path: root/tools/trackeditor/code/nodes/intersection.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/trackeditor/code/nodes/intersection.cpp b/tools/trackeditor/code/nodes/intersection.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3dce53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/trackeditor/code/nodes/intersection.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#include "precompiled/PCH.h"
+#include "intersection.h"
+#include "main/constants.h"
+#include "utility/glext.h"
+#include "utility/mext.h"
+#include "utility/nodehelper.h"
+#include "utility/transformmatrix.h"
+#include <toollib.hpp>
+MTypeId IntersectionLocatorNode::id( TEConstants::TypeIDPrefix, TEConstants::NodeIDs::Intersection );
+const char* IntersectionLocatorNode::stringId = "IntersectionLocatorNode";
+const char* IntersectionLocatorNode::TYPE_NAME_LONG = "IntersectionType";
+const char* IntersectionLocatorNode::TYPE_NAME_SHORT = "it";
+MObject IntersectionLocatorNode::mType;
+const char* IntersectionLocatorNode::ROAD_LONG = "Roads";
+const char* IntersectionLocatorNode::ROAD_SHORT = "R";
+MObject IntersectionLocatorNode::mRoads;
+const int IntersectionLocatorNode::ACTIVE_COLOUR = 13;
+const int IntersectionLocatorNode::INACTIVE_COLOUR = 22;
+const float IntersectionLocatorNode::SCALE = 1.0f * TEConstants::Scale;
+IntersectionLocatorNode::IntersectionLocatorNode() {};
+IntersectionLocatorNode::~IntersectionLocatorNode() {};
+// IntersectionLocatorNode::creator
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void* IntersectionLocatorNode::creator()
+ return new IntersectionLocatorNode();
+// IntersectionLocatorNode::initialize
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: MStatus
+MStatus IntersectionLocatorNode::initialize()
+ MStatus status;
+ MFnTypedAttribute fnTyped;
+ MFnMessageAttribute fnMessage;
+ mType = fnTyped.create( TYPE_NAME_LONG, TYPE_NAME_SHORT, MFnData::kString, MObject::kNullObj, &status );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( addAttribute( mType ) );
+ mRoads = fnMessage.create( ROAD_LONG, ROAD_SHORT, &status );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( fnMessage.setReadable( false ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( fnMessage.setWritable( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( fnMessage.setArray( true ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( fnMessage.setIndexMatters( false ) );
+ RETURN_STATUS_ON_FAILURE( addAttribute( mRoads ) );
+ return MS::kSuccess;
+// IntersectionLocatorNode::postConstructor
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ()
+// Return: void
+void IntersectionLocatorNode::postConstructor()
+// IntersectionLocatorNode::draw
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: draw( M3dView & view,
+// const MDagPath & path,
+// M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
+// M3dView::DisplayStatus status )
+// Return: void
+void IntersectionLocatorNode::draw( M3dView & view,
+ const MDagPath & path,
+ M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
+ M3dView::DisplayStatus status )
+ view.beginGL();
+ if ( status == M3dView::kDormant )
+ {
+ int colour = NodeHelper::OverrideNodeColour( thisMObject(), INACTIVE_COLOUR );
+ view.setDrawColor( colour, M3dView::kDormantColors );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ view.setDrawColor( ACTIVE_COLOUR, M3dView::kActiveColors );
+ }
+ //Draw a star to represent the locator.
+ GLExt::drawI( TEConstants::Scale );
+ GLExt::drawSphere( SCALE );
+ glPopAttrib();
+ view.endGL();
+// IntersectionLocatorNode::Export
+// Description: Comment
+// Parameters: ( MObject& intersectionLocatorNode, tlHistory& history )
+// Return: tlDataChunk
+tlDataChunk* IntersectionLocatorNode::Export( MObject& intersectionLocatorNode,
+ tlHistory& history )
+ MFnDagNode fnNode( intersectionLocatorNode );
+ if ( fnNode.typeId() == IntersectionLocatorNode::id )
+ {
+ tlIntersectionChunk* intersectionChunk = new tlIntersectionChunk;
+ intersectionChunk->SetName( );
+ MPoint thisPosition;
+ MExt::GetWorldPosition( &thisPosition, intersectionLocatorNode );
+ tlPoint point;
+ point[0] = thisPosition[0] / TEConstants::Scale;
+ point[1] = thisPosition[1] / TEConstants::Scale;
+ point[2] = -thisPosition[2] / TEConstants::Scale; //Maya vs. P3D...
+ intersectionChunk->SetCentre( rmt::Vector( point ) );
+ //GetScale...
+ MObject transform;
+ transform = fnNode.parent( 0 );
+ MFnTransform fnTransform( transform );
+ MDagPath dagPath;
+ MExt::FindDagNodeByName( &dagPath, );
+ TransformMatrix tm( dagPath );
+ double scaleX;
+ fnTransform.findPlug( MString( "sx" ) ).getValue( scaleX );
+ intersectionChunk->SetRadius( (float)scaleX );
+ MPlug typePlug = fnNode.findPlug( mType );
+ MString type;
+ typePlug.getValue( type );
+ if ( MString("NoStop") == type )
+ {
+ intersectionChunk->SetType( 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( MString("NWay") == type )
+ {
+ intersectionChunk->SetType( 1 );
+ }
+ else if ( MString("FourWay") == type )
+ {
+ intersectionChunk->SetType( 2 );
+ }
+ else if ( MString("NoStopN") == type )
+ {
+ intersectionChunk->SetType( 3 );
+ }
+ else //if ( MString("NWay") == type )
+ {
+ intersectionChunk->SetType( 4 );
+ }
+ return intersectionChunk;
+ }
+ assert( false );
+ return NULL;
+} \ No newline at end of file