path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/commands
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 1451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.cpp b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77b7328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+#include "export.h"
+#include "main/constants.h"
+#include "nodes/walllocator.h"
+#include "nodes/fenceline.h"
+#include "nodes/intersection.h"
+#include "nodes/road.h"
+#include "nodes/pedpath.h"
+#include "utility/mui.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include <toollib.hpp>
+const char* ExportCommand::stringId = "TE_Export";
+bool ExportCommand::sRegisteredChunks = false;
+ExportCommand::ExportCommand() {};
+ExportCommand::~ExportCommand() {};
+// ExportCommand::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* ExportCommand::creator()
+ return new ExportCommand();
+// ExportCommand::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus ExportCommand::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ if ( !sRegisteredChunks )
+ {
+ tlDataChunk::RegisterDefaultChunks();
+ sRegisteredChunks = true;
+ }
+ //Go through all the chunks looking for the types we want and exporting them.
+ //Alternatively, we could go thtough all the chunks and attempt to access the
+ //IExportable interface and then export if the interface exists...
+ //Args are all, or selected.
+ const unsigned char FILE_NAME_SIZE = 255;
+ char filePath[FILE_NAME_SIZE];
+ filePath[0] = '\0';
+ if ( MUI::FileDialog( filePath,
+ "Track Editor Export",
+ "Pure3D(*.p3d)|*.p3d|All Files(*.*)|*.*||",
+ "p3d",
+ MUI::SAVE ) )
+ {
+ //TODO: add selected.
+ MItDag dagIt( MItDag::kBreadthFirst, MFn::kLocator );
+ tlDataChunk* outChunk = new tlDataChunk;
+ //Put in a history chunk.
+ tlHistory history;
+// char hist[256];
+// sprintf(hist, "Track Editor version: 2.0, toollib version: %s", tlversion);
+// history.AddLine( hist );
+// outChunk->AppendSubChunk( history.Chunk(), 0 );
+ bool deleteLast = false;
+ MFnDependencyNode fnNode;
+ MObject lastObj;
+ MTypeId id;
+ while ( !dagIt.isDone() )
+ {
+ fnNode.setObject( dagIt.item() );
+ id = fnNode.typeId();
+ if ( id == FenceLineNode::id )
+ {
+ //Export a wall locator;
+ tlDataChunk* newChunk = FenceLineNode::Export( dagIt.item(), history );
+ if ( newChunk )
+ {
+ //Append this to the output file.
+ outChunk->AppendSubChunk( newChunk );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Time to go away.
+ deleteLast = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( id == IntersectionLocatorNode::id )
+ {
+ tlDataChunk* newChunk = IntersectionLocatorNode::Export( dagIt.item(), history );
+ if ( newChunk )
+ {
+ //Append this to the output file.
+ outChunk->AppendSubChunk( newChunk );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Time to go away.
+ deleteLast = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( id == RoadNode::id )
+ {
+ tlDataChunk* newChunk = RoadNode::Export( dagIt.item(), history, outChunk );
+ if ( newChunk )
+ {
+ //Append this to the output file.
+ outChunk->AppendSubChunk( newChunk );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Time to go away.
+ deleteLast = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( id == PedPathNode::id )
+ {
+ tlDataChunk* newChunk = PedPathNode::Export( dagIt.item(), history );
+ if ( newChunk )
+ {
+ //Append this to the output file.
+ outChunk->AppendSubChunk( newChunk );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Time to go away.
+ deleteLast = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( deleteLast )
+ {
+ lastObj = dagIt.item();
+ }
+ if ( deleteLast )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "Deleting useless node: %s", );
+ MExt::DeleteNode( lastObj, true );
+ deleteLast = false;
+ }
+ }
+ tlFile output(new tlFileByteStream(filePath, omWRITE), tlFile::CHUNK32);
+ if(!output.IsOpen())
+ {
+ MGlobal::displayError("Unable to write file!");
+ delete outChunk;
+ return MS::kFailure;
+ }
+ //Sort it out..
+ outChunk->SortSubChunks();
+ outChunk->Write(&output);
+ delete outChunk;
+ }
+ return MS::kSuccess;
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.h b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c031c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/export.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+class ExportCommand : MPxCommand
+ enum ExportArg
+ {
+ };
+ ExportCommand();
+ ~ExportCommand();
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+ static bool sRegisteredChunks;
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.cpp b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4733762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+#include "intersectioncommands.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include "nodes/road.h"
+#include "main/trackeditor.h"
+#include "nodes/intersection.h"
+const char* CreateRoadCmd::stringId = "TE_CreateRoad";
+const char* AddIntersectionToRoadCmd::stringId = "TE_AddIntersectionToRoad";
+// CreateRoadCmd::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* CreateRoadCmd::creator()
+ return new CreateRoadCmd();
+// CreateRoadCmd::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus CreateRoadCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ //Take all the selected road segments and create a road from them.
+ //If there is a segment that has not been roadified, highlight that one and return an error message.
+ MSelectionList selectList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selectList );
+ MItSelectionList itSelect( selectList, MFn::kMesh );
+ if ( selectList.length() <= 0 || itSelect.isDone() )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "Nothing to do, please select road segments!" );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ MObjectArray segArray;
+ MObject obj;
+ MFnMesh fnMesh;
+ MPlug whichRoadPlug;
+ MStatus status;
+ while ( !itSelect.isDone() )
+ {
+ //Gather all the road segments and add them to the new road.
+ itSelect.getDependNode( obj );
+ fnMesh.setObject( obj );
+ whichRoadPlug = fnMesh.findPlug( MString( "teWhichRoad" ), &status );
+ if ( status == MStatus::kSuccess )
+ {
+ //This is one of them.
+ segArray.append( obj );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( segArray.length() <= 0 )
+ {
+ //There were no appropriate segs in the selection.
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "Nothing to do, please select road segments!" );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ MObject newRoad;
+ MObject newRoadT;
+ MExt::CreateNode( newRoad, newRoadT, MString( RoadNode::stringId ) );
+ assert( !newRoad.isNull() );
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < segArray.length(); ++i )
+ {
+ //Test to see if this road seg is already connected.
+ if ( MExt::IsConnected( segArray[ i ], "teWhichRoad" ) )
+ {
+ MExt::DisconnectAll( segArray[ i ], "teWhichRoad" );
+ }
+ MExt::Connect( segArray[ i ], "teWhichRoad", newRoad, RoadNode::ROAD_SEG_NAME_LONG );
+ }
+ TrackEditor::AddChild( newRoad );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// AddIntersectionToRoadCmd::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* AddIntersectionToRoadCmd::creator()
+ return new AddIntersectionToRoadCmd();
+// AddIntersectionToRoadCmd::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus AddIntersectionToRoadCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ MStatus status;
+ //Arg 0 is the name of the intersection (the road is selected)
+ //Arg 1 is whether it is a start or end point on the road.
+ assert( args.length() == 2 );
+ MObjectArray roadArray;
+ if ( GetRoadsFromSelectionList( roadArray ) )
+ {
+ MString intersectionName;
+ args.get( 0, intersectionName );
+ if ( intersectionName == MString( "" ) )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "Must have an intersection selected in the editor." );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ bool isEnd;
+ args.get( 1, isEnd );
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ if ( !MExt::FindDagNodeByName( &dagPath, intersectionName ) )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "The Intersection: %s does not exist!", intersectionName.asChar() );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ MFnDagNode fnIntersectionDagNode( dagPath );
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < roadArray.length(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( isEnd )
+ {
+ MExt::DisconnectAll( roadArray[i], RoadNode::INTERSECTION_END_LONG );
+ MExt::Connect( roadArray[i], RoadNode::INTERSECTION_END_LONG, fnIntersectionDagNode.object(), IntersectionLocatorNode::ROAD_LONG );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisconnectAll( roadArray[i], RoadNode::INTERSECTION_START_LONG );
+ MExt::Connect( roadArray[i], RoadNode::INTERSECTION_START_LONG, fnIntersectionDagNode.object(), IntersectionLocatorNode::ROAD_LONG );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+const char* ShowRoadCmd::stringId = "TE_ShowRoad";
+// ShowRoadCmd::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* ShowRoadCmd::creator()
+ return new ShowRoadCmd();
+// ShowRoadCmd::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus ShowRoadCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ MObject road;
+ if ( GetRoadFromSelectionList( road ) )
+ {
+ MString cmd;
+ MFnDependencyNode fnNode( road );
+ MPlug roadPlug = fnNode.findPlug( MString( RoadNode::ROAD_SEG_NAME_LONG ) );
+ assert( roadPlug.isArray() );
+ MGlobal::clearSelectionList();
+ MPlugArray source, dest;
+ MExt::ResolveConnections( &source, &dest, roadPlug, AS_DEST );
+ assert( source.length() );
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i )
+ {
+ fnNode.setObject( source[i].node() );
+ cmd = MString( "select -add " ) +;
+ MGlobal::executeCommand( cmd );
+ }
+ fnNode.setObject( road );
+ cmd = MString("select -add ") +;
+ MGlobal::executeCommand( cmd );
+ }
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+const char* DestroyRoadCmd::stringId = "TE_DestroyRoad";
+// DestroyRoadCmd::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* DestroyRoadCmd::creator()
+ return new DestroyRoadCmd();
+// DestroyRoadCmd::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus DestroyRoadCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ MObject road;
+ if ( GetRoadFromSelectionList( road ) )
+ {
+ MExt::DeleteNode( road, true );
+ }
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// GetRoadFromSelectionList
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& road )
+// Return: bool
+bool GetRoadFromSelectionList( MObject& road )
+ MStatus status;
+ MSelectionList selectList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selectList );
+ if ( selectList.length() <= 0 )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "A road segment must be selected!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MObject segment;
+ selectList.getDependNode( 0, segment );
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( segment );
+ if ( fnNode.typeName() == MString( RoadNode::stringId ) )
+ {
+ //this is a road segment
+ road = fnNode.object();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Test to make sure the selected item is a road segment.
+ MFn::Type type = fnNode.type();
+ if ( fnNode.typeName() == MString( "transform" ) )
+ {
+ //We want the child of this, not the transform.
+ fnNode.setObject( fnNode.child( 0 ) );
+ }
+ MPlug whichRoadPlug = fnNode.findPlug( MString( "teWhichRoad" ), &status );
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ //Get the intersection connected to this road and select all the road segs
+ //attached to it.
+ if ( whichRoadPlug.isConnected() )
+ {
+ //Get the road Locator;
+ MPlugArray plugs;
+ whichRoadPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
+ assert( plugs.length() > 0 );
+ //Get to road attached to the segment.
+ road = plugs[ 0 ].node();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "This road segment is not part of a road!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "A road segment must be selected!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// GetRoadsFromSelectionList
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& road )
+// Return: bool
+bool GetRoadsFromSelectionList( MObjectArray& roadArray )
+ MStatus status;
+ MSelectionList selectList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selectList );
+ if ( selectList.length() <= 0 )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "At least one road segment must be selected!" );
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < selectList.length(); ++i )
+ {
+ MObject node;
+ selectList.getDependNode( i, node );
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( node );
+ if ( fnNode.typeName() == MString( RoadNode::stringId ) )
+ {
+ //this is a road node
+ roadArray.append( fnNode.object() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Test to make sure the selected item is a road segment.
+ MFn::Type type = fnNode.type();
+ if ( fnNode.typeName() == MString( "transform" ) )
+ {
+ //We want the child of this, not the transform.
+ fnNode.setObject( fnNode.child( 0 ) );
+ }
+ MPlug whichRoadPlug = fnNode.findPlug( MString( "teWhichRoad" ), &status );
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ //Get the intersection connected to this road and select all the road segs
+ //attached to it.
+ if ( whichRoadPlug.isConnected() )
+ {
+ //Get the road Locator;
+ MPlugArray plugs;
+ whichRoadPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
+ assert( plugs.length() > 0 );
+ //Get to road attached to the segment.
+ roadArray.append( plugs[ 0 ].node() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning( "This road segment: %s is not part of a road!", );
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.h b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a261b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/intersectioncommands.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+class CreateRoadCmd : public MPxCommand
+ CreateRoadCmd() {};
+ ~CreateRoadCmd() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+class AddIntersectionToRoadCmd : public MPxCommand
+ AddIntersectionToRoadCmd() {};
+ ~AddIntersectionToRoadCmd() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+class ShowRoadCmd : public MPxCommand
+ ShowRoadCmd() {};
+ ~ShowRoadCmd() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+class DestroyRoadCmd : public MPxCommand
+ DestroyRoadCmd() {};
+ ~DestroyRoadCmd() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+//Global tool like thing.
+bool GetRoadFromSelectionList( MObject& road );
+bool GetRoadsFromSelectionList( MObjectArray& road );
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.cpp b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29aeb76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+#include "trackeditorcommands.h"
+#include "main/trackeditor.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include "main/constants.h"
+const char* TEStateChangeCommand::stringId = "TE_StateChange";
+// TEStateChangeCommand::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* TEStateChangeCommand::creator()
+ return new TEStateChangeCommand();
+// TEStateChangeCommand::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus TEStateChangeCommand::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ assert( args.length() == 1 );
+ int arg;
+ args.get( 0, arg );
+ TrackEditor::SetEditMode( (TrackEditor::EditMode) arg );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+const char* TEGetSelectedVertexPosition::stringId = "TE_GetSelectedVertexPosition";
+// TEGetSelectedVertexPosition::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* TEGetSelectedVertexPosition::creator()
+ return new TEGetSelectedVertexPosition();
+// TEGetSelectedVertexPosition::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus TEGetSelectedVertexPosition::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ MStatus status;
+ MDoubleArray returnVal( 3, 0 );
+ assert( args.length() == 1 ); //Only one arg.
+ MString argString;
+ args.get( 0, argString );
+ MSelectionList activeList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(activeList);
+ MItSelectionList iter( activeList, MFn::kMeshVertComponent, &status);
+ //We're only going to deal with the first selected item. Don't select more
+ //Than one please.
+ if ( !iter.isDone() )
+ {
+ MDagPath item;
+ MObject component;
+ iter.getDagPath( item, component );
+ // do something with it
+ MStatus isMeshIT;
+ MItMeshVertex mITVert( item , component, &isMeshIT );
+ if(isMeshIT == MS::kSuccess)
+ {
+ MPoint vertPos;
+ double x, y, z;
+ if ( argString == MString( "local" ) )
+ {
+ vertPos = mITVert.position( MSpace::kObject, &status );
+ x = vertPos[0];
+ y = vertPos[1];
+ z = vertPos[2];
+ }
+ else //"world"
+ {
+ vertPos = mITVert.position( MSpace::kWorld, &status );
+ x = vertPos[0];
+ y = vertPos[1];
+ z = vertPos[2];
+ }
+ returnVal[0] = x / TEConstants::Scale;
+ returnVal[1] = y / TEConstants::Scale;
+ returnVal[2] = z / TEConstants::Scale;
+ }
+; //This is to test if there are more verts than needed.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning("No vertices selected!");
+ }
+ if ( !iter.isDone() )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning("Too many vertices selected!");
+ }
+ MPxCommand::setResult( returnVal );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+const char* TEGetSelectedVertexIndex::stringId = "TE_GetSelectedVertexIndex";
+// TEGetSelectedVertexIndex::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* TEGetSelectedVertexIndex::creator()
+ return new TEGetSelectedVertexIndex();
+// TEGetSelectedVertexIndex::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus TEGetSelectedVertexIndex::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ int returnVal = -1;
+ MStatus status;
+ MSelectionList activeList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(activeList);
+ MItSelectionList iter( activeList, MFn::kMeshVertComponent, &status);
+ //We're only going to deal with the first selected item. Don't select more
+ //Than one please.
+ if ( !iter.isDone() )
+ {
+ MDagPath item;
+ MObject component;
+ iter.getDagPath( item, component );
+ // do something with it
+ MStatus isMeshIT;
+ MItMeshVertex mITVert( item , component, &isMeshIT );
+ if(isMeshIT == MS::kSuccess)
+ {
+ returnVal = mITVert.index();
+ }
+; //This is to test if there are more verts than needed.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning("No vertices selected!");
+ }
+ if ( !iter.isDone() )
+ {
+ MExt::DisplayWarning("Too many vertices selected!");
+ }
+ MPxCommand::setResult( returnVal );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.h b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990ffd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/trackeditorcommands.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+#ifndef TE_COMMANDS_H
+#define TE_COMMANDS_H
+class TEStateChangeCommand : public MPxCommand
+ TEStateChangeCommand() {};
+ ~TEStateChangeCommand() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+class TEGetSelectedVertexPosition : public MPxCommand
+ TEGetSelectedVertexPosition() {};
+ ~TEGetSelectedVertexPosition() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+class TEGetSelectedVertexIndex : public MPxCommand
+ TEGetSelectedVertexIndex() {};
+ ~TEGetSelectedVertexIndex() {};
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.cpp b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f22de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// File: SnapSelectedTreelines.cpp
+// Description: Implement SnapSelectedTreelines
+// History: 27/05/2002 + Created -- Cary Brisebois
+// System Includes
+// Project Includes
+#include "commands/TreeLineCommand.h"
+#include "main/trackeditor.h"
+#include "nodes/treelineshapenode.h"
+// Global Data, Local Data, Local Classes
+const char* SnapSelectedTreelines::stringId = "TE_SnapSelectedTreelines";
+const char* ConvertTreelineToGeometry::stringId = "TE_ConvertTreelineToGeometry";
+const char* SetDeleteTreeline::stringId = "TE_SetDeleteTreeline";
+// Public Member Functions
+// SnapSelectedTreelines::SnapSelectedTreelines
+// Description: Constructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+// SnapSelectedTreelines::~SnapSelectedTreelines
+// Description: Destructor.
+// Parameters: None.
+// Return: N/A.
+// SnapSelectedTreelines::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus SnapSelectedTreelines::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ //For each treeline in the selection list, call
+ MSelectionList selectionList;
+ MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( selectionList );
+ MItSelectionList itSel( selectionList );
+ while ( !itSel.isDone() )
+ {
+ MObject obj;
+ itSel.getDependNode( obj );
+ Recurse( obj );
+ }
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// SnapSelectedTreelines::Recurse
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& obj )
+// Return: void
+void SnapSelectedTreelines::Recurse( MObject& obj )
+ MStatus status;
+ MFnTransform FnTransform( obj, &status );
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ //This is a transform...
+ MFnDagNode fnDagNode( obj );
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < fnDagNode.childCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ Recurse( fnDagNode.child( i ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MFnDependencyNode fnDepNode( obj );
+ if ( fnDepNode.typeId() == TETreeLine::TreelineShapeNode::id )
+ {
+ TETreeLine::TreelineShapeNode::SnapTreeline( obj );
+ }
+ }
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry::ConvertTreelineToGeometry
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: ConvertTreelineToGeometry
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry::~ConvertTreelineToGeometry
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: ConvertTreelineToGeometry
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus ConvertTreelineToGeometry::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ //For each treeline in the world, call
+ MSelectionList selectionList;
+ selectionList.clear();
+ MItDag itDag( MItDag::kDepthFirst );
+ while ( !itDag.isDone() )
+ {
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ itDag.getPath( dagPath );
+ selectionList.add( dagPath );
+ }
+ if ( selectionList.length() > 0 )
+ {
+ MItSelectionList itSel( selectionList );
+ while ( !itSel.isDone() )
+ {
+ MObject obj;
+ itSel.getDependNode( obj );
+ Recurse( obj );
+ }
+ }
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry::Recurse
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& obj )
+// Return: void
+void ConvertTreelineToGeometry::Recurse( MObject& obj )
+ MStatus status;
+ MFnTransform FnTransform( obj, &status );
+ if ( status )
+ {
+ //This is a transform...
+ MFnDagNode fnDagNode( obj );
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < fnDagNode.childCount(); ++i )
+ {
+ Recurse( fnDagNode.child( i ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MFnDependencyNode fnDepNode( obj );
+ if ( fnDepNode.typeId() == TETreeLine::TreelineShapeNode::id )
+ {
+ TETreeLine::TreelineShapeNode::ConvertToGeometry( obj );
+ }
+// }
+// SetDeleteTreeline
+// SetDeleteTreeline::SetDeleteTreeline
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: SetDeleteTreeline
+// SetDeleteTreeline::~SetDeleteTreeline
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: SetDeleteTreeline
+// SetDeleteTreeline::doIt
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( const MArgList& args )
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus SetDeleteTreeline::doIt( const MArgList& args )
+ assert( args.length() == 1 );
+ bool del;
+ args.get( 0, del );
+ TrackEditor::SetDeleteTreelines( del );
+ return MStatus::kSuccess;
+// Private Member Functions
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.h b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e556b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/commands/treelinecommand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Radical Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
+// File: tetreelinecommand.h
+// Description: Blahblahblah
+// History: 27/05/2002 + Created -- Cary Brisebois
+// Nested Includes
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+// Forward References
+// Synopsis: Blahblahblah
+class SnapSelectedTreelines : public MPxCommand
+ SnapSelectedTreelines();
+ virtual ~SnapSelectedTreelines();
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+ void Recurse( MObject& obj );
+ //Prevent wasteful constructor creation.
+ SnapSelectedTreelines( const SnapSelectedTreelines& tetreelinecommand );
+ SnapSelectedTreelines& operator=( const SnapSelectedTreelines& tetreelinecommand );
+class ConvertTreelineToGeometry : public MPxCommand
+ ConvertTreelineToGeometry();
+ ~ConvertTreelineToGeometry();
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+ void Recurse( MObject& obj );
+ //Prevent wasteful constructor creation.
+ ConvertTreelineToGeometry( const ConvertTreelineToGeometry& tetreelinecommand );
+ ConvertTreelineToGeometry& operator=( const ConvertTreelineToGeometry& tetreelinecommand );
+class SetDeleteTreeline : public MPxCommand
+ SetDeleteTreeline();
+ ~SetDeleteTreeline();
+ static void* creator();
+ virtual MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args );
+ static const char* stringId;
+ //Prevent wasteful constructor creation.
+ SetDeleteTreeline( const SetDeleteTreeline& tetreelinecommand );
+ SetDeleteTreeline& operator=( const SetDeleteTreeline& tetreelinecommand );
+// Inline Public Functions
+// SnapSelectedTreelines::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+inline void* SnapSelectedTreelines::creator()
+ return new SnapSelectedTreelines();
+// ConvertTreelineToGeometry::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+inline void* ConvertTreelineToGeometry::creator()
+ return new ConvertTreelineToGeometry();
+// SetDeleteTreeline::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+inline void* SetDeleteTreeline::creator()
+ return new SetDeleteTreeline();