path: root/misc/uicBarcodeHeader_v2.0.0.asn
blob: e7363b0f97c7aeeef936c9a2ae8f0fe0a2cd732c (plain) (tree)










-- Author: ClemensGantert
-- Created: Thu Jun 04 17:19:28 CEST 2020

-- imports and exports

-- ##############################################################################################
-- #	                                                                      
-- #   UIC barcode header - version 2.0.0
-- #
-- ##############################################################################################

-- ##############################################################################################
-- #                                                                      
-- #  Naming and encoding conventions        
-- # 
-- # -	A bar code which is only static (printed on a paper), and for which the security is in the system, 
-- #      does not need any of these elements.
-- # -	A bar code which is only static, and includes its own security, needs:
-- #  	  level1Signature
-- #      level1KeyAlg if the associated key does not include the complete certificate in keys.xml but only the public key
-- #	  (but level1SigningAlg is not necessary as it is in keys.xml)
-- # -	A dynamic bar code including static and dynamic signatures needs:
-- #	The same elements as a static bar code above,
-- #	level2SigningAlg, level2keyAlg, level2PublicKey, and level2Signature.
-- #
-- # Changes to Version 1:
-- #
-- #   - endOfValidity added in Level1Data
-- #   - extension option added on all structures  
-- #
-- #########################################################################################	
-- ############################################################################################

-- type assignments

    -- #########################################################################################
    -- the basic entry point of the data structure 
    -- ##########################################################################################
    UicBarcodeHeader 	::= SEQUENCE 	{ 	
    	-- barcode format type
    	format		            IA5String,	 		
    	                        -- "U2" = UIC ticket 
    	level2SignedData 	    Level2DataType,                

    	-- signature is calculated on the PER unaligned encoding of level2 signature data
    	level2Signature         OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
   Level2DataType	::= SEQUENCE {
       	  level1Data	         Level1DataType,
       	  -- signature is calculated on the PER unaligned encoding of level1 signature data
       	  level1Signature        OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,
       	  level2Data             DataType OPTIONAL

   Level1DataType	::= SEQUENCE {
    	-- provider of the level1 signature  (RICS code)
    	securityProviderNum INTEGER (1..32000) OPTIONAL,				
    	securityProviderIA5 IA5String          OPTIONAL,	
    	keyId		        INTEGER(0..99999)  OPTIONAL,
    	dataSequence 	    SEQUENCE OF DataType,

      	-- object identifier of the key algorithms
      	--   e.g. 
      	--    ECC P-256     1.2.840.10045.3.1.7             
      	level1KeyAlg        OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
      	level2KeyAlg        OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,

      	-- object identifier of the signing algorithm
      	--   e.g. 
      	--    DSA SHA224  2.16.840.
      	--    DSA SHA256  2.16.840.
      	--    ECDSA-256   1.2.840.10045.4.3.2
      	-- algorithm used for signing
      	level1SigningAlg   OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
      	level2SigningAlg   OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
        level2PublicKey    OCTET  STRING     OPTIONAL,
        -- end of the validity of the bar code, after this date and time the bar code needs to be regenerated 
        -- by the provider of the ticket
        -- if end of validity is provided year day and time must be provided.
        -- year, day, time are in UTC
        -- the provider of the bar code should ensure that the endOfValidity given here does not exceed 
        --     the validity of the key pair used on level 2.
   		endOfValidityYear 		INTEGER (2016..2269) OPTIONAL,    	
   		-- number of the day in the year (1.1. = 1)
   		endOfValidityDay		INTEGER (1..366) OPTIONAL, 
   		-- The number of the minutes of the day 
   		endOfValidityTime		INTEGER (0..1439) OPTIONAL,
   		-- validity duration in seconds of the bar code shown with reference to the time stamp  dynamicContentTimeStamp 
   		--          in the dynamic data included in the level2Data
   		validityDuration        INTEGER (1..3600) OPTIONAL

   DataType ::= SEQUENCE {
    	-- Content of data format:
    	-- FCBn (FCB1 = FCB version 1, FCB2 = FCB version 2)
    	-- FDCn dynamic content
    	-- or proprietary:
    	--  _RICS company code + addon       	
       	dataFormat	    IA5String,      	
    	data	    	OCTET STRING