path: root/src/Inventory.cpp
blob: c7c089d5f63909769251bb4f30a952d9b2a53ae8 (plain) (tree)
















































































#include "Globals.h"  // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules

#include "Inventory.h"
#include "Entities/Player.h"
#include "ClientHandle.h"
#include "UI/Window.h"
#include "Item.h"
#include "Root.h"
#include "World.h"

#include "json/json.h"

#include "Items/ItemHandler.h"

cInventory::cInventory(cPlayer & a_Owner) :
	m_ArmorSlots    (1, 4),  // 1 x 4 slots
	m_InventorySlots(9, 3),  // 9 x 3 slots
	m_HotbarSlots   (9, 1),  // 9 x 1 slots
	// Ask each ItemGrid to report changes to us:

void cInventory::Clear(void)

int cInventory::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, bool a_ConsiderEmptySlots)
	return HowManyCanFit(a_ItemStack, 0, invNumSlots - 1, a_ConsiderEmptySlots);

int cInventory::HowManyCanFit(const cItem & a_ItemStack, int a_BeginSlotNum, int a_EndSlotNum, bool a_ConsiderEmptySlots)

	if ((a_BeginSlotNum < 0) || (a_BeginSlotNum >= invNumSlots))
		LOGWARNING("%s: Bad BeginSlotNum, got %d, there are %d slots; correcting to 0.", __FUNCTION__, a_BeginSlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
		a_BeginSlotNum = 0;
	if ((a_EndSlotNum < 0) || (a_EndSlotNum >= invNumSlots))
		LOGWARNING("%s: Bad EndSlotNum, got %d, there are %d slots; correcting to %d.", __FUNCTION__, a_BeginSlotNum, invNumSlots, invNumSlots - 1);
		a_EndSlotNum = invNumSlots - 1;
	if (a_BeginSlotNum > a_EndSlotNum)
		std::swap(a_BeginSlotNum, a_EndSlotNum);

	char NumLeft = a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
	int MaxStack = ItemHandler(a_ItemStack.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
	for (int i = a_BeginSlotNum; i <= a_EndSlotNum; i++)
		const cItem & Slot = GetSlot(i);
		if (Slot.IsEmpty())
			NumLeft -= MaxStack;
		else if (Slot.IsEqual(a_ItemStack))
			NumLeft -= MaxStack - Slot.m_ItemCount;
		if (NumLeft <= 0)
			// All items fit
			return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount;
	}  // for i - m_Slots[]
	return a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount - NumLeft;

int cInventory::AddItem(const cItem & a_Item, bool a_AllowNewStacks, bool a_tryToFillEquippedFirst)
	cItem ToAdd(a_Item);
	int res = 0;
	if (ItemCategory::IsArmor(a_Item.m_ItemType))
		res = m_ArmorSlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks);
		ToAdd.m_ItemCount -= res;
		if (ToAdd.m_ItemCount == 0)
			return res;

	res += m_HotbarSlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks, a_tryToFillEquippedFirst ? m_EquippedSlotNum : -1);
	ToAdd.m_ItemCount = a_Item.m_ItemCount - res;
	if (ToAdd.m_ItemCount == 0)
		return res;
	res += m_InventorySlots.AddItem(ToAdd, a_AllowNewStacks);
	return res;

int cInventory::AddItems(cItems & a_ItemStackList, bool a_AllowNewStacks, bool a_tryToFillEquippedFirst)
	int TotalAdded = 0;
	for (cItems::iterator itr = a_ItemStackList.begin(); itr != a_ItemStackList.end();)
		int NumAdded = AddItem(*itr, a_AllowNewStacks, a_tryToFillEquippedFirst);
		if (itr->m_ItemCount == NumAdded)
			itr = a_ItemStackList.erase(itr);
			itr->m_ItemCount -= NumAdded;
		TotalAdded += NumAdded;
	return TotalAdded;

bool cInventory::RemoveOneEquippedItem(void)
	if (m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(m_EquippedSlotNum).IsEmpty())
		return false;
	m_HotbarSlots.ChangeSlotCount(m_EquippedSlotNum, -1);
	return true;

int cInventory::HowManyItems(const cItem & a_Item)
		m_ArmorSlots.HowManyItems(a_Item) +
		m_InventorySlots.HowManyItems(a_Item) +

bool cInventory::HasItems(const cItem & a_ItemStack)
	int CurrentlyHave = HowManyItems(a_ItemStack);
	return (CurrentlyHave >= a_ItemStack.m_ItemCount);

void cInventory::SetSlot(int a_SlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
	if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);

	int GridSlotNum = 0;
	cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
	if (Grid == NULL)
		LOGWARNING("%s(%d): requesting an invalid itemgrid. Ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum);
	Grid->SetSlot(GridSlotNum, a_Item);

	// Broadcast the Equipped Item, if the Slot is changed.
	if ((Grid == &m_HotbarSlots) && (m_EquippedSlotNum == (a_SlotNum - invHotbarOffset)))
		m_Owner.GetWorld()->BroadcastEntityEquipment(m_Owner, 0, a_Item, m_Owner.GetClientHandle());

void cInventory::SetArmorSlot(int a_ArmorSlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
	m_ArmorSlots.SetSlot(a_ArmorSlotNum, a_Item);

void cInventory::SetInventorySlot(int a_InventorySlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
	m_InventorySlots.SetSlot(a_InventorySlotNum, a_Item);

void cInventory::SetHotbarSlot(int a_HotBarSlotNum, const cItem & a_Item)
	m_HotbarSlots.SetSlot(a_HotBarSlotNum, a_Item);

const cItem & cInventory::GetSlot(int a_SlotNum) const
	if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first inventory slot instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
		return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
	int GridSlotNum = 0;
	const cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
	if (Grid == NULL)
		// Something went wrong, but we don't know what. We must return a value, so return the first inventory slot
		LOGWARNING("%s(%d): requesting an invalid ItemGrid, returning the first inventory slot instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum);
		return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
	return Grid->GetSlot(GridSlotNum);

const cItem & cInventory::GetArmorSlot(int a_ArmorSlotNum) const
	if ((a_ArmorSlotNum < 0) || (a_ArmorSlotNum >= invArmorCount))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_ArmorSlotNum, invArmorCount - 1);
		return m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(0);
	return m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(a_ArmorSlotNum);

const cItem & cInventory::GetInventorySlot(int a_InventorySlotNum) const
	if ((a_InventorySlotNum < 0) || (a_InventorySlotNum >= invInventoryCount))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_InventorySlotNum, invInventoryCount - 1);
		return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(0);
	return m_InventorySlots.GetSlot(a_InventorySlotNum);

const cItem & cInventory::GetHotbarSlot(int a_SlotNum) const
	if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invHotbarCount))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Returning the first one instead", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invHotbarCount - 1);
		return m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(0);
	return m_HotbarSlots.GetSlot(a_SlotNum);

const cItem & cInventory::GetEquippedItem(void) const
	return GetHotbarSlot(m_EquippedSlotNum);

void cInventory::SetEquippedSlotNum(int a_SlotNum)
	if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invHotbarCount))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting invalid slot index: %d out of %d. Setting 0 instead.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invHotbarCount - 1);
		m_EquippedSlotNum = 0;
		m_EquippedSlotNum = a_SlotNum;

bool cInventory::DamageEquippedItem(short a_Amount)
	return DamageItem(invHotbarOffset + m_EquippedSlotNum, a_Amount);

int cInventory::ChangeSlotCount(int a_SlotNum, int a_AddToCount)
	int GridSlotNum = 0;
	cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
	if (Grid == NULL)
		LOGWARNING("%s: invalid slot number, expected 0 .. %d, got %d; ignoring", __FUNCTION__, invNumSlots, a_SlotNum);
		return -1;
	return Grid->ChangeSlotCount(GridSlotNum, a_AddToCount);

bool cInventory::DamageItem(int a_SlotNum, short a_Amount)
	if ((a_SlotNum < 0) || (a_SlotNum >= invNumSlots))
		LOGWARNING("%s: requesting an invalid slot index: %d out of %d", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, invNumSlots - 1);
		return false;
	int GridSlotNum = 0;
	cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(a_SlotNum, GridSlotNum);
	if (Grid == NULL)
		LOGWARNING("%s(%d, %d): requesting an invalid grid, ignoring.", __FUNCTION__, a_SlotNum, a_Amount);
		return false;
	if (!Grid->DamageItem(GridSlotNum, a_Amount))
		// The item has been damaged, but did not break yet
		return false;
	// The item has broken, remove it:
	return true;

void cInventory::CopyToItems(cItems & a_Items)

void cInventory::SendSlot(int a_SlotNum)
	cItem Item(GetSlot(a_SlotNum));
	if (Item.IsEmpty())
		// Sanitize items that are not completely empty (ie. count == 0, but type != empty)
	m_Owner.GetClientHandle()->SendInventorySlot(0, a_SlotNum + 5, Item);  // Slots in the client are numbered "+ 5" because of crafting grid and result

int cInventory::MoveItem(short a_ItemType, short a_ItemDamage, int a_Count, int a_BeginSlot, int a_EndSlot)
	int res = 0;
	for (int i = a_BeginSlot; i <= a_EndSlot; i++)
		if (
			m_Slots[i].IsEmpty() ||
			((m_Slots[i].m_ItemType == a_ItemType) && (m_Slots[i].m_ItemDamage == a_ItemDamage))
			int MaxCount = ItemHandler(a_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
			ASSERT(m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount <= MaxCount);
			int NumToMove = std::min(a_Count, MaxCount - m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount);
			m_Slots[i].m_ItemCount += NumToMove;
			m_Slots[i].m_ItemDamage = a_ItemDamage;
			m_Slots[i].m_ItemType = a_ItemType;
			res += NumToMove;
			a_Count -= NumToMove;
			if (a_Count <= 0)
				// No more items to distribute
				return res;
	}  // for i - m_Slots[]
	// No more space to distribute to
	return res;

int cInventory::ArmorSlotNumToEntityEquipmentID(short a_ArmorSlotNum)
	switch (a_ArmorSlotNum)
		case 0: return 4;  // Helmet
		case 1: return 3;  // Chestplate
		case 2: return 2;  // Leggings
		case 3: return 1;  // Boots
	LOGWARN("%s: invalid armor slot number: %d", __FUNCTION__, a_ArmorSlotNum);
	return 0;

#if 0
bool cInventory::AddToBar( cItem & a_Item, const int a_Offset, const int a_Size, bool* a_bChangedSlots, int a_Mode /* = 0 */ )
	// Fill already present stacks
	if( a_Mode < 2 )
		int MaxStackSize = cItemHandler::GetItemHandler(a_Item.m_ItemType)->GetMaxStackSize();
		for(int i = 0; i < a_Size; i++)
			if( m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == a_Item.m_ItemType && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount < MaxStackSize && m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemDamage == a_Item.m_ItemDamage )
				int NumFree = MaxStackSize - m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount;
				if( NumFree >= a_Item.m_ItemCount )

					//printf("1. Adding %i items ( free: %i )\n", a_Item.m_ItemCount, NumFree );
					m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount += a_Item.m_ItemCount;
					a_Item.m_ItemCount = 0;
					a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;
					//printf("2. Adding %i items\n", NumFree );
					m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemCount += (char)NumFree;
					a_Item.m_ItemCount -= (char)NumFree;
					a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;

	if( a_Mode > 0 )
		// If we got more left, find first empty slot
		for(int i = 0; i < a_Size && a_Item.m_ItemCount > 0; i++)
			if( m_Slots[i + a_Offset].m_ItemType == -1 )
				m_Slots[i + a_Offset] = a_Item;
				a_Item.m_ItemCount = 0;
				a_bChangedSlots[i + a_Offset] = true;

	return true;

void cInventory::UpdateItems(void)
	const cItem & Slot = GetEquippedItem();

	if (Slot.IsEmpty())

	switch (Slot.m_ItemType)
		case E_ITEM_MAP:
			ItemHandler(Slot.m_ItemType)->OnUpdate(m_Owner.GetWorld(), &m_Owner, Slot);

		default: break;

void cInventory::SaveToJson(Json::Value & a_Value)
	// The JSON originally included the 4 crafting slots and the result, so we have to put empty items there, too:
	cItem EmptyItem;
	Json::Value EmptyItemJson;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
	// The 4 armor slots follow:
	for (int i = 0; i < invArmorCount; i++)
		Json::Value JSON_Item;

	// Next comes the main inventory:
	for (int i = 0; i < invInventoryCount; i++)
		Json::Value JSON_Item;

	// The hotbar is the last:
	for (int i = 0; i < invHotbarCount; i++)
		Json::Value JSON_Item;

bool cInventory::LoadFromJson(Json::Value & a_Value)
	int SlotIdx = 0;
	for (Json::Value::iterator itr = a_Value.begin(); itr != a_Value.end(); ++itr, SlotIdx++)
		cItem Item;
		// The JSON originally included the 4 crafting slots and the result slot, so we need to skip the first 5 items:
		if (SlotIdx < 5)
		// If we loaded all the slots, stop now, even if the JSON has more:
		if (SlotIdx - 5 >= invNumSlots)
		int GridSlotNum = 0;
		cItemGrid * Grid = GetGridForSlotNum(SlotIdx - 5, GridSlotNum);
		ASSERT(Grid != NULL);
		Grid->SetSlot(GridSlotNum, Item);
	}  // for itr - a_Value[]
	return true;

const cItemGrid * cInventory::GetGridForSlotNum(int a_SlotNum, int & a_GridSlotNum) const
	ASSERT(a_SlotNum >= 0);
	if (a_SlotNum < invArmorCount)
		a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
		return &m_ArmorSlots;
	a_SlotNum -= invArmorCount;
	if (a_SlotNum < invInventoryCount)
		a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
		return &m_InventorySlots;
	a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum - invInventoryCount;
	return &m_HotbarSlots;

cItemGrid * cInventory::GetGridForSlotNum(int a_SlotNum, int & a_GridSlotNum)
	ASSERT(a_SlotNum >= 0);
	if (a_SlotNum < invArmorCount)
		a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
		return &m_ArmorSlots;
	a_SlotNum -= invArmorCount;
	if (a_SlotNum < invInventoryCount)
		a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum;
		return &m_InventorySlots;
	a_GridSlotNum = a_SlotNum - invInventoryCount;
	return &m_HotbarSlots;

void cInventory::OnSlotChanged(cItemGrid * a_ItemGrid, int a_SlotNum)
	// Send the neccessary updates to whoever needs them
	if (m_Owner.IsDestroyed())
		// Owner is not (yet) valid, skip for now
	// Armor update needs broadcast to other players:
	cWorld * World = m_Owner.GetWorld();
	if ((a_ItemGrid == &m_ArmorSlots) && (World != NULL))
			m_Owner, ArmorSlotNumToEntityEquipmentID(a_SlotNum),
			m_ArmorSlots.GetSlot(a_SlotNum), m_Owner.GetClientHandle()
	// Convert the grid-local a_SlotNum to our global SlotNum:
	int Base = 0;
	if (a_ItemGrid == &m_ArmorSlots)
		Base = invArmorOffset;
	else if (a_ItemGrid == &m_InventorySlots)
		Base = invInventoryOffset;
	else if (a_ItemGrid == &m_HotbarSlots)
		Base = invHotbarOffset;
		ASSERT(!"Unknown ItemGrid calling OnSlotChanged()");
	SendSlot(Base + a_SlotNum);