path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_main.mel
diff options
authorSvxy <>2023-05-31 23:31:32 +0200
committerSvxy <>2023-05-31 23:31:32 +0200
commiteb4b3404aa00220d659e532151dab13d642c17a3 (patch)
tree7e1107c4995489a26c4007e41b53ea8d00ab2134 /tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_main.mel
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_main.mel b/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_main.mel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a97582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/scripts/te_main.mel
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2001 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// TE_main.mel
+// Description: Installs the Terrain Editor (TE) interface.
+// As a convention all Terrain Editor global procedures
+// and global variables are prefixed with "te_". All commands
+// exposed through TE plugins are prefixed with "TE_".
+// MCB = Menu Call Back
+// BCB = Button Call Back
+// Modification History:
+// + Created Apr 11, 2001 -- bkusy
+// + Stolen & Adapted -- CBrisebois
+// t e _ b r e a k p o i n t
+// Synopsis:
+// Parameters: NONE
+// Returns: NOTHING
+// Constraints: NONE
+global proc te_breakpoint( string $tag )
+ confirmDialog -m ( "BreakPoint: " + $tag );
+// t e _ M C B _ A b o u t
+// Synopsis: Display an About Terrain Editor window.
+// Parameters: NONE
+// Returns: NOTHING
+// Constraints: NONE
+global proc te_MCB_About()
+// string $pluginVersion = `te_GetVersion`;
+ string $pluginVersion = "2.0";
+ string $message = ( "\nSimpsons Road Rage Terrain Editor.\n\n" +
+ "Release " + $pluginVersion + "\n" +
+ "(c) 2001, Radical Entertainment, Ltd.\n\n" );
+ confirmDialog -title "About Terrain Editor"
+ -message $message
+ -button "OK"
+ -defaultButton "OK";
+// t e _ d o M a i n M e n u I t e m s
+// Synopsis: Creates the TE menu on the menu handle passed in.
+// Parameters: NONE
+// Returns: NOTHING
+// Constraints: NONE
+global proc te_doMainMenuItems( string $menu )
+ menu -edit -tearOff true -allowOptionBoxes true $menu;
+ menuItem -label "Bounding Fences" -sm true;
+ menuItem -label "Create fence line" -command "te_MCB_StartBVLoop()";
+ menuItem -label "Split Fence(s)" -command "te_MCB_SplitSelectedBV()";
+ setParent -menu ..;
+ menuItem -label "Pedestrian Paths" -sm true;
+ menuItem -label "Create path line" -command "te_MCB_StartPPLoop()";
+ menuItem -label "Split Path(s)" -command "te_MCB_SplitSelectedPP()";
+ setParent -menu ..;
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Track Editor" -sm true;
+ radioMenuItemCollection;
+ menuItem -label "Off" -radioButton on -command "TE_StateChange(0)";
+ menuItem -label "Edit Mode" -radioButton off -command "TE_StateChange(1)";
+ menuItem -label "Display Mode" -radioButton off -command "TE_StateChange(2)";
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Create Intersections" -command "te_MCB_StartIntersection()";
+ menuItem -label "Edit Roads / Intersections" -command "te_MCB_EditIntersection()";
+ setParent -menu ..;
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Tree Line Tool" -allowOptionBoxes true -sm true;
+ menuItem -label "Create Tree Lines" -command "te_MCB_CreateTreeLines()";
+ menuItem -label "Options" -optionBox true -command "te_MCB_TreelineOptions()";
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Snap Selected Treelines" -command "te_MCB_SnapTreelines()";
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Convert Treelines to Geometry" -command "te_MCB_ConvertToGeometry()";
+ setParent -menu ..;
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "Export" -command "te_MCB_Export()";
+ menuItem -optionBox true -command "TE_ExportOptions()";
+ menuItem -divider true;
+ menuItem -label "About" -command "te_MCB_About()";
+ setParent -m ..;
+// t e _ I n s t a l l U I
+// Synopsis:
+// Parameters: NONE
+// Returns: NOTHING
+// Constraints: NONE
+global proc te_InstallUI()
+ global string $gMainWindow;
+ //
+ // Install TE menu as a root menu.
+ //
+ if ( `menu -exists te_MainMenu` ) deleteUI te_MainMenu;
+ menu -label "Track Editor" -allowOptionBoxes true -parent $gMainWindow te_MainMenu;
+ te_doMainMenuItems "te_MainMenu";
+global proc te_MCB_Export()
+ $whichCtx = `currentCtx`;
+ if ( $whichCtx != "" )
+ {
+ ctxCompletion;
+ }
+ TE_Export();
+source "te_globals.mel";
+source "te_setup.mel";
+source "te_BVContext.mel";
+source "te_PPContext.mel";
+source "te_treelineContext.mel";
+source "te_IntersectionContext.mel";
+source "te_editorWindow.mel";
+source "AETEShowRoadSegButton.mel";
+evalDeferred "te_InstallUI"; \ No newline at end of file