blob: 80bb206d4574980011cbb892962030e99ffb1af0 (
plain) (
@echo off
:: MakeLuaAPI.cmd
:: This script is run after the nightbuild to produce the Lua API documentation and upload it to a website.
:: It expects at least three environment variables set: ftpsite, ftpuser and ftppass, specifying the FTP site and login to use for the upload
:: Check that we got all the environment vars needed for the upload:
if "a%ftppass%" == "a" (
echo You need to set FTP password in the ftppass environment variable to upload the files
goto end
if "a%ftpuser%" == "a" (
echo You need to set FTP username in the ftpuser environment variable to upload the files
goto end
if "a%ftpsite%" == "a" (
echo You need to set FTP server in the ftpsite environment variable to upload the files
goto end
:: Create the API documentation by running the server and stopping it right after it starts:
cd MCServer
echo stop | MCServer
cd ..
:: Upload the API to the web:
ncftpput -p %ftppass% -u %ftpuser% -T temp_ %ftpsite% /LuaAPI MCServer/API/*.*
if errorlevel 1 goto haderror
echo Upload finished.
goto end
echo an error was encountered, check command output above
goto finished
if "a%1" == "a" pause