Format.
+ The data is a bitmap representation of a private format. This data is
+ displayed in bitmap format in lieu of the privately formatted data.
+ The data is a metafile representation of a private data format. This
+ data is displayed in metafile-picture format in lieu of the privately
+ formatted data.
+ The data is a textual representation of a private data format. This data
+ is displayed in text format in lieu of the privately formatted data.
+ The data is a metafile (see description of the %METAFILEPICT%
+ structure).
+ The data is an array of text characters in the OEM character set. Each
+ line ends with a carriage return/linefeed (CR-LF) combination. A null
+ character signals the end of the data.
+ The data is in a private format that the clipboard owner must display.
+ The data is a color palette.
+ The data is in Microsoft Symbolic Link (SYLK) format.
+ The data is an array of text characters. Each line ends with a carriage
+ return/linefeed (CR-LF) combination. A null character signals the end of
+ the data.
+ The data is in Tag Image File Format.
+ Private data formats in the range of CF_PRIVATEFIRST to CF_PRIVATELAST are
+ not automatically freed when the data is deleted from the clipboard. Data
+ handles associated with these formats should be freed upon receiving a
+ Private data formats in the range of CF_GDIOBJFIRST to CF_GDIOBJLAST will
+ be automatically deleted with a call to %DeleteObject% when the data is
+ deleted from the clipboard.
+ If the Windows clipboard application is running, it will not update its
+ window to show the data placed in the clipboard by the %SetClipboardData%
+ until after the %CloseClipboard% function is called.
+ 31-Oct-1990 [ralphw] Miscelanious material, needs to be moved to other
+ function descriptions/overviews.
+ Whenever an application places data in the clipboard that depends on or
+ assumes a color palette, it should also place the palette in the
+ clipboard as well.
+ If the clipboard contains data in the CF_PALETTE (logical color palette)
+ format, the application should assume that any other data in the
+ clipboard is realized against that logical palette.
+ The clipboard-viewer application (CLIPBRD.EXE) always uses as its
+ current palette any object in CF_PALETTE format that is in the clipboard
+ when it displays the other formats in the clipboard.
+ Windows supports two formats for text, CF_TEXT and CF_OEMTEXT. CF_TEXT
+ is the default Windows text clipboard format, while Windows uses the
+ CF_OEMTEXT format for text in non-Windows applications. If you call
+ %GetClipboardData% to retrieve data in one text format and the other
+ text format is the only available text format, Windows automatically
+ converts the text to the requested format before supplying it to your
+ application.
+ An application registers other standard formats, such as Rich Text
+ Format (RTF), by name using the %RegisterClipboardFormat% function
+ rather than by a symbolic constant. For information on these external
+ formats, see the README.TXT file.
+ ULONG ul = 0;
+ HANDLE hMem32 = NULL, hMF32 = NULL;
+ HAND16 hMem16, hMeta16 = 0;
+ LPBYTE lpMem16, lpMem32;
+ INT cb;
+ VPVOID vp;
+ register PSETCLIPBOARDDATA16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETCLIPBOARDDATA16), parg16);
+ LOGDEBUG(6, ("WOW::WUICBSetClipboardData(): CF_FORMAT is %04x\n", parg16->f1));
+ switch (parg16->f1) {
+ default:
+ if ((parg16->f1 == CFOLEObjectDescriptor) || (parg16->f1 == CFOLELinkSrcDescriptor)) {
+ if (parg16->f2) {
+ hMem32 = W32ConvertObjDescriptor((HANDLE) parg16->f2, CFOLE_ANSI_TO_UNICODE);
+ }
+ ul = (ULONG) SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1), hMem32);
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, parg16->f2);
+ break;
+ }
+ // It is intentional to let it thru to the "case statements".
+ // ChandanC 5/11/92.
+ case CF_DIB:
+ case CF_TEXT:
+ case CF_DSPTEXT:
+ case CF_SYLK:
+ case CF_DIF:
+ case CF_TIFF:
+ case CF_OEMTEXT:
+ case CF_PENDATA:
+ case CF_RIFF:
+ case CF_WAVE:
+ hMem16 = parg16->f2;
+ if (hMem16) {
+ vp = GlobalLock16(hMem16, &cb);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ hMem32 = Copyh16Toh32 (cb, lpMem16);
+ GlobalUnlock16(hMem16);
+ }
+ }
+ ul = (ULONG) SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1), hMem32);
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ break;
+ case CF_HDROP:
+ // support cf_hdrop format by converting the dropfiles structure
+ hMem16 = parg16->f2;
+ if (hMem16) {
+ hMem32 = CopyDropFilesFrom16(hMem16);
+ }
+ ul = (ULONG)SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1), hMem32);
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ break;
+ case CF_BITMAP:
+ ul = (ULONG) SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1),
+ HBITMAP32(parg16->f2));
+ break;
+ case CF_PALETTE:
+ ul = (ULONG) SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1),
+ HPALETTE32(parg16->f2));
+ break;
+ hMem16 = parg16->f2;
+ if (hMem16) {
+ vp = GlobalLock16(hMem16, &cb);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ hMem32 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE, sizeof(METAFILEPICT));
+ WOW32ASSERT(hMem32);
+ if (hMem32) {
+ lpMem32 = GlobalLock(hMem32);
+ ((LPMETAFILEPICT) lpMem32)->mm = FETCHSHORT(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->mm);
+ hMeta16 = FETCHWORD(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->hMF);
+ if (hMeta16) {
+ hMF32 = (HMETAFILE) HMFFromWinMetaFile(hMeta16, FALSE);
+ }
+ ((LPMETAFILEPICT) lpMem32)->hMF = hMF32;
+ GlobalUnlock(hMem32);
+ }
+ GlobalUnlock16(hMem16);
+ }
+ }
+ ul = (ULONG) SetClipboardData(WORD32(parg16->f1), hMem32);
+ WU32ICBStoreHandle(parg16->f1, hMem16);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (parg16->f2) {
+ ul = parg16->f2;
+ }
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+ HWND SetClipboardViewer(<hwnd>)
+ HWND <hwnd>;
+ The %SetClipboardViewer% function adds the window specified by the <hwnd>
+ parameter to the chain of windows that are notified (via the
+ WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD message) whenever the contents of the clipboard are
+ changed.
+ <hwnd>
+ Identifies the window to receive clipboard-viewer chain messages.
+ The return value identifies the next window in the clipboard-viewer chain.
+ This handle should be saved in static memory and used in responding to
+ clipboard-viewer chain messages.
+ Windows that are part of the clipboard-viewer chain must respond to
+ If an application wishes to remove itself from the clipboard-viewer chain,
+ it must call the %ChangeClipboardChain% function.
+ULONG FASTCALL WU32SetClipboardViewer(PVDMFRAME pFrame)
+ ULONG ul;
+ register PSETCLIPBOARDVIEWER16 parg16;
+ GETARGPTR(pFrame, sizeof(SETCLIPBOARDVIEWER16), parg16);
+ ul = GETHWND16(SetClipboardViewer(HWND32(parg16->f1)));
+ FREEARGPTR(parg16);
+ RETURN(ul);
+VOID WU32ICBStoreHandle(WORD wFormat, HMEM16 hMem16)
+ HAND16 h16, hMeta16;
+ PCBNODE Temp, Temp1;
+ LPBYTE lpMem16;
+ VPVOID vp;
+ int cb;
+ if ((wFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) || (wFormat == CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT)) {
+ if (wFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) {
+ h16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat];
+ }
+ else {
+ h16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre2[3];
+ }
+ if (h16) {
+ vp = GlobalLock16(h16, &cb);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ hMeta16 = FETCHWORD(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->hMF);
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(hMeta16, NULL));
+ }
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(vp);
+ if (wFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) {
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre2[3] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((wFormat >= CF_TEXT ) && (wFormat <= CF_WAVE)) {
+ if (ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat]) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat], NULL));
+ }
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat] = hMem16;
+ }
+ else if ((wFormat >= CF_OWNERDISPLAY) && (wFormat <= CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT)) {
+ wFormat = (wFormat & (WORD) 3);
+ if (ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat]) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat], NULL));
+ }
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat] = hMem16;
+ }
+ else if (wFormat == CF_HDROP) {
+ if (ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop, NULL));
+ }
+ ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop = hMem16;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temp = ClipboardFormats.NewFormats;
+ if (Temp) {
+ while ((Temp->Next) && (Temp->Id != wFormat)) {
+ Temp = Temp->Next;
+ }
+ if (Temp->Id == wFormat) {
+ // free a previous handle if it exists
+ if (Temp->hMem16) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(Temp->hMem16, NULL));
+ }
+ Temp->hMem16 = hMem16;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temp1 = (PCBNODE) malloc_w (sizeof(CBNODE));
+ if (Temp1) {
+ Temp->Next = Temp1;
+ Temp1->Id = wFormat;
+ Temp1->hMem16 = hMem16;
+ Temp1->Next = NULL;
+ LOGDEBUG(6,("WOW::WU32ICBStoreHandle: Adding a new node for private clipboard data format %04lx\n", wFormat));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Temp = (PCBNODE) malloc_w (sizeof(CBNODE));
+ if (Temp) {
+ ClipboardFormats.NewFormats = Temp;
+ Temp->Id = wFormat;
+ Temp->hMem16 = hMem16;
+ Temp->Next = NULL;
+ LOGDEBUG(6,("WOW::WU32ICBStoreHandle: Adding the FIRST node for private clipboard data format %04lx\n", wFormat));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+HMEM16 WU32ICBGetHandle(WORD wFormat)
+ HMEM16 hMem16 = 0;
+ if ((wFormat >= CF_TEXT) && (wFormat <= CF_WAVE)) {
+ hMem16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat];
+ }
+ else if ((wFormat >= CF_OWNERDISPLAY) && (wFormat <= CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT)) {
+ wFormat = (wFormat & (WORD) 3);
+ hMem16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat];
+ }
+ else if (wFormat == CF_HDROP) {
+ hMem16 = ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop;
+ }
+ else {
+ Temp = ClipboardFormats.NewFormats;
+ if (Temp) {
+ while ((Temp->Next) && (Temp->Id != wFormat)) {
+ Temp = Temp->Next;
+ }
+ if (Temp->Id == wFormat) {
+ hMem16 = Temp->hMem16;
+ }
+ else {
+ LOGDEBUG(6,("WOW::WU32ICBGetHandle: Cann't find private clipboard data format %04lx\n", wFormat));
+ hMem16 = (WORD) NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (hMem16);
+VOID W32EmptyClipboard ()
+ PCBNODE Temp, Temp1;
+ int wFormat, cb;
+ HAND16 hMem16, hMeta16;
+ LPBYTE lpMem16;
+ VPVOID vp;
+ hMem16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre1[CF_METAFILEPICT];
+ if (hMem16) {
+ vp = GlobalLock16(hMem16, &cb);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ hMeta16 = FETCHWORD(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->hMF);
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(hMeta16, NULL));
+ }
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(vp);
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre1[CF_METAFILEPICT] = 0;
+ }
+ hMem16 = ClipboardFormats.Pre2[3];
+ if (hMem16) {
+ vp = GlobalLock16(hMem16, &cb);
+ if (vp) {
+ GETMISCPTR(vp, lpMem16);
+ hMeta16 = FETCHWORD(((LPMETAFILEPICT16) lpMem16)->hMF);
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(hMeta16, NULL));
+ }
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(vp);
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre2[3] = 0;
+ }
+ // Empty rest of the formats
+ for (wFormat=0; wFormat <= CF_WAVE ; wFormat++) {
+ if (ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat]) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat], NULL));
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (wFormat=0; wFormat < 4 ; wFormat++) {
+ if (ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat]) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat], NULL));
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop, NULL));
+ }
+ ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop = 0;
+ // These are the private registered data formats. This list is purged when
+ // 32 bit USER purges its clipboard cache.
+ Temp = ClipboardFormats.NewFormats;
+ ClipboardFormats.NewFormats = NULL;
+ while (Temp) {
+ Temp1 = Temp->Next;
+ if (Temp->hMem16) {
+ GlobalUnlockFree16(GlobalLock16(Temp->hMem16, NULL));
+ }
+ free_w(Temp);
+ Temp = Temp1;
+ }
+VOID InitCBFormats ()
+ int wFormat;
+ for (wFormat = 0 ; wFormat <= CF_WAVE ; wFormat++) {
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre1[wFormat] = 0;
+ }
+ for (wFormat=0; wFormat < 4; wFormat++) {
+ ClipboardFormats.Pre2[wFormat] = 0;
+ }
+ ClipboardFormats.hmem16Drop = 0;
+ // These are the private registered data formats.
+ ClipboardFormats.NewFormats = NULL;
+ CFOLEObjectDescriptor = RegisterClipboardFormat ("Object Descriptor");
+ CFOLELinkSrcDescriptor = RegisterClipboardFormat ("Link Source Descriptor");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ //
+ // This would assert in LoadLibraryAndGetProcAddresses if the function
+ // or DLL name has changed.
+ //
+ if (!(OleStringConversion[WOW_OLE_STRINGCONVERSION].lpfn)) {
+ LoadLibraryAndGetProcAddresses("OLETHK32.DLL", OleStringConversion, WOW_OLESTRINGCONVERSION_COUNT);
+ }
+HGLOBAL W32ConvertObjDescriptor(HANDLE hMem, UINT flag)
+ HANDLE hMemOut;
+ if (!(OleStringConversion[WOW_OLE_STRINGCONVERSION].lpfn)) {
+ if (!LoadLibraryAndGetProcAddresses("OLETHK32.DLL", OleStringConversion, WOW_OLESTRINGCONVERSION_COUNT)) {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+ hMemOut = (HANDLE) (*OleStringConversion[WOW_OLE_STRINGCONVERSION].lpfn) (hMem, flag);
+ return (hMemOut);